
Contact us

Whether you are interested in joining the club or are just looking to find out more, we are contactable via Facebook and email.


Cuth’s Swimming Society is a sports club for anyone who wants to swim to keep fit, to train, or just for fun in a relaxed environment. We can provide session plans and give tips to those who want it, but most of all we want to swim and have fun!


Want to go swimming but don’t fancy the early mornings or competitive nature offered by the Durham University team? Then this is the society for you. Cuth’s Swimming Society leaves it up to you whether you want to go for a gentle couple of lengths or for some longer distances to increase your fitness. We swim twice a week (day & time TBC). Each swim gives you as long or as little as you’d like in Freeman Quay’s 25m swimming pool and it’s exclusive steam room.

There are no membership fees to join Cuth’s Swimming society. Currently we work with a system of reimbursement from the JCR, so you pay for your swim as-you-go and then half that cost is reimbursed at the end of each term. Each swim costs £4.20 (before reimbursement).

Memberships & Levys

To pay you membership fees your must be logged in.