Approval of Minutes,
Merging Outreach Committee Motion
Motion to combine the 2 subcommittees into a single Outreach committee,
International Committee Restructure Motion
Motion to restructure the positions within International Committee,
Northern Representation Motion
Motions to change Local Representative into Local and Northern Representative,
Reimbursement of Printing for Election Materials Motion
Motions to remove the reimbursement of printing costs for election materials,
The Gold De L’Isle Booth Award Motion
Motion to create the Gold De L’Isle Booth Award as a separate award
Creation Cuth’s Hummus Society
Motion to establish Cuth’s Hummus Society,
DM’s Presidential Inaugural Address,
POC Rep – KT, RON (I)
Assistant SwD Rep- AB, LW, RON (II)
Assistant WCS Rep (II)
Assistant LGBTQ+ Rep- CS, RON (II)
Assistant POC Rep (II)
Trans and Non-Binary Rep – FBH, RON (II)
Assistant Librarian- GB, CS (in absentia), RON (II)
PG Treasurer (II)
SU Committee Member (II).