JCR Meeting 2019-10-07

Setting: In the Bailey Bar, it’s very full with keen freshers. EMM has given out raffle tickets, with a grand prize of a JCR meeting flowchart signed by SWC and RJ. A photo of the Wendy House Garden and some biscuits are also available.

Sadly the bell is broken, so WN will have to pretend to be a bell. His stellar performance is met by thunderous applause.

Present: AC, ST (fashion show), KB, WE, HG, ZG, SS, SL (mixed lacrosse), LH, EJ, FK, MT, JH (environment rep), JC (Vice-president), EAM (Students with Disabilities rep), SWC (chair), AW (Music rep), SP (SRO), TP (karaoke), EMM (president), JR (Facilities Manager), RSD (Student trustee), SM (Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Chair), ES (Senior Welfare Officer), WN (Keeper of the Bell), SW (Assistant Brooks Bar Steward), RJ (Finance & Compliance Officer), JS (Working Class Students’ Rep), BS (Feminism), MC(Football – Men’s), RH, EO, MW (Social chair), AJ (Librarian), SA (Outreach Chair), ADC (Sports & Societies Chair), CG (Communications Officer), ACH (Female Welfare Officer), RM (LGBT+ rep), HJ (Rugby – men’s), WB (altsoc), HOHJ (art), AL( big band), AP (bodcon), NG (cheerleading), JD (Christian Union), AB(climbing), SLP (drama), JG (drama), MR (fashion show), SB(gardening), LE (hockey), AH (hockey), AJH (netball), HT (netball)

Apologies: EE (International Rep)

Absent: JW, VP, JP



Environment committee

Care about penguins again

4th year rep position

Postgrad welfare position

Michaelmas term jcr meetings

Positions in the jcr order

Overall 2019-2020 Budget

Femsoc Budget

Football (men’s) Budget


Method I

Welfare campaigns team manager

Fashion show president

Method II

Junior returning officer x3


Michaelmas ball manager

Postgradaute and mature students’ treasurer

Students’ union committee member x3

Minutes of previous meeting

*Minute passed on a general aye.*


Keeper of the Bell

The Bell is no longer in working condition, I apologise, and I’m hoping to fix it with fishing line and weights.




Finance & Compliance Officer


Got to grips with reclaims and budgeting system

Done loads of old reclaims and paid invoices as well as ongoing relcaims for freshers’ week

Reorganised online banking system

Worked out all S&S reserves and overall reserves

Made changes to overall budget

Updated Finance Policy

Updating finance/budget-related standing orders

2017/18 accounts in and sent off details for 18/19 accounts as well

Sorted the safe and took lots of money to the bank

Bought some new tech with alumni donation money


Done GDPR stuff

Registered with ICO

Started Asset tracking

Renewing Insurance

Helped write some new policy


Tidied Exec office

General clearing up and sorting out (including old financial records)

Helped with website e.g. editing old minutes to be GDPR compliant

Helped EMM

Wrote strategy for Brooks (incl. Brooks Fridays)

Interviewed new bar steward

Music room stock update and renewed contact with alumni donations (especially GKL Music Fund)

Chaired Indycomm (all the independent common rooms)

Social Chair


Senior Welfare Officer

Over the summer, I have been working on a Welfare Handbook to introduce the team and give information about how to access drop-ins and free sexual health supplies. There’s also a section on accessing non-JCR support, including the counselling service, college student support and external agencies. You can find it pinned on the Cuth’s Welfare Facebook page. Over Fresher’s Week, we ran Consent Workshops, and although we’re still waiting on numbers it’s estimated that we delivered them to around 70% of freshers which is much higher than other colleges and we’re really proud of that. This also means that around 300 freshers received a Welfare pack with our business card and some little freebies in them. During the week, we looked after many a drunk fresh, cleaned up our fair share of vomit and also introduced drop-in hours for Fresher’s Week. This week, applications for the Campaigns Team will be opened up and we will hold interviews next week, so if you’re keen to get involved please apply and remember you can get involved as an assistant minority rep in the next meeting. Also, there will be a Sexual Health and Alcohol Awareness roadshow towards the end of October so watch out for that!

International Rep

I would love to start my report by congratulating all the Freps that helped during International Freshers’ Week and all the parents and grandparents that made parents evening such a blast. I did enjoy myself, perphaps waay to much, hence why I’m writing this report as I experience the worst hangover in my life.

*coughs in spanish*

Soo the report:

Cuths managed a good selection of events for international students the week before induction. These events consisted of a pub quiz, a meet and greet service at the Newcastle Airport, shopping and groceries trips, a small Durham Tour, an afternoon tea party, an information fair event and a Castle Mixer at, yes you guessed it, Castle.

International Freshers week ran incredibly smooth except maybe for those fresh who forgot theirs IDs during Bar Crawl Night and University College who demonstrated they don’t know how to throw a party. Nonetheless, everything was sorted and both freps and freshers had a great time in Fabs.

I would like to thanks SM for hosting the Pub Quiz Night and sorting out pizzas for everyone. What an absolute legend.

Organizing internationals and distributing information was challenging, more so when there is so many things to know. In the following days, I will proceed to open applications for International Committee in the hopes of drafting a handy handbook altogether that could be published next year.

Anyone interested in applying for International Committee don’t hestitate to contact me personally or email me at :


Thank you all very much for your attention and time. I deeply apologise for not being present tonight. Hope you all have a wonderfull first meeting!

Outreach Committee Chair

Volunteer projects:

  1. Framda – depending how much interest we get from the freshers fair we should have a good amount of volunteers and will hopefully get going on the 15th October
  2. Jet – she’s avoiding my emails (bants)
  3. Rugby – me and HJ are starting a new volunteering scheme, going for a meeting with the school on Tuesday and starting the following Tuesday. DBS checked happening on Tuesday 15th evening

Fundraising event

– I have a few ideas on the go but need to get committee elected and together before we start planning

Big push to get committee sorted as soon as possible and get all the DBS checks done asap.

£1 of the freshers wristbands went to a charity of the freshers choice this year – so we’ve already raised £300/350, the final total is yet to be confirmed to me, for dash (Durham homelessness charity)

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair

Over the summer, I have produced a Postgrad Handbook which covers Cuth’s JCR, Freshers’ Week Info, Postgrad Life at Cuth’s, college, sports and societies and mature students.

I have also organised Postgrad Freshers Week which included a pub quiz, walking tour, meal out, day trip to newcastle, games night.

When planning Freshers’ Week, I contacted the other MCR Presidents/equivalent roles and put us in contact with each other so we could work together over the summer to work out what was going on.

I have also set up the first year of Postgrad families which aims to set students who have been in Cuth’s with those who haven’t and in a similar department.

Our Postgrad Instagram was also set up@cuthspg which has featured our new mascott pg tigs.

Finally I attended the first Presidents Forum, where a lot of the Postgrad reps brought up the problems we’ve had over summer with the delays that central admissions which meant colleges including Cuth’s were delayed in sending out information to new students, so we will continue to work on the issues this has caused at MCR PresComm.

Sports and Societies Chair

Submitted teams, organised freshers’ fair, arrange for people to meet with Jon and Liz, went to a meeting.

Commmunications Officer

Facilities Manager

Over summer I was in Durham doing odd jobs like ordering new wires and checking silent disco kit and re-organising and cleaning the bailey gym since the builders left it in a bit of a hazardous state when they left. Over fresher’s week I’ve just been setting up tech for the different events going on and now feel very comfortable with all the equipment we have, including the new lights that were purchased last term. Me and RJ have also worked out some admin forms, such as hire forms, gym waiver etc.

I have also started running gym inductions this week, after attending a training at Maiden Castle during fresher’s week, sorry for the delay in getting these started – I’ve been knackered. I am also working on a long term plan for investing some money into the gyms between now and the next meeting so please email me at facilities@cuths.com if you have any suggestions, no matter how big or small they may be.

The music room is now running on an online timetable system, I will inform the brooks receptionist about this so please don’t pickup the key unless you have booked it online also. If you do then the person who has booked online has full rights to kick you out.

Lastly, I’m prepping an inventory of all the kit we have in cuths (including the new £3k worth of green machine equipment) so that we can hire them to other colleges and make some money, we have also purchased more silent disco kit so that we can run multiple hires simultaneously.


Vice-Chair of Trustees


Overall 2019-2020 Budget

Budget Heading Predicted Expenditure
Reserves Brought Forward Budgeted Expenditure Actual Expenditure Predicted Income 2019-2020 Actual Income Budget Allocation (JCR
Allocation = levies + composition fee)
Predicted Net Expenditure
Budgeted Net Expenditure
Art £475.00 £60.22 £498.75 £140.00 £358.75 £335.00 £358.75
Badminton £1,116.00 £965.77 £1,171.80 £454.00 £717.80 £662.00 £717.80
Basketball £380.00 -£13.54 £399.00 £190.00 £209.00 £190.00 £209.00
Big Band £340.00 £519.53 £357.00 £170.00 £187.00 £170.00 £187.00
Boat Club £18,977.00 £13,238.00 £19,925.85 £9,400.00 £10,525.85 £9,577.00 £10,525.85
Choir £1,125.00 £401.05 £1,181.25 £300.00 £881.25 £825.00 £881.25
Climbing £2,750.00 £140.00 £2,887.50 £1,375.00 £1,512.50 £1,375.00 £1,512.50
Cricket £317.00 £246.15 £332.85 £160.00 £172.85 £157.00 £172.85
Darts £154.00 £98.00 £161.70 £50.00 £111.70 £104.00 £111.70
Drama £2,100.00 £3,156.57 £2,205.00 £2,290.00 -£85.00 -£190.00 -£85.00
Football (Men’s) £5,139.00 £0.00 £5,395.95 £2,645.00 £2,750.95 £2,494.00 £2,750.95
Football (Women’s) £485.00 £167.72 £509.25 £315.00 £194.25 £170.00 £194.25
Frisbee £162.50 £162.50 £170.63 £40.00 £130.63 £122.50 £130.63
Gardening £21.00 £0.00 £22.05 £0.00 £22.05 £21.00 £22.05
Hockey £1,370.00 £272.76 £1,438.50 £750.00 £688.50 £620.00 £688.50
Karaoke £40.00 £13.89 £42.00 £0.00 £42.00 £40.00 £42.00
Mixed Lacrosse £510.00 -£170.00 £535.50 £300.00 £235.50 £210.00 £235.50
Netball £502.50 £540.81 £527.63 £240.00 £287.63 £262.50 £287.63
Pool £458.00 £413.10 £480.90 £613.00 -£132.10 -£155.00 -£132.10
Ripped Off £35.00 £0.00 £36.75 £40.00 -£3.25 -£5.00 -£3.25
Rugby (Men’s) £1,647.00 £100.00 £1,729.35 £840.00 £889.35 £807.00 £889.35
Rugby (Women’s) £382.00 £251.17 £401.10 £286.00 £115.10 £96.00 £115.10
Running £1,012.50 £0.00 £1,063.13 £506.25 £556.88 £506.25 £556.88
Swimming £2,062.00 £0.00 £2,165.10 £1,031.00 £1,134.10 £1,031.00 £1,134.10
Wildcats Cheerleading £420.00 £0.00 £441.00 £80.00 £361.00
Ringfenced £2,000.00
Good lad
Sports and Socs £41,980.50 £22,215.25 £23,864.28 £19,425.25 £21,503.28
Newspapers/Journals £500.00 £700.00 £0.00 £700.00 £500.00 £700.00
Music Room £100.00 £150.00 £0.00 £150.00 £100.00 £150.00
Green Machine £1,500.00 £1,700.00 £1,000.00 £700.00 £500.00 £700.00
Gym £200.00 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 £200.00 £500.00
Non-Sport Facilities £0.00 £0.00
Bar £0.00 £0.00
Facilities £2,300.00 £1,000.00 £2,050.00 £1,300.00 £2,050.00
Presidential Salary £14,014.00 £14,014.00 £0.00 £14,014.00 £14,014.00 £14,014.00
FCO Salary £11,211.20 £11,211.20 £0.00 £11,211.20 £11,211.20 £11,211.20
Accountancy Training £100.00 £150.00 £0.00 £150.00 £100.00 £150.00
President’s &FCO’s Flat & Council Tax £10,000.00 £10,000.00 £0.00 £10,000.00 £10,000.00 £10,000.00
Exec Handover £50.00 £50.00 £0.00 £50.00 £50.00 £50.00
Trustee Expenses £500.00 £750.00 £0.00 £750.00 £500.00 £750.00
Other £0.00 £50.00 £0.00 £50.00 £0.00 £50.00
Officer Expenses £35,875.20 £0.00 £36,225.20 £35,875.20 £36,225.20
Printing £200.00 £200.00 £0.00 £200.00 £200.00 £200.00
Insurance £4,000.00 £4,500.00 £0.00 £4,500.00 £4,000.00 £4,500.00
Website £80.00 £100.00 £0.00 £100.00 £80.00 £100.00
Auditing £2,000.00 £2,400.00 £0.00 £2,400.00 £2,000.00 £2,400.00
Bank Charges £150.00 £200.00 £0.00 £200.00 £150.00 £200.00
Sage £204.00 £220.00 £0.00 £220.00 £204.00 £220.00
Other £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Admin £6,434.00 £0.00 £7,420.00 £6,434.00 £7,420.00
£0.00 £0.00
Budget Heading
Participation Fund £400.00 £600.00 £0.00 £0.00 £400.00 £600.00
Awards (Colours & DLB) £500.00 £700.00 £0.00 £700.00 £500.00 £700.00
Team Photos for Bar £144.00 £200.00 £0.00 £200.00 £144.00 £200.00
Art Supplies £200.00 £600.00 £0.00 £600.00 £200.00 £600.00
Post-Grad Committee £750.00 £1,000.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 £750.00 £1,000.00
International Committee £150.00 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 £150.00 £500.00
Environmental Committee £50.00 £100.00 £0.00 £100.00 £50.00 £100.00
Social Committee (Activities) £100.00 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 £100.00 £500.00
Outreach Committee £300.00 £500.00 £0.00 £500.00 £300.00 £500.00
Governance Committee £200.00 £200.00 £0.00 £200.00 £200.00 £200.00
Welfare Committee £500.00 £750.00 £0.00 £750.00 £500.00 £750.00
Executive Committee £100.00 £200.00 £0.00 £200.00 £100.00 £200.00
Committees & Awards £3,394.00 £0.00 £5,250.00 £3,394.00 £5,250.00
Staff £1,500.00 £1,500.00 £0.00 £1,500.00 £1,500.00 £1,500.00
Non-Staff £500.00 £700.00 £200.00 £500.00 £300.00 £500.00
Library £2,000.00 £200.00 £2,000.00 £1,800.00 £2,000.00
Fresher’s Week £8,000.00 £8,400.00 £11,500.00 £0.00 -£3,500.00 -£3,100.00
Michaelmas Ball £31,500.00 £33,075.00 £30,500.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 £2,575.00
Refresher’s £500.00 £525.00 £1,500.00 £0.00 -£1,000.00 -£975.00
Feast of St Cuthbert £9,500.00 £9,975.00 £12,000.00 £0.00 -£2,500.00 -£2,025.00
Open Days £1,000.00 £1,050.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 £1,050.00
Cuth’s Day £28,500.00 £29,500.00 £22,000.00 £7,500.00 £6,500.00 £7,500.00
Summer Ball £68,500.00 £70,000.00 £59,000.00 £11,000.00 £9,500.00 £11,000.00
Formals £0.00 £0.00
£0.00 £0.00
Events £147,500.00 £136,500.00 £18,500.00 £11,000.00 £16,025.00
£0.00 £0.00
Donations £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
GKL Music Fund £0.00 £0.00 £1,200.00 £0.00 -£1,200.00 -£1,200.00
University Grant £0.00 £0.00 £15,402.00 £0.00 -£15,402.00 -£15,402.00
Levies £0.00 £0.00 £65,350.00 £0.00 -£65,350.00 -£65,350.00
Investment £0.00 £0.00 £3,000.00 £0.00 -£3,000.00 -£3,000.00
Bar transfer £0.00 £0.00 £1,000.00 £0.00 -£1,000.00 -£1,000.00
Merchandise £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Other £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Reliable Income £0.00 £85,952.00 £0.00 -£85,952.00 -£85,952.00
£239,483.70 £245,867.25 £95,309.48 # -£6,723.55 £4,521.47


RJ: This was passed last year and just minor changes. Reducing newspapers, fixing s&s, added a music room budget which is separate to GKL fund, added printing budget, added income from library and diss binding. Result was too much surplus, so reallocated some to subsidise Cuth’s day and summer ball by £2k more.

No Opposition or Amendments.

*Passed on a general aye*

Femsoc Budget

Budget for 2019-20
What are your expected expenses?
Item Category Item price Quantity Total Cost Amended
Michaelmas Term Black History Month Workshop (LE)  £
1  £
Chris Hemmings Talk (Cuth’s Men’s  £
1  £
Rugby to pay other 100 pounds)  £
Epiphany Term Collaboration w/Art Soc + 50 years   £
of women in Cuths events  £
Easter Term 50 years of women in Cuths  £
expected expenditure of club:
 £     280.00  £
Subs and other Income
Estimated number of members in 2019-20 70
Recommended self income:
Recommended self income is based on the principle by which finance comm vets
budgets, and you do not have to stick with it. Significant deviations will,
however, be pointed out during the budget meeting.
Subs and other Self Income
Type of Membership/Payment Cost of Membership Estimated Number of Members/Payments Total Income Amended Cost
Standard  £
pay as
you go – black history month workshop
50  £
pay as
you go – Chris Hemmings talk
50  £
 £ 100.00  £                 
from Recommended:
Are you
expecting any other sources of income in 2018 – 2019 and if so please
indicate? (Sponsorship, Ticket Sales etc.) 
Type of Income Value of Income Estimated Number of Payments Total Income
Sponsorship  £
 £ 120.00
Funding Application
Expected Expenditure
 £                             280.00
Expected Income
 £                             100.00
requested from the JCR
 £                             100.00
Net for year 2019-2020                                80.00
Under normal
cicrumstances, surplasses are stored in a club’s reserves and deficits are
taken from reserves. If you would like a different arrangement, please
explain here.
please explain here.
Further Comments (E.g. Reasons for greater
predicted expenditure, what subs are spent on, club structure)
It is worth
noting that the JCR funded for a speaker to visit Durham last year, the full
fee given to Fem Soc was 75 pounds. 
Michaelmas term does seem quite expensive,
however this is because we wish to invite two speakers to Durham, and they
are asking for us to cover some
costs (LE
is asking us to cover travel and Chris is charging 200 pounds for speaking).
These talks would be of benefit to the entire JCR and we would be expecting a
large turnout to both, especially the Chris Hemmings talk as this is
hopefully will be in collaboration with Cuth’s Men’s Rugby.
For the other two terms, we are asking for 50
pounds each to fund various events. This is including events and celebrations
for 50 years of women in Cuths –
which Prinicpal
EA is very enthusiastic about. Please note that we wish to
source income from other avenues (sponsorship, etc.) but we currently do not
know how much income this will bring in.


BS: Last year asked for £25 for a talk, was suggested we ask for a budget. A bit more hefty in Michalemas term because 2 speakers are coming in. Hoping to subsidise entry. People think femsoc is quite small but we won best society last year. Budget isn’t that big but it benefits everyone. We want to do workshops, people can pay more or less if they want. Hoping for sponsorship and SCR funding.

RJ: Worked with femsoc on budget, all fine. Happy with it going forward.

WN: has date of lads one been moved?

BS: Trying to move it.

*No amendments or opposition.*

*Budget passed on a general aye.*

Football (men’s) Budget

Budget for 2019-20
What are your expected expenses?
Item Category Item price Quantity Total Cost Amended
League Entry + FA Affiliation  £
1  £
Referee Fees (League)  £
42  £
Referee Fees (Cup)  £
12  £
Crumb Hire (training)  £
20  £
New Match Footballs  £
7  £
New First Aid Kits  £
7  £
New Bibs  £
                     50  £
New Training Footballs  £
14  £
Floodlit Fixtures  £
2  £
Referee Fees (League)  £
38  £
Referee Fees (Cup)  £
10  £
 £                    £                     
Crumb Hire (training)  £
20  £
 £                    £                     
 £                    £                     
 £                    £                     
 £                    £                     
Crumb Hire (Parson Vs Bailey)  £
1  £
 £                    £                     
 £                    £                     
 £                    £                     
 £                    £                     
expected expenditure of club:
 £      3,865.50  £
Subs and other Income
Estimated number of members in 2019-20 85
Recommended self income: 0
Recommended self income is based on the principle by which finance comm vets
budgets, and you do not have to stick with it. Significant deviations will,
however, be pointed out during the budget meeting.
Subs and other Self Income
Type of Membership/Payment Cost
of Membership
Number of Members/Payments
Total Income Amended Cost
member subs (A-C teams)
 £                                  30.00 35  £
member subs (D-G teams)
 £                                  18.00 50  £
 £                       £                     
 £                       £                     
 £                       £                     
 £                       £                     
 £                       £                     
 £                       £                     
from Recommended:
Are you
expecting any other sources of income in 2018 – 2019 and if so please
indicate? (Sponsorship, Ticket Sales etc.) 
Type of Income Value
of Income
Number of Payments
Total Income
Funding Application
Expected Expenditure
Expected Income
Funding Requested from the JCR
Net for year 2018-2019  £
Under normal
cicrumstances, surplasses are stored in a club’s reserves and deficits are
taken from reserves. If you would like a different arrangement, please
explain here.
please explain here.
Further Comments (E.g. Reasons for greater
predicted expenditure, what subs are spent on, club structure)
Have budgeted
for two crumb sessions per week depending on interest from the C and D team


MC: Didn’t get passed last year, but we haven’t changed anything. Some subs have been raised. Also want to buy new balls and bibs. League costs, pitch fees etc.

RJ: Inline with funding guidelines so happy with it.

WN: Why didn’t it go through and what changed?

MC: Got rid of training in Summer

*No amendments or opposition*

*Budget passed on a general aye*

Environment Committee

This JCR notes:

This JCR believes:

  1. To promote environmentally positive action which will aid the environment around college and the wider Durham area, including primary action such as litter picking.
  2. To encourage Cuth’s students to become more aware of environmental issues and to publicise environmental issues in the local community.
  3. To aid other environmental groups within the university and local community.
  4. To ensure the environment of college is adequately cared for, and that college takes necessary steps to ensure a low carbon footprint, minimum waste and the protection of natural habitats.

This JCR resolves:

  1. Environment Rep (Chair) – Their duties shall include overseeing the general function of the Committee including but not limited to; calling and chairing meetings, liaising with committee members frequently to discuss current actions being taken by the committee, and responsible for communication with the JCR. Method I Meeting 3.1
  2. Secretary/Media Manager – Their duties shall include: Taking minutes of every committee meeting and being responsible for any media interaction whether it be online e.g. via Facebook or in print form such as in the JCR newsletter. Method II Meeting 1.2
  3. Treasurer/ Events Manager – Their duties shall be if necessary, to oversee the financial aid given to the committee by the JCR and ensure all financial records are clear and accounted for. This role will also include being responsible for the smooth running of events created by the committee. Method II Meeting 1.2
  4. 1 x Committee member – Their duties shall be to aid the other members of the committee in their given tasks and to assist in the completion of the committee’s primary aims. Method III Meeting 1.2
  5. The JCR President – Will assist the committee in planning events and act as a guide for how the committee should function.

Proposed by: JH Seconded by: EO


JH: Wasn’t an environment committee, so want to make one. Creating 3 positions. Environment rep will become Method I.

JC: Committee role is currently in believes. Should be in orders.

*Amended proposed to move committee role to orders section.*

*Amendment passed on a general aye*

EAM: Question for SP – going to be in meeting 1.2, how will this fit with new election calendar?

SWC: Can’t say before motion. If it passes will stay as meeting 1.2

EAM: JH, could we move them to 1.3? About 2-3 weeks later. Previous year’s committee would still exist. Better to keep early meetings free.

JH: fine

EAM: Amendment that all positions moved to 1.3

AW: Why not Method 3?

JH: Think this is better.

SP: democracy is good.

JC: all positions?

EAM: Not environment rep.

*No opposition, amendment passed on general aye.*

JH: Method 3 is a good idea.

AW: Amendment to make positions other than environment rep method 3.

SP: Method 2 is good because people show up and decide to run.

TP: Who would decide who gets places?

JH: I guess just me.

EMM: POI method 3 is generally at least 3 people, which include pres and/or vp and other exec meeting. All have unconscious bias training and will be able to help.

*Opposition to amendment.*

*Amendment passed*

SWC: Motion is now for method 3 positions

JC: Nothing about removing environment rep from facilities committee.

SWC: Now ex officio but not removed.

*No opposition to motion*

*Motion passed on a general aye*

Care About Penguins Again

This JCR Notes

This JCR Believes

This JCR Resolves

This JCR Mandates

Proposed: CG

Seconded: EAM, HG, VP, SP, JP, EE, JC, JR, JH, EE, JC, JR


CG: We found minutes from an old meeting where the JCR choose to adopt a penguin because it’s unofficial bar mascot. I’d like to adopt a penguin for no more than £45 per year. We’ll get a cuddly toy, can put it at Brooks bar for Brooks Friday. The penguin will be a lifetime member of JCR.

EMM: POI I care about this right now because people at the top of the uni are deciding mascots and want to make South College have a penguin, it’s really pissed me off that they didn’t bother to ask any other college. Showing we care about penguins will be a massive win.

*Thunderous applause*

RH: What happens when it dies?


CG: It’s not a whole penguin, we just support some penguins. Cuddly penguin will never die.

EO: Why penguin and not tiger?

CG: To honour the original motion, also because of climate change penguins are dying.

JR: Stupid question

*Shut down*

SWC: Let’s all listen to each other.

WN: Another stupid question

*Shut down*

TP: POI that this would be charity giving money to another charity.

SWC: We definitely can.

RSD: Fine as long as trustees agree.

EAM: Amendment to modify 45 to 45 Kenyan Shillings

SWC: Too much time wasting, vetoed, all assume it’s £45.

EMM: Although tiger is proper mascot, lash penguin is behind bar, he’s a legit mascot. I would also like to propose we discuss with trustees first.

CG: Can we not change to raise?

RSD: This is allowed as long as it’s in favour of Cuth’s members which it is.

EMM: Amendment retracted.

JH: Amendment to change sonnet to rhyming report

*No questions or opposition*

*Amendment passed on a general aye*.

*No opposition to motion*

*Motion passed on a general aye*

4th Year Rep Position

This JCR Notes

– Postgraduate and Mature Students Committee represents postgraduates, mature students and 4th year students

– Currently there is a Postgraduate Representative and Mature Students’ Representative on the committee.

-There is no specific representative for Fourth Year Students.


This JCR Belives

-That having a Fourth Year Rep on Postgraduate Committee would ensure that this group is fully represented

This JCR Orders

Positions in the JCR Order

(Number here) – (In Postgrad Comm shall consist of) Fourth Year Rep

(Number here) Fourth Year Rep Method II Meeting 1.2

(Number here) Their duties shall be

  1. To represent the views of Fourth Year Students to the committee
  2. To ensure that Fourth Year students are welcome and informed about events run by the committee


Proposer: SM

Seconder: JW


SM: Very simple, PGM comm represents 4th years too but not many people know. We have a pg rep and mature students’ rep and want to create 4th year rep.

*No questions or amendments*

*No opposition*

*Passed on a general aye*

Postgrad Welfare Position

This JCR Notes

This JCR Believes

This JCR Orders

Positions in the JCR Order

9.5.11 (in PGM comm shall consist of) Postgraduate Welfare Representative

9.17 Postgraduate Welfare Representative Method II Meeting 1.2

9.17.1 Their duties shall be:

  1. Help to provide information relating how to access to welfare and support to those postgraduate students who may require it
  2. Raise issues relating to postgraduates during Welfare Campaign Team meetings
  3. Campaign and raise awareness for welfare issues that may affect postgraduate students
  4. Raise any relevant general welfare concerns and issues during meetings of the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee (In membership of welfare campaigns team) Postgraduate Welfare Representative


Proposer: JC

Seconders: SM, ES, EMM


JC: Want to create a pg welfare rep, will sit on welfare campaigns and not do drop-ins.

WN: Will we get anyone?

JC: Lots of freshers are interested, and having a position which isn’t filled is no worse than not having a position.

EAM: POI Some reps to do have drop-ins.

*No amendments or Oppositions*

*Passed on a general aye*

Michaelmas Term JCR Meetings

Michaelmas Term JCR Meetings Motion

This JCR Notes:

This JCR Believes:

This JCR Repeals:

This JCR Orders:

Proposer: SWC

Seconder: RJ


SWC: This was proposed on gov comm then brought to exec. Meetings are too long so we want to make more to split things up. First meeting of Michaelmas will be split into 2. Some elections will be shifted.

*No questions or amendments*

*No opposition*

*Motion passed on a general aye*

Positions in the JCR Order

Positions in the JCR Motion

This JCR Notes:

This JCR Believes:

This JCR Repeals:

This JCR Orders:


St Cuthbert’s Society JCR

Article 1 Electable Positions in the JCR

Nomenclature 4

Election Methods 4

Executive Committee 6

President of the Society 8

Vice-President 8

Finance and Compliance Officer (FCO) 9

Librarian 9

Senior Welfare Officer 10

International Representative 10

Outreach Committee Chair 11

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair 11

Sports and Societies Chair 11

Social Committee Chair 12

Communications Officer 12

JCR Chair 13

Facilities Manager 13

Governance Committee 14

Senior Returning Officer (SRO) 14

Junior Returning Officer (JRO) 15

Stool 15

Finance Committee 15

Finance Committee Member 17

Welfare Committee 17

Welfare Officer x2 (one Male, one Female) 18

Students with Disabilities Representative 19

LGBT+ Representative 19

People of Colour Representative 20

Welfare Campaigns Committee 21

Campaign Team Manager 21

Assistant Students with Disabilities Representative 22

Assistant LGBT+ Representative 22

Assistant People of Colour Representative 22

Working Class Students’ Representative 23

International Welfare Representative 23

Campaign Team Member 23

Outreach Committee 24

DUCK Rep 24

DUCK Liaison Officer 25

Publicity Officer 25

Events Manager 25

Project Coordinator 25

Outreach Committee Member 26

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee 26

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Vice-President 27

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Treasurer 27

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Social Secretary 27

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Academic Representative 28

Mature Students’ Representative 28

Postgraduate Representative 29

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ International Representative 29

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Students’ Union Representative 29

Facilities Committee 29

Gym Manager 30

Music Room Manager 30

Green Machine Manager 31

Green Machine Technician 31

Environment Representative 31

Social Committee 32

General Social Committee Member 32

Michaelmas Ball Manager 33

Feast Manager 33

Summer Ball Manager 33

Cuth’s Day Manager 33

Formals Manager 34

Students’ Union Committee 34

Students’ Union Committee Member 35

Library Committee 36

Assistant Librarian 36

Stock Managers 36

Volunteer Librarians 36

International Committee 37

International Events Manager 37

International Campaigns Manager 38

International Publicity Manager 38

Year Abroad and Placement Committee 38

Year Abroad and Placement Representative 38

Year Abroad Representative 39

Year in Industry Representative 39

Returner Representative 40

Music Committee 40

The Music Representative 40

The Assistant Music Representative 41

Other Positions 41

Student Trustee 41

Assistant Brooks Bar Steward 42

Senior Induction Week Representative (Head Frep) 42

Sports and Societies Reporter 43

Webmaster 43

Fashion Show President 43

Method IV Positions 43

Leader of the Song 43

The Orbiting Professor of Martian Anthropology 44

The Golden Bedspring for Fornication 44

The Red Herring for Persistent and Unadulterated Lying 44

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Award 44

The Soft Cushion for Academic Blagging 44

The Wooden Spoon for Stirring Disharmony 44

The Anonymous Magistrate’s Paper Bag for Technicolour Yawning 44

The Keeper of the Couplets 44

The Wincrete Memorial Trophy 44

The Keeper of the Glass Bell 44

Fluffy Sock Manager 45




JCR The Junior Common Room of St Cuthbert’s Society


The Society St Cuthbert’s Society


SU The Durham University Student’s Union


DUCK The Durham University Charities Committee


SCA Durham Student Community Action


Meeting 1.2 Denotes the 2nd meeting of the 1st term of the academic year


LI-B / LI-P Denotes a Live-In position within either Bailey or Parson’s Field housing


Method I/II/III/IV Denotes the method of election for a position. See Section 2.


Trustee A Trustee as per the Charities Act of 2011


Fresher An undergraduate or postgraduate in their first year of study


DUVS Durham University Voting System found at apps.dur.ac.uk/vote


STV Single Transferable Vote. A method of voting whereby candidates shall be eliminated in increasing order of votes received, and their votes transferred to the voters’ second choice, until a single candidate has a majority vote.


Ex-Officio      An individual that sits on a committee by virtue of another office held and is not elected specifically onto that committee.




    1. There shall be five methods of election for a JCR position. See the Election Rules Order for more information on the regulations and procedure of the different election methods.
      1. There shall be a period of campaigning.
      2. Voting shall be done online via the DUVS using the STV method of voting.
      1. There shall be a period of campaigning.
      2. Voting shall be done online via the DUVS using the STV method of voting.
      1. There shall be no period of campaigning.
      2. Candidates shall be permitted short husts to be delivered during a General Meeting.
      3. Voting shall be done by secret ballot during the same General Meeting in which the husts are given by close-eyed show of hands.
      4. If a position remains unfilled after three consecutive elections, it may be run as a Method III position at any point in the rest of the academic year.
      1. There shall be no period of campaigning.
      2. The election of officers shall be done via an application and selection process, that is co-ordinated by a specified overseer.
      3. Successful candidate(s) will be chosen by the overseer following consultation with and approval from the JCR President and Vice-President, and consultation with anyone else deemed necessary.
      4. If the position(s) are not filled, the overseer may re-open nominations at a later date at their own discretion.
      1. Candidates may be nominated by any member of the JCR.
      2. Voters shall show their preference for a particular candidate by general acclamation. 
      3. The SRO shall decide on the victor at their own discretion.
      1. Method I (Presidential): this method of election shall be reserved for only the election of the President of the Society and the Finance and Compliance Officer.
      2. Method I: This method of election shall be used for all positions on the Executive Committee (with the exception of the President of the Society and the FCO) as well as for other senior non-executive officers.
      3. Method II: This method of election shall be used for the election of officers not using Method I (Presidential), or Method I voting.
      4. Method III: This method of election will be used for the election of officers not using Method I (Presidential) or Method I voting.
      5. Method IV: this method of election shall be used almost only in the giving of awards in the final General Meeting of the academic year.




    1. There shall exist an Executive Committee who shall have responsibility for the day-to-day running of the JCR. 
      1. Executive Committee meetings shall be called by the President of the Society;
      2. The Committee shall be chaired by the President of the Society and minuted by the Vice-President;
      3. It shall meet at least thrice termly.
    2. The Executive Committee shall consist of:
  1. President of the Society,
  2. Vice-President,
  3. Finance and Compliance Officer (FCO),
  4. Senior Welfare Officer,
  5. Facilities Manager,
  6. Communications Officer,
  7. Outreach Chair,
  8. Librarian,
  9. Social Chair,
  10. Postgraduate and Mature Students Committee Chair,
  11. International Rep,
  12. JCR Chair, and
  13. Sports and Societies Chair.
    1. All Executive Committee members shall perform any other reasonable duties as requested by the President of the Society.
    2. The JCR empowers the Executive Committee to hold any JCR Officer personally liable for any expenditure not previously agreed by the JCR, or the Executive Committee.
    3. The Executive Committee may approve expenditure up to the value of £100 and may make recommendations to Finance Committee that expenditure up to the value of £300 is incurred.
    4. Members of the Executive Committee who live in college accommodation shall represent the views and concerns of Livers In to the Executive Committee.
    5. There shall be a priority system for allocating the rooms in college set aside for the Executive Committee:
      1. The available rooms on each site will be offered sequentially to elected officers according to the priorities list.
      2. After being elected, officers who wish to live in must declare this within one week, and the site on which they wish to live.
      3. If they do not, they will lose their priority, and the rooms will be offered to officers who are elected later.
      4. If a position is not elected during the meeting it is first offered at but is elected subsequently, the officer that is elected may not have an Exec room that has already been allocated, regardless of priority.
      5. If, after the entire Executive Committee as been elected, some of the rooms have not been allocated, officers who previously declared that they would live out will be given a second opportunity to live in, with priority following the priority list.
      6. The President of  the Society and the Finance and Compliance Officer will not be included in this system as they are required to live in, and the relevant flats will always be reserved for them.
      7. The Senior Welfare officer will not be permitted an Exec room.
      8. The priority list for the Bailey rooms will be as follows:
  1. Vice-President
  2. Librarian
  3. Facilities Manager
  4. Postgraduate and Mature Students Committee Chair
  5. International Rep
  6. Social Chair
  7. Sports and Societies Chair
  8. JCR Chair
  9. Communications Officer
  10. Outreach Chair
      1. The priority list for the Brooks room(s) will be as follows:
  1. Postgraduate and Mature Students Committee Chair
  2. Facilities Manager
  3. International Rep
  4. Vice-President
  5. Social Chair
  6. JCR Chair
  7. Sports and Societies Chair
  8. Communications Officer
  9. Outreach Chair
  10. Librarian
    1. Members of the Executive Committee, may at the discretion of the President and Social Chair receive up to 40% discounts on ticket prices for college events, on the premise that they are fulfilling their Executive role adequately, and are involved in the setting up, organising or clearing up of the event. If they are deemed to not be fulfilling their role adequately no discount will be received.

President of the Society

      1. Elected via: Method I (Presidential), Meeting 2.1.
      2. The President of the Society shall represent the JCR and the Society at all levels to ensure their maximum benefit and report back to the JCR and Society.
      3. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Have the authority to discipline all Society members in cases where their behaviour is found to be offensive or detrimental to the well-being of the JCR, Society or Society Members,
  2. Monitor all JCR Officers’ activities and they should be ready to assume their responsibilities if these are becoming detrimental to their academic progress, and
  3. Perform other reasonable duties as required.
      1. They shall live in Society accommodation on the Bailey
      2. The JCR will pay any Council Tax and rent the President of the Society is liable for as a result of living in Society accommodation.
      3. They shall receive a wage in line with the National Minimum Wage, as stipulated in the Presidential Contract of Service;
      4. The President of the Society must sign the Presidential Contract of Service which shall be counter-signed by the Trustees on the JCR’s behalf.
      5. A copy of the Presidential Contract of Service shall be appended to this Order.


      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Act as secretary to the JCR, taking and publicising online agendas and minutes of all JCR Meetings, all husts for positions elected via Election Methods I (Presidential) and I, and all JCR Committees. They shall also accept motions for proposal at the said meetings,
  2. Email all JCR officers prior to meetings to remind them of their obligation to attend,
  3. Produce a JCR Freshers’ Handbook on a schedule that allows it to be circulated prior to freshers’ arrivals,
  4. Be available to perform any reasonable duties for and on behalf of the President of the Society where required, and
  5. Organise, order, advertise, and sell St Cuthbert’s Society merchandise (stash) including that worn by Freshers’ Week Reps and Open Day Reps.

Finance and Compliance Officer (FCO)

      1. Elected via: Method I (Presidential), Meeting 2.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Keep the JCR financial records, ensure their accuracy, integrity, and comprehensiveness, and present them to the JCR and other Society staff as necessary,
  2. Oversee the expenditure of all JCR funds and account for this expenditure to the JCR and Trustees (plus the College Advisory Board if required),
  3. Draw up a budget for the Financial Year which shall be presented to the JCR at the penultimate General Meeting of Easter Term as a financial motion for approval,
  4. Submit accounts for the year to date at the next General Meeting as a financial motion for approval at the end of each financial quarter,
  5. Draw up the JCR’s accounts at the end of the calendar year, and to present them to the JCR at the first General Meeting of Epiphany Term as a financial motion for approval,
  6. Work through the charity’s records each year to ensure GDPR compliance,
  7. Look into sponsorship opportunities and viable investment opportunities for the charity reserves, and
  8. Perform other reasonable duties as required.
      1. The FCO, with approval from Finance Committee, may delegate responsibility for the management of particular budgets or bank accounts to a specified member of Finance Committee.
      2. They shall live in Society accommodation at Parson’s Field.
      3. The JCR will pay any Council Tax and rent the FCO is liable for as a result of living in Society accommodation.
      4. They shall receive a wage in line with the National Minimum Wage, as stipulated in the FCO Contract of Service.
      5. The FCO must sign the FCO Contract of Service which shall be counter-signed by the Trustees on the JCR’s behalf.
      6. A copy of the FCO Contract of Service shall be appended to this Order.


      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.2.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Ensure the availability of the Society Library to Society members by inter alia recruiting and deploying sub-librarians,
  2. Ensure that the Society Library stock is kept up to date and relevant to the needs of Society members,
  3. Ensure the security of the Society Library, and
  4. Ensure the funding of the Society Library through liaison with the relevant member(s) of Society staff.
      1. They must have been listed on the Library Staff Rota for at least one term in order to be eligible to stand.

Senior Welfare Officer

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.2.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Be available during drop-in hours (minimum 4hrs per week in two out of three weeks) in appropriate locations, or via email, to all JCR members to act as a listening and signposting service,
  2. Supervise the activities of the Male Welfare Officer, Female Welfare Officer, Campaign Team Managers and Minority Reps (i.e. People of Colour, LGBT+, SWDA),
  3. Publicise S.U. welfare campaigns,
  4. Supply sexual health and sanitary supplies to JCR members,
  5. Attend relevant training events, including Nightline training and the Durham Students’ Union provided Mental Health First Aid training,
  6. Chair Welfare Committee and, if they choose, the Welfare Campaigns Committee,
  7. Organise a rota for between them, the two Welfare Officers, Welfare Freps and Welfare Campaigns Managers, to provide appropriate support and signposting during Induction Week, represent the Society as a Fresher’s Rep during Induction Week in a welfare capacity, and
  8. Attend supervision with Society Support Officer on a fortnightly basis in the academic year. This should take place twice weekly during the week before induction week, daily during induction week and twice the week following induction week.
      1. This is not a counselling position.

International Representative

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Represent the views and concerns of the international students to the Executive Committee,
  2. Liaise with the International Office,
  3. Organise the welcome of international students to St. Cuthbert’s Society,
  4. Organise the compilation and distribution of information relevant to new international students at St. Cuthbert’s Society,
  5. Organise events aimed at (but not necessarily limited to) international students throughout the year (including ‘holiday periods’), and
  6. Chair International Committee.

Outreach Committee Chair

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. To organise volunteering and fundraising opportunities for JCR members within the wider community,
  2. Aid relevant fundraising efforts by JCR members, and
  3. Chair Outreach Committee.

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.2.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Chair the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee,
  2. When a member of the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee that should also sit on another committee is not elected, to arrange for a suitable substitute to attend that committee in their place,
  3. Represent the St Cuthbert’s Society Postgraduate and Mature Students’ community to the JCR, SCR, college, SU, and more broadly within the university,
  4. Be responsible for the organisation all Postgraduate and Mature Students’ activities,
  5. Represent St. Cuthbert’s Society on MCR PresComm,
  6. Organise the welcome of new postgraduate and mature students to St. Cuthbert’s Society,
  7. Organise the compilation and distribution of information relevant to new postgraduate and mature students at St. Cuthbert’s Society, and
  8. Organise events aimed at (but not necessarily limited to) postgraduate and mature students throughout the year (including ‘holiday periods’).

Sports and Societies Chair

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Assist and supervise JCR Clubs and Societies,
  2. Organise the Fresher’s Fair at the beginning of the Michaelmas term and the Refresher’s Fair at the beginning of Epiphany term,
  3. Publicise events, results of JCR teams, and generally promote support for and involvement in JCR Clubs and Societies,
  4. Attend meetings as required by Team Durham and coordinate the activities of the Team Durham Representatives,
  5. Oversee the actions of the Sports and Societies Reporters, and
  6. Remind all club/society captains/presidents prior to each JCR General Meeting that at least 2 members from each sport/society (one member if the sport/club comprises 20 or less members) are mandated to attend said meeting.

Social Committee Chair

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.2.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Organise events and entertainments throughout the year,
  2. Publicise and organise entertainments after formal dinners not specifically being run by another JCR Officer and to assist the relevant JCR Officers with the organisation and publicising of all other formal dinners,
  3. Organise and supervise Social Committee,
  4. Inform neighbours of upcoming events and publicise all activities to Society members,
  5. Where necessary liaise with Society staff in order to ensure the smooth running of all events,
  6. Oversee the proper management of the Casino as a service of the JCR, and
  7. Liaise with the Senior Freshers’ Week Representative with regards to social events during Freshers’ Week and Open Days.

Communications Officer

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.2.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Ensure the views and concerns of Livers Out are represented to the Executive Committee,
  2. Ensure the views and concerns of Local Students are represented to the Executive Committee,
  3. Produce a Livers Out Handbook,
  4. Liaise with the SU Officers,
  5. Run a housing talk in the first half of November,
  6. Represent the JCR to the SU at all meetings they are invited to attend,
  7. Report SU policy, initiatives and activities to the JCR,
  8. Organise and supervise the Students’ Union Committee, and
  9. Oversee the webmaster, and maintain the website when there is no webmaster in office,
  10. Write and distribute the weekly newsletter.

JCR Chair

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.2.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Call, advertise, and chair all General, Extraordinary, Constitutional, and Governance Committee Meetings,
  2. Be available to advise JCR Members on matters concerning the Constitution, Standing Orders, Policy Documents, and the day-to-day running of the JCR,
  3. To keep the standing orders updated and well maintained and to ensure that the most recent version is easily available to all JCR members.
      1. The JCR Chair may not propose or second any motions except in the following circumstances:
  1. To update the standing orders to reflect motions that were previously passed but not included in a working version. In this situation they may not propose any new ideas.
  2. To make a change to the standing orders following a request from the Executive Committee. Such a motion must fully represent the discussion by the Exec which led to the request and should contain nothing that wasn’t requested.
      1. They shall be a non-voting, impartial member of the JCR.

Facilities Manager

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.2.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Oversee the following facilities managers: Gym Manager, Green Machine Manager, and Music Room Manager,
  2. Provide basic coverage of any of the above facilities roles should the position not be filled,
  3. Ensure all facilities are fit and safe for use, and close any facilities not meeting this criterion until they are deemed fit and safe for use, and
  4. Oversee the Environment Rep and represent their views to the JCR Executive Committee and college staff when required.



      1. There shall exist a Governance Committee (GovComm) whose purpose and responsibilities shall be to:
  1. Interpret the JCR’s governing documents,
  2. Investigate complaints against the JCR,
  3. Ensure that all JCR Standing Orders are followed for motions and elections, and 
  4. Provide support and advice to the JCR Chair and SRO in matters pertaining to motions and elections.
      1. It shall be called by the JCR Chair.
      2. It shall be chaired by the JCR Chair and minuted by the Vice-President.
      3. It shall meet at least thrice termly; within the week prior to every General Meeting.
      4. It shall consist of:
  1. JCR Chair,
  2. Senior Returning Officer (SRO),
  3. President of the Society,
  4. Vice-President,
  5. Stool, and
  6. 3 x Junior Returning Officer (JRO).
      1. Members of Governance Committee must now show bias or preference towards any candidate during any JCR elections. They must abstain from voting in Method II elections, and may not be a member of any campaign team of any election.

Senior Returning Officer (SRO)

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Advertise all elections in upcoming General Meetings,
  2. Advise potential candidates on how to run in an election and on the duties of available roles,
  3. Run all elections both during General Meetings and through the use of the Durham University Voting System (DUVS),
  4. Ensure all election candidates adhere to JCR election rules,
  5. To have the final decision on all matters pertaining to elections,
  6. To assume JCR Chair’s responsibility in Governance Committee in a dispute involving the JCR Chair.
      1. The Senior Returning Officer may, at the discretion of the President and Social Chair, receive up to 40% discounts on ticket prices for college events, on the premise that they are fulfilling their role adequately, and are involved in the setting up, organising or clearing up of the event.

Junior Returning Officer (JRO)

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Assist the Senior Returning Officer with the running of elections,
  2. Oversee the Senior Returning Officer’s counting of votes,
  3. Advertise upcoming elections through putting up posters and posting on social media pages, and
  4. Take over the duties of the Senior Returning Officer should they step down from their position.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the SRO.


      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Assist the JCR Chair in any of their duties,
  2. Ensure only JCR Members attend JCR Meetings,
  3. Keep a board of statistics during each JCR Meeting, and
  4. Chair any General, Extraordinary, Constitutional or Governance Committee meetings in the absence of the JCR Chair.
        1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the JCR Chair.



      1. There shall exist a Finance Committee (FiComm) whose purpose and responsibilities shall be to:
  1. Keep all JCR accounts, and
  2. Oversee the reimbursement of JCR Members, sports and societies, as well as any payments due to the JCR by said parties.
      1. It shall be called by the FCO.
      2. It shall be chaired by the FCO and minuted by the Vice-President.
      3. It shall meet at least twice a term,
      4. It shall consist of:
  1. FCO,
  2. President of the Society,
  3. Vice President, and
  4. 4 x Finance Committee Member.
      1. The Finance Committee shall have the power to approve any expenditure, recommended by the Executive Committee, up to the value of £300.
      2. The Finance Committee shall meet prior to any JCR Meeting, at which a motion is likely to have an effect on JCR finances or financial procedures, to assess the financial viability of said motion. 
      3. The Finance Committee shall have the power of veto in connection with any such motion.
      4. If the Finance Committee decides not to veto a motion its opinion, which shall be announced by the FCO at the JCR Meeting, is to be regarded as advisory.
      5. Finance Committee will assist the FCO in drawing up the budget for the financial year:
        1. For example, Society X asks the JCR for £2000. Finance Committee recommends £1500 is to be given. Therefore the difference between the original request and the recommendation is £500, 50% of which is £250. Therefore the budget cannot be amended higher than £1500+£250 = £1750.
        1. The budget must be realistic, show a positive closing balance and income and expenditure should be broken down into major headings.
        2. When writing the budget the FCO shall use a priority based system, deviating from the principles as little as possible, and breaking lower priority items when needed.
        3. The FCO should inform members of the JCR of the principles they intend to break, with reasons, at the JCR Meeting before that at which the budget is presented. Members of the JCR are given the chance to amend this list, to the effect that other principles should be broken instead. After voting on amendments, the list must be passed by the meeting.
        4. Budgets should be submitted to the FCO for each event held by the JCR well in advance and should be realistic.
        5. Individual Clubs and Societies shall request a budget by submitting a Budget Request Form to the FCO before the JCR Meeting.
        6. The budget of individual Clubs and Societies can only be passed at the JCR meeting provided that at least two members of that society are present at the meeting.
        7. In the event that an individual Club or Society does not present two members at this JCR meeting, the budget for this particular Club or Society may be requested at the following JCR meeting under the same circumstances.
        8. Any budget (excluding those submitted by new clubs or societies) not submitted at the budget meeting cannot be amended by more than 50% of the difference between the original submission and Finance Committee’s recommendation.
        9. Any budget (excluding those submitted by new club or societies) not submitted at the budget meeting cannot be amended to increase by more than £1000 above the Finance Committee recommendation.
      6. Finance Committee will assist the FCO in drawing up the budget for the calendar year:
        1. The budget must be realistic, show a positive closing balance and income and expenditure should be broken down into major headings.
        2. The accounts should be prepared on an accruals basis and contain a complete set of creditors, debtors, prepayments and accruals for the year as well as a list of the JCR’s assets and liabilities.
      7. Finance Committee should satisfy themselves of the accuracy of all financial records in order to provide oversight of the FCO.

Finance Committee Member

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Attend Finance Committee meetings,
  2. Assist the FCO with decisions relating to the JCR budget,
  3. Assist the FCO in ensuring all reclaim receipts have been received, and
  4. Audit JCR accounts to check for numerical accuracy and validity.
        1. Finance Committee Members shall have no pre-assigned roles, but may be allocated roles as the FCO sees fit.
        2. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the FCO.



      1. There shall exist a Welfare Committee whose duties shall be to ensure the smooth running of the JCR welfare support structure.
      2. It shall be called by the Senior Welfare Officer.
      3. It shall be chaired by the Senior Welfare Officer and minuted by the Vice-President.
      4. It shall meet a minimum of every three weeks, or more regularly if the Senior Welfare Officer deems that an event has or could affect the welfare of a significant number of JCR Members.
      5. It shall consist of:
  1. Senior Welfare Officer,
  2. Female Welfare Officer,
  3. Male Welfare Officer,
  4. President of the Society,
  5. Vice-President,
  6. Students with Disabilities Representative (SWD Rep),
  7. LGBT+ Representative,
  8. People of Colour Representative (POC Rep), and
  9. Any other JCR officer as deemed necessary in relation to the event.
      1. Minutes of the Welfare Committee shall be considered Reserve Business and not published due to the personal nature of the business discussed.
      2. The Senior Welfare Officer may invite a representative of Student Support from the Society at their discretion.

Welfare Officer x2 (one Male, one Female)

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1.  Be available during drop-in hours (minimum 4 hours per week in two out of three weeks each) in appropriate locations, or via email, to all JCR members to act as a listening and signposting service,
  2. Publicise SU welfare campaigns,
  3. Supply sexual health and sanitary supplies to JCR members,
  4. Attend Welfare Committee and the Welfare Campaigns Committee meetings,
  5. Attend relevant training events, including Nightline training and the Durham Students’ Union provided Mental Health First Aid training,
  6. Be available during induction week to provide support during events and to signpost appropriately and represent the Society as a Freshers’ Week Rep in a welfare capacity,
  7. Oversee campaign content and the running of these campaigns,
  8. Attend supervision with Society Support Officer on a fortnightly basis in the academic year. This should take place twice weekly during the week before induction week, daily. during induction week and twice the week following induction week.
      1. This is not a counselling position.

Students with Disabilities Representative

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1.  Act as a representative for JCR members with a mental or physical disability,
  2. Help to provide access to welfare and support to those students who may require it,
  3. Raise issues relating to students with disabilities during Welfare Committee meetings, JCR meetings and with the Executive Committee as necessary and consider ways to accommodate to the needs of those students at college-run events,
  4. Campaign and raise awareness for issues that may affect students with disabilities,
  5. Provide support to the Welfare team as requested,
  6. Undertake Nightline training ahead of Induction Week. They should have the opportunity to represent the college either as a Welfare Freshers’ Rep or a Freshers’ Rep should they choose to. They must be available to help the welfare team on required evenings during Freshers’ Week even should they not choose to be a Freshers’ Rep,
  7. Provide a handover to the incoming Students with Disabilities Rep,
  8. Liaise with the Durham University Disability Support as well as the SWDA (Students with Disabilities Association) with the SU when necessary and attend any relevant training by the SWDA,
  9. Be available for a maximum of 2 drop-in hours per week in appropriate locations, or via email, to all JCR members who identify as having a mental or physical disability to act as a listening and signposting service, and
  10. Attend relevant training events, including Nightline training, Active Bystander training, and Confidentiality and Disclosure training.
      1. This is not a counselling position.

LGBT+ Representative

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Represent the views of JCR members who identify as LGBT+,
  2. Help provide safe spaces for JCR members who identify as LGBT+,
  3. Campaign and raise awareness of issues that may affect JCR members who identify as LGBT+, and raise said issues in JCR meetings or with the Executive Committee as necessary,
  4. Provide support to the Welfare team as requested,
  5. Undertake Nightline training ahead of Induction Week. They should have the opportunity to represent the college either as a Welfare Freshers’ Rep or a Freshers’ Rep should they choose to. They must be available to help the welfare team on required evenings during Fresher’s week even should they not choose to be a Freshers’ Rep,
  6. Provide a handover to the incoming LGBT+ rep,
  7. Liaise with the Durham University LGBT+ Association when necessary and attend any relevant training by the DSU LGBT+ Association,
  8. Be available for a maximum of 2 drop-in hours per week in appropriate locations, or via email, to all JCR members who identify as being LGBT+ to act as a listening and signposting service, and
  9. Attend relevant training events, including Nightline training, Active Bystander training, and Confidentiality and Disclosure training.
      1. This is not a counselling position.

People of Colour Representative

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Represent the views of JCR members who are people of colour,
  2. Help provide safe spaces for JCR members who are people of colour,
  3. Campaign and raise awareness of issues that may affect JCR members who are people of colour, and raise said issues in JCR meetings or with the Executive Committee as necessary,
  4. Provide support to the Welfare team as requested,
  5. Undertake Nightline training ahead of Induction Week. They should have the opportunity to represent the college either as a Welfare Freshers’ Rep or a Freshers’ Rep should they choose to. They must be available to help the welfare team on required evenings during fresher’s week even should they not choose to be a Freshers’ Rep.
  6. Provide a handover to the incoming People of Colour Rep,
  7. Liaise with the Durham People of Colour association when necessary and attend any relevant training by the DSU PoC association,
  8. Be available for a maximum of 2 drop-in hours per week in appropriate locations, or via email, to all JCR members who identify as being a person of colour to act as a listening and signposting service, and
  9. Attend relevant training events, including Nightline training, Active Bystander training, and Confidentiality and Disclosure training.
        1. This is not a counselling position.



      1. There shall exist a Welfare Campaigns Committee whose duties shall be to ensure the dissemination of general information regarding campaigns and welfare-related issues.
      2.  It shall be called by the Senior Welfare Officer or the Campaign Team Managers.
      3. It shall be chaired by the Campaign Team Managers unless stipulated otherwise by the Senior Welfare Officer and minuted by the Vice-President.
      4. It shall meet at least termly to plan, organise and set about campaigns.
      5. It shall consist of:
  1. Senior Welfare Officer,
  2. Female Welfare Officer,
  3. Male Welfare Officer,
  4. President of the Society,
  5. Vice-President,
  6. SWD Representative,
  7. Assistant Students with Disabilities Representative
  8. LGBT+ Representative,
  9. Assistant LGBT+ Representative,
  10. People of Colour Representative,
  11. Assistant People of Colour Representative,
  12. Working Class Students’ Representative (WCS Rep),
  13. 2x Welfare Campaign Manager, and
  14. International Welfare Representative.
        1. Postgraduate and Mature Students Committee Chair and International Representative are invited to attend.
        2. Up to 20 Campaign Team Members will also be invited to attend.
        3. The minorities reps (SWD Reps, LGBT+ Reps, POC Reps) shall ensure campaigns are inclusive.

Campaign Team Manager

      1. Elected via: Method 1, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Chair meetings of the Welfare Campaigns Team, unless Senior Welfare wishes to Chair,
  2. Contribute ideas towards and manage campaigns,
  3. Produce welfare campaign materials,
  4. Attend and run campaign events, and
  5. Provide a handover to the incoming Campaign Team Managers.

Assistant Students with Disabilities Representative

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Act as a representative for JCR members with a mental or physical disability,
  2. Help to provide access to welfare and support to those students who may require it,
  3. Raise issues relating to students with disabilities during Welfare Committee meetings, JCR meetings and with the Executive Committee as necessary and consider ways to accommodate to the needs of those students at college-run events,
  4. Campaign and raise awareness for issues that may affect students with disabilities,
  5. Liaise with the Durham University Disability Support as well as the SWDA (Students with Disabilities Association) with the SU when necessary and attend any relevant training by the SWDA,
  6. Provide a handover to the incoming Assistant Students with Disabilities Rep.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Senior Welfare Officer.

Assistant LGBT+ Representative

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Represent the views of JCR members who identify as LGBT+,
  2. Help provide safe spaces for JCR members who identify as LGBT+,
  3. Campaign and raise awareness of issues that may affect JCR members who identify as LGBT+, and raise said issues in JCR meetings or with the Executive Committee as necessary,
  4. Liaise with the Durham University LGBT+ association when necessary and attend any relevant training by the DSU LGBT+ association, and
  5. Provide a handover to the incoming Assistant LGBT+ Rep.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Senior Welfare Officer.

Assistant People of Colour Representative

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Represent the views of JCR members who are people of colour,
  2. Help provide safe spaces for JCR members who are people of colour,
  3. Campaign and raise awareness of issues that may affect JCR members who are people of colour, and raise said issues in JCR meetings or with the Executive Committee as necessary,
  4. Liaise with the Durham People of Colour association when necessary and attend any relevant training by the DSU PoC association, and
  5. Provide a handover to the incoming Assistant People of Colour Rep.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Senior Welfare Officer.

Working Class Students’ Representative

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Represent the views of JCR Members who are working class,
  2. Help to provide access to welfare and support to those students who may require it,
  3. Raise issues relating to students from a working class background during Welfare Committee meetings and consider ways to accommodate the needs of those students at college-run events,
  4. Raise awareness for issues that may affect working class students, especially in JCR meetings, as well as promoting initiatives to make Cuth’s more financially accessible,
  5. Liaise with the Durham Working Class Students Association when necessary, and
  6. Help to provide safe spaces for JCR members who identify as working class.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Senior Welfare Officer.

International Welfare Representative

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Sit on the Welfare Campaigns Team and International Committee, and
  2. Address specific needs facing international students within the welfare team.
      1. The supervisor of the International Welfare Representative shall be the International Representative.

Campaign Team Member

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Attend meetings of the Welfare Campaigns Team,
  2. Contribute ideas towards campaigns,
  3. Produce welfare campaign materials, and
  4. Attend campaign events.
        1. Their overseers shall be the Senior Welfare Officer, Male Welfare Officer, and Female Welfare Officer.



      1. There shall exist an Outreach Committee whose purpose and responsibilities shall be to:
  1.  Oversee volunteering, organising fundraising and charity opportunities both alongside DUCK, and independently within the Society,
  2. Promote and encourage involvement in DUCK and SCA opportunities,
  3. Plan and execute events throughout the academic year, and
  4. Fundraise for and showcase local charitable organisations.
      1. It shall be called by the Outreach Chair.
      2. It shall be chaired by the Outreach Chair and minuted by the Vice-President.
      3. It shall meet at least twice termly. 
      4. It shall consist of:
  1. Outreach Chair,
  2. Vice-President,
  3. DUCK rep,
  4. DUCK Liaison Officer,
  5. Publicity officer,
  6. Events manager,
  7. Project Coordinator, and
  8. 4 x Outreach Committee Members.


      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Liaise with the DUCK Colleges Officer about charity events within college,
  2. Attend regular meetings with other college DUCK Reps, and
  3. Feedback to Outreach Committee about university-wide fundraising events.

DUCK Liaison Officer

      1. Elected externally by DUCK through their own selection process.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. To post on the JCR Freshers’ pages to advertise central university DUCK events in order to increase participation in these events, and
  2. Attend meetings with DUCK liaison officers from other colleges.

Publicity Officer

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Aid the Outreach Chair with a focus on advertising volunteering opportunities and college fundraising and charity events, and
  2. Keep the Outreach Committee Facebook page up to date.
      1.  The overseer for this position shall be the Outreach Chair.

Events Manager

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Aid the Outreach Chair with a focus on organising and planning fundraising and charity events within college, and
  2. To aid the planning and execution of fundraising events.
      1. The overseer for this position shall be the Outreach Chair.

Project Coordinator

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1.  Aid the Outreach Chair with a focus on the establishment and maintenance of volunteering opportunities and projects within college, and 
  2. Work towards the creation of new volunteering projects within college, i.e. investigating the logistics of ideas presented in Outreach Meetings.
      1. The overseer for this position shall be the Outreach Chair. 

Outreach Committee Member

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. To attend meeting of Outreach Committee and offer ideas and suggestions relating to projects, events, and publicity,
  2. To aid the Outreach Chair in any reasonable duties benefitting Outreach Committee, and
  3. To assist with the preparation, organisation, and clear-up of outreach events as requested by the Outreach Chair.
        1. The  overseer for this position shall be the Outreach Chair. It is at the discretion of the Outreach Chair as to whether all 4 of these positions shall be filled.



      1. There shall exist a Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee who shall have responsibility for representing the postgraduate and mature students within the Society and presenting their views to the rest of the JCR, putting on events for them, and making decisions in order to improve their college experience.
      2. It shall be called by the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair.
      3. It shall be minuted by the Vice-President.
      4. It shall meet at least twice per term, unless unanimous agreement is reached by the committee that a meeting is not necessary.
      5. It shall consist of:
  1. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair,
  2. President,
  3. Vice-President,
  4. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Vice-President,
  5. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Treasurer,
  6. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Social Secretary,
  7. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Academic Representative,
  8. Mature Students’ Representative,
  9. Postgraduate Representative, and
  10. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ International Representative.
      1. In addition, up to one person from the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Vice-President, Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Treasurer, Mature Students’ Representative, Postgraduate Representative or Postgraduate and Mature Students’ international Representative may be nominated by the committee as an additional Social Secretary and up to one person from the same group may be nominated by the committee as additional Academic Representative, who will have all the powers, duties and responsibilities of the person elected to that role.
      2. One elected member of the committee will also be nominated by the committee as the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Students’ Union representative.
      3. Only people who are postgraduates or mature students, as defined by the University, may be elected to any position on this committee defined below.

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Vice-President

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Assist the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair on all matters,
  2. Represent the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair at any meetings for which they’re unavailable, and
  3. Provide oversight of all other members of the committee.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair.

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Treasurer

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Be responsible for the keeping of accurate financial records,
  2. Maintain an up-to-date list of all current PG and Mature members of the JCR, and
  3. Liaise with the JCR Treasurer to set a budget for this committee’s activities and to ensure that it is spent responsibly by the committee
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair.

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Social Secretary

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Ensure a full social calendar, liaising where appropriate with college and JCR officers,
  2. Assist with the planning of the annual Inter-MCR formal,
  3. Ensure that details of upcoming events are circulated by email, added to Facebook, and featured on the web page in a timely fashion,
  4. Liaise with the JCR Bar Steward to ensure that adequate provision is made for the inclusion of the Postgraduate and Mature Student community,
  5. Inform the Postgraduate and Mature Student community of, and organise participation in, University-wide postgraduate and mature students’ social events,
  6. Ensure that external events of potential interest to the Postgraduate and Mature Students community, including those organised by the college, JCR, and SCR, are adequately communicated, and
  7. Represent the views of this Committee to and sit on Social Committee.
      1. The overseer for this role shall be the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair.

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Academic Representative

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Plan and organise Research Fora,
  2. Liaise with the JCR and SCR to organise joint academic events of common interest,
  3. Liaise with the Society librarian to ensure that adequate provision is made for the Postgraduate and Mature Students community,
  4. Liaise with counterparts at St. Chad’s and St. John’s Colleges to plan and organise, annually if possible, the South Bailey Research Forum, and
  5. Ensure that external academic events of potential interest to the Postgraduate and Mature Students community are adequately advertised.
      1. The overseer for this role shall be the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair.

Mature Students’ Representative

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.2.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Represent the views of Mature Students to the committee,
  2. Ensure that adequate provision is made for Mature Students in all events run by the committee, and
  3. Organise events aimed at involving more Mature Students in JCR and college life.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair.

Postgraduate Representative

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.2.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Represent the views of Postgraduates to the committee, and
  2. Ensure that adequate provision is made for Postgraduates in all events run by the committee.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes a Method III Application position shall be the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair.

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ International Representative

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Represent the views of International Postgraduates to the committee,
  2. Ensure that all events run by the committee are inclusive to International Students, and
  3. Represent the views of this committee to and sit on International Committee.
      1. The overseer for this role shall be the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair.

Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Students’ Union Representative

      1. Unelected; see 8.1.7.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Represent the views of this committee to and sit on SU committee.



      1. There shall exist a Facilities Committee who shall have responsibility for the upkeep of all JCR owned facilities (the gym and the music room). They shall also have responsibility for the maintenance and usage of JCR owned tech equipment, such as sound decks, speakers, and silent disco equipment.
      2. There shall be no scheduled meetings of the Facilities Committee.
      3. If a meeting is required, it shall be called and chaired by the Facilities Manager. It shall be minuted by the Vice-President.
      4. It shall consist of:
  1. Facilities Manager,
  2. Vice-President,
  3. Gym Manager,
  4. Music Room Manager,
  5. Green Machine Manager,
  6. 3 x Green Machine Technicians, and
  7. Environment Rep.

Gym Manager

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Maintain the gym facility and ensure its proper usage by members of the JCR,
  2. Ensure all pieces of gym equipment are in safe, functioning order, and are all accounted for,
  3. Report to the Facilities Manager any suggested improvements for the gym, including use of the gym budget, and
  4. Report any faulty or missing pieces of equipment to the Facilities Manager.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Facilities Manager.

Music Room Manager

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Maintain the music room facility and ensure its proper usage by members of the JCR.
  2. Provide access to any member of the JCR who has booked to use the music room via the online booking form.
  3. Ensure all musical instruments and equipment are in good working order and are accounted for.
  4. Report to the Facilities Manager any suggested improvements for the music room.
  5. Report any faulty or missing pieces of equipment to the Facilities Manager.
  6. Represent the interests of the Facilities Committee to the Music Committee.
      1. They shall be provided with a key to the music room facility for the duration of their term in office.
      2. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Facilities Manager.

Green Machine Manager

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Maintain the Green Machine and coordinate its use for JCR events,
  2. Ensure all pieces of Green Machine tech are functional and accounted for,
  3. Liaise with the Facilities Manager and the President to organise the loaning of silent disco equipment to other colleges. Ensure all headphones are counted before and after loaning, and that they are all in good working order,
  4. Oversee training of the Green Machine Technicians,
  5. Report to the Facilities Manager any suggested improvements for the Green Machine, including use of the Green Machine budget, and
  6. Report any faulty or missing pieces of equipment to the Facilities Manager.
      1. They shall be provided with a key to the music room facility and to the Green Machine cupboard for the duration of their term in office.
      2. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Facilities Manager.

Green Machine Technician

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Work with the Green Machine Manager to coordinate the use of Green Machine Tech for JCR-run events,
  2. Assist with the counting and checking of silent disco equipment before and after it has been loaned out, and
  3. Take over the duties of the Green Machine Manager should they be absent or unavailable.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Facilities Manager.


Environment Representative


      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Constantly be aware of environmental issues in the college and the university area,
  2. Work with the JCR to ensure the environment of college is its best quality,
  3. Maintain close contact with wider university environmental institutions, and 
  4. Be the first point of contact for any students or JCR members in terms of environmental matters.



      1. There shall exist a Social Committee who shall have responsibility for the organisation, advertisement, and running of social events throughout the year. These shall include, but not be limited to, the Michaelmas Ball, the Feast of St. Cuthbert, the Summer Ball, and Cuth’s Day.
      2. It shall consist of:
  1. Social Committee Chair,
  2. Vice-President,
  3. 9 x General Social Committee Member,
  4. Michaelmas Ball Manager,
  5. Summer Ball Manager,
  6. Feast Manager,
  7. Cuth’s Day Manager,
  8. Formals Manager, and
  9. 2 x Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Social Secretary.
      1. Members of Social Committee may, at the discretion of the President and Social Chair, receive up to 40% discounts on ticket prices for college events, on the premise that they are fulfilling their Social Committee role adequately, and are involved in the setting up, organising or clearing up of the event.
      2. The ticket prices of Michaelmas Ball, The Feast of St Cuthbert, Summer Ball, and Cuth’s Day shall include an additional £1 donation to charity. The charity that receives this donation shall be determined through a vote within the JCR. This shall be overseen by Social Committee and Outreach Committee.

General Social Committee Member

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Attend meetings of Social Committee and offer ideas and suggestions relating to upcoming social events,
  2. Represent the views of the members of the JCR at meetings,
  3. Suggest events for the JCR members,
  4. Assist with the preparation and organisation for social events as requested by the social chair, and
  5. Attend event venues before and/or after events to assist with set-up and/or clear-up of events.
      1. Their overseer shall be the Social Chair.

Michaelmas Ball Manager

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Attend meetings of Social Committee and offer ideas and suggestions relating to upcoming social events.
  2. Assist the Social Chair in the organising and setting up of Michaelmas Ball.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Social Chair.

Feast Manager

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Attend meetings of Social Committee and offer ideas and suggestions relating to upcoming social events, and
  2. Assist the Social Chair in the organising and setting up the Feast of St. Cuthbert.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Social Chair.

Summer Ball Manager

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 2.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Attend meetings of Social Committee and offer ideas and suggestions relating to upcoming social events, and
  2. Assist the Social Chair in the organising and setting up of Summer Ball.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Social Chair.

Cuth’s Day Manager

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 2.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Attend meetings of Social Committee and offer ideas and suggestions relating to upcoming social events, and
  2. Assist the Social Chair in the organising and setting up of Cuth’s Day.
      1. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Social Chair.

Formals Manager

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Attend the meetings of Social Committee and offer ideas and suggestions relating to upcoming social events,
  2. Assist the Social Chair in the organising and setting up of Formals,
  3. Assist with the preparation, and organisation for social events as requested by the Social Chair, and
  4. Attend event venues before and/or after events to assist with set-up and/or clear-up of events.
        1. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Social Chair.



      1. There shall exist a Students’ Union Committee (SUComm) who shall have responsibility for representing the views of JCR members to the Students’ Union.
      2. It shall be called by the Communications Officer.
      3. It shall be chaired by the Communications Officer and minuted by the Vice-President.
      4. It shall meet before each SU Assembly as a minimum requirement. The purpose of this meeting shall be to discuss the Agenda for the following SU Assembly.
      5. It shall consist of:
  1. Communications Officer,
  2. President of the Society (Ex-Officio),
  3. Vice-President,
  4. 3 x Students’ Union Committee Members,
  5. Association Reps (Ex-Officio),
  6. Postgraduate Students’ Union Rep (Ex-Officio), and
  7. International Rep (Ex-Officio).
      1. The Students’ Union Committee shall have the power to determine how the Communications Officer votes in the SU Assembly unless this decision is overridden by a JCR motion.
      2. The Students’ Union Committee shall meet prior to every SU Assembly and any JCR Meeting in which a motion is to be run that is asking for the JCR to support a wider issue as a whole.
      3. If a JCR motion advising the support of the entire JCR on a wider issue is presented, the Students’ Union Committee’s opinion, which shall be announced by the Communications Officer at the JCR meeting, is to be regarded as advisory.
      4. The Students’ Union Committee will help advise the Communications Officer on how they are to vote on any items in SU Assembly.
      5. If the Communications Officer is unable to attend SU Assembly or an SU Rep Committee meeting, a member of Student’s Union Committee can take their place.
      6. If a matter arises that may require the expertise of an Ex-Officio member, the Students’ Union Committee may invite them to attend a meeting.
      7. Meetings of the Students’ Union Committee shall be open for members of Cuth’s JCR to attend, however only Committee members (listed as 11.1.2) will be able to vote on issues.

Students’ Union Committee Member

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Attend meetings of the Students’ Union Committee,
  2. Assist the Communications Officer with decisions relating to SU Assembly, and
  3. Assist the Communications Officer in the conducting of activities relating to the Students’ Union. Including, though not limited to; encouraging people to vote in SU elections; promoting SU campaigns; writing motions for NUS Delegates to take to NUS National Conference; and advertising events and offers from the SU.
        1. Students’ Union Committee Members shall have no pre-assigned roles, but may be allocated roles as the Communications Officer sees fit.
        2. Students’ Union Committee Members shall be elected in Michaelmas Term and if possible before the first SU Assembly.
        3. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Communications Officer.



      1. There shall exist a Library Committee who shall have responsibility for the upkeep of the Society Library and the books and resources owned by the Society.
      2. There shall be no scheduled meetings of the Library Committee
      3. If a meeting is required, it shall be called and chaired by the Librarian. It shall not be minuted.
      4. It shall consist of:
  1. Society Librarian,
  2. Assistant Librarian,
  3. Stock Managers, and
  4. Volunteer Librarians.

Assistant Librarian

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Assist the Librarian with all aspects of the day to day management of St. Cuthbert’s Society Library, and
  2. Be specifically responsible for the management and training of staff in conjunction with the Librarian.
      1. The Assistant Librarian must have already been a librarian for two terms prior to their term.
      2. The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the Society Librarian.

Stock Managers

      1. Elected via: Method III. The Stock Managers will be appointed from the Volunteer Librarians by the Society Librarian.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Assist the Society Librarian with constructing the annual stock take,
  2. Work shifts as organised by the Society Library, and ensure the Library is locked up, and
  3. Perform other senior library responsibilities that the Society Librarian deems appropriate.
      1. Their overseer shall be the Society Librarian.

Volunteer Librarians

      1. Elected via: Method III. 
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Work shifts as organised by the Society Librarian,
  2. Monitor the supply of refreshments and report any shortages to a stock manager or Society Librarian,
  3. Take out, return and re-shelve books as required during their shift,
  4. Keep the relative peace and tranquillity synonymous with Cuth’s library, and
  5. Ensure all mugs are cleaned after use.
        1. Their overseer shall be the Society Librarian.



      1. There shall exist an International Committee that shall have the responsibility for:
  1. Representing the overall interests of the international community within College life,
  2.  Acting as a supportive mechanism of promoting diversity in the university environment,
  3. Organising events around the academic year to welcome both undergraduate and postgraduate international students to St. Cuthbert’s Society and University life,
  4. Acting as a bridge between the College, the University Immigration office and any other institutional organisation that affects the wellbeing of international students, and
  5. Providing and endorsing preliminary counselling and support services to facilitate issues relating to immigration, accommodation and overall student wellbeing.
      1. It shall meet at the discretion of the International Representative to discuss matters that affect the international student community. 
      2. It shall be called by the International Representative.
      3. It shall be chaired by the International Representative and minuted by the Vice-President.
      4. It shall consist of:
  1. International Representative,
  2. President of the Society,
  3. Vice-President,
  4. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ International Representative,
  5. 3 x International Events Manager,
  6. 3 x International Campaigns Manager, and
  7. 2 x International Publicity Manager.

International Events Manager

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Brainstorm and organise events throughout the year,
  2. Link up students who are staying in Durham over the term break, and
  3. Advertise our own international events and other external events catered towards internationals.
      1. Their overseer shall be the International Representative.

International Campaigns Manager

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Research issues impacting international students throughout the year, and
  2. Suggest solutions to these issues and how they can be addressed by college and the JCR.
      1. Their overseer shall be the International Representative.

International Publicity Manager

      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Manage social media pages,
  2. Advertise events, and
  3. Reach out to students about the campaigns of the International Committee.
      1. Their overseer shall be the International Representative.



      1. There shall be a Year Abroad Committee who shall have the responsibility for managing the communications between students on a year out and JCR whilst providing support and guidance for all students on a year out as well as representing their interests to the rest of the JCR.
      2. They shall meet at least once every term by video call as well as ad hoc when meetings are called by the Year Abroad and Placement Rep.
      3. All meetings shall be chaired by the Year Abroad and Placement Rep, it will not be minuted.
      4. It shall consist of:
  1. Year Abroad and Placement Representative,
  2. Year Abroad Representative,
  3. Year in Industry Representative,
  4. Returner Representative,
  5. Vice-President, and
  6. Communications Officer (Ex-Officio).



      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 3.2.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Take charge of establishing and maintaining the primary means of communication for all Year Out students such as a Facebook Group or any appropriate platform,
  2. Advocate for the inclusivity of JCR events for Year Out students,
  3. Organise events/meet ups for Year Out students if appropriate to allow them to keep in contact throughout the year,
  4. Chair all meetings of Year Abroad and Placement Committee as well as organising and calling meetings when they deem it necessary,
  5. Advocate for the provision of welfare services for students that are on a Year Out.
        1. In the first running of the position, only students that will be on a year out for the next academic term are eligible to run. If the role is not filled, this position will be opened up to the general JCR body to contest.



      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Represent the views of students on a year abroad to the Year Abroad and Placement Committee,
  2. Assist the Year Abroad and Placement Officer in all tasks such as organising events amongst year abroad students and advocating for the inclusivity of JCR events, and
  3. Be a point of contact for all students on a year abroad to keep in contact with the JCR.
        1. In the first running of the position, only students that will be on a year abroad for the next academic term are eligible to run. If the role is not filled, this position will be opened up to the general JCR body to contest.
        2. Their overseer shall be the Year Abroad and Placement Officer.



      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Represent the views of students on a year in industry to the Year Abroad and Placement Committee,
  2. Assist the Year Out Liaison Officer in all tasks such as organising events amongst year in industry students and advocating for the inclusivity of JCR events, and
  3. Be a point of contact for all students on a year in industry to keep in contact with the JCR.
        1. In the first running of the position, only students that will be on a year in industry for the next academic term are eligible to run. If the role is not filled, this position will be opened up to the general JCR body to contest.
        2. Their overseer shall be the Year Abroad and Placement Officer.



      1. Elected via: Method III.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Provide guidance to the committee on key matters and logistics from the point of view of the JCR in Durham,
  2. Be the representative of the Year Abroad and Placement Committee to attend JCR meetings,
  3. Assist reps in organising events and advocating for the inclusivity of JCR events,
  4. Assist Year Out Liaison Officer in providing welfare provisions to Year Out students,
  5. Organise events amongst returners from a year out, and
  6. Be a point of contact on the ground for first and second years to provide guidance on taking a year out.
      1. Their overseer shall be the Year Abroad and Placement Officer.




      1. There shall exist a Music Committee who shall have responsibility for overseeing the music societies within the Society, organisation and promotion of musical events within the Society, and ensuring access to music facilities for members of the Society.
  1. It shall be called by the Music Representative
  2. It shall be chaired by the Music Representative. It shall not be minuted.
  3. It shall meet at least once a term.
      1. It shall consist of:
  1. Music Representative
  2. Assistant Music Representative
  3. Sports and Societies Committee Chair
  4. Music Room Manager
  5. Social Committee Chair
  6. The President(s)/Captain(s) of JCR Music Societies.
    1. The Music Representative

      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 2.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Assist and supervise JCR music societies, overseeing the creation of new societies to fit demand from members of the Society;
  2. Promote JCR music societies at the Fresher’s Fair and throughout the year at any suitable opportunity;
  3. Organise and promote events to showcase JCR music societies and all musicians within the Society;
  4.  Liaise with the Social Committee Chair to ensure representation of JCR music societies and all musicians within the Society at JCR social events;
  5. Oversee the internet presence of Cuth’s Music.
    1. The Assistant Music Representative

      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.2.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Assist the Music Representative with all of their duties;
  2. Attend music events and socials to report and write articles that may be featured in Cuth’s newsletter, the Palatinate, or on JCR social media accounts.




      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.2.
      2. Student trustees shall sit on the trustee board for St. Cuthbert’s Society.
      3. Their duties shall be:
  1. Ensure that the Society is fulfilling the aims and obligations that its charitable status requires,
  2. Offer suggestions and ideas at meetings to improve or help with these aims,
  3. Contribute to the governance and overall strategic direction of the JCR,
  4. Represent the student voice and ensure the board of trustees remains in touch with and reactive to student opinion,
  5. Provide oversight on the actions and functioning of the Executive Committee and bridge the gap between the Executive Committee, in particular the President and Finance and Compliance Officer, and the Board of Trustees,
  6. To be an ambassador for St Cuthbert’s Society Junior Common Room in safeguarding its reputation and values,
  7. To protect and manage the property of St Cuthbert’s Society Junior Common Room and to ensure the proper investment of St Cuthbert’s Society Junior Common Room funds alongside the President, Finance and Compliance Officer, and any other JCR or College officers as may be required,
  8. To act with integrity and avoid or declare any conflict of interest,
  9. To attend quarterly meetings of the board of trustees.
        1. Student Trustees must be eligible to be a charity trustee in line with the Charities Act of 2011.
        2. It should be recognised that student trustees are uniquely positioned within the JCR structure, working independently of but alongside the internal JCR structure as managed by the Executive Committee.
        3. Out of three student trustees only one may be a student on a year abroad or in placement at any one time. If two or more candidates wish to run who will be out of Durham for their terms, only the candidate with the highest number of votes will be selected.



      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 1.2.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Assist the Bar Steward with end of week banking, and reconciliation of cash and card payments from nights takings,
  2. Clean the beer lines at Brooks bar,
  3. Help the Bar Steward to plan and prepare for busy events such as the Feast of St. Cuthbert and Cuth’s Day,
  4. Assist with the reception of morning deliveries to the bar, and
  5. Represent the views of the JCR to the bar management, and in the day to day running of the bar.
      1. The Assistant Brooks Bar Steward must have worked in Cuth’s Bar for at least two terms.
      2. They must also already hold the position of Bar Supervisor due to the cash handling element of the role.




      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.1.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Have responsibility for the overall organisation of both induction week and post-offer open days,
  2. In conjunction with the president, organise and run interviews in order to select reps for induction week and the post-offer open days,
  3. Ensure the proper training of all reps in relevant areas, including but not limited to safeguarding, active bystander, active listening and manual handling, and
  4. Organise appropriate events for freshers during induction week, including but not limited to social events in college, club nights, and information sessions.



      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.1.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Assist the Sports and Societies chair with the running of relevant social media accounts (such as Team Cuth’s), and
  2. Attend sports fixtures and society events to report and write articles that may be featured in Cuth’s newsletter, the Palatinate, or on JCR social media accounts.
        1. Attendance of and reporting on events shall be done on a free-lance basis, as and when desired.
        2. There shall be three elected reporters.



      1. Elected via: Method II, Meeting 1.3.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Oversee the St Cuthbert’s Society JCR website, including ensuring its security and modifying its design,
  2. Help relevant JCR officers upload relevant documentation to the website and ensure it remains up to date.



      1. Elected via: Method I, Meeting 3.2.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Oversee the executive committee and participants involved in the running of St Cuthbert’s Society Charity Fashion Show,
  2. Liaise with the chosen charity,
  3. Organise the event venue before and/or after the show to assist with set up and/or clear-up of events,
  4. Work alongside the JCR to ensure the professionalism of all documentation and business transactions necessary, and
  5. Ensure that SCSFS maintains its professionalism, especially on social media.




      1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. Lead the singing of the college song after every JCR meeting, and
  2. Endeavour to ensure that all members of the JCR know the lyrics to the college song.



      1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. To recite Shakespeare sonnets during the battle of the exec.
        1. They should be the shortest person in the room during the election.



        1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.



        1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.



        1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.



        1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.



        1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.



        1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.



      1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.
      2. Their duties shall be:
  1. To write a set of rhyming couplets to be read out before every JCR Meeting.



        1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.
        2. This position will be awarded to the person who can consume a pint of soda water fastest.
        3. Their overseer shall be the SRO.



      1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 3.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Store, preserve, and maintain the JCR glass bell,
  2. Bring the bell to all JCR meetings, or arrange for its transport if they cannot attend the meeting,
  3. Arrange the purchase of a new bell if the bell is damaged, and
  4. Act as a bell for the JCR Chair during JCR Meetings during any time period when the bell is damaged beyond use and has not yet been replaced.



      1. Elected via: Method IV, Meeting 1.3.
      2. Their duties shall be to:
  1. Arrange for the order of Cuth’s branded fluffy socks, and
  2. Assist Stash Committee when necessary.



Proposer: SWC

Seconder: EMM


SWC Wooton-Cane: Final standing order which hasn’t been updated, caused a lot of problems.

AW: Says music room manager 1.1. I wouldn’t run for it in 1.1. Can we move to 1.2?

SWC Wooton-Cane: May have got it confused with a different position.

AW: Amendment to move music room manager from 1.1 to 1.2

*No questions or opposition to amendment*

*Amendment passed on a general aye*

SW: As Brooks bar steward, if a finalist ran it would be unfilled for Sep and Oct. Would be a shame during freshers’ week. Amendment to move to 3.2 (not for this year).

*No questions or Opposition to amendment*

*Amendment passed on a general aye*

JR: Green Machine manager and technicians are being run in 1.4, I want to change to 1.2.

RJ: All positions want to be early, but that’s not possible and green machine can wait because not much happens in first term. Let’s chat about it separately. Otherwise meetings will be too long. Let’s chat elsewhere.

JR: Amendment retracted.

JS: Can WCS rep changes happen now?

SWC Wooton-Cane: Assistant will have to be separate motion but moving WCS rep to both committees can be now.

JS: Amendment to put WCS rep on welfare comm as well as campaigns.

*Amendment passed on a general aye*

*No further amendments*

*No opposition to motion*

*Motion passed on a general aye*


Method I

Welfare campaigns team manager



Request New Candidates



Hi I’m AC, 2nd year languages student. Last year I was on outreach and volunteered with Jet.

Very passionate about mental health and became so over last year. Ethos of Cuth’s and transparency over mental health is one of best assets of Cuth’s.

Would love to run campaigns on uni specific issues such as moving away from home.

Basic guide to living alone featuring basic tips would be good.

Want to use instagram to share coping mechanisms

Social media is important to make welfare accessible.

Want to team up with S&S and with outreach to raise money for mental health charities.

Friendly charity rugby matches might be nice.

Want to make campaigns inclusive eg my accounting for money worries and being aware of LGBT+ community especially when discussing sexual health.

Work with minority reps.


JS: Last year we had a successful year. Towards end of year interest from officers drops. How would you motivate people and keep them involved, and what would you do if people don’t stay motivated?

AC: Important not to apply too much pressure on people during exams but it’s really important to delegate responsibilities and ensure enough people are always involved. Hopefully campaigns team will be passionate and distribution will be fair. I’ll listen to people’s commitments and delegate work throughout year.

ACH: Welfare has been criticised for being too upbeat. How would you balance maintaining upbeat tone with taking issues seriously?

AC: That’s a stigma we need to break down, I’d like to run a campaign focusing on absolute basics of mental health and common side affects. Not just love yourself.

EAM: If you had an unlimited budget and could run any campaign, what would it be?

AC: I’d like to do one surrounding people who discourse often excludes, focusing on minority reps and how these issues exacerbate mental health issues, people who think typical mental health advise isn’t for them.

Fashion show president



Request New Candidates



I’m ST, 3rd year english lit. Was a model last year so have good experience. It’s a charity event so I’d like to raise more money. More promotional events would increase tickets and raise money. Like a bigger venue for more people. Slight focus on sustainable fashion beacause that’s important. Would like to include as many people as possible so we’d be completely un-judgemental at auditions. Sourcing clothing from local brands would be really good. Last year missed a prominent overall theme.

I’m very approachable and understanding.


WN: Will you make fashion show finally put forward a reasonable budget?

ST: I’d try to do everything with a reasonable budget but needs to be fun.

EAM: What about people who wouldn’t normally be involved. How would you involve minorities?

ST: Advertising to as many different places as possible would be useful. Promoting around here would encourage freshers, a lot don’t know what it is. Important to make it clear you don’t have to be skinny.

Method II

Junior returning officer x3



Request New Candidates



Only decided to run 10 minutes ago. Fashion sense is worse than WE’. Battered with freshers’ flu but still came. Everyone loves Cuth’s but I love Gov comm because democracy is important and SWC is really nice. I want to be approachable and I’m ready to get involved. I’m quite nice.


WN: What made you run?

KB: This guy peer-pressured me.

RM: How strong are your opinions on moving things from method 2 to method 3?

KB: Love spontaneity, go with the flow. Applications are a bit formal. Here I am. If put on the spot you just have to talk without thinking.

EAM: What is your favourite standing order?

*Question vetoed*

*KB elected*




Request New Candidates



My name is WE. I’m American. Call me what you like. But not Richard because it’s not my name. I’d be a good stool because I’m nice, funny, amicable and hard-working. I do things well. I bring American life to the party. I’m a 5ft Jewish hunk of funk from LA. Head to toe gorgeous. I’ll be all the fashion show models, wearing this.


RJ: Do your best impression of a stool?

WE: Somebody sit on me

*WE acts as a stool and SWC sits on him*

JC: New part of the role is checking laundry room for gunpowder before meetings. What would you do if you found some?

WE: Guns are a vital part of my heart. I would shower the bar with gunpowder.

EAM: Another part of the job description is keeping a board of statistics. What is your favourite statistic of all time?

WE: Percentage of gingers that are in the room.

*WE Elected.*

Michaelmas ball manager






Request New Candidates



My vision is an old Hollywood vibe. Red carpet with green ribbon for paparazzi vibe. Project old films which can be watched with silent disco headphones. Black & white photo booth. Cut outs of Marylin Monroe for photos. Film stars’ names for tables. Organised 6th form prom, venue cancelled a few weeks before and I sorted everything.


Was on social comm last year, want to get more involved this year with more responsibility. Want nutcracker theme with Christmas decorations and lights. Hasn’t been done before so new and exciting. Ballerinas, hot chocolate, baileys. Tons of ideas, will do my best to make it the best ever.


My vision is murder on the orient express. 1930s vibes, outdoor snowy theme. Murder mystery-esque vibe with acting between courses. Would make it exciting and meal less boring. Was on social comm last year so have experience in running balls. Painted backdrop for summer ball. State of voice is testament to throwing myself into every role.


I’m quite arty, been plugging art soc all week. Helped social comm without being on social comm. Theme is pop art. Bold, stylish, colourful. Mainly for fancy stuff. Not loads of ideas but maybe St Cuthbert’s suit. EMM martin prints like Marylin Monroe. Murals in style of comic strips. Keith Herring is coool. For ents caricature artist and new york style food.


MW: Last year was really stressful, huge workload for ball manager. How would you handle this and how many hours a week would you put in?

SS: For summer ball did a lot of work on painting alongside exams. If something needs to happen I’ll put in the hours. Don’t know how many hours but I’ll do what’s needed, also happy to delegate and make a schedule in advance.

SL: Do engineering so good at time management. I’m diligent and while frepping was diligent. Last year for feast I helped paint massive board in my own time which was about 5 hours so I think I could commit a lot.

ZG: As much time as is required, when I commit I commit to the full, maybe 2 hours a day. But key is using social comm too. Motivated and good with time management. Dedicated so will put in required effort.

HG: Helped with school ball, don’t do much so happy to put in lots of time. Insomniac so can put those hours in.

JR: Michaelmas ball has lower budget than summer so how will you make it stretch further?

MW: POI half budget but half as many people there so a lot goes to hotel. Ents budget is 1/3 less.

SL: I’ve been to a lot of balls and know what’s worth it and what people will enjoy. At summer ball mid dinner entertainment wasn’t great and money could go elsewhere.

ZG: More about post event entertainment, so maybe a donut wall. Maybe some ballerinas.

HG: Most of my ideas come from things Cuth’s already has so that will keep costs down. Art soc could help us make things. Masks are 10 for £5. Good bargain hunter.

SS: I went to Nepal this summer and that’s refined my bargaining skills. I’d stretch budget by talking to venues and managers to explain human side and try to get lower rate. Very willing to put in hours on creative side so many decorations could be created here instead of buying them in.

HJ: What are you plans regarding outreach and charity?

MW: POI me and SWmy both said that £1 from each ticket would go to a charity and we want to advertise that and make sure it’s voted on and advertised. You can do more but that’s already in.

ZG: Donating money from ticket is a good idea. Picking charity via a facebook poll is important. Maybe £2 instead of £1. Maybe flyers at event to advertise charity we support. Maybe a bake sale before.

HG: Important to ensure we reduce ticket prices.

MW: POI Me, JS and ES are discussing Durham grant ticket price. Please keep to outreach for ball specifically.

HG: Could add £1 to wine for charity. Collection pots by bar could be good.

SS: Some good suggestions raised. We have a commitment to provide outreach but don’t want to make it inaccessible, students have a lot of time but not money. Ball is a good chance to raise awareness for what students can get involved with. Maybe raffles or auctions with money going to charities but students benefit too.

MW: POI in the past outreach comm chooses 3 charities then everyone votes.

SL: A good charity that goes with my theme is keypairing. We have a big proponent of the AIDS movement. Foundation supports underprivileged children and sufferers of AIDS and HIV. Also any spare money could go to charity.

AW: Music at balls is often not on theme. We all love party bangers but ents always fit theme and music doesn’t. How will you fit music to theme?

HG: Jazz playing fits with theme and will be cool.

SS: Would be nice to have music during meal in keeping with theme such as 30s swing, but also being stuck to theme isn’t as important as enjoyment and people might prefer dancing to different music. Some music links are good but there’s a point in the evening when current taste should be catered for.

SL: Pop-art is linked to David Bowie and people like to dance to him. Also linked to 80s music which everyone likes. There are bands in Durham that do that.

ZG: Nutcracker is a ballet and we normally have a string quartet who could play Tchaikovsky. Love the theme so making everything fit it would be classy and fit theme. Some of the entertainment parts should be more suitable for dancing.

*SS Elected*

Postgradaute and mature students’ treasurer

No Candidates

Students’ union committee member x3






Request New Candidates



My face says SU committee member. Toast to Cuth’s. I’ll listen to you all and bring it forward any issues in meetings. Not one college is gonna ship on our vote. During our socials we’ll have a ducking good time. Any serious problems, I’m quit intelligent.


Finance comm in 1st year, JRO in 2nd year, want to try another method 2. Been here for 2 years and know SU fairly well. Know president, KM, by name. Interested in engaging with that side because it’s always been Cuth’s for me. Ready to take on the SU.


Want to be on SU comm beacause got into student politics last year as course rep. Have experience of arguing with staff members to make improvements for 1st years, experience of meeting people I don’t know and representing their views even if I don’t agree with them. Would make me a really good assistant for Comms officer and also good at promoting SU elections and other events.


Democracy is very important, and lack of student consultation is a real issue right now. In a collegiate university there can be political tension between SU and colleges, and SU comm is a good place to weigh in. Want to increase awareness of position by getting more people involved. More people should get involved because everyone cares about student politics.


SM: One of the big problems is getting people involved with SU. How would you solve this?

MT: run more campaigns to get people involved. Go out and tell people and discuss ideas being discussed. Language alienates people and we need to break down that barrier.

FK: Particularly important at Durham because SU is considered less important. So we need to promote it around college with campaigns around college.

EJ: In my 2 years here I’ve seen not much of SU so need to put up posters to tell people what they’re doing.

LH: If anyone has any problems come to me and I’ll make myself more present.

CG: Big part is to involve everyone in Cuth’s in discussion, so if something controversial came up how would you make it clear that people in Cuth’s could talk to you at any time? How would you exist?

FK: Important to be engaged in communication and post in freshers’ groups. Found it difficult as a fresher when people didn’t explain controversy so important to make it clear.

EJ: Facebook groups are a great way to reach people. I’m on a few email groups and I end up trashing them. JCR meetings aren’t representative. Facebook is better.

LH: Facebook, twitter, instagram. Not just about your thoughts, also about the community as a whole.

MT: Social media is important but so is being generally involved with college life.

CG: Another big part of the job is to tweet during assembly and JCR meetings. How would you make twitter funky?

EJ: I have a twitter. It’s not successful. I get some hate. Channel the hate and make people angry and they’ll get involved. Images are good.

LH: Consistency. Keep tweeting creatively. I only follow Nigela Lawson and Cuth’s JCR.

MT: General theme would be chaos because that attracts people.

FK: Also tweet regularly outside of meetings so people don’t forget. Also remind people after meeting of important things that happened.

*EJ, LH and MT elected*


Sung with aplomb by approximately 10 people.

Meeting Adjourned