JCR Meeting 2019-12-05

Setting: In a Jovial Bailey bar. Many people are missing due to panto rehearsals, and we’re all excited for JS’ rendition of me. I have a fringe today because I wanted to join in with all the cool people.
Raffle prices include a t-shirt designed by the freps for the white t-shirt party, 4 bags of lemon sherbets that went off in October but EMM says “aren’t bad,” a signed photo of JC wearing mismatched shoes and a leftover cricket jumper owned by a BTnet.

Present: EMM (President), JC (Vice-President), SWC (Chair), SG (JRO), BT (JRO), EO, TP, CG (Communications Officer), MT (SU Rep), EE (International Rep), LP, JG, AJ (Librarian), ARW, LHH (SU Rep), SP (SRO), SLP, AW (Music Rep), JR (Facilities Manager), AL, RSD (Vice Chair of Trustees), PJ (Social Comm), AH (Female Welfare Officer), EAM (Student Trustee), RM (PG Academic Rep), KB (JRO), LM, WE (Stool), CP, AG (Social Comm), HMM (Assistant Ethnic Minorities Rep), HH (PG Welfare Rep), GM, AC (Sports and Societies Chair), SM (Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair), SL (Social Comm), OT (4th Year Rep), AbB (PG International Rep), NN (PGM Social Sec), RH, SA (Outreach Chair), EJ (SU Rep), TW, JF, SB (Social Comm), TA, RJ (FCO), SR (Finance Comm), BP

Apologies: KM (Finance Comm), HCM (Welfare Campaigns), ES (Senior Welfare Officer), JS (Working Class Students’ Rep), RMM (LGBT+ Rep), EGS (LGBT+ Rep), AK (Social Comm), HR (Social Comm), MW (Social Chair), LJH (Assistant LGBT+ Rep), MR (Ethinic Minorities Rep), IC (Assistant Music Rep), LE (Social Comm), JW (PGM Vice-President), SS (Michaelmas Ball Manager), SF (Mature Students’ Rep), WB (Head Frep), EW (Social Comm), LA (Welfare Campaigns Team), JZ (International Welfare Rep), OW (Male Welfare Officer), HB (Welfare Campaigns Team)

Absent: JH, TM, ZH, KMM, SMG, HS, DV, AlS, AmS, SWR, MD, ER, ABD, AnB (Finance Comm), WN (Keeper of the Glass Bell)



Orchestral Society

Updated Sports and Socs Elections


Assistant Brooks Bar Steward

Facilities Comm

Intercollegiate Societies


Auto VoNC – Keeper of the Couplets

Straw Polls



Method I

Welfare Campaigns Team Manager


Method II

Sports and Societies Reporter x2

Postgraduate Rep

Green Machine Manager

Green Machine Technician x3

Feast Manager


Bailey Wardrobe Manager

Transgender and Non-Binary Rep

Assistant Working Class Students’ Rep

Method IV

Fluffy Socks Manager

Minutes of previous meeting

Opposition from CG.

Minutes passed almost unanimously by a vote.



It has come to my attention that not everyone is fully aware of the standing orders concerning automatic motions of no confidence, and so I wish to clarify them. Everyone in an elected position (Ie. chosen by one of our election methods) whether it is Method I, II, III or IV, should attend all JCR meetings and relevant committee meetings. If they miss two consecutive or three total relevant committee meetings or two consecutive or three total JCR meetings then an automatic motion of no confidence will be brought against them. They will, however, receive an email before this happens to inform them of the consequences of missing a further meeting. Following discussion among gov comm, we have decided that it’s not fair to ignore these rules at our discretion, and so we will be applying to them to everyone.

There has been some confusion this term with requirements for JCR meetings for Method III positions, and so I will not be counting missed JCR meetings so far towards the count for Method III positions holders. I will, however, start paying attention to this now.

I also wish to remind you that anyone in an elected position who is unable to attend a meeting may send apologies to me (vice-president@cuths.com) to avoid being marked absent.


I would like to formally resign from the role of Environment Rep for the college. Whilst I would love to continue being in the role I have realised I have taken on far too many commitments to be able to do the role justice and accomplish as many things as I would have liked. I believe someone with more time on their hands who could do a better job would be best suited to the role.




Finance & Compliance Officer


Started to write a long term financial plan

Wrote angry email to the university because we haven’t received the money from the Event Durham site (levies/FW income)

General reclaims, taking cash to bank

Sports and socs subs in and treasurer training

Bought loads of things with the reserves (look at how nice the stage is!)

2018-19 accounts in, just waiting for approval

Monthly management accounts

Up to date on bookkeeping


Membership lists for sports and socs

JCR members list

HLM members list

Wrote retention and disposal policy



Facilities buying things e.g. lockable cupboards, restructuring facilities comm

Music room keeping tidy etc.and strategy for that

Bought new furniture for brooks bar and getting rest reupholstered; Had Barcomm meeting

Indy/DSO forum with other colleges (successful; explaining the benefits of being an independent charity and the faults with the DSO system)

Helped with participation fund

Social Chair


Senior Welfare Officer

Sorry I can’t be at the meeting because of the Panto dress rehearsal but thanks for a great term. Here is what Welfare and I have been upto:

International Rep

Things went alright for International Committee. We are planning an event on Saturday, a Christmas Special with mulled wine and chocolates in Brooks Bar. Come, it will be fun!

Additionally, an event is being prepared with Cuths Welfare and Durham Estranged Students on Dec. 10 with pizza and board games in Brooks.

I would like to announce the members of the International Committee as approved through the application system:

PG International Rep: AbB

International Events Managers: DA, ST, GM

Campaigns Manager: AP

International Publicity Manager: AS, KS

The international committee is currently planning a January Trip to Edinburgh and more events for Epiphany so stay tuned.

Outreach Committee Chair


FRAMDA and SHJRFC both up and running

People are starting to get their DBS checks now which is ideal

Still frequently struggling for FRAMDA volunteers so send anyone who might be interested my way

Got the NICEST email from St Hild’s for the rugby project about how great all the volunteers have been which was so lovely.


Made about £700 combined from freshers week wristbands and Michaelmas ball tickets (we’ve even got a certificate on the way from the Become (Michaelmas Ball charity))

Movember was a big success, the committee smashed it and raised £80

Charity formal raised about £50 which the hospice were really pleased about, and they want to build better links with the college

Finally, 12 days of outreach is underway in a big way – please come to our events

We’re on track to pass the £1000 mark for fundraising in Michaelmas term which is exciting

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair

Sports and Societies Chair

Commmunications Officer

This term I’ve been v busy, the newsletter keeps being bashed out and by next week we’ll have had 12 this term!! I’ve been putting them up around college so you can read it before you go into the dining hall and stuff like that! please don’t forget if you would like to publicise something drop me a line on tuesday at the latest and i can pop it in the newsletter (plz email me at communications@cuths.com). I have been updating the admin console and doing my best to make sure that every JCR position that could do with having everything on the google drive has a google account under the Cuth’s domain, so if you think you need to be on the drive let me know and i can get you all sorted!

did a really great housing campaign with EJ to get everyone to not rush into signing houses, i’ve been doing housing drop in hours and a talk. I was thinking of doing a housing speed dating thing this term but have spoken to other housing reps and think this is probably something to have at the stsrt of next term so let me know if you are interested.

The SU has been fun too this term, SU comm and i have all gone to assembly and have been live tweeting from assembly, and this week we made TikToks. Speaking with SU reps at other colleges I’ve been thinking about better ways i can represent you at assembly, so now I’m going to open up the discussion about the motions on facebook so if anyone has any thoughts they can comment, and then during assembly i’m keeping note of what i voted for so i can comment that on the facebook post just in case there were ammendments/procedural motions at assembly. Next time i’m going to post a google form to collect thoughts about things just to streamline the process. The SU started a review on their democracy after assembly this week; i basically argued that i don’t think that the SU is democratic because I’ve had lots of conversations about this with people in Cuth’s and we all seem to agree; the SU dosn’t do much to welcome people into the democratic process. It does very little to engage most students with democracy, and it also don’t do much to educate students on how to get involved and have their voice heard. Assembly is not well attended by the student body, and in the rare case that people do actually want to come to assembly, they don’t know how to contribute to the discussions (due to the complicated procedures and conventions) and feel shut out due to a hostile environment. I’ve been going to lots of meetings with the SU reps and we’re going to run some exciting campaigns next term so keep eyes out for that. The SU reps and i have been really keen on keeping the SU sabbs nutural in elections (like in JCR elections), which we thought was a thing that was going to be happening and then the SU quiety yeeted that.

However overall think it’s been a good term; just as a POI if you would like to run to be an SU sabbatical officer or a trustee, nominations open in January, a fantastic opportunity to anyone who wants to really make a positive change to the lives of students in durham!! Have a wonderful winter vacation and happy Saturnalia/Yule!!

Facilities Manager

This term I’ve just been focusing on purchasing new kit, helping setup Cuth’s events, organising hires with other colleges to make money and just generally answering my emails. Most work is behind the scenes, but some of the big notes this term: we purchased our own projector and screen, we used to borrow colleges; we bought more silent disco kit meaning we can do two events simultaneously; inventoried all green machine and music kit making hires much easier (and hopefully more frequent); bought a new drum kit so that we always have one setup in the music room – even during hires and events like Cuth’s balls.


Vice-Chair of Trustees

Full board meeting next week, will be working on implementing a variety of policies:

Have been working closely with Fashion Show on their contract and will be discussing how they relate to the JCR at our board meeting

Moving forward looking at working on a set of Welfare-related by-laws and tweaks of our constitutional framework

Any suggestions, questions or queries always appreciated, feel free to contact me or come to our trustees drop-in scheduled for next week


Orchestral Society

This JCR notes:

This JCR believes:

This JCR resolves:


Proposer: AW

Seconder(s): IC, TM, ZH, KMM, SMG, HS, AL, DV, AlS, AmS, SWR, MD, and ER.


AW: I said I’d do it when I created music rep, now I’m doing it. We had an informal meeting. We’ve had 9 people interested in being exec, so hopefully lots of people want to be in the society. Castle Orchestra are scared of us. I want to make an orchestra with Hatfield and Chad’s and maybe John’s.

EAM: Can anyone from any college join the Hill orchestra?

AW: Yes, but it’s a Music Durham group so you have to pay subs to them. With this, you also wouldn’t need to go to Trevs.

JG: Would there be subs and where would they go?

AW: RJ thought it was fine. It’s based off Hatfield-Cuth’s Cheerleading. All subs come to Cuth’s, but we only match subs for Cuth’s members.

MT: Why would John’s join later?

AW: They already have an orchestra.

JG: Where would you practice?

AW: There’s a possible room in Hatfield, or maybe Elvet. For Elvet we’d need to buy stands. Hopefully when our new building is finished we can move there.

*No amendments or opposition*

*Motion passed on a general aye*

Updated Sports and Socs Elections

This JCR notes:

This JCR believes:

This JCR repeals:

Sports and Societies Order

3.5.3. All members of of the Executive Committee or a club or society shall be Full Members of the JCR and a member of the sport or society.


8.8 Non- Cuth’s JCR members running for executive positions

8.8.1 All positions will be opened exclusively to Cuth’s JCR members first.

8.8.2 If any position goes uncontested in the first general it may be at the discretion of the executive of the sport or society be opened to members from other JCRs in Durham University in a new meeting minimum of 7 days after the initial meeting. Where in a second meeting or any further meetings are called to elect members from any JCR across Durham University to the same position, and a candidate from Cuth’s nominate themselves then the said position will be only contested by candidate or candidates from Cuth’s JCR exclusively.


This JCR orders:

Sports and Societies Order

3.5.3. All members of of the Executive Committee of a sport or society shall be a contributing member of the sport or society.


8.8 Non-Cuth’s JCR members running for executive positions

8.8.1 The roles of President, Treasurer and Social Secretary, or any roles concerned with the organisation of socials or the handling of JCR funds, shall be opened exclusively to Cuth’s JCR members regardless of if the role remains unfilled.

8.8.2 Any other roles may at the discretion of the executive committee of the sport or society be opened to members from other JCRs in Durham University from the first AGM.


Proposed: AW
Seconded: AL


AW: I was unhappy with the new S&S election rules. I’d like to change it so that if the role isn’t president, treasurer of social sec it can be opened to other Cuth’s members at the first election. This will allow skilled positions such as musical director or coach to be filled by someone suitable from another college. Also, there are lot of non-Cuth’s members in our sports and societies, and for these people they might feel excluded by not being able to take on leadership positions. President, treasurer and social sec have reputation and compliance issues.

EMM: I agree with the first part, but we are concerned over the second part. The division in this motion specifies roles that have to be from Cuth’s, not roles that can’t be from Cuth’s. I think it should be only teaching roles that are open to everyone. There are too many positions in a grey area. I worry that some execs work very differently. Amendment that everything is Cuth’s only other than teaching roles. In ramen society there are many roles that don’t fit those categories.

WB: Could we stipulate a higher percentage of the vote?

SWC: That will have to be a separate amendment.

SP: Repeats what EMM said. The roles in this motion aren’t defined, so there could be a nominal treasurer while the de-facto treasurer is another role. All positions that are not teaching roles should stay in Cuth’s. We should specify positions that are open to other colleges not vice-versa. We are a charity, and we exist to serve our students.

SWC: He wants people not from Cuth’s to approach the JCR beforehand.

SP: Informally.

WE: How many people want to be in these positions? It’s very different if they’re highly contested.

EMM: Less about lots of people, more about high concentrations in a few societies.

JR: Don’t all Cuth’s societies need 4 basic positions?

EMM: I’m proposing to change it so everything goes to Cuth’s students first other than teaching roles. Hypothetically, that could just be president, treasurer and social sec.

JC: Procedural motion to split so that there are two amendments rather than an amendment to an amendment.


JG: Can we clarify what a teaching role would be?

AW: I think EMM’s way would work but I prefer mine. It can become problematic if we say a teaching role, as to how we decide that.

EMM: If their role is to teach people then it is.

SWC: Team Captain is specified in the motion.

Voting on SP’s amendment that any non-Cuth’s people need to be approved by a Cuth’s panel to be on a society exec.

*Amendment does not pass*

*Return to EMM’s amendment, that everything other than teaching roles is opened first to anyone, then if they’re not filled everything other than President, Treasurer and Social Sec is opened to anyone.*

*Amendment passes*

*Return to amended motion*

SWC: The motion is now that for non-Cuth’s exec members, they can’t run in the first round of elections unless it’s a teaching role.

*Motion passed on a general aye*



This JCR Notes


This JCR Believes


This JCR Resolves

And now 12 South Bailey is covered in 3 feet of snow,

We’ve had our Christmas formal and heckled at our panto,

But now the blizzards set in and there’s nowhere we can go,

Thank God the bar is open down at Cuths! 2,3,4…

We walked to Lindisfarne to see the home of old St Cuth,

Through fields, towns and villages the journey was quite tough,

And when we reached the island well the meadry was shut,

Thank god the bar is open back at Cuths! 2,3,4…


Proposed: EAM

Seconded: JC



EAM: Wonderful. After that wonderful governance, we have an interlude into our glorious college song. In the last JCR meeting, we have a special verse about people leaving the JCR. We also have a verse introduced by JC about Founders’ Day. But we don’t have a verse for the December period or when we’re on Lindisfarne. I thought it would be good to have a festive verse, and me and JC walked to Lindisfarne over Summer and wanted to sing. So two new verses.

EMM: I don’t think there’s the right number of syllables. Please sing.

*EAM sings*

EAM: I agree. There might be some double syllablism.

CG: What about quantities of snow?


EMM: Any musical people, does it work?

*EAM sings again*

AL: I think it’s fine

AW: I don’t

JR: I struggle to remember the lyrics. Could you name 5 non-exec members who know all the lyrics.

CG: POI anyone can email song@cuths.com for the lyrics.

EAM: There’ll be 5 people on the DLB board who do but I can’t read it from here.

AW: Amendment to change it to “And now South Bailey’s covered under 3 feet deep of snow.”

WE: “And now South Bailey is under 3 feet of snow.”

*AW’s amendment is passed after a vote*

*Amended motion is passed after a vote*

Assistant Brooks Bar Steward

This JCR Notes 

This JCR Believes 

This JCR Repeals 

Positions in the JCR Order:


18.2 Assistant Brooks Bar Steward


18.2.1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.2.

18.2.2. Their duties shall be:

  1. Assist the Bar Steward with end of week banking, and reconciliation of cash and card payments from nights takings,
  2. Clean the beer lines at Brooks bar,
  3. Help the Bar Steward to plan and prepare for busy events such as the Feast of St. Cuthbert and Cuth’s Day,
  4. Assist with the reception of morning deliveries to the bar, and
  5. Represent the views of the JCR to the bar management, and in the day to day running of the bar.

18.2.3. The Assistant Brooks Bar Steward must have worked in Cuth’s Bar for at least two terms.

18.2.4. They must also already hold the position of Bar Supervisor due to the cash handling element of the role.


This JCR Orders

Positions in the JCR order:

18.2 Bar Liaison Officer



18.2.1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.2.

18.2.2. Their duties shall be:

  1. Act as a liaison between the JCR body and the bar.
  2. Represent the views of the JCR to the bar management, and in the day to day running of the bar.
  3. Help the Bar Steward to plan and prepare for busy events such as the Feast of St. Cuthbert and Cuth’s Day.

18.2.3. The Bar Liaison Officer must be a current member of staff at the bar.

18.2.4. The Bar Liaison Officer must have worked in the bar for at least one term prior to their election.


Proposer: EMM

Seconder: SP


EMM: There is a role called Assistant Brooks Bar Steward. Their role isn’t currently what it was created for which was representation in the bar. The role has changed, now there’s only one and they assist the Bar Steward, it included technical jobs and only bar supervisors can’t run. The current bar steward is unhappy that such a serious job is voted on. We’re unhappy that the representation side has decreased. I’m proposing that we change it to Bar Liaison Officer who’s the go between between the JCR and bar, any member of bar staff could go, and the assistant bar steward would be interviewed by College.

AL: So you’re making a new role?

EMM: I’m stripping away some of the roles to make a new role, so that it doesn’t clash with the role College is creating. One person could be both.

AW: Will SW become this?

EMM: He will become bar liaison officer.

*Motion passed on a general aye*

Facilities Comm

This JCR notes:


This JCR believes:


This JCR Repeals: 

Positions in the JCR Order:

Facilities Committee

10.1.1. There shall be no scheduled meetings of the Facilities committee


Green Machine Manager

10.4. Green Machine Manager

10.4.1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.4.

Green Machine Technician

10.5.1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.4.

10.5.2. Their duties shall be to:

1) Work with the Green Machine Manager to coordinate the use of Green Machine Tech for JCR-run events,


This JCR Orders: 

Positions in the JCR Order:

Facilities Committee

10.1.1. There shall be a termly meeting for Facilities Committee, date decided by the Facilities Manager


Facilities Manager

3.21.2. Their duties shall be to:

5) Assist in hires where appropriate and necessary, such as filling out paperwork and writing invoices


Music Room Manager

10.3.2. Their duties shall be to:

7) Ensure equipment that is hired internally / externally from the music room arrives back in working order and assist in carrying out the hire

8) Maintain an inventory of all equipment in the music room, reporting changes and missing kit where necessary


Green Machine Manager

10.4. Green Machine and Hires Manager

10.4.1. Elected Via: Method II, Meeting 3.2

10.4.2. Their duties shall be to:

7) Assume responsibility for all hires (external and internal) related to tech in the green machine, including speakers, the projector and stand, and silent disco equipment

8) Maintain an inventory of all equipment belonging to the green machine, reporting changes and missing kit where necessary

9) Interview and manage application process for Green Machine Technicians


Green Machine Technician

10.5.1. Elected Via: Method III

10.5.2 Their duties shall be to:

1) Work with the Green Machine manager to setup internal events at Cuth’s when using Green Machine equipment


Proposer: JR

Seconder: SLP


JR: Facilities manager is fairly new. This motion firms up standing orders for some roles on facilities comm. It cements the facilities manager as more of an overseeing and supervisory role. Green machine manager is becoming more of a hires role because we’ve recently bought lots of new tech.

*Motion passed on a general aye*

Intercollegiate Societies

This JCR Notes:


This JCR Believes:


This JCR Orders:

Article 1, Sports and Societies Order

6. Inter-Collegiate Societies

6.1. Unless otherwise specified all members of inter-collegiate societies ratified through Cuth’s JCR shall pay the same subs as set by the treasurer of that society.

6.2. Unless otherwise specified Cuth’s JCR will match the amount of subs raised only by Cuth’s members of the inter-collegiate society.

6.3. Unless specified otherwise, all executive committee positions in inter-collegiate societies shall be open to members of any JCR to which membership of the society is open.


Proposer: EMM

Seconder: JC


SWC: This came up from AW’s motion about orchestra. Basically, it’s procedural and creates some rules around inter-collegiate societies so we don’t need to specify it in future. It says that unless otherwise stated, only subs from Cuth’s students will be matched, and everyone else will also pay. It also says exec positions will be open to people from all the represented colleges.

*Motion passed on a general aye*


This JCR notes:

This JCR believes:

This JCR resolves:

This JCR orders:

Positions in the JCR Order

15.1.3 It shall consist of:

  1. Music Representative
  2. President of the Society
  3. Assistant Music Representative,
  4. Music Events and Publicities Officer
  5. Sports and Societies Committee Chair,
  6. Music Room Manager,
  7. Social Committee Chair, and
  8. The President(s)/Captain(s) of JCR Music Societies.


15.4 Music Events and Publicities Officer

15.4.1 Elected via: Method 2, Meeting 1.2

15.4.2 Their duties shall be to:

  1. Assist in the organisation and promotion of music events (for example open mic events) within St Cuthbert’s Society,
  2. Assist the Music Representative with the running of relevant social media accounts.


Proposed by: AW

Seconded by: RJ


AW: Alt soc isn’t really a thing anymore. I’m not even really sure what they were. Alt soc has died. I want to and am going to start putting on more music events in Cuth’s, so I want to move that job to music committee as a new role. I don’t know if it will be filled, but it doesn’t matter if it isn’t.

CG: What’s the new role?

AW: Events and publicities officer. They’ll help with posters, events, publicity.

*Motion passed on a general aye*

Auto VoNC – Keeper of the Couplets

This JCR Notes:


This JCR Believes:


This JCR Resolves:


Proposer: EMM


EMM: At the last meeting of the year, the position of keeper of the couplets is elected. At an alumni event recently, they’re main question was about this position. ABD hasn’t written couplets, other than as an apology for today:

“Ree Ree Ree Ree Ree,

Here is my apology,

In truth I forgot I was this thing,

Hopefully happiness my legacy will bring”

SWC: He’s being auto-vonced because he missed too many JCR meetings. Not because of what EMM said. This will be voted for online.

SP: Voting begins at midnight tonight, and will be open for 24 hours. Vote of aye means bye bye ABD, no means he can stay.

Straw Polls


Which novelty items of stash would you buy?

Proposer: JC


JC: I want to know what novelty items you’d be interested in buying. Anyone can suggest things and you can vote for as many as you like, please only do so if you’d genuinely buy it.

CG: You know mesh bralets with embroidery? We’d like the strap around it to say Cuth’s and the embroidery to be a Cuth’s logo on each boob.

SP: Cuth’s boxer shorts with the crest on the front.

AW: What about Cuthslinks? Nicer than the college ones.

KB: Cuth’s condoms.

BP: Narrower Cuth’s tie.

WE: Cuth’s suit.

TP: Bobble hats

SP: Cape

CG: Tea Dress.


Bralets: 5

Cuthslinks: 7

Condoms: 1

Narrow Cuth’s Tie: 16

Cuth’s Suit: 0

Bobble Hats: 9

Blazer: 5

Boxers: 11

Cape: 1


Method I

Welfare Campaigns Team Manager

No Candidates


No Candidates

Method II

Sports and Societies Reporter x2



Request New Candidates



I’d like to get more involved through this role because it’s a great way to get other people involved too. I’d like to people get more involved with the different things that are going on. This role is primarily about communications, which is central to my role in Cuth’s Ripped off and on SU comm. That experience will provide me the skills to communicate and provide info and publicity.


GM: What’s your favourite society?

MT: Currently cheerleading because I keep getting kicked in the face.

EO: Since you already do so much, will have you time to go to lots of different societies?

MT: I’d definitely put a lot of time into that because it’s important not to prioritise things I like. I do anthropology and archaeology so I have a lot of time on my hands.

AC: What’s your most liked Instagram post?

MT: No idea

*MT is elected*

Postgraduate Rep

No Candidates

Green Machine Manager

No Candidates

Green Machine Technician x3

No Candidates

Feast Manager




Request New Candidates



I’m very creative and hardworking, and I have lots of experience organising events. I’m in a formative year so I’m prepared to put in a lot of work. My theme would be camp, it’s over the top exaggerated, theatrical and in your face and excuse to dress crazily, its origins are in the LGBT+ community so we could link to an LGBT+ community. I want ents to be really good, including pole dancing, drag queens and discos.


My theme will be pop art, same as I proposed for Michaelmas. It’s never been done before and is stylish and allows us to be creative. I have a lot of experience in art, and I’m already on social comm and made a lot of decorations for Michaelmas ball. I’d like to save money on decorations to get loads of ents, not just food trucks and bouncy castles but little things like face paint and a caricature stand.


EAM: The feast is held in Cuth’s which limits space. How will you fit your ideas in the space we have?

SL: My ideas involve big murals in the bar and dining hall, and I think having less space would help with budget. Food trucks can be outside. Face paint could be in the main part.

LHH: Put as many tables as possible in the dining hall. A lot of the stands could be outside. Maximise space. Paint as much as possible. Lots of glitter. Fun awards like best dressed.

WE: Given a tighter budget than planned, what would you cut back on?

LHH: I think a lot of people would go straight for food, but also a lot of people paid a lot for ents. So I’d cut back on decorations because they’re less essential.

SL: I’d focus on keeping money for ents, I’ve already had some good ideas to save money for the ball such as making suitcases. I could make decorations very cheaply.

AC: The feast is the least glamorous ball. What about your theme would make people want to come?

SL: My theme is fairly unique and hasn’t been done before, A lot of themes are old and classy. People will think it’s new and different. Making it different but not unappealing.

LHH: My theme is all about glamour, you can wear what you like. Work with what you have and be funny. Express yourself.

CG: What would you do to ensure that feast is as sustainable as possible?

LHH: Minimise plastic plates, cutlery and straws. Also minimising transporting props from a long way. Local entertainment.

SL: Decorations would be a big one. I’d try to make most od them onsite out of recycled, materials. We could use old tin cans and cardboard boxes then paint them.

*SL is elected*


No Candidates

Bailey Wardrobe Manager




Request New Candidates



I think I’d be good because I’m very excited. The only thing I love more than cheap fashion is cheap sustainable fashion. The second reason is I’m good at organising things because I have to organise my life while doing two subjects. The third reason is I’d make sure to promote this as much as possible.


CP is way more qualified but I didn’t realise she was running


*WE withdraws*

EMM: Cuth’s doesn’t have much space, how will you get the dresses out of my room?

CP: I don’t know, if I was told off possible space I could try.

CG: How would you try to acquire more clothes?

CP: I think promotion is important. I know people that would donate clothes but don’t know they can. Selling them is a hassle so they would donate them.

*CP is elected*

Transgender and Non-Binary Rep

No Candidates

Assistant Working Class Students’ Rep

No Candidates

Method IV

Fluffy Socks Manager

*Stash Comm Beef*

Nominations: SM, CG, JR, KB, RH, MR, LP, SP, AW, EJ, SG, AC, GM

*GM is elected*


Sung with aplomb by JC and EAM, including one of the new verses.

Meeting Adjourned