JCR Meeting 2019-10-21

Setting: In Brooks bar, it’s very crowded and the U-shape makes it awkward. Raffle prizes today include some extremely chocolatey biscuits, LD’s frep jumper, a named Cuth’s jumper belonging to a graduate of 2017 and a picture of the Bailey with no scaffolding.

Present: EMM (President), JC (Vice-President), EAM, WE (Stool), SA (Outreach Chair), WB (Head Frep), SP (SRO), SW (Chair), AC (Sports & Societies Chair), CG (Communications Officer), MT (Junior SU Rep), LHH (Junior SU Rep), RJ (FCO), AB, AH (Female Welfare Officer), MW (Social Chair), LJAH (Welfare Campaigns Team), RM (LGBT+ Rep), JG, AJ (Librarian), ES (Senior Welfare Officer), CW (Climbing), EE (International Rep), JR (Facilities Manager), AL, JS (Working Class Students’ Rep), CM, FK, TP, LB, MMR (PoC Rep), SN, SM (Posrgradute and Mature Students’ Rep), HH, SL, SG, MAR, SR, DB, KM, HM, EG, SF, IC, AW

Apologies: RSD (Vice-Chair of Trustees)

Absent: EJ (Junior SU Rep), OT



JCR Reserves

Ball Discounts

Method II Sanctions

Voting Period

Transgender and Non-Binary Rep

Assistant Working Class Students’ Rep

Debating Society Budget


Method I

Student Trustee

Welfare Campaign Team Manager

Durham University Charities Committee (DUCK) Rep

Assistant Librarian

Method II

Junior Returning Officer (JRO) x2

Finance Committee Member x4

Music Room Manager

Assistant People of Colour (PoC) Representative

Assistant Students with Disabilities (SwD) Representative

Assistant LGBT+ Representative

Mature Students’ Representative

Fourth Year Representative

Postgraduate Welfare Representative

Assistant Music Representative

Minutes of previous meeting

*Passed on a general aye*


EAM – Resignation

I am writing in order to inform you all of my resignation of the position of Students with Disabilities rep within the JCR. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the position, and feel as if I have made an impact within the JCR that I can be proud of. I do however understand the gravity of the situation my resignation will impart, and as such am more than happy to signpost, inform and help in any way I can in the period it takes to elect my successor. Furthermore, a full and comprehensive handover with said successor will occur at our earliest convenience.

EMM – Etymology of the Spanish Language

I’ll pass paper around when I’m done. Hola, mi nombre es EMM. Me no gusta espanol. Me no gusta JC. This is the title. Grumpy baby EMM because I don’t want to be doing this. Since JC passed this he’s been tagging me in Spanish memes that I don’t understand and I angry react them. Now I’ve learned what they say and I’ll pass them around for you to see. This says “Excuse me, does the chicken come alone”, and the waitress says “no I’ll bring it”. Pollo comes from Latin pollus, young animal. I googled this one, still don’t get it. It’s a maths thing. Integrate comes form Latin intregat, “make whole”, adopted by Spanish in 17th Century. American Will, helped me understand this, it’s a dog saying “I could own all of this if I pissed on it.” Piss comes from Latin. This one took me a while despite saying Napoleon and Hitler. It says something about taking a coat on night out. Jacket comes from French Jacket. This one says when you ask friend for help with the subjunctive, and the man says “I can’t, I’m dead”. Apparently, it’s a hard thing. Etymology of dead was missing from Wiktionary. This one’s about drinking beer. It’s fun. But, in Spanish, beer is very different to other European languages because it comes from medieval French, which came from gallo-roman and roman god of harvest. This one just says llama llama llama. This is funny because it says llama lots. But they have different etymology for each meaning, how fun. This one is naughty. It says “I think you’re cute as fuck”, but they translated it and it means shit not fuck. From old Spanish. This one I didn’t look up, but sea lions look cute. The last one I was so proud f myself. Didn’t need to look it up. Tupac and ustedpac because tu isn’t formal but usted is. Etymology of tupac: Was born Lesane Parish Cook but was renamed at 1 year old after Tupac Amaru II who was a Peruvian revolutionary, came from the Quechua word for royal.

EAM: Which do you hate more…


CG: Can I forward you my Spanish horoscopes?



Debating Society Budget

Budget for 2019-20 CUTH’S DEBATING SOCIETY
What are your expected expenses?
Item Category Item price Total Cost Amended
Michaelmas Term Secretary’s Book  £        2.00
Gavel & Block  £        8.00
Bell  £        2.00
Epiphany Term
Easter Term
Total expected expenditure of club: £12.00 £0.00
Subs and other Income
Estimated number of members in 2019-20 20
Recommended self income:  £                                  6.00
Note: Recommended self income is based on the principle by which finance comm vets budgets, and you do not have to stick with it. Significant deviations will, however, be pointed out during the budget meeting.
Subs and other Self Income
Type of Membership/Payment Cost of Membership Estimated Number of Members/Payments Total Income Amended Cost
Standard (Training)  £                                                  1.00 10  £     10.00  £          –
 £                                                      –  £           –  £          –
 £                                                      –  £           –  £          –
Overall Total  £     10.00  £          –
Difference from Recommended:  £       4.00  £          –
Are you expecting any other sources of income in 2018 – 2019 and if so please indicate? (Sponsorship, Ticket Sales etc.)
Type of Income Value of Income Estimated Number of Payments Total Income
n/a  £           –
 £           –
 £           –
 £           –
Overall Total  £           –
Total Income  £     10.00
Funding Application
Total Expected Expenditure £12.00
Total Expected Income  £                                10.00
total funding requested from the jcr  £                                10.00
Net for year 2019-2020  £                                  8.00
Further Comments (E.g. Reasons for greater predicted expenditure, what subs are spent on, club structure)
Club is being formally re-launched this year, basic equipment needs re-buying
Members being defined as ‘those going to training’ w/ £1 fee
Attending and watching debates to be free
CDS kit may be also used by the JCR in meetings (e.g Gavel & Block, Bell et al.)


SP: Debating society is coming back to Cuth’s WOO. Asking for £20, £10 coming from subs for people who want training. All for equipment.

RJ: Finance Comm approves

*Passed on a general aye*

JCR Reserves

This JCR notes:

– Many sports & societies are in need of new equipment and kit

– The requested kit will be of long term benefit to the clubs and students


This JCR believes:

– We should spend some of our reserves on buying new equipment for our sports & societies

– This will be a sensible use of our reserves as it benefits students, is within the scope of our charitable aims and will last for a long time


This JCR resolves:

– To spend a sum of up to and no more than £9,000 (the exact figure will be at the FCO’s discretion) on new equipment for JCR sports and societies


Proposer: RJ

Seconder: EMM


RJ: Me and AC asked people what they wanted to buy that would be of long term benefit and last more than 3-5 years. Total comes to about £8k but asking for a bit more to allow for fluctuations. Also has to go through trustees so no guarantee of it being bought if this passes. We have sufficient reserves.

*Passed on a general aye*

Ball Discounts

This JCR notes:



This JCR believes:



This JCR resolves:




Proposer: ES

Seconder(s): MW, JS


ES: Last year there was a motion to give people who receive full Durham grant 50% off ball tickets. 61 people applied when we expected 41. We want it to be sustainable so we’re proposing reducing discount to 33% and estimating more people will claim it. Works out at the same cost to social comm.

*Passed on a general aye*

Method II Sanctions

The JCR Notes

The JCR Believes

The JCR orders

JCR Elections order

Article 2 Method 2 elections rules

1.4 Methods of Sanction

1.4.1 All methods of sanction will be decided upon by Governance Committee through a minuted meeting.

1.4.2 The complaint can be issued by an JCR Member within 24 hours of the start time of the relevant JCR Meeting. And the governance committee will be convened to discuss this within 48 hours of the complaints procedure being triggered.

1.4.3 The available methods of sanction to Governance Committee are: Docking of votes: Some of the candidate’s votes may be docked, up to a maximum of 20% of their total vote. If the docking of votes leads to a change in the elected candidate, the election must be re-run omitting the sanctioned candidate(s) at the discretion of Governance Committee. This election will be rerun in the next JCR meeting with the same candidates only omitting the sanctioned candidate. Disqualification: The candidate is removed from the election. The candidate with the second highest number of votes wins the election.


Proposer: SP

Seconder: EMM


SP: Currently some things are forbidden for method II elections, but there are no sanctions unlike in M1 elections. This is an attempt to allow us to enforce the rules.

*Passed on a general aye*

Voting Period

This JCR Notes:

This JCR Believes:

This JCR Repeals:

4.2. Election Duration 4.2.1. Online voting shall be open from midnight on the day of the meeting, and shall run until 16:00 on the third day after the meeting (exclusive), a period of 64 hours

This JCR Orders:

4.2. Election Duration 4.2.1. Online voting shall be open from midnight on the day of the meeting, and shall be open for a period of 48 hours except for elections run during meeting 2.1, which will open at midnight on the day of the meeting and shall be open for a period of 64 hours. Results shall be announced by the SRO at noon on the day of the close of the election.


Proposer: RJ

Seconder: EMM


RJ: Currently M1 elections last 64 hours, I want to change it to 48 hours because 60% of votes are cast on first day and very few on the last day so it won’t make much difference to turnout or results. But people post a lot on the last day which annoys people. It will also be less stressful for candidates. Won’t apply to tonight’s elections or elections in meeting 2.1

*Passed on a general aye*

Transgender and Non-Binary Rep

This JCR Notes: 

This JCR Believes:

This JCR orders:

Positions in the JCR order. (in membership of Campaigns team) Transgender and Non-Binary Students Representative.

7.8 Transgender and Non-Binary Students Representative

7.8.1 Elected via Method II, Meeting 1.2.

7.8.2 Their duties shall be to:

1) Represent the views of JCR members who identify as Transgender and Non-Binary,

2) Help provide safe spaces for JCR members who identify as Transgender and Non-Binary,

3) Campaign and raise awareness of issues that may affect JCR members who identify as Transgender and Non-Binary, and raise said issues in JCR meetings or with the Executive Committee as necessary,

4) Liaise with the Durham University Trans association when necessary and attend any relevant training by the DSU Trans association, and

5) Provide a handover to the incoming Transgender and Non-Binary Students Rep.

7.8.3. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Senior Welfare Officer.

Proposer: RM

Seconder: ES


RM: Want to have a transgender rep, method II, sits on welfare comm.

JR: Would they be automatic frep?

RM: Not written in.

SW: To clarify, it’s like a second assistant rep, none of the other assistants automatically frep. Sits on welfare campaigns team not welfare comm.

*Passed on a general aye*

Assistant Working Class Students’ Rep

This JCR notes:



This JCR believes:



This JCR orders:

Positions in the JCR order

Welfare Committee

(6.1.5) – It shall consist of:

8) People of Colour Representative (POC Rep),

9) Working Class Students Representative (WCS Rep), and

10) Any other JCR officer as deemed necessary in relation to the event.

Welfare Campaigns Committee

(7.1.5) – It shall consist of:

12) Working Class Students Representative (WCS Rep),

13) Assistant Working Class Students Representative


Assistant Working Class Students Representative

(Number here) – Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.2

(Number here) – Their duties shall be to:

  1. Represent the views of JCR members who self-identify as working class,
  2. Help provide safe spaces for JCR members self-identify as working class,
  3. Campaign and raise awareness of issues that may affect JCR members

who self-identify as working class, and raise said issues in JCR meetings or with

the Executive Committee as necessary,

  1. Liaise with the Durham Working Class Students Association when necessary

and attend any relevant training by the DSU WCS Association, and

  1. Provide a handover to the incoming Assistant Working Class Students Rep.

(Number here) – The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Senior Welfare Officer.


Proposer: ES

Seconder(s): JS


ES: All other minority reps have assistants, but working class students’ rep doesn’t. So we’re creating one.

*Passed on a general aye*


Method I

Student Trustee



Request New Candidates



You’ll probably know me as former SwD rep, I’ve raised awareness and helped a large minority. I think I can work for all of you to make sure that the JCR represents you and your interests. Will work to ensure charitable aims are fulfilled to serve you. Firstly, I have welfare experience, which isn’t currently held in the trustee board. This would give me useful knowledge when they consider welfare policy and would help me consult welfare. I love JCR governance, and recently rewrote hill walking constitution. I’m treasurer of hill walking and control £18k a year so I have good financial experience. I’m on exec of CRACAS and rounders, I frepped and understand Cuth’s well. My ideas: Push to publish minutes of trustee meetings, if that’s not possible then at least post a summary. Ensure people know what trustees are doing, and what our charitable aims are. Hold trustee drop in hours with other trustees to ensure accountability.


EMM: What part of being a trustee will you struggle with the most?

EAM: Workload, I do a high contact hour degree. But I’m good at managing my workload, and I only work 9-5 on my degree. Already dedicate 1 day a week to a society so if I’m strict I can manage.

Welfare Campaign Team Manager

No Candidates

Durham University Charities Committee (DUCK) Rep

No Candidates

Assistant Librarian



Request New Candidates



When I was little, my mum took me to bookstores on Wednesdays, and there was one time when the owner of the bookstore came and asked what I wanted to when I grew up. I said I wanted to work somewhere like here. Check with my mum if you want. Now I’m a grown up, and I found a place like that in the library, it also features tea and biscuits which I love. I’m also passionate about organising books, but I have 4 other traits. I volunteered in the library all of last year, and I produce for DST so I have experience in managing people. I’m responsible, organised and committed, and last year I never cancelled a shift and worked one nine hour week. I’m willing to go the extra mile for Cuth’s library. I’m enthusiastic about Cuth’s library and would bring themed socials. I’ll encourage team bonding through at least one social a term, advertising more on social media so more people can make the most of the library. Also want to introduce a feedback system to ensure we hear students’ concerns.


AJ: How would you encourage people to come to socials?

SN: My main idea is to have a shared calendar to avoid busy weeks with exams and summatives. Not everyone will come but need to publicise how fun they are.

EMM: What would you do if you found that someone had entered the library when they weren’t meant to?

SN: Remind them of fire regs and that we could get into trouble for that. Also try to look threateningly at them and show them the picture of AJ with a rounders bat.

CG: Do your best threatening look.

*SN smiles brightly at the whole room*

Method II

Junior Returning Officer (JRO) x2



Request New Candidates



JRO helps SRO ensure elections are run fairly and well advertised. I’m organised and keen to be involved because I love Cuth’s. I was president of a debating society so have experience of elections. I was involved in model UN so have experience of elections. Had a job throughout sixth form so organised. Want to see Cuth’s prosper.


SP: Do you know the difference between the constitution and standing orders?

SG: Constitution is rules for how we operate, but no.

*SG elected*

Finance Committee Member x4







Request New Candidates



Two things I love in life, a good beer and spending money. So vote for me. I don’t have a speech because I hate them. I’m actually quite stingy, and I financed my own gap year working in a tent company. I have a job here working for Wiff waff Monday, come along, £1 jager bombs. Hope I’ll be a good rep for fi comm.


Interested in how JCR runs, how financial decisions are made, where funds get allocated and why. Financial experience, did work experience in finance department of l’Oreal, did a module in accounting and finance so know about spreadsheets. In school did a project where I had to submit a balance sheet. Done some workshops on excel. Was on outreach last year so know how to balance committee and academic commitments.


Two things. Why I want to do role and why I’d be good. So far JCR is great and got involved with too many things. Freps were all great, and I want to help but also good experience for me. Doing an accounting module and an economics degree and did further maths, so good at maths and know about accounting, I’m hard working, dependable and a fast learner and I’ll listen to RJ.


Lots of experience with money in a business context, I’ve worked as an admin for a contractor where I handled invoices. Ran sixth form finance society. Work experience at HSBC, JP Morgan on the trading floor. Know how decision making works. I want to join Fi comm to get involved with JCR, and given my skills and experience this is the best way.


Currently I work at Wagamama which has taught me patience with public but also importance of working in a team, prioritisation and dedication. I do maths, which has taught me to be creative in problem solving, but I’m also analytical. This will be useful in bookkeeping and budgeting decisions. So far I’m managing to budget well so that skill will be applicable. I’d like to get involved in JCR and think finance comm is a crucial part of the JCR which it couldn’t run without.


RJ: What caused the 2008 financial crash?

MAR: Stocks

SR: Banks are institutionally unsecure because they lend long and receive short term. Causes problems. Also gov regs meant they had to give everyone loans.

KM: Started in America, spread to other countries. Started in housing market bubble caused by mortgage bonds. People were given loans that couldn’t repay.

AB: greed.

DB: During 1980s, Thatcher and Reagan de-regulated financial sector and the after effects allowed banks to operate without oversight which created bubble that then popped.

EMM: Hypothetically, a team in Cuth’s has submitted a budget, and want all of the money for personalised kit for each member. What would you do?

SR: I think that would be quite expensive, and would depend if they had a good deal. Depends on benefit to everyone else but seems very personal. Assess fairness.

KM: Personalised kit won’t last 3-5 years, just current year. So would need to look into maybe subsiding only part, but important to look into value for JCR members.

AB: See how much it costs. See what other teams do to avoid bias. Look at other colleges to see if it’s necessary. Weight it all up.

DB: Communicate with people to see if they actually need it. Maybe discuss alternative, maybe just numbered stash instead of personalised.

MAR: if it’s a team like exec where everyone was voted in then it seems reasonable, if it’s been passed at meetings it seems acceptable, bit needs to be looked at sincerely.

*DB, KM, AB, SR elected*

Music Room Manager



Request New Candidates



Currently president of Cuth’s big band so I use the music room a lot. Would make our lives a lot easier to have regular access. We can keep it tidy and organised, and work well with facilities to keep it together. Will use AW’ skills to make myself better.


AW: What’s the difference between a bongo and a conga?

AL: One’s a big drum, the other’s a smaller drum. Both are drums.

WE: What’s your favourite chord?

AL: I like A minor, simple but effective.

*AL elected*

Assistant People of Colour (PoC) Representative




Request New Candidates



As someone who is mixed race, I know it can be hard to identify. Even my mum didn’t know if I was PoC. Want to raise awareness that race is more than black and white, it’s complicated and lonely, so I want more info on that. Also want more about cultural backgrounds of students, because many people don’t understand other’s upbringing.


I feel very strongly about intersectional social issues and I want to translate that into action. I’m approachable and happy to talk about serious issues and casual discussion. Appreciate that everyone’s experience is different so I’d be happy to signpost to more knowledgeable people. I’d also like to have an impact by running fundraisers and drives.


EE: In most other colleges, PoC rep and international rep is all one, so how would you handle them being separate in terms of spreading work? Also, it’s a struggle with identifying, what would you tell a fresher with the same issue?

CW: I’d love to collaborate with international comm, but it’s really hard to distinguish whether people are PoC. Leads to a big identity crisis. I’d be happy to talk to people ABOUT it or direct them elsewhere. There’s no solution, just need to talk.

HM: Roles do link well together, but you can be a PoC from Britain, and they are often isolated and marginalised. So still separation. Being Latino is also weird, I’m often told I’m too white to be PoC but too Asian to be white. I want to make it clear that race isn’t just blank or white.

*HM Elected*

Assistant Students with Disabilities (SwD) Representative



Request New Candidates



Running because I want to use my own experience to represent members and allow people to feel safe and included. I have a disability which effected my life throughout sixth form. Getting the support I needed was difficult and led to me taking a year longer than planned on A levels, but I made it only because of support. Want to make our community accessible to all, including bringing in disabled speakers to events, which would provide them with employment and allow inspiration for students with disabilities.


EE: I also have a disability, sometimes in Cuth’s we don’t have access to facilities because people aren’t present to take care of them. Would you be willing to volunteer to help in those hours?

EG: I’d be happy to do it myself, but maybe a team should be co-ordinated for it.

EAM: If you could run any campaign in welfare, what would it be?

EG: So my illness is invisible which is why it took so long to get support, and a lot of people aren’t aware of these, so I think it would focuse on that.

*EG Elected*

Assistant LGBT+ Representative



Request New Candidates



Lived most of life in Turkey before moving to Northern Ireland. Neither of these countries are welcoming to LGBT+. So until now I’ve not a platform or representation, so I want to be a voice for that community. Want people to feel as welcomed as I did. Want to organise socials for LGBT+ people in Cuth’s, including alcohol free events.


RM: You’ll sit on welfare campaigns team, if you could run a campaign what would it be?

LJAH: It would be on LGBT+ inclusivity because the community is very divided and a lot of people feel excluded.

EG Orr: Pride is quit important to Cuth’s, would you want to get people involved as possible?

LJAH: Absolutely, it’s massive for us so I’d love as many people as possible to be involved, but also shouldn’t force people because some people aren’t comfortable.

WE: In my experience, a lot of people who aren’t in marginalised groups feel isolated in discourse, so how would you work to facilitate discourse among everyone while also hearing LGBT+ voices.

LJAH: Pride is a big focus because we are discriminated against, so not necessarily wanting everyone involved, but having allies marching would be lovely.

*LJAH Elected*

Mature Students’ Representative



Request New Candidates



Part of mature students’ association as treasurer. I’ve been in Durham for a few years, changed course. Through that, I’ve met a range of mature students from various colleges. Often we’ve not felt like we were part of our own college, possibly because we’re too old for 18 years olds and out of touch with postgrads. So I’d like to be a voice and a listening ear to mature students.


SM: If you could put on any event for mature students, what would it be?

SF: What would help is if there was more publicity around current events. Isolating mature students doesn’t work, we need to make it clear they can come to other things. Also important to show that there is space for them and other mature students to go to those events.

*SF Elected*

Fourth Year Representative



Request New Candidates



Hi everyone! My name’s OT, I’m a 4th year studying TPlogy, and I’m running for the position of 4th year rep. There are a few main reasons why I want to be the 4th year rep this year. Firstly, I actually believe that 4th years are people too, and that therefore they deserve to have their voices heard and their concerns represented. 4th year can be a strange time for many of us; whether you’re readjusting to Durham life after a year abroad, or just coping with the fact that lots of your friends have moved on to bigger and better things, it can leave you feeling a bit dislocated from college and the uni in general. As 4th year rep, I hope that I can help to combat this creeping existential dread by building and maintaining a network of 4th years in Cuth’s through which we can all make each others’ lives that little bit easier. On a personal note, I want this role because I haven’t been as involved with Cuth’s during my time here as I would have liked. Having this role would help me put that right and give me the chance to give something back to Cuth’s. I think that’s all that I want to say! Thanks for listening and I hope you’ll consider me! Cuth’s love xoxo


*OT Elected*

Postgraduate Welfare Representative



Request New Candidates



I’ve have a lot of experience as welfare, was a welfare officer during my undergrad. I’ve committed to several campaigns before, including Let’s talk on Men’s mental health about de-stigmatising talking about problems. I’d like to run a campaign on loneliness at university, which affects postgrads massively as I’m starting to realise. I think I’m in a good position to get postgrads involved with welfare.


SM: How would you tell postgrad that you’re the voice of welfare, and what they can do about issues?

HH: The difficult thing sis that postgrads are very diverse, even in degree style. Bridging that gap is difficult, but in the modern day a good tactic is social media, so we can use the Instagram accounts. But also important to realise not everyone uses social media so using website and emails. Also important to have events throughout the year, and make it clear that postgrads are welcome to things.

*HH Elected*

Assistant Music Representative



Request New Candidates



I play bass guitar and double bass. I love music and I love Cuth’s. Throughout the past year I’ve been heavily involved with Cuth’s music, I’m treasures for big band, played at 24 hour musical and feast. We have a lot of talent and capacity for events, but I also noticed that this year at freshers’ fair a lot of instruments couldn’t be taken on for big band. So these people have to look elsewhere. So I want to work with music committee to create a flourishing musical committee.


AW: Give me an idea for a new event at Cuth’s that would showcase our talent.

IC: With music, who you know is very important. Especially at Durham, networking is important. So maybe an event where any musician can come, they can form ensembles on the spot, have a jam and be seen by other people ad people who organise events.

WE: What’s your favourite chord other than A minor?

IC: A sharp diminutive

*IC Elected*


Sung with gusto by JC, CG and EAM, and with some enthusiasm by others. AL claps along.

Meeting Adjourned