JCR Meeting 2020-02-20

Setting: In a not too full Bailey Bar. EMM is minuting today.

Present: SS (Michaelmas Ball Manager), JC (Vice-President), BT (JRO), SN (Assistant Librarian), ER, JS (Working Class Studens’ Rep), CG (Communications Officer), RMM (LGBT+ Rep), AM, ACL, LMV, JRG, AW (Music Rep), SP (SRO), RJ (FCO), RSD (Student Trustee), EAM (Student Trustee), MW (Social Chair), SPS, DB, SWC (Chair), LB, ABLC (Sports and Societies Chair), WE (Stool), CM, MET (SU Rep), KS (Webmaster & International Comm), BR, CMM, EEG (Assistant Students with Disabilities Rep), FT, KB (JRO), LW, LP, LVH, SW (Assitant Brooks Bar Steward), SDB (Social comm & Outreach comm), AJ (Librarian), EMM (President), CW, GM, EE (International Rep), IC, JR (Facilities Manager), LJ, MF, MOA, DT (Student Trustee), RM (Postgraduate Academic Rep), SM (Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair)

Apologies: EJ (SU Comm), JMG (Welfare Campaigns Manager), AC (Welfare Campains Manager), HH (PG Welfare Rep), SPB (Welfare Campaigns Team), HM (Welfare Campaigns Team), EW (Social Comm), CP (Bailey Wardrobe Manager), LJH (LGBT+ Rep), OW (Male Welfare Officer), OT (4th Year Rep), AK (Social Comm), BC (Welfare Campaigns), ÁB (PG International Rep), LA (Welfare Campaigns Team), AH (Female Welfare Officer)




Support For a Beef Ban at Durham University


Creation of Fund for Students with Gender Dysphoria

Assistant International Rep

Publicity and Relations Officer



Yoga Society

Formal Opposition to BPR2 and Call to Save College Staff


Method II

Green Machine and Hires Manager

Transgender and Non-Binary Rep

Sports and Societies Reporter

Postgrad Rep

Mature Students’ Rep

Local Students’ Rep

Method I

Social Chair

JCR Chair

Senior Welfare Officer


Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Chair

Facilities Manager

Communications Officer


Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes from last meeting passed on a general aye.


Support For a Beef Ban at Durham University

This JCR Notes


This JCR Believes


This JCR Resolves 


Proposed: CW

Seconded: LMV


CW: Last year this happened at Goldsmith and Cambridge. We want Durham to do it too because Beef accounts for 10% of Global Greenhouse gas emissions. The uni won’t do anything without college support.

JRG: it’s only one group’s view. We wouldn’t do this for something like religion. Not everyone in Cuth’s shares this view

CW: It’s not about being vegan, it’s about the climate crisis

AW: there are other ways to solve the climate crisis. This might not be the best way.

CW: It’s 10% of all emissions globally and it’s realistically achievable- unlike buildings and estates, for example. They already have beef free Monday so they could enforce it. It’s an easy option really.

SP: where does uni beef come from? Is it ethical?

CW: the pork is ethical. It’s hard to get info from the uni.

CG: SU Comm’s official view; this motion is good because it’s tangible.

SP: this is not about your choices, you can still eat beef. But this will help what you eat in the uni.

JRG: Most colleges are catered. This just gives meat eaters pork and chicken.

CW: Most colleges don’t provide much beef at the moment anyway. It wouldn’t be a huge change.

Motion passed after a vote.


This JCR notes:


This JCR believes:


This JCR resolves:


Proposer: RJ

Seconder: JR


RJ: Want to spend money on the gyms. Just need to improve stuff. This will then go to the trustees if we pass it. Meeting with someone from MC to get expert opinions.

SS: is it in conjunctions with the new building?

RJ: the new gym will be in the current JCR but we need new kit to fit it. We might have more space in the future. The JCR have to buy the machines within it.

RSD: POI, write to us if you want this because me and EAM are trustees and we are special

EAM: is this coming from the reserves?

RJ: yes

Passed on general aye

Creation of Fund for Students with Gender Dysphoria

This JCR notes 

This JCR believes 

This JCR mandates

Proposer: RMM

Seconder: GM Matias


RMM: this fund would be ring-fenced so people can apply anonymously for materials they might need to help them or travel to gender clinics etc.

RJ: the money would be ring-fenced. It’s a small amount. It would be up to £40 per person- not all by one person.

Passed on general aye

Assistant International Rep

This JCR Notes

This JCR Believes

This JCR Orders

Positions in the JCR

14.12 Assistant International Students’ Rep

  1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.2.
  2. Their duties shall be to:
    1. Represent the views of JCR members who are international students,
    2. Help provide safe spaces and a community for JCR members who are international students,
    3. Assist with the effective operation of the international committee,
    4. Campaign and raise awareness of issues that may affect international JCR members, and raise said issues during Communities committee meetings, Welfare Committee meetings, JCR meetings and with the Executive Committee as necessary and consider ways to accommodate to the needs of those students at college-run events,
    5. Liaise with the Durham International Students Association when necessary and attend any relevant training by this Association, and
    6. Provide a handover to the incoming Assistant International Students Representative.
  3. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Communities Officer. (In international comm) Assistant International Rep

Proposer: JC

Seconder: EE


JC: At the last meeting, I passed a motion that meant that international rep no longer sits on the exec, but is now the same as other minority reps. As part of that, it created the role of assistant international rep, but I forgot to include a job description. So this is the description, it’s very heavily based off the other assistant minority reps.

Passed on general aye.

Publicity and Relations Officer

This JCR Notes

This JCR Believes

This JCR Repeals

Positions in the JCR Order:

3.19 “Communications Officer”

This JCR Orders

Positions in the JCR Order:

3.19 Publicity and Relations Officer

That all other mentions of “Communications Officer” be replaced by “Publicity and Relations Officer”

This JCR Resolves

Proposer: JC

Seconder: EMM


JC: My motion last time created a communications officer. We can’t have two Comms officers. It’s confusing. We need to change the name of one. Communications should now be Publicity and Relations officer. It’s more in line with what they do. People running today are running to be communications, but they can be PR when they win if they like. It doesn’t change any job descriptions

ACL: What does that shorten to?

Everyone: PR you silly billy.

Passed on general aye.


This JCR Notes:


This JCR Believes:


This JCR Mandates:

Proposed by: AW

Seconded by: IC


AW: I wrote an article in Palatinate. It’s about the Musicians union. Response to June Ball balls up. Deals with both regulating things like pay for musicians and also makes sure they don’t turn up drunk etc. Helps both sides.

EAM: Is there a minimum set pay?

MW: there is a minimum pay and it’s reasonable and in line with what we can afford.

Passed on general aye.


This JCR Notes 


This JCR believes 


This JCR resolves


Proposer: DB

Seconders: SPS, JB, BP, CAW, SSJN, ELM, FM, GH, IT, HC, JT, LS, BB


DB: It’s a smaller, inside, five aside team. The females already have one. There are two college leagues we could enter next year. New opportunities are nice.

SWC: this would start next year hence no budget.

JRG Gordan: When is the league?

DB: Saturday and Sunday evenings which most of the time doesn’t clash with football. Plus we only need 5.

LB: would this one sit under the main football club like the woman’s one is?

DB: ideally separate.

ABLC: it’s good to be separate because then people know it’s a thing.

DB: it would still have the same fb and table at freshers Fair as football

WE: Where would you play?

DB: sometimes maiden castle

Passed on general aye.

Yoga Society

This JCR Notes


This JCR Believes


This JCR resolves


Proposed: CG



CG: Some other colleges do this. DU yoga exists but it’s in the middle of the day and inaccessible. It’s also too easy. Looked into going to studios in Newcastle, but also want beginning level training. Fun Fact: I only wanted 14 seconders, but I actually got loads.

Passed on general aye.

Formal Opposition to BPR2 and Call to Save College Staff

This JCR Notes:


This JCR believes:


This JCR Resolves:


Proposed: CG

Seconded: EMM




CG: BPR2 is a uni plan to make the uni more efficient. We opposed BPR1. The freshers will be paying more next year for the same rooms but they will be cleaned less. There is a wider issue of commercialisation.

AJ: Did the first round get implemented?

CG: yes

EMM: I have a meeting about this on Tuesday so it would nice to have your backing.

AW: but more porters are good?

CG: for other colleges it won’t be so positive and some staff will lose jobs. We are unique in having two sites.

EMM: the hours porters are offered are likely to go down. This might not be sustainable for many people in the job. If people feel undervalued and leave, we lose lots of institutional knowledge which will counteract the benefits of having 24hour portering. I think it’s shit.

CG: SU Comm official opinion is to support this motion.

Passed on general aye.


Method II

Green Machine and Hires Manager



Request New Candidates



First year. I study Maths. I give into peer pressure. The other day other people were blowing up balloons for take me out and then I didn’t leave and then I set up the stage and it was satisfying. I also just want this position to stop being run.


RJ: would you be able to sort the green machine cupboard next week

AM: yes.

EAM: what’s your favourite thing about JR?

AM: he does a good job with facilities?

WE: what’s your least favourite thing about JR?

AM: Not very good at promoting this role

AM is elected.

*JR is happy*

Transgender and Non-Binary Rep

No Candidates

Sports and Societies Reporter



Request New Candidates



3rd year Politics. Never missed a men’s rugby or football floodlit. Involved in music. President of Big Band. Music room manager. Reporting should also be about music and arts- not just sport. Likes social media.


AW: The first Cuth’s live was well attended. Drums were played. what’s the difference between congos and bongos?

ACL: refuses to answer

ER: what societies don’t have enough coverage?

ACL: big band.

SP: how would you report Cuth’s live?

ACL: [explains what the insta caption to a Cuth’s live event would be- ends on “happy people”]

*ACL has been elected*

Postgrad Rep

No Candidates

Mature Students’ Rep

No Candidates

Local Students’ Rep

No Candidates

Method I

Social Chair



Request New Candidates



Social events are some of the most memorable events in college. Wants to take a larger role and give back. Been a member of social comm for over a year. Michaelmas Ball manager- leadership and organisational skills. Worked alongside production. Creative- innovative ideas. Take on board criticism. 5 foot 1 so is approachable. Will support more small events in college like Oktoberfests. Try to include corkage at formal. Staggered buses at ball. Add charitable events at every ball without raising ticket prices. Think Smart, vote Smart.


KS: What was one mistake you made at Michaelmas.

SS: the interactive murder mystery element. I thought it was cool but it wasn’t. I did try give them mics but it didn’t work so we won’t do it again.

MW: people management is the hardest bit, especially close to events.

SS: Increased delegation. Social chair seems to deal with small issues they shouldn’t have to like small complaints. I’d change that so I have more time. More allocation of time.

LJ: What do you most enjoy about the process of event planning

SS: Seeing a vision become a reality. Working with the events manager.

ER: what’s a negative about social comm you’d like to change?

SS: there is sometimes an asymmetry in how much effort has been put in across the team. So if the discount was allocated after the event, you could not give it to people who didn’t work so hard.

MW: POI, we already do allocate discounts after based on effort members put in.

EAM: Freshers’ Week is a big part of social chairs job. What one change would you make?

SS: There is already a split program with two running at the same time. One event would definitely be more alcohol focused and the other one wouldn’t. I’d improve the chill events and make them cooler.

SP (from the question bank): Decorations from formals and balls etc end up in landfill. Do you think it’s important to make events waste free.

SS: on social comm we aim to reuse material at each ball. We have worked with wristband companies to make them more sustainable like adding wood rather than plastic to wristbands. Open to suggestions from Environment Comm.

MF: students already get a discount for balls if they are on the Durham Grant.

MW: POI for summer ball and Michaelmas ball there is no cap on Durham Grant students having a discount

SS: my point included people who are experiencing “significant financial difficulties” to have a discount, so we would look into a scheme/ way of measuring that to support them.

JCR Chair




Request New Candidates



Hi, I’m JC and I’d like to be your chair next year. I’ve been in Durham for quite a while, and during that time I’ve held a variety of exec positions, including sports and societies chair, treasurer and currently vice-president. Over this time, JCR meetings have been a staple of my social calendar, and as I’m sure many of you know I really enjoy the nitty gritty governance side of them.

However, I’ve also noticed that increasing numbers of people don’t enjoy JCR meetings as much as I do. I think this is something that needs to be actively responded to in order to improve the community at Cuth’s, and it is for this reason that I’m running for chair: I think I can make JCR meetings a more enjoyable experience for all involved without compromising our democratic principles.

I’d like to keep meetings fun and lighthearted, partly through my mannerisms and also by facilitating fun asides, such as speech bingo cards for people to play along with. However, it’s important to remember that the time of JCR members is also very valuable, so I would try to keep the additional time spent on fun distractions such as these to a minimum.

It’s also important that meetings are run efficiently, and to keep them as short as possible I would do my best to quickly wrap up off topic discussions and avoid the same point being repeated by multiple people. Having chaired multiple committees within and outside of the JCR, I believe I have the necessary experience to achieve this whilst also facilitating fair and balanced discussion on all topics.

Through my extensive experience of JCR meetings, I also have an excellent understanding of meeting procedure, and I will use this to bring a knowledgeable and calm approach to meetings and ensure that everything runs smoothly. The complexities of our procedures, while important, can be daunting for many people, and so I would be sure to fully explain what is being discussed or voted on at each stage, as well as what is happening and why.

Unfortunately I don’t have enough time today to cover my whole manifesto, but please do check it out and also give BT’s a read before voting, and look out for my poster with a bonus picture of what I might look like as a chair.

For now I’d like to finish by saying that you should vote for me for a JCR whose governance is accessible and transparent to all, and lighthearted but efficient meetings.


Hi everyone, I’m BT and for those of you that don’t know me I’m a first year historian at Cuth’s and I’m currently also a JRO, so I’m sure I’ve given most of you a raffle ticket at some point! I’ve really enjoyed my role in the JCR so far, and would love to expand on the experience by taking on new responsibilities and allow others to have an even better one.

Obviously I’ve spoken a lot with freshers, many of whom feel disillusioned and disengaged with the JCR and so my manifesto has been built around many of these concerns and tries to tackle them in both an effective but feasible way.

Maintaining standing orders, drop-ins, advertise meetings in advance, fair judgement in terms of timing, interact with other JCR Chairs, election FAQ (though needs updating and roles of positions) – 31% in the JCR survey said they didn’t run because they don’t know enough about the positions.

A big problem of the JCR is engagement and apathy. The best way to deal with this is to improve the understanding of what the JCR actually does.

Run an advertisement and public awareness campaign during freshers’ week that lets people know what the JCR actually does – I think to some extent we live in a bubble and assume people know what the JCR does and organises, so we should promote what it does and how individuals can make a difference in things.

Summary agendas of motions before and after meetings, with a brief description of roles running in the JCR.

One of the big criticisms of the first meeting was that the motions were too complex and confusing which I know gave freshers a bad impression.

One idea I did have here was to (although I have no statutory power to do so) request that members don’t put in particularly complex or controversial motions in the very first meeting of term, as this will prevent a bad first impression of the JCR.

Working with minority reps to create initiatives that ensure all voices are heard in Cuth’s

Hold the second JCR meeting of Michaelmas term in Brook Bar – Parson’s Field does feel disconnected at times from the Bailey.

Create an easily accessible platform for members to submit to the exec which can be asked at exec meetings, and allow questions to be asked to the exec after the exec updates (transparency and accountability).

Create and upload a document that outlines election rules, and I’d work with the SRO to encourage candidates to send it to their campaign team to crack down on electoral misconduct.

Although I am a first year, this isn’t important: I’m willing to learn and adapt, and hope that I’ll be able to bring a new perspective with new ideas into the JCR. Being fresh also means that I’m very aware of contemporary concerns with the JCR (as my manifesto policies prove).

I feel like I’ve already made so many connections in Cuth’s with people across year groups, through sports and societies and obviously the JCR itself, and I think that being in the position of JCR Chair would allow be to better draw in on this community spirit which I guess is what Cuth’s is all about.


WE: There is an age gap between the two of you. Why does your age situation benefit you?

BT: aware of contemporary concerns as a fresher. Spoken to a lot of freshers.

JC: As chair, it’s important to know what’s going on and steer conversation. Knowledge of the standing orders is important. I know about procedural motions etc.

AW: the issue of cliqueyness hasn’t been as much as an issue this year, but it’s been discussed a lot. How are you able to challenge those perceptions of chliqueyness?

JC: it’s quite common that people in gov comm get into the governance side of things more. It’s important to be clear with how you can get involved to make it as open as possible. People will likely become friends. It’s about being open and making sure people know how to be involved .

BT: big campaign in freshers to outline what roles are and how to get involved. I didn’t know anyone when I got into the role.

SWC: both on gov comm this year. What would you change about gov comm?

BT: explain to JROs what kind of things are wrong with motions when they are sent in the first place.

JC: earlier deadline for motion submissions and more structure with how they are dealt with, so gov comm can meat earlier and then everything is announced earlier

RM: some positions have been running for most of the year- how would you get them filled?

JC: they are mostly representative roles- if those groups don’t want to engage then you can’t force them. Some other roles come down to publicity and making sure people know when and how to run.

BT: articulating what the role is- even on the fb events page. When I ran for JRO I didn’t really know what it was and if you don’t know how to look at the SOs, where do you get that info?

MF: How would you make JCR meetings more accessible to freshers?

BT: no complex motions in the first meeting. Also during the meetings, explain what you are doing and being really clear and explaining the jargon as it’s easy to assume people know what you’re talking about

JC: freshers are put off because they don’t know what’s going on. Got to make it clear throughout. Also making it more fun because it’s good for freshers because they won’t come back if it’s boring even if they understand.

EAM: What is your favourite standing order?

JC: the optional standing orders- because it’s all the silly but fun things

BT: positions Order – also some good info about all the roles

CG: what would you do to make sure more people come to JCR meetings?

BT: continuing to make them enjoyable. Advertising them well in advance so people plan around them. Talking to people- people come because you mention it to them.

JC: lots of it is about culture. Lots of the budget is spend on the presidential meeting for pizza. It would be better spent on the early meetings. Also make sure they don’t drag on. Keep them publicised in advance. They should also be on email.

AW: flexibility at JCR meetings and the timetables for motions etc. how to make it more flexible. There is a long time between meetings.

JC: get the agenda well put together and publicised before.

BT: it’s not feasible to have more meetings.

EE: there have been lots of changes to the structure of the JCR. What should be a referendum and what should be a normal vote.

BT: depends of severity and what level changes it makes. Referendums should be well informed

JC: legal answer is that it only has to be a referendum if it changes the constitution. And practically, it only needs to be a referendum if it’s a huge issue. Most things are better dealt with in a JCR meeting as that’s where most people will come if they care.

Senior Welfare Officer

No Candidates





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Hi all! I’m SN, a second year PPE-ist and your Assistant Librarian. I’m here because I’ve wanted to be your librarian for 2020/21 since I found out you could do it. I have so much love for this library – I even plug it to friends who aren’t in Cuth’s-and I really want to give back to Cuth’s since it’s given so much to me. * Experience: volunteered at library since my fresher’s week, stock managing so I know how the whole library ecosystem works, assistant librarian so I help run the team and with book club, frepping this year, also produced for DST so organised logistics and events for groups before. * I’m committed and organised-never cancelled, covered shifts, any excuse to create a spreadsheet. * Very keen on the library: painted mugs, made all the posters, always up to make an emergency biscuit run, very detail-oriented about people’s experience in the library (buy biscuits people seem to like best, biography reorganisation), manage social media for the library (plug the instagram). These are my plans for the library: * Introduce a feedback system: loads of students don’t really make use of Cuth’s library and JCR survey results say people want to improve it-so I want to hear what it is that people would like to change and run a complete review of their suggestions, implementing as many as reasonable/feasible. * Possible subscriptions to magazines or journals: the library hasn’t got as much for-fun reading because we think that we can’t learn from it, but that’s just not true! My library at school had subscriptions to things like The Economist that departments recommend and that could be great for an informative study break. * Review key texts needed: some sections of the library are much better stocked than others in terms of key texts and I’d like to review which sections could use more key texts and if we can acquire them. * More inclusive snacks: we do free-from biscuits, I’d like to take this one step further make sure we always have options for vegan and nut-free students! I hope you’re up to support me in achieving my dream of becoming librarian and making sure people can get as much out of the library as possible. Thank you for your consideration! Let’s bring some sunshine into the library!


2nd historian. I really love Cuth’s. Been really involved here; president of women’s rugby, open day repped, TL frep, social sec of big band, is stock manager, works on the bar. Stock manager means she is confident in the role. In the naked calendar. No revolutionary aims- the library is popular. Likes hotwater bottles atm. Wants water cooler. Wants to improve book club. Change the chairs- lots of broken chairs atm. Limited software on the computers- improve this. It’s embarrassing how long it takes for someone to take out a book. Space heater under the table by the door. Get door draft stopper. The door just doesn’t close atm and it’s cold. Dedicated.


MOA: one of the biggest issues is the accessibility of stock- how would you handle out of date books and unwanted donations?

ER: book culls. Lots of recent donated books weren’t needed. Lots of donated books are fiction- they could be used in book club

SN: book culls at beginning and end of each year. Donations: they could be donated to people in the JCR to see if anyone wants them, or then take them to places like Oxfam etc. if a book isn’t useful we do have to cull it.

KS: best and worst part of library and how to fix it

SN: the ambiance of the library – it’s cosy and people from other colleges like. Worst is when the software crashes or when there is no room. But we can advertise other study spaces.

ER: in tours on Wednesday and lots of people were happy that tea and biscuits are free. More than that the best bit is that it’s a communal space and a library. Worst is the cold. Its’ hard to fix with a limited budget but little things like draft stopper will help. Why are the red chairs there- another desk could be there. Spend some money on a nice sofa if we can’t have another desk.

DT: if you were to replaces the Kardashian quote on the whiteboard, what would you replace it to?

ER: a game of thrones “what do you say to stress, not today”

SN: “you can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough” TS lewis

AJ: how to get people who aren’t involved in the JCR to study in the library?

SN: further advertise. More social media with info on it. Word of mouth. Lots of people at Parson’s don’t use the library.

ER: number of times people don’t know the code is is lots. Have a sheet of paper purely from the library that’s given to people in freshers week

ACL: both busy, how will you fit in the demanding role?

ER: busy person in general- thrives off it. Can’t just sit in her room. Has low contact hours. Loves being busy. Google calendar is bae. President of women’s rugby and BB social sec aren’t’ things I’ll do next year. Not running for those type of things so she can be librarian.

SN: loves time management. Humanities degree= flexible hours. Works from the library lots already. Still wants to be there if she doesn’t get it

MF: how to persuade someone to work in Cuth’s not the billy b?

SN: the billy b is stressful to me. Cuth’s is communal and friendly. Tea and biscuits. More help in Cuth’s.

ER: two completely different places- you got to them for different things based on intensity of work you want to do. Cuth’s is more relaxed. You feel at home, you know people at Cuth’s. Advertise that it’s more relaxed at Cuth’s.

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Chair



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current WCS rep- has sat on welfare, SU comm and college advisory board- represented views of lots of people. Had opportunity to work with current PGM chair and has educated himself on her job and what she’s done. Led a large committee as welfare campaigns. Priorities: accessibilities. Terms in handbook translated to other languages. Research fora live streamed. Welfare- always good to have in mind. Work on loneliness and isolation addressed. Sign post PGs. Events – academic and non, make sure these events are maintained over summer. Increase engagement with PGs. Make PGs aware of what they can do. PG sports teams if they are needed. I love Cuth’s <3.


SM: you have to work a lot with other MCR presidents- I’ve not met some of them. How would you get in contact with those not interested?

JS: People are pains. I’m persistent. People who have been elected should be held accountable. Making contact with people will be persistent until we get the response we need.

RM: we don’t have a separate JCR and MCR- how would you get UGs in research fora

JS: more knowledge of those events. Make it clear that those events are for PGs AND UGs.

JC: if you win this election, you will start your role as you start your PG study. How will you support those like you, and accommodate those who are beyond your stage?

JS: even though the position doesn’t start yet, I’d like to get involved and build relationship as soon as possible (after election). Handover is a very important consideration. Grasp how the previous people have worked with the role and get info from them is important.

SS: PGs can help UGs in influencing the directions of their studies/ help them – how will you do this?

JS: specific events for integration so people can support each other. PG families is new this year and we should continue to push this- especially for people who didn’t do their UG here.

Facilities Manager

No Candidates

Communications Officer




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2nd year, frep, open day rep, president of cuths ripped off. Running again. Attended lots of training. Achieved a lot so far. Centaralise jcr communication – it’s good that lots of socs have their own social media, but we need an overheard at Cuth’s. Introduce video husts. Housing- get in touch with landlords who currently rent to cuth’s students and get them to rent to more cuths students in the future. Work with college to have a place to store possessions in between tenancies. I’d like to continue to remove the unhealthy stigma around housing by training freps in how to speak to freshers about housing. I’ll also publicise the livers’ out handbook over summer, then a signing handbook later in the year. I’ll continue to pressure the SU to be representative and relevant to students and put more resources into JCRs. I also want to run campaigns to encourage Cuth’s students to run for SU positions. I’d like to hold surgery sessions before Assembly. I have 2 years experience on SU comm, which will better equip me to have productive discussions with the SU. Please read my manifesto for more details. I’m able to innovate and experienced, and I love this role. Give me the opportunity to do it again and I’ll do Cuth’s justice.


Hi I’m RMM. If you don’t know me I’m a second year Natural Scientist and your current LGBT+ rep. I think communications is one of the most important positions on the JCR. With over 1400 students at Cuths, it’s imperative that we get engagement with our community right, work to reduce the many problems durham’s housing situation produces, and ensure that those 1400 voices feel they are accurately represented at a wider university level. I think the way we communicate in Cuth’s needs a review. The facebook pages work to get the most important info out there, but other than that they are just tumble-weed. I propose we create a “Cuths-Bulletin” page for all!, supplementary the fresher’s pages, where people can instantly post information out there with ease. I’d be so excited work in a webapp for a cuth’s timetable. This would contain key dates such as balls and JCR meetings, but I’d also big society and welfare events, so that information is accessible to everyone in one place, making it easier for people to get involved and plan their time in advance.

On Housing, as low income student who has lived independently of my parents for the last 4 years, I know what it’s like to feel anxious about housing and the cost of living. I am involved with the re-launch of Durham Tennants Union, which advocates for the rights of tennants and campaigns to improve durham’s housing. “Take time to sign” was a brilliant campaign, and we need to ensure that we keep that message to next years freshers, but I also believe we can equip freshers with more practical tools to make their search easier. I want to make a virtual map of cuth’s housing, gathering info from cuth’s people on their rent, location and status. That way, people can not only see what prices should be reasonable for each area and can link up with landlords to sign with.

When it comes to SU relations, I’m just kind of a massive policy nerd. I went to assembly for fun in my first year, and this year was elected by the assembly as the women’s open place. I know full well that the SU isn’t perfect and change can seem slow, but with big changes such as the accommodation fee review, we need to be united in our demands for real action. As your SU rep, I would be a collaborative force, working to ensure all Cuth’s people are consulted and all other assembly members treated with the respect their mandates deserve. I would do quick motion explainers, summaries and survey’s for assembly. I also want to do more on explaining how SU campaigns work and how to get involved. To summarise, I want to be an accessible and transparent officer, working for the common good.


SM: SU/JCR relations are tenuous- how will you take everyone’s opinions into account?

RMM: It’s important that I am doing what people in Cuth’s want. Being really transparent about what the SU is for and what it can do. I’m Pro SU and thinks it’s a force for good.

CG: talk to everyone – hence surgery sessions. It’s a good thing to point out when things go wrong in the SU and that makes the relationship complicated. The surgery sessions would help me go into assembly etc with more of a mandate.

SS: is there hypocrisy in the Take Time to Sign as it promotes false truths, especially when people who do take time to sign get poor housing?

CG: Last year, I was asked what my opinion was on housing and it was that that people should be told to sign really early, but I’ve done lots of research. You can get a shit house if you take time and if you don’t. there is a lot of work already going on about lobbying landlords to push back house release dates.

RMM: it was a good campaign- you might just not be able to get a house in a certain area. Also made point about lobbying landlords to push back house release dates.

JS: housing talks can be considered too late. Some freshers will sign before. how will you inform those ones?

RMM: it already has been moved forward. Some freshers will always sign early. Good info about prices would be good so they aren’t getting ripped off.

CG: the SOs have changed so it’s earlier. We have housing advice talks throughout the year. I will bring out a signing handbook for freshers so they know what to expect.

LJ: some people find the newsletter too personal or patronising. How would you address this and make it more accessible?

CG: changing the way it works. Tried having a form to submit things to the Newsletter but no one submitted things. Putting more info on other forms of communication they have.

RMM: I don’t read the newsletter. I wouldn’t scrap it. I question why some events are on there and some aren’t. its better to have a fb page everyone can post in. there should be a plain text version as well. It should also go on twitter and isnta.

SWC: in SU assembly, you get a vote. The president won’t. If there was an issue that you disagreed with the general Cuth’s body/ the president about, how would you go about negotiating that?

RMM: you should represent what the whole body thinks. If the opposition is a vocal minority you need to think about that. You shouldn’t be mandated to vote exactly as you said you would as more info might become clear later on. I’d do surveys and reports.

CG: agree with RMM. You need to vote with what the Cuth’s population want. Explain assembly to more people. Get more people to come to it- they can be valuable in the room if you aren’t sure.

SP: do you think the SU assembly works for students?

CG: I don’t think it does. The democracy is shocking. I’d engage in productive discussions with the SU- be more involved. Put pressure on them to consult students more. More info on how to navigate the complicated structures.

RMM: I’d wait to see what the results of the democracy review will be. There should be more voting members. Workshopping of motions before they go to assembly.


No Candidates


Sung partly by a smattering of people.

Meeting Adjourned