GC’s House, 1500-1600
Attendance: All but AG
Main effort for this term is the Michaelmas Ball (22 Nov). Other social
events are 125 Silent Disco (25 Oct), Oktoberfest (26 Oct), Halloween (31 Oct), and
Fancy Dress Formal (13 Nov).
HM: Good variety of German beers. 3 bottled beers and 3 draught was original plan
but draught aren’t available. Still have 6 beers but only 5 German and 1 draught.
AP (HM): Facebook needs changing to reflect new beer selection.
Back bar is where they can advertise them.
GC: We plan to get food in such as Pretzels. These are 70p each at Tesco and we
need to give 4 working days’ notice for the order.
SM: Macro may be an option also.
SC: £1 a pretzel is a fine option.
CP: Decorations. We will make cardboard Lebe Kuchen, and need people to help
make these. Get the bunting out and coloured raffia. Theo Harrison with German
steins. We will investigate Bavarian flags, and make it blue and white themed.
Cardboard beer mugs would be good.
GC: Further Ideas. Catering from college who could provide hot dogs… Not an
option as of yet as waiting on the College Burser. Do a deal with somewhere in town for food
in the evening.
SM: A similar event is running at the same time
SE: Market vans might be an option.
SC: Marquee to be provided for outside by the JCR to protect against inclemenweather.
SM: No 2 pint glasses for the bar.
HM: Providing music CDs.
CP: Let’s make it earlier. SM agrees at 12.30.
SM: Needs to be first come first served.
AL: Face painting would be a good idea.
AP (AL): Investigate face paints and purchase these if appropriate.
CP: Will organise decoration teams and send a rota around for people to help.
AP (CP): Produce rota for decoration teams.
SM: Wanna make it better than last year. Try and encourage fancy dress,
decorations (with the bar to supply), Halloween cocktails, Apple bobbing. Need some
help from social committee.
HM: Special drink?
AE: Green Brownie Bomber
CP: Posters up to advertise drinks.
GC: Where going afterwards… Klute?
CP: Toffee Apples. Sell well.
SM: Trick or treat mix ups. Put your hand in boxes and guess what it is.
CP: Robinsons for toffee apples
AP (DM): Investigate toffee apples from Robinsons.
SM: Pumpkin carving in the bar
SC: Light them with electric tea lights.
CP: Tea-lights from Poundland
AP (DM): Investigate pumpkins at Robinsons.
SE: Face paint?
SM: Transfers?
AP (AL): Look into face paints and transfer tattoos.
GC: So far ran two formals, and haven’t done anything massively special so far.
Themed formals. Themed silent disco and formal e.g. Disney.
SM- Get staff involved, No drinks promotions. Circus theme, Different decades
(roaring 20s), Childhood formals, Gatsby, masked ball. Disney is the most popular
with SD after.
Alasdair to take pictures of the event.
125 Silent Disco next Friday
CH: Getting in lights but we’re having problems. We’re trying
Collingwood. Channels are sorted.
GC: Timings: setup 2130-2200, close the bar at 0000
SM: Bottle bar to be provided in the JCR.
Michaelmas Ball (22nd November Hardwick Hall Hotel)
GC: 25min drive away. SC and SM went over summer. This is a different event, in a
different venue. Event is more an experience than a location. 5 course meal. 7
bottles of wine per table at 10 at the moment.. Bacon sandwiches at midnight.
CH: Prices?
GC: £70-75 for tickets for lunch and then ents only tickets at less.
CB: think we might not sell that at the ticket price.
AL: £65 sounds a bit cheaper.
AE: Chair o plane didn’t work. All agreed.
GC: One location and theme such as American Carnival.
CP and AL: Expensive to do a lot of little events.
SC: Ents outside could be stunningly lit.
CP: All stuff outside on gravel avoids it.
GC: Obviously a large number we can get in, given the venue has a capacity of 350.Sell as many as we can. However, we should keep it exclusive.
AL: Need to make it so we have a bottle of wine each.
GC: Dodgems £1500, Helter Skelter £800, Side stalls £500, food stalls £800. Is this
a good idea re weather. Drinks reception. Photo booths. Tweet notes.
Drinks reception: Not in brooks, but at Hardwick. Bottle of wine on table per person.
Ents: Fairground, big things outside and little things outside.
Theme: everyone to come up with one idea.
AP: JT and E? to look into fairground.
Bands: Various, Kinky Jeff.
AP: Alice and Sarah doing themes.