
JCR meetings happen a few times each term, at meetings motions are passed (or not) and elections are held.  They are a great way to get involved with college life and to have your say in how the JCR is run and who it is run by!

 Meetings are chaired by the JCR Chair and the SRO –  

Chair: Louise Giles (  

SRO: Ruairidh Forbes (

These are the people to get in contact with if you would like to run a motion at a meeting or hust for a position in the JCR. 

Meetings are minuted by the Vice-President (Caleb Ross); details of minutes from 2013 onwards can be found below, and if you have any questions about minutes please email

The Facebook page contains information about past elections from 2013 as well as some JCR Meeting recordings. For recordings from 2024 onwards check the YouTube page.

Meeting Minutes