
A rainy Thursday, we’re sheltered in the conference room which is filling up with decorations for ball. AB has failed to provide cake.

Present: SA (Outreach Chair), JC (Vice-President), EM (President), AB (Events Manager), LB, SB (Project Co-ordinator), HT

Apologies: LH (Social Media Manager), RH, IN



SA: Any thoughts?

LB: We could do face-paint moustaches at the floodlit cup

SA: People love face-paint

LB: It’s 29th November

SA: I reckon either something at the floodlit or a mismatch

SA: Rugby boys are the only society doing anything for movember so we should involve them

AB: We could save mismatch for summer

LB: The lampposts at MC have plugs so we might be able to offer hot drinks

SA: Food always goes down well

SA: If we do it at floodlit then people will be there anyway so that gets around one of our issues

SA: How can we use our Instagram to raise money? We might as well just use GoFundMe page that the men’s rugby are using

LB: We could do some polls around people’s moustaches

12 Days of Outreach

SA: Me and AB went to the pub together to generate a provisional list. 1st Dec we could have a photo competition.

AB: People post Christmas photos and tag outreach Instagram, then the best one wins a calendar

SB: Could also do tag and nominate

SA: Could we pay for brunch for someone?

EM: Speak to HC (catering manager)

SA: Cathedral carol service is on 2nd so we shouldn’t have anything big that evening

SA: On 4th, we had a bake sale planned, so that could be on 2nd and big quiz on 4th

EM: 6th is panto, 5th is JCR meeting

SA: Guess sweets in a jar at JCR meeting

SA: We could bulk buy Santa hats and sell them outside Christmas Formal on 3rd.

SA: We ‘re planning a raffle at the formal on 10th. On 11th we want to do karaoke.

SA: I think we can do something useful from shoebox idea for homeless people. Then on 9th we can give things out.

HT: I gave out boxes last year and it was quite awkward and flopped a bit.

SA: IN’s idea was to give last year’s to a school and make some more.

LB: There will be charities asking for particular things, we could try to encourage people to donate those things.

SA: On 7th we could do Beyond Food drive and reverse Santa for this.

EM: Make sure you collect things that you can actually use

AB: We could do the bake sale outside the cathedral?

SA: Not sure about legality

SA: 8th will be a Christmas film

EM: If you make a speech and make the film educational we can do that

SA: On 6th, could do something after panto. 9th we could go to foodbank. Then silent disco on 12th. We could do a thing going door to door with candy canes.

SB: What about polar plunge? Get 3 people and 3 jars, whoever raises most money has to do a forfeit.

SA: Maybe an ice bucket challenge after panto?

EM: I’d resent getting cold but I don’t mind doing it

SA: Let’s try and get a mix of years. I’ll search for some volunteers. What about 4th?

EM: Maybe just an open social

LB: People might think it was a bit lame. We could make it so bar takes donations for song requests?

AB: Who would do it?

LB: I’m working on 4th December

SA: LH will do photo competition, RH will sell hats, SB will do ice bucket challenge, LB will do jukebox, SA will do JCR meeting, AB will do silent disco, HT will do cake sale, SA will do film, AB will do karaoke, SA will do raffle


LB: Will be 15th Nov. We’ll go to Spags.

Outreach Formal

LB: No individual performers have come forward, but we might be able to have little band.

EM: Have you spoken to EA (Principal)?

Action: SA to speak to EA and LB to speak to big band so they can “do this” (SA clasps her hands together)