University Support

The Counselling Service is a team of trained and experienced practitioners to help you manage any difficulties that are impacting your successful engagement with your studies and with University life. They are located on the bottom floor of the Palatine Centre and are available via self-referral or you can be referred through College Student Support.

Their service offers a range of support and advice including workshops, groups, 1:1 sessions and self-help materials. In addition, local NHS and other organisations offer help locally to students experiencing mental health difficulties during their studies. As well as offering a Crisis Support section on their website, which offers signposting to emergency services for students whether or not you’re located in Durham at that time.

Once you have self-referred, you’ll be asked to complete an online Self Referral Questionnaire to help the Counselling Service better understand the issues you’re facing and what support will best help you. Fill this in as fully as you can, because then they can provide the most appropriate level of support! You will then be contacted with an invitation via your Durham email address to book an appointment or to attend a drop-in session (so make sure to check your emails daily!). You can choose an appointment time that fits with your academic and other commitments.

For more information about the service the university offers you can visit: Counselling and Mental Health Services 

and log in with your Durham University account.

The Counselling service offers multiple support service catered to different needs:·

  • Psychological Wellbeing Service
  • Counselling
  • Mental Health Advice
  • Specialist External Providers


This service does NOT provide crisis support, their service (in times of crisis) is simply there to signpost. Please visit your GP, ring 111 for out-of-hours NHS Support, 999 in an emergency, or samaritans on 116 123 for a 24/7 listening service.

There is much more detailed information about the University Counselling service within this years Welfare Handbook so please do check it out.

Disability Service

Our Disability Support service can advise you and organise special academic facilities in Durham if you have a disability and need some help. They will try to provide whatever support is necessary to enable you to study effectively and make full use of your opportunities at University, including support through the application and interview procedure, if required.

Call the Disability Support on 0191 334 8115 (Voice/Minicom) or email or write to them at: Disability Support, The Palatine Centre, Stockton Road, Durham DH1 3LE.

Healthcare and GP Services

At Durham University we take the health and well being of our students very seriously. When you arrive at Durham, you are advised to register with a local GP practice. Please make sure that your college knows which practice you are registered with.

Working Class

Alongside Working Class Cuths, the wider University also has some options in terms of support.

Durham Working Class Association is a network run by and for Durham’s working-class students, offering support and advocacy. As well as offering an outlet to meet other Working Class Students through their events and socials!


Alongside Cuth’s amazing Anit-Racism Society, the wider University also has some options in terms of support.

Durham People of Colour Association aims to provide representation and support for students of Durham University who identify as a person of colour.

Durham POCA serves as a safe, welcoming space for people of colour to access confidential welfare services, meetings and talks, social events, campaigns, and education on race-related issues, as well as facilitate greater racial dialogue and awareness on campus.

This year DPOCA has launched new outlets such as a parent system to reach out to POC freshers. If you’re interested you can find more info on the instagram linked above. Or if you want to be a parent you can fill out the following form. 

DPOCA Parent form

International Students

Alongside Cuth’s amazing International Society, the wider University also has some options in terms of support.

The International Students Association represents students from all over the world, whether you have lived abroad or not!

They welcome everyone who feels remotely international or would like to meet more people from overseas! And organise a range of socials and events throughout the year and would love to hear from you about your experience!

They have weekly meetings at the DSU – Wednesdays at 17:00 –  and invite all students to attend to discuss issues that international students are facing and to help organise events, particularly cultural ones!


Alongside Cuth’s amazing LGBTQ+ Society, the wider University also has some options in terms of support.

The Durham Student Union LGBT+ Association  (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, + Association) exists to provide representation, welfare services, campaigns, and socials to anyone who identifies as being under the LGBTQ+ umbrella.

The Durham LGBT+ Association  also welcomes and encourages the involvement of allies, so feel free to bring your non-LGBTQ+ friends along!

“Whether you’ve never had a community before or if you’re well-versed, we’re here for you no matter what.”

Students with Disabilities

Alongside Cuth’s amazing SWD Society, the wider University also has some options in terms of support.

The SWD Association are there to support students, through mentoring, working with the disability service, organising socials, campaigning and raising disability awareness.

A disability, as defined in law and by the university, means anyone suffering from anything that impacts upon their ability to participate fully in university life. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Mobility issues
  • Mental health problems
  • Specific Learning Differences (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, etc)
  • Sensory impairments
  • Chronic fatigue conditions
  • Any other long term medical conditions

DSU and University Support

The Durham Student’s Union ( has a dedicated advice service that offers free support, advice and signposting on a range of issues including housing, wellbeing, financial support, academic support, student worker rights, harassment and misconduct and more. Click the button below to access this


The university has a report and support tool to make it easier for you to seek support and/or report sexual misconduct and violence, bullying, harassment, hate crime, domestic abuse. You can use this tool to report an incident and seek support, or to just seek support. You can choose to do this anonymously