Whether you are interested in joining the club or are just looking to find out more, we are contactable via Facebook and email.
St. Cuthbert’s Society Mens Football Club usually has 6 teams of all abilities, which normally participate in League and Cup fixtures throughout the year on weekends and Wednesday afternoons.
Cuths football this year will consist of 6 teams and we train once a week as well as one fitness session a week. Our matches and training sessions are on state-of-the-art artificial pitches mainly, however some games are on highly maintained grass pitches. All the teams are eagerly anticipating the new crop of players to fill the boots of the veterans who have left the university. We encourage every one of you to come and play whether you live for football, enjoy a casual kick-about or fancy trying something new. We cater for all levels, with 6 teams to participate in ranging from the top tier of college football down to the sixth.
The Football Club also has previously held tours within certain teams to places such as Dublin and Barcelona, where they enjoyed playing some football, the culture, and the nightlife. It is evident throughout all the teams that there are some amazing friendships which have developed at the club and help create a friendly atmosphere and terrific team spirit. The Club enjoys many team and club socials with plenty of different themes to keep it different each time. We understand this year will be different due to obvious reasons, but we will strive to deliver the training, fitness, and social side of Cuths football as safely as possible.
If you want to keep updated with the outstanding performance of footballing ability and fierce competition from all the teams, give our Instagram a follow. @cuthsfootball
A Team:
The very top level of cuths football for those who wish to play competitively on the weekends, whilst still maintaining cuths ethos and camaraderie.
B Team:
If you are looking for a top quality of football but with a more relaxed vibe, look no further than the Bs.
C Team (Lions):
Ask not what the Lions can do for you ask what you can do for the Lions. A team like no other we are a more than a letter and are in fact a club with our own branding, kit and ethos. To be a lions one cannot take oneself too seriously and must be committed to building the brand at all times. After last years huge success winning the title and at socials, this generation of stalwarts is coming to the end and we are looking for big characters to fill some big boots with legacy the defining theme of this upcoming season. Undefeated in cuths derbies and undefeated in the diamond formation. There will be a tour.
D Team:
On the back of a successful season last year, we’re looking to carry on the legacy of the E team for all the players who have just graduated. It’s always a good laugh and we don’t take it too seriously.
E Team:
Casual fun football on the weekends while keeping a competitive edge for the more serious players.
F Team:
Cuth’s infamous G team. We welcome all abilities, from people too lazy to train and those just getting into football. Perfect for social lovers who enjoy a kickaround.
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