Students' Union Committee Minutes
SU Committee Meeting 2024.11.26
SU Committee- 26/11/2024 Introductions and SU Comm Breakdown, and Agenda for 5 Dec 2024.
SU Committee Meeting 2022.03.16
Assembly Attendance Supporting County Durham’s UK City of Culture Bid Assembly Composition AOB SU Committee Meeting 2022.03.16
SU Committee Meeting 2022.02.05
Ending the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements in cases of sexual assault, bullying, and other forms of harassment Democracy Review – Assembly Membership Proposal SU Committee Meeting 2022.02.05 Assembly-Papers-February-2022
SU Committee Meeting 2021.11.19
SU Committee Meeting 2021.11.19 Assembly-Papers-25.11.21
SU Committee Meeting 2021.11.09
SU Committee Meeting 2021.11.09 Assembly Papers 11.10.21
SU Committee Meeting 2021.06.01
SU Committee Meeting 2021.06.01 Assembly-Papers-June-2021
SU Committee Meeting 2021.03.08
Assembly Papers 11 March 2021, chat with AM (SU Opportunities Officer) about Democracy Review SU Committee Meeting 2021.03.08
SU Committee Meeting 2021.02.03
Assembly Papers February 2021, and SU Elections SU Committee Meeting 2021.02.03
SU Committee Meeting 2020.11.24
Assembly Papers November 2020 SU Committee Meeting 2020.11.24
SU Committee Meeting 2020.10.27
Encouraging people to apply to be Junior SU Reps, SU Assembly, Reports from Officers, Amendment to Standing Order D, Assembly Democracy Review Update, Amendment to Equality & Diversity: Core SU
SU Committee Meeting 2020.05.13
Present: CG (Communications Officer), EM (President), RJ (FCO), SM (Postgraduate and Mature Students’ SU Rep), RM (LGBT+ Rep), JS (Working Class Students’ Rep) Apologies: JC (Vice-President), ES (Students with Disabilities
SU Committee Meeting 2020.03.11
Present: JC (Vice-President), JS (Working Class Students’ Rep), CG (Communications Officer), LH (SU Rep), SWC (Presient-Elect), RJ (FCO), EM (President), RM (LGBT+ Rep), EJ (SU Rep), ES (Students with Disabilities
SU Committee Meeting 2020.02.20
Setting In the conference room immediately before the JCR meeting. EM is trying to sleep on the floor, but gets up to open and slam the door. LH arrives late.
SU Committee Meeting 2020.02.04
Setting We kick off with some weird disco yoga that no-one enjoys. Present: EM (President), JC (Vice-President), MT (SU Rep), LH (SU Rep), JS (Working Class Students’ Rep), MR (Ethnic
SU Committee Meeting 2019.11.29
Setting The conference room is busy, with very few seats. The meeting has to be finished within 45 minutes and everyone can feel the time pressure. Present: CG (Communications Officer),
SU Committee Meeting 2019.11.04
Setting In the conference room, with breadsticks and hummus provided by CG. Her SU comm playlist is on, featuring “It’s raining men” to match the weather outside. Many people are
SU Committee Meeting 2019.06.15
Present: SM (Communications Officer), EM (vice president), CG (JSU rep), MW (JSU rep), EuM (SWD rep), JF (JSU rep) Apologies: KW (LGBT rep) Agenda: Value for Money Course rep
SU Committee Meeting 2019.03.06
Present: EM (VP), SM (Communications Officer), KW (LGBT+ Rep), EuM (SwD Rep), JF (JSU Rep), CG (JSU Rep) Absent: DV (POC Rep), SS (Assistant POC Rep), AK (President), ZM (JSU
SU Committee Meeting 2019.01.17
Present: EM (VP), SM (Communications Officer), KW (LGBT+ Rep), AK (President), EuM (SwD Rep), JF (JSU Rep), CG (JSU Rep) Absent: DV (POC Rep) and SS (Assistant POC Rep) Apologies:
SU Committee Meeting 2018.12.03
Present: AK (President), SM (Communications Officer), KW (LGBT+ Rep), EM (VP), MW (JSU Rep), EuM (JSU Rep), JF (JSU Rep), CG (JSU Rep) Absent: n/a Setting: The conference room before
SU Committee Meeting 2018.11.04
Present: SM (Communications Officer), EM (Vice President), EuM (SWD rep), KW (LGBTQ rep) Absent: Apologies: DV (POC Rep), AK (President), SS (Assistant POC Rep), MW Setting: The Conference Room, Agenda: