JCR Meeting, 2019-03-11
Present/ those who speak: AK- president, EMM – vice president, MM – social chair, EP- outreach chair, BE – librarian, RJ- head frep, EC – chair, JB- international rep, JC- PG and Mature students rep, JG- facilities, LM- senior welfare, ES- male welfare, MP- S&S, DT – student trustee, SWC – student trustee, SP – SRO, SS – POC rep, DV – POC rep, CG- SU rep, AC – fw candidate, AH – fw candidate, MT – fw candidate, DA – international candidate, EE- international candidate, WB- head frep candidate, AC- S&S candidate, AW- Music rep candidate, TG – summer ball manager candidate, CW- summer ball manager candidate, SA – summer ball manager candidate, WN – JCR member, JF – SU rep, MW – social comm member, SR – JCR member, AL- JCR member, CC- student trustee
Apologies: SM-Communications, MW- SU Committee, JS – Welfare Campaigns manager, PJ – Social Comm rep, EM – SwD rep, AJ – Assistant librarian, BS – Female Welfare, OW- Web-manager, AB – Treasurer, BC – Michaelmas Ball manager, SB – Fi comm, KW – LGBTQ rep, SS – Social comm rep,
Table Slips Motion (SP- SRO)
Events Bursary Ticket Motion (SS- POC rep)
Glass Bell Motion (WN- JCR member)
Honorary Lifetime Membership for AK Motion (SW- student trustee)
Method I
Female Welfare Officer
Head Frep
Sports and Socs Committee Chair
Postgraduate and Mature Students Committee Chair
International Rep
Music Rep
Method II
Cuth’s Day Manager
Summer Ball Manager
Exec updates
President – AK
Over this past term I’ve collected the information for last years audit ready to send off, interviewed new trustees, decided on a new legal officer, got AW a music room key, worked on the Feast and cleaned up everything, arranged a focus group for the new building and have worked with college on how to consult students and move forward with the plans. I’ve worked more on the logistics of the new FCO position, including a contract, task list, and looking into setting up payroll. I’ve worked with RJ and prepped for the post offer visit days, including interviewing and selecting open day reps, as well as other logistics. On a university-wide level, I’ve written an open letter to students outlining how the university strategy and expansion plan is negatively affecting students. Look out for this being released over the next few days because the university enrages me and this encapsulates why you should be angry at the senior management too.
Vice President – EM
Had another good stash order – there are a last few pieces to pick up so please come and get those if they are yours. There will be one stash order (including graduation stash) next term. I’ve tried to help out other exec when they’ve needed me – like MM at the feast or JC with his MCR formal. I’ve organised stash and white t shirts for the Open Days, and have continued to minute everyone’s meetings and tried to make sure that all the minutes are up the day the meeting happened or the next morning.
Treasurer – AB
Librarian – EB
– I’ve reported all of the House 8 computer room issues so that should be addressed soon
– We now have a music room key – collect it and fill in the form at the librarian’s desk (ask them for more info)
– A volunteer, SN, has designed some new posters which we’re putting up to smarten up the library
– There’s an ongoing issue with damp/a leak which college know about and are (hopefully) sorting
– Almost all books have arrived and emails have been sent out – if you haven’t been contacted, let me know
– We’ve ordered a binding machine! Still working out exact prices and a timetable, but we will be running sessions for students to come in and have their dissertations etc bound – all info will put on the fresher’s pages & in the bulletin as soon as we have the machine and have tested it out. Hoping to have it up and running by Week 10 for anyone who has diss deadlines at the end of this term
Senior Welfare – LM
In terms of Welfare recently we had our minorities rep week which went really well and we raised a lot of awareness toooo. Now we’re onto our third campaign of the term which is SHAG week (sexual health and guidance week) in which we will be trying to facilitate discussions surrounding sex, keep your eyes peeled for events yet to happen including our sex themed collab with karaoke soc and a discussion with fem soc and we’ve got loads of amazing prizes to be won. We know now is a particularly stressful time of year so please please do come and see us if you’re struggling.
International Rep – JB
Figuring out how to make the drop-off and collection system for over-summer storage more efficient and less hectic than it was last year, will have to communicate this issue with the new International Rep as they will be organising the collection during first term (October).
Brainstorming potential events to run with the International Committee.
Outreach Chair – EP
I have been working with DV to get a meeting set up with JETNorthEast to start a mentoring programme set up with them – this is happening next week.
Outreach are working with Pink Week for their charity sports match happening this Friday.
I have met with college to discuss the outreach goals for the rest of the year and worked out how they can best support us.
I have continued with FRAMDA and have been approached by external theatre companies asking if they can work in some of our sessions.
PG and Mature Student’s Rep – JC
Social Events: We had a Brooks bar social with reasonable attendance and have been planning our inter-MCR formal which will take place tomorrow. We’ve also planned a joint bar crawl with John’s MCR.
Academic Events: Our first research forum was a success, and we have another this week, this time with students giving talks instead of staff.
Mature Students: We had good attendance at the mature students’ brunch and met several people who haven’t been at other events. We have a pool and horse racing event next week, and a morning drop-in social session the week after, both aimed at mature students.
Sports and Socs – MP
Ah, Epiphany Term, what a blast it has been. I will take you on a journey of just how it has been.
Since my last update with you, there hasn’t been too much on the sports & socs chair front. Team Cuth’s posts have been frequent, and I used the £15 free advertising facebook gives you.
We had the York Varsity day, which Cuth’s sent 2 teams to. We lost both but Durham won overall.
Cuth’s sports & socs have been FLOURISHING. Won’t be giving an update on them now because I could go on for hours. Ram Soc formed.
Vis-à-vis Hild Bede Varsity – schedule set, it will be on the 11th of June, got a beautifully graphically designed poster which will be hitting the socials and being put up physically at some point. Would love it if people come down to watch sports/stay after they’ve played. Intend to get a little bit of help from the Sports & Socs elect running it (so elect a good one at this meeting!!!!!!)
Photos are booked on the 11th of May.
Social Chair – MM
Feast – Was very successful. We tried out some new things such as the crepe van outside, dancers during dinners, live music in the marque and casino games, all were received very well. A highlight was AK’s and BC’s joined effort to get the room to sing happy birthday to a cake.
Summer Ball – Planning will start properly after the election tonight. The date has been released and tickets sales will start during the Easter break. The rides have now been booked (more rides than last year!!) Hope to hold auditions next term. GET HYPED.
Cuth’s Day – date has been decided and planning with start soon. Hope to work closely with the social chair-elect on this event as well.
Communications – SM
Firstly, apologies for not being there, trust me I would rather be at the JCR Meeting than revising Old English literature for my exam tomorrow. Since the last exec report we’ve had the SU elections, where myself and CG ran a voter registration stall in the JCR, but sadly we did not win the alpacas. I’ve also been working with other SU reps to discuss wider student issues including team leadership training, study space and reducing waste. Cuth’s SU comm have met last week to discuss the motions going to assembly which is also on tonight. Finally, I am currently working on developing the involvement of Cuth’s with the Ripped Off campaign.
JCR Chair – EC
– Passed 4 new standing orders which should be going up on the website soon!
– Organised and run the JCR meetings, helping people out with their motions as always
– Helped out with the elections, this is the last round this term so big thank you to SP for smashing those out
– Over Easter my plan is to get at least 2 more orders written to run in the first meeting back
Facilities – JG
I’ve mainly been sorting hires with numerous silent disco and music room hires going out this term. I’ve also ensured that the new booking forms are up on the JCR website with the help of our webmaster. As such, all hires and music room bookings are to go through the new form so as to both centralise the system and ensure that anyone with access can check the form entries.
Trustee Report – SW
- Sorting out FCO, working days decided (four-day week)
- Selected a Legal Officer
- Rewritten student trustee standing orders, will be bringing them to a meeting soon
- Still working on getting final accounts to the Charity Commission
- Look at amending bylaws so student trustees can have more than two terms, still looking into constitution amendment
- Recruitment of more external trustees underway
- Working on getting plan into place for if President/FCO leaves part-way through their term
- Trying to get trustee minutes online, had a wider discussion about making all JCR minutes GDPR compliant, we will use initials and publish guidelines on what will be redacted from minutes before they are made public
- Going to go through policies and pass the ones that are done, some will need amendment to encompass role of FCO
Tableslips Motion
The JCR Notes:
- Currently the SRO is responsible for printing and distribution of table slips. The candidates are already asked to print their Manifesto and Poster.
The JCR believes:
- That printing table slips and seeking reclaims are time-consuming tasks. And the candidates have a lesser number of table slips that they will need to print and as they will already be seeking reclaims for posters and manifestos it will be easier for them. This will further help the JCR monitor the budget.
The JCR Repeals:
- 2.2 of the Elections standing order “ The SRO shall manage the printing and the distribution of the table slips.”
The JCR orders:
- 2.2 The SRO shall manage the distribution of table slips and the candidates shall be responsible for managing the printing of table slips.
Proposer: SP
Seconder: JC
Discussion of Motion:
SP speaks on behalf of the motion. He’s asked JC to second is because he’s the only person who would oppose it
Passed on a general aye
Cuth’s JCR Events Bursary Ticket Motion
This JCR notes:
- The university-wide Working-Class Students’ Association’s intention to enable working-class students to participate in college events.
- That dinner tickets for the most recent Cuth’s Feast, Michaelmas Ball, and Summer Ball were £38, £56 and £60 respectively.
This JCR believes:
- That these ticket prices, while relatively low compared to other colleges, are nonetheless high when considering additional costs of the event such as clothes, taxis, and alcohol.
- That such JCR events are key to participation in college life, and that financial difficulties should not be a barrier to such participation.
- Offering half-price dinner tickets for students from low socio-economic backgrounds for college events would help to make Cuth’s more inclusive.
This JCR resolves:
- That, for future Michaelmas Balls, Summer Balls, and Feasts of St. Cuthbert, Cuth’s students who receive the maximum Durham Grant (annual household income of less than £25,000) will be eligible for half-price dinner tickets.
- That these students should email the President (or, from the academic year 2019/2020, the FCO) to provide proof that they receive the Durham Grant in order to receive a discount code which halves the price of a dinner ticket. This proof must be sent at least 48 hours in advance of tickets going on sale.
- That transfers of dinner tickets can only be completed up to 24 hours before wristband collection, so that the President or FCO can check that those who applied the discount code have also emailed proof that they receive the maximum Durham Grant.
- That anyone who uses the code without proof would not be able to collect a wristband, and would have their ticket released.
- That the Social Chair can, if they wish, accordingly increase the standard ticket price to offset the cost of providing half-price tickets.
Proposer: SS
Discussion of Motion:
SS speaks on behalf of the motion. He’s done the maths and if 5% of tickets were bursary ones then all other tickets would only have to increase by £1
EE: can people sell the discounted ticket?
SS: on Fixr you can still see who has used the discount code so you’d just have to check
ES: RE PG students; they can’t have the Durham grant and also have the same money issues.
SS: the reason I picked the Durham grant is because it was a simple thing to pick and it’s all legit information. Do you have any suggestions?
ES: I have an issue with this because I consider myself a working class students but a lot of working class students aren’t on the maximum grant. The way I see it is we are being inclusive but what about the people who are working class but don’t get the highest grant because the loans systems is bad. We should pour our efforts fighting the university on this
MM: is this motion a good start? To use as a spring board to something more thorough
ES: I agree in principle
MM: We don’t even know how many students this impacts atm, after summer ball we can look at making it better based on the need for it
ES: just worried it’s only being inclusive to one type of working class students.
SS: I agree but including a sliding income scale would be really hard to pass in a motion
DV: there are issues with student finance, but for PGs can we see if they were eligible for grants in their undergrad we would take those into consideration. Just to have it as an option. Even if they went to another uni before and had a slightly different grant
SS: I’d have to look into that and see what other universities offer and what they offer at different income bands- to make it fair
JP: there are problems with basing it on the grant. Can’t we just use the participation fund? To increase the fund’s functionality
MM: that was my initial view, but AK brought up that the fund assumes people already have the means to buy something and then get refunded based on the getting the fund’s support
SS: I agree it needs a tweak, but I’d like it to pass now
JC: the issue with using the fund is that the money in it comes from the budget whereas this suggestion pays for itself with slightly increased ticket sales and it doesn’t stop other people being able to use the fund for sports and socs
MP: I agree it’s better to keep it away from the fund
DV: It’s also important to consider that there are people who are under the threshold and we need to consider this
DT: people have a problem with who it doesn’t reach not who is does so we should pass it today and work on the details later
AK: A lot of these issues are uni wide and it’s going to take a lot of effort to negotiate the grant system so I agree we should pass it now to do what it can
JG: how much do we know how much to increase tickets by?
SS: I’m currently working on the fact that 4.53% of students have that grant which works out as a small increase. It’s also up to the discretion of the social chair
EC: to clarify that the motion says the cost of this is contained to the budget
MM: the budget will cover it
No opposition
Passed on general aye
Glass bell motion
This JCR notes:
- WN has obtained a bell.
- Getting the attention of the JCR at the start of a meeting could strain a person’s voice.
- A gavel used to be used to mark the start and end of meetings but has been lost.
This JCR believes:
- The use of a bell would speed up the beginning and end of meetings by clarifying them.
A bell would increase the power of the Chair and protect their voice.
- The bell in question is the best option as a replacement to the gavel as it is being offered for free.
This JCR mandates:
- The Chair must ring the bell photographed below (Which is to be kept behind the bar) at the start and end of every JCR meeting.
Proposer: WN
Seconder: AK
Discussion of Motion:
WN: this is a glass bell. We don’t have a gavel anymore and now I think we should have this
Round of applause
SP: What happens when you graduate?
WN: I donate to Cuth’s
MM: who keeps it?
JR: I want to propose an amendment to have a method 4 position; “glass bell keeper” and WN has automatically takes that role
WN: I will do it
EC: bring it to every meeting
WN: ok
JR: and maintain it
WN: I need it for tomorrow but then that’s fine
EC: what are you doing with it tomorrow
WN: can’t say
EC: vote on the amendment that we create a “glass bell keeper” and they have to look after the bell and bring it to every meeting
JC: is the replacement of the bell if it breaks in the amendment
JR: no
Amendment passed on a general aye
JC: RE breaking the bell; What will the chair do if you break the bell?
EMM: proposed amendment that if the glass bell keeper breaks the bell they become the bell as best they can until they replace it?
EC: any questions for amendment
EMM: how good is WN’s bell impression?
WN is the bell while AC shakes him
Amendment passed on general aye
Motion passed on general aye
Motion: Honorary Lifetime Membership proposal for AK
This JCR notes:
- That honorary lifetime memberships can be given to members who have contributed exceptionally to the development of Cuth’s JCR by passing a motion to grant them to specific members, provided the motion has fourteen seconders.
This JCR believes:
- That AK has contributed huge amounts to the JCR, primarily in her presidency but also throughout her years as a student, on the Executive Committee both as President and Treasurer and previously on finance committee.
- That AK dealt with unprecedented circumstances regarding the future of the charity, primarily from the Board of Trustees, and worked hard to find a democratic solution to the situation, consistently putting the needs of the charity in crisis above her own.
- That the work AK has put into the JCR at least equals that of others who have achieved honorary lifetime membership, and as such her work also deserves recognition in this manner.
This JCR resolves:
- To grant AK honorary lifetime membership of St Cuthbert’s Society JCR.
Proposer: SWC
Seconders: EMM, AB, EB, LM, JG, MM, EP, SM, JB, MP, RJ, BS, ES, SP, MT, EC, HJ, RH, ALJ, CG, DV, WN, CK
Discussion of Motion:
SWC: people who have contributed lots to the JCR can be nominated to have Life Time Membership of the JCR and there is a big group that believes AK should have this. I have way more seconders than I need
Last term there was a bit of a crisis on the trustee board and there were points when we thought we might have to wind up the charity. It was a really stressful time, especially for AK who even once called into a trustee meeting from her Grandpa’s funeral. The reason you had a say in the FCO debate is down to AK. She’s done loads for the university. She led the way through a really tricky freshers week and made welfare changes because of it. She really deserves this. This is one of the most challenging years for the JCR ever- AK has turned around and tried to sort all the problems we have
[big round of applause then AK leaves the room for Questions]
SP: what’s your best memory of AK?
SWC: I had a difficult welfare issue and AK dropped everything and took me on a walk and got me chocolate and was there for me when I need her. That’s an exemplification of what presidency is; you have to care for everyone in cuth’s and she does this
EE: if this passes now can AK ring the bell in celebration?
WN: can she have to?
SWC: yes?
Dan T: Will she go on the DLB board?
SWC: that’s a different thing
CW: would she be on any board?
EC: it’s recorded in college but there isn’t a board
Dan T: Can we name the computer room after her?
EC: I feel like that’s not part of this motion
No opposition
Motion passed on general aye
[standing ovation as AK comes back into the room and then she rings the bell]
SP: rambles about how not cliquey the exec is. [unenthusiastic round of applause]. Joke: How to astronauts party? They planet.
Method I
Female Welfare Officer
4 candidates: AC, AH, MT, request new candidate
AC’s Speech in Summary: first year law, intouch with her emotions. Mental health is important at university so people know who to reach out. Set up a mentoring scheme at school. Has done talks on self care. Fundraised for MIND. Is on Outreach. Wants to increase online presence before term starts so people can contact welfare with questions. Wants a scheme where freshers can meet others to live with to help them find a house. Wants to increase the number of people who use welfare. More casual things like welfare walks. Wants to involve those who want to support their friends with a text a question scheme.
AH’s Speech in Summary: second year geography. Worked as instructor for riding for the disabled. Exec of fem soc. Frepped and has active listening training. Been part of welfare this year. Has the emotional capacity and is super organised. Wants to continue the work of consent workshop. Wants active bystander info in this workshop. C cards are easier to access with info in freshers packs. Multiple signups in first term. Work with livers out reps. Will get nightline training. Concise where to get help guides. Drop in hours well advertised and in more places. Work with the other officer to make sure the SO are the best they can be. Has been a frep – seen how the team has worked through difficult situations. Has empathy.
MT’s Speech in Summary: lots will probably not have seen her before. First year sociology. Has no contact hours. Average student but passionate. Big advocate for mental health. Been on the welfare campaign team and has made posters and have grown to appreciate the welfare officers- they are approachable. Has personal highs and lows of mental health so has perspective. Know that sign posting is really important and makes welfare worth it. Wants to ensure campaigns are planned and published further in advance. We saw how good movember was. Amplify reps voices in freshers week. There is an issue with hatred of emojis. Wants more serious posts to make it more applicable to lost of people.
ES: welfare is demanding. Imagine senior welfare had to take time off – how would you fill the gap?
AH: the hours are currently in big chunks so you would break them up for more availability through the week
MT: same as AH but also give people the option to do group welfare drop ins to get other perspectives.
AC: more weekend slots as well
CG: welfare is quite taxing on the officer, how would you do it without compromising yourselves?
MT: I get that. Welfare is there for welfare. You can have a moment of respite with them
AC: the committee is a great resource. Sometimes you might not be so present but you will also fill in for others too
AH: has experience with being drained so knows how to cope with it and how to distance self when needed and to look after self
JF: what issue related to female welfare do you most want to focus on
AC: passionate about body image and eating disorders which can be worsened by moving away from home
AH: intersectionality which we deal wth in fem soc – compounded issues and discrimination
MT: period poverty. Also tackling stigma about menstruation which is important to tackle and talk about
Head Frep
2 candidates: WB, request new candidate
WB’s Speech in Summary: second year combined honors student. Why would I want to do this? It’s super tricky. It’s a challenge I’m desperate to face. Wasn’t a confident fresher and dreaded the idea of leaving his fam but his frep team made it ok. RJ talked a lot about lollipop moments and they happened to me when I was frepped. Was a frep team leader and wants to foster a lollipop environment. Worked well with his team and they went above and beyond. RJ was fab and it’s hard to improve but PG and international freshers week need to be better. Freps to organise pres for freshers. Wants to show fresh what going here is about
EE: I was happy to be woken up with chants about Hatfield etc. its good to know traditions before. I think a small drum would be cool. Would you get a big drum.
WB: yeah maybe
ES: what plans for welfare?
WB: Id establish a framework to make sure freps were better trained – some training on how to deal with certain situations. More fresps to be able to do consent workshops if needed
JG: you’d be in charge of a major issues. What would you do if a parent’s car combusted mid drop off?
WB: I’ve dealt with some sort of similar issues. Id’ contact the right person
RJ: what will be the hardest thing for you in planning freshers week
WB: just that there are things that you can’t plan for but my experience has taught me how to handle that. You’ve got to have freps ready?
AC: what are your opinions on sharking and what would you do if someone sharked while frepping
WB: not in freshers week but after that it’s fair game?
SP: would you have AC as a team leader?
WB: for the chat, yes
Sports and Socs Committee Chair
2 candidates: AC, request new candidate
AC’s Speech in Summary: Maths student. Very involved in different s&s. treasurer badminton. President climbing. Chief for D team pool. Dabbles in feminist society. Lots of football. Good understanding of running of clubs. Sign poster. Is a sports and soc reporter and make well received posts. MP has done a good job and he wants to continue celebrating Cuth’s people. Wants a team cuths insta for shorter and snapper posts. Wants to encourage s&s to send in.
Was a frep team leader. He was a star. This is useful because he needs to arrange events throughout the year. He’d talk to MP to shadow him next term. Also wants an easily accessible calendar. Apparently there is a music rep so maybe wants to work with them. Please vote for me
RJ: there are more than 40 S&S in cuths. How would you education yourself about the ones you don’t know about
AC: he’s been involved in more as a ss reporter and has been going to things. Quite likes going to cuths events. In terms of fringe things – he can just look at them and go one day. Backgammon is run by my college son
MP: a big part of ss is the naked calendar. How would you make yours different
AC: I think the naked calendar is great already. the only thing might improve it is if you had a caption describing what’s going on or something funny. Make it bigger?
JC, RJ, MP and AC dance off quite disturbingly while SP claps aggressively
Postgraduate and Mature Students Committee Chair
No candidates
International Rep
3 candidates: DA, EE, request new candidate
DA’s Speech in Summary: he’s said hi to everyone in durham. Really good candidate because he comes from India. He faced a few problems he wants to sort out. This include not having a lot of details about the accommodation before hand so people can pack appropriately. Another problem was cultural distress and language barriers making it hard to talk to locals and wants to upload memes about the local language here that tells people making an effort is good. Wants to upload festivals around the world to make people feel at home.
EE’s Speech in Summary: from Columbia. Usually here and there. He’s an international students who was meant to be here last year because his visa was denied due to discrimination and other things and he also didn’t have the information he needed. He wants to give that info to others. Today was Brexit day and this impacts international students as it changes the way they live there. I want in international student guide that is constantly being built upon. Studies law so would be good at this. On the future there might only certain firms that can employ international students etc and wants to give people that information. Also, thinks its important to remember that the role isn’t just for summer but wants to do transition shock sessions to talk to people.
JG: both of you were lucky that you got involved in ss early. How would you make ss as accessible as possible?
EE: use his friends who speak Spanish and other languages and is here over summer
DA: do it online
JB: one of the biggest issues this year was GDPR and fb didn’t have much reach
DA: More social events once a month with themes and look into issues
EE: data protection makes things hard so the guide needs to go on the webpage. WhatsApp worked well this year. The immigration department in Durham is very delayed and this will be worse after Brexit
CC: students feel homesick so how would you link them to societies to do with their homes
EE; it’s hard because Durham is small, and the international sections for food are small. It’s best for international students to travel around the UK. It would be nice to plan a trip over the holidays
DA: Agreed and would do the same. Food is a major point. Likes butter chicken. Events where people bring in food. Friends help each other out
CG: both talk about reaching out but being prefresh is intimidating and it’s hard to put yourself out there. How do you get people to engage?
DA: I go up to people and talk. We have a lot of events and I’ll communicate it to people in anyway possible.
EE: you meant before? So you have to target particular online groups. Post offer days are good and wants a mechanism for skype sessions before hand that would be good.
SP: would both of you commit to working with the next communications to sort out an international college family? If I had someone from my country from a year above to mentor people
EE: that’s important but it’s a double edged sword because it can isolate people. It could work and other groups already do it, but I don’t agree with it being integrated into the college family system. I came here to learn about the uk not about Columbia. But it is good to have a support system
DA: Agree with SP. You are the only other Indian here. Sometimes there aren’t other people from the country you come from. Id look forward to having this kind of group but it is complicated
Music Rep
2 candidates: AW, request new candidate
AW’s Speech in Summary: first year music. Based on track record you might think I’m a knob but he’s passionate about music and sort of cuths. Sometimes you jst need to back yourself- MP, I could make the cuth’s music scene. I made this position. It’s a new role so important that the first holder has a clear plan. 1. Deal with musical societies. Help exec of music groups to help them expand. Also wants to get involved with no JCR bands etc. promote new societies to fill gaps as we are such a big college. 2. Events. Formals and events should have cuths groups as priority so we are representing cuths people. Also wants a new event like other colleges have like a mini music festival. 3. Social media. Music groups aren’t teams so need new group to plug music events so increase engagement and standing in the uni. Would be a good rep
AL: what are you going to do about existing pages for music groups? Because I like mine?
AW: I don’t want to step on people’s toes. I’d promote rather than overtake
CC: are you in DUOS or DUPO
AW: no but my mum is
JR: how would you respond to music questions for people who don’t have the knowledge
AW: yes I will do it
WN: what the difference between a conga and a bongo
AW: Conga is bigger
JG: the size of the music room is an issue. Who would you get bigger societies in that small places?
AW: collaborations with other colleges where you share members and facilities. Also there is the music department families. The music room does have room for smaller groups
EP: college societies can’t hire out music department facilities
AW: didn’t know that
Method II
Summer Ball Manager
4 candidates: SA, TG, CW, request new candidates
SA: second year. On social committee. One of the most qualifies people. Been on the committee for two years and helped at everything. Did lots for last cuths day, has sourced a lot of things. Knows all the companies we use. Is good at all the boring clearing up stuff. Theme ideas to vote on. Circus magic or under the sea. Please question me on those
TG: has been on social comm for two years and has been involved and contributed a lot. Was part of decorations team. Got some diversity to the food truck area. Theme ideas: Arabian nights or masquerade ball
CW: 4th year biologist. Theme Italian renascence mask thing. Fire breathers. Stilt people. The god father song on repeat. Was facilities manager and has help set up last ball. Has worked in an events situation before. “we like to party. We like to, we like to party” Venga boys.
MW: Themes in more detail?
TG: Arabian nights is a mix of tales like Aladdin etc and it could be cool because there are lots of different decorations. Middle eastern food truck. Mask ball because I don’t remember one in Cuth’s. Fewer ideas for decorations though
CW: initially it was going to be Brexit themed but got rid of that and I’ve always been into Italy. I went to Venice and it was dark and mysterious. Masks. We would buy masks for people and they could write their names on them. Jokes about the economy
SA: circus and magic has been done a lot by other people but the contacts we have would make ours the best. Acrobatics etc on stage as part of the music entertainment. Magicians at tables. Live entertainment. Helter-skelter. Better vegan and veggie options. Under the sea = blue light. Want to put theme to a vote so people get involved with social committee
MM: we are using the same venue as last year and there was a spare room for roller-skating last year but it was hidden away. We could do this again or something different. What would you do?
CW: ideally not roller skating because I can’t do it. Its also not that safe. Lots of people fell over last year. Actual gladiator fights- inflatable like his freshers. Safe is best.
SA: magicians and circus performers which could be interactive.
TG: more like a chill Persian carpets and cushions. A henna artist and tea to recreate vibe
AK: one of the ways we keep the cost down is sharing the marquee with other colleges. What else can we share with other colleges?
SA: I know social comm regularly use the same suppliers and I negotiated cheap deals for ents etc and we could share that knowledge with other colleges. Extra money on free snacks
TG: music equipment?
CW: security as that’s quite a big thing. Share the fun and good vibes
CW has been elected
Cuth’s Day Manager
MM explains that Cuths day is great with lots of music and people and drinking all day (including snacks), laser tag last year, tribute bands, YOU can choose which bands and theme
Candidates: TG, Request New Candidates
TG: Probs bred of my voice, there are a few thing I want to change We spend lots of money, I want some more free things. At least 1 free food truck. Rides are fun. Bring back ABBA because big year for them. Save money on that too and could have free food trucks or drinks.
CG: I’m vegan in case you didn’t know. How do you propose we provide out dietary requirements?
POI from MM there were vegan food trucks at Cuths day last year
EE: I heard about a Robbie Williams impersonator and everyone cried. Can we have him again?
TG: 2 years in a row is too much.
MP: No question
DT: Student bands or other bands?
RJ: that’s a stupid question
JG: not karaoke
TG: Open to everyone who wants to apply.
CW: Sometimes we have tribute act. Would you consider emailing Venga boys to headline?
TG: is this emotional attachment?
CW; no, they’re good
TG: if there is interest
SA: How will you balance big headlines and tributes with budget?
TG: People enjoyed tributes more so Hoosiers weren’t worth money, so maybe more tribute acts and rides instead of big acts
JF: How cheesy would you go with tribute acts? Eg. Spando ballet
TG: More drunk everyone is, the better the cheesy tributes so, cheesy
SR: could we get Morissey?
DV: Fuck off, no!
Request to explain who he is
SR: 3 things: veggie, Brexit, man of the people
TG: We could have you instead if you back yourself
TG has been elected
PG General rep
2 candidates:
CG: vote for me because I’m friendly and likes talking to PGs, we should do more to get them involved. Yeah vote for me. Have a nice evening
AL: how will you relate to PGs?
CG: anthropologist so interested in getting to the core or people and listening
CW: what’s your fav part of being PG
CG: Golly I’m not a PG but I appreciate them
JR R: name 3 PGs other than JC
CG: CW, umm I met some the other day I’m not good at remembering names and I have dyslexia
Request new candidate has won