In the conference room, with Greta Thunberg still gazing down on us. HG has to sit on the floor due to lack of seating.
Present: MW (Social Chair), HR, JC (Vice-President), LJ, AG, AW, SL (Feast Manager), EM (President), EW, PJ, LE, HG (Formals Manager)
Apologies: AK, SS (Michaelmas Ball Manager)
Feast Job Updates
SL: I’m making big Andy Warhol style pictures of Cuth’s celebrities. I’ll share it on the group later. I’d like to do a big sculpture of ice cream out of fabric. We’re going to make lots of large cardboard murals. We hopefully won’t spend much on production.
AW: DJ is booked. He often plays at Klute. His DJ name is Dead W. 3 bands are very keen: Big Band, the Get Down and Witless.
EW: I’ve sorted candy floss, donuts and a photo booth. The bouncy castle was very expensive and very small.
LE: I’m going to sort notes and table plans.
MW: For Michaelmas half the notecards were done by outreach.
SL: We could have double sided notecards including the logo?
MW: Yes. There could be two different types but we should design them all.
LE: I think it’s better to have separate charity cards.
PJ: Security have said it’s fine, and are going to come for a run through.
SL: Can I also get a run through with SC about where I can put decorations?
EM: Yes.
AG: We’re making decorations, aiming for a painting per week.
LJ: One food van is booked, which is burgers. The pizza place want to know about sales and if we can predict for them.
MW: They’d probably sell about 15 more.
LJ: How many more arrive for ents?
MW: 200.
LJ: I’d like a red cocktail that’s not tomato based. The bar will cover it so we just need to design it. Something simple and red would be nice. Possibly with edible glitter.
SL: Labels are on the drive.
HG: Some spirits already have glitter.
HR: Photographer is booked. 7pm-12am for £150. She wants to arrive early to look around.
AW: Can I offer big bands ents tickets as part of the negotiation?
MW: Yes.
Action: HG to sort face painting.
SL: A student would probably do it. They could stay until 12 and then join for ents after. But you can also offer them a small sum.
Action: EW to create a snapchat filter.
Action: HG to find a caricaturist.