Policies and Procedures

GDPR & Data Protection Management Policy
POL013 Confidentiality & Data Protection Policy

Retention and Disposal Schedule (Data)
POL0037 Retention and Disposal Schedule

Privacy Policy
POL024 Privacy Policy

Risk Management Policy
POL018 Risk Management Policy v1.0

Health & Safety Policy
POL017 Health and Safety Policy v1.0

Sponsorship Policy
POL016 Sponsorship Policy v1.0

Business Policy
POL015 Business Model Principles v1.0

Whistleblowing Policy
POL014 Whistleblowing Policy v1.0

Campaigning Policy
POL012 Campaigning Policy v1.0

Paying Staff Policy
POL010 Paying Staff Policy v1.0

Social Media Policy
POL011 Social Media Policy v1.0

Welfare Policy
POL009 Welfare Policy v1.1

Conflict of Interest Policy (Trustees)
POL008 Conflict of Interest Policy (Trustees) v1.0

Conflict of Interest Policy (General)
POL007 Conflict of Interest Policy (General) v1.0

Complaints Policy
POL006 Complaints Policy v2.0

Discipline (Employees) Policy
POL005 Discipline (Employees) Policy v1.0

Discipline (JCR Members) Policy
POL004 Discipline Policy (JCR Members)

Code of Behaviour
POL002 Code of Behaviour v1.0

Safeguarding Children Policy
POL003 Safeguarding Children Policy v1.0

Volunteer Management Policy
POL001 Volunteer Management Policy v1.0