Present: AK (president), EM (vice-president), MW (third year rep), BC (ball manager), LF (third year rep), AB (first year rep), SA (second year rep), TG (second year rep), PJ (third year rep), MM (social chair), IR (second year rep) (late)
Settings: Conference room. Much rain, many sniffles.
Michaelmas Ball (BC)
Tasks We Have to do (MM)
Social (MM)
Everyone introduces themselves and mentions something they liked from a past event
MM; likes Michaelmas ball decorations last year because they all looked really good.
AK: I like all the ball memories. I like the organisation.
TG: I really like the rides. Dodgeems were fun and the swings. And decodation wise the feast was really nice with the theme.
BC: the rides are always the best bit.
MW: I like all the stuff at Cuth’s day because there was always something else
SA: likes the events on in house because it feels more homely
LF: Remembers Michaelmas being nice
PJ: likes how big and grand it all is
AB: has not been to anything yet but it looking forward to them
EM: likes Cuth’s day
Michaelmas Ball (BC)
We have decided on the theme of Narnia. We have some ideas but we need more specific ideas about the tiny details. So let us know your ideas for things like table decorations.
MM then shows everyone a nice picture of what we hope it will look like.
It’s going to be held at Hardwick hall which looks bad if you don’t decorate it but looks really good if you do.
350 dinner tickets and unlimited ents capacity- well, 1000 people but we don’t think that many people would be interested.
We need ideas for the party favours- was thinking of Turkish delight or something.
The first social will be watching Narnia and thinking of little details to really tie the theme together.
BC wants to have little Aslan quotes hanging from white trees in the centre of the tables but we still need to talk to the production company about that.
TG has idea about changing the reception slightly different to reflect Narnia changing into summer. And a sledge photo corner.
BC wants a photobooth with Narnia props
AK, BC, EM and MM are going to the venue on Tuesday to check it out.
AB: had Ice statue at something he’d been to before. Everyone is confused about what sort of balls AB went to
MM: We want to go big on entrance – we want to do a wardrobe but if we can’t we will do something else
Wanted ice queen on stilts – BC is big on this but other people are a bit like “wut?”
Everyone needs to make sure they are free the weekend before the ball in order to make decorations. We will book out the conference room and have a big old art sesh.
Tasks We Have To Do
Normally we delegate people to specific things so that everyone shares responsibility. They are:
Small ents – candy, popcorn
Musical acts – because we have a stage to use in dinner – looking for two bands
Coaches – we usually use the same people
Securty- not sure which company to use as we don’t want to use Pheonix again
Photographer – thinking of also having a videographer again but MM didn’t like the music last year
Decorations – more likely to be a group of people
Medical cover – which MM could do
MW want’s to do small ents so she will get quotes and then MM will send her information. SA will also help because he has made connections from last year
AB will do coaches
ACTION POINT: MM to work on the logistics of having an ice-rink, have any other colleges done it?
LF will do security
IR will do videographer and the photographer. We will contact the guy from last year but MM really doesn’t like the music. Actually we think he’s very good, other than his music taste.
PJ will take Music. MM will send him people we have used before. Granted Brass are over played now. Contact Velvet Riverside but we think some of them graduated.
TG will do decorations and PJ will help.
We will have a meeting within a week in order to gather ideas. Don’t buy anything yet, just pass ideas on to MM and BC
14th November is the date we’ve set
It’s a Wednesday but we will split set up into shifts so people will all be able to help a bit on the day.
There will be social and seriously it will involve watching Narnia. If you can’t come then just watch Narnia on your own.
Anything else BC? No
ACTION POINTS: MM and BC will make the event live ASAP
How expensive are the tickets? £55 pounds for dinner tickets, £25 for ents and £12 for wine. Same as last year.
It’s only for Cuth’s students and alumni.
MM’s email is so that is where we should forward everything to that so that we don’t bombard her personal email