
In the conference room immediately before the JCR meeting. EM is trying to sleep on the floor, but gets up to open and slam the door. LH arrives late.

Present: EM (President), JS (Working Class Students’ Rep), JC (Vice-President), CG (Communications Officer), LH (JSU Rep)

Apologies: SM (Postgraduate and Mature Students’ JSU Rep), RM (LGBT+ Rep)

Absent: MT (JSU Rep), EJ (JSU Rep), MR (Ethnic Minorities Rep), ES (Students with Disabilities Rep)

Motion to Ban Beef at Durham University

JS: With the catering concerns, if it’s tangible to remove but make sure people are healthy then all good,

CG: I want to amend it to make it not banning beef but calling for more sustainable food. There are worse foods than beef.

JS: Beef is a big pollutant. If it was local farmers, that could be different.

CG: Banning beef is like chopping a weed at the surface and not the root. They need to restructure catering to make it more sustainable.

JS: I prefer sustainable food, but for what we take to the university, banning beef might ne a clearer action point. That way there’s something definite for them to do.

EM: Either way you need a clear angle. There have been lots of restructures anyway.

*Vote that SU comm will support this motion, as it’s a good tangible goal for the University to have.*

Motion to Condemn BPR2

CG: Tik ducking tok LH, he said he’s be a few minutes late.

*Everyone likes this motion*


*LH arrives*

EM: Give me your thoughts on BPR2.

LH: I don’t know what it is. Probably a chit show because it’s Durham.

*BPR2 is explained*

LH: Oh that is bad. A lot of staff are going to lose their jobs.

*Vote that we will support this motion.*