Outreach Comm 17.00  Conference Room

1. Apologies & Absences
Apologies: MT (President), ES

2. Aims for the Year
Increase Cuth’s participation in outeach activities
– increasing awareness of existing uni programs
– putting on events ourselves
Create a Cuth’s outreach project, set up for January
– Existing contacts: Great North Air Ambulance,Education dept in durham county council
Put on at least one outreach event in college this year (whether SCA/DUCK/Other)

3. What do we want from the committee
Want a more personal community activity
Want to push DUCK – an aim to raise £7500

Want to do 1 event this term around Christmas
– films, jumpers, mince pies, mulled wine, selling cards, candy canes
– should be easy to raise a bit of money
– w/c nov 31st is DUCK week so perhaps do it then
– potential to run as a post formal event
– film on the projector, selling mince pies and candy canes
– olunteers to help with candy canes and on the night
– candy cane delivery selling this week and delivery this week
Would like a committee
– push the elections on Sunday
Think about things that cuth’s enjoy specifically and use these to raise money

5. SCA
Giving Tuesday – donating non perishables (in Brooks)
– food, toys, blankets
SCR – tidying in house 12 gardens
– will probably be next term

6. Schools
16-17 year olds – talk about uni/further study
A? will get more details on what it is we can do to help

7. Ideas
RAG Raids (DUCK)
– pay £10, covers food and accommodation
– people raise about £100 each
– encourage people to go in groups
– cuth’s takes on edinburgh – advertise as a night out in edinburgh?
Charity sports matches
– summer term
– people playing sports that aren’t their own
– sell food
– donations to watch
Cuth’s Holi Festival (summer term)
Fun Run
– along the bailey/from bailey to brooks/palace green
Charity formal
– increase tickets by £1 for the air ambulance
Awkward formal
– valentine’s day
– people make a donation to move other peoples’ seats
More fun formals
Money for DUCK can still go straight to the charity we want butstill counts towards out annual total