Present: CW (Summer Ball Manager), MM (Social Chair), EM (Vice President), TG (Cuth’s Day Manager), PJ (Committee Member), MW (Feast Manager), ZG (Committee Member), SA(Committee Member), SS(Committee Member), AB (Committee Member), BC (Michaelmas Ball Manager)
Absent: MR (Committee Member)
Apologies: AK (President)
Setting: AK’s Flat which is a bit odd as she isn’t here
Cuth’s Day
Summer Ball
Cuth’s Day
TG: we are thinking of a summer of love bohemian hippy theme which ties in with having an ABBA as a tribute band
MM: it’ll be from 10am to 2am. Because we might not go for a massive act we might have money left so can go big on things. Lets talk tributes…
SS: is the Beatles?
MW: can we have Robbie again? everyone lost it when he sang angels and he cried
MM: we can look into it but also want some variation
TG: Queen?
MM: AK wants Fleetwood Mac. Everyone likes them. We will split up tasks when we come back, but is anyone particularly keen to organise something
MW: I would like to do food
SS: Decorations
MM: it will mostly be decorations in the dining hall. Last year we had laser tag but we can do things different in there this year. TG to work with EM for the t-shirts
EM: the person who did the design for the t shirts just wanted some of the t shirts for her portfolio
ZG: is Michael Jackson appropriate? The documentary was bad, but his songs are good…
CW: I still back the actual Venga boys
MM: for the rest we have auditions. TG, me and I guess the new music rep will do that. For food I want the vegan people from last year. No one worry too much about these things after exams. I liked laser tag but I don’t want to keep doing it again
CW: don’t fix it if it’s not broken. Just do it again it people liked it?
SS: can we have Shetland pony rides?
MM: I want to do more with the Wendy garden.
MW: more face painters. Or get them to do smaller designs so they get through more people
CW: the inflatables last year were good
SS: surf machine?
Summer Ball
CW: the theme is Venice carnival – a masquerade ball. They feel a little exclusive. Fire breathers. Renascence music.
MM: the food has already been decided. It’s hard for it to be good when it’s for 1000 people. It’s chicken , but the pudding is really nice. I’ll push them harder to make the vegan options nicer. CW, would you go for a Baroque style?
CW: there is a common theme of striped flag polls which would be doable. Then also having lots of black and gold and then maybe a purple colour.
MM: need it purple too to make it different to feast. Last year we had candles on the tables so we can do that again. the production company have massive masks that they can hang from the ceiling
ZG: how are masks going to work?
MM: when people by tickets we can have an option to also buy a mask- like buying extra wine
CW: instead of a burger van we could have a pizza van we had in first year. I’ll look into that. I also want some ice cream.
MM: we can have some free food by buying the first 500 or so which is alright
SS: Venice rice balls?
CW: Arancini. They are pretty good to be fair
MM: who wants to look into people on stilts?
BC: me
SS: other balls have had those people who go around tables and sing songs about the gossip
MM: we had them before and I liked them
MW: I will look into them and I will look into jugglers
SS: Can we have magicians?
BC: SH wants to do the photography
MM: I want to have at least 3 photographers at the ball
BC: I will look into some new people
TG: the guy that did Palatinalps looked really good
MM: about videos. We want a videographer but a different one to last year. I don’t think it will go with your theme because his music is so up beat. I want the person who did fashion show exec and the Hatfield ball, as I’ve seen theirs and they are really good, he’s also very expensive. And it would be nice to have a student. ZG is going to look into this.
CW: I don’t really mind who does it but can’t we just ask him to not put cheesy music on it.
MM: for music, we need to decide what sort of things we want – bands, choirs etc, because if we don’t specify lots of people will come audition. We can have lots of different bands
ZG: The Get Down
CW: Trevs brass band are really good and do lots of brass takes on popular songs
TG: Mary’s have a good band
MM: auditions are just to see what is out there but then we also book those we want who are bigger
ZG: can we have a better DJ?
MW: I liked last year.
ZG: it reminded me of Jimmy’s
MW: exactly
MM: we have two spare rooms to fill?
SS: Ball pit?
CW: In freshers we had a big version of gladiators where people bat each other down
MM: I worry that that’s just two people at once, but we can have that outside
SS: everyone loved the dance machine at Feast
MM: I was thinking exotic animals? Like sloths
CW: fill the streets with oranges and lob them at each other. Dodgeball type thing?
MM: roller-skating last year had a surprise element, would be nice to have a surprising element
SS: Gondola rides?
MM: Photo wall or background?
AB: cut out faces characters maybe for Cuth’s day
CW; Venice backdrop for photo wall
MM: that might be easier than the flower wall from last year. That was hell
CW: caricatures artists
SS: fireworks?
MM: we will defo have those
CW: fire walks
SS: a fountain
MM: for now, this will do. I might message some of you over Easter with different little tasks.