Setting: Bailey Bar, a nice number of moustaches being rocked
Apologies: SoM (fi comm), MWa (SU comm), SM (Communications), GZ (social comm), JW (PG comm), SS (POC rep), ES (Male welfare), SA (Social comm), LM (fi comm), Choir, PJ (Social comm), KW (LGBTQ rep), JO (Formals manager), JZ (fi comm)
Absences: ABr, LF


Correspondence from EMo – Sports and Socs step down
EMo: “I regret that I can no longer be part of the Exec this year due to sporting and personal commitments. I will help whoever is elected in any way I can and wish them the best of luck with the role!”

Exec Questions
1)To Senior Welfare
One of the posts yesterday on the Cuth’s welfare instagram was addressing that boys/mens mental health matters which is great. However, I don’t think that the nature of the instagram with excessive emojis and ‘self-care bears’ projects that welfare is for everyone, because not everyone loves unicorns and rainbows and this could put people off reaching out for support. How do you think you could develop a more diverse following for the instagram and for cuths welfare in general?

Lauren: Would really love to know what whoever submitted this things. It’s really hard because of the nature of welfare so she puts emojis to lighten the tone. She is going to maybe have people who are on social comm who are on a rota as to who posts on the Instagram so that there is a variety. But she doesn’t want to be closing off support.

2)To Treasurer
What do you think is an appropriate response time for you to reply to emails? And what will you do to achieve this in the future?

Everyone giggles
2-3 days. Full time student, and have a number of things to do beyond responding to emails, receive a lot of emails, if I replied to all of them instantly wouldn’t get anything done, especially if action is required. Will try to improve by replying even if I don’t know the answer, as will often just not replying I don’t know the answer to something until I have said answer

3)To Treasurer
Why are you taking so long to approve college sport budgets? While you fail to reply to emails and approve the most minor changes to budgets you made, captains are struggling to pay expenses out of their own pockets.

1. These questions are designed to be something beneficial to ask insightful questions of the exec to see what they do, not use it as a platform to attack volunteers who help run said sports and socs. 2. I have not taken a lot of time to approve budgets. Last meeting I brought 5 budgets to the meeting, and all of them were democratically voted on. To ask why I haven’t “approved minor changes” is because I cannot, all changes go though JCR meetings and so it can only happen on the fixed dates the jcr meetings are on 3. I do not make the budgets for individual sports clubs. I am there in an advisory role to help presidents/club captains get them right, but I am not here to do your job for you as I have enough on my plate regardless 4. Sometimes reclaims can be slow, but often that is because people make reclaims that are problematic and so need to be checked. Purchases for items that are outside or over a sports clubs budget need to be checked, and may need a change to said budget. It is far more.important to check that reclaims are valid and for appropriate expenses, than it is to just hand out money thoughtlessly to any reclaim that comes my way
Reclaims can be slow because sometimes more is asked for than there is in the budget. Also we do need to check their legitimacy because that is important.
Things these questions are good but wants to note that they aren’t that to make personal attacks to people who are volunteers working for the JCR along side a full time degree.

Amy’s presidential discourse on Newfoundland Fisheries (Slides originally provided but now broken)
EC: Ready?
AK: Yes, but she doesn’t want to do this. But don’t worry because it’s only 3 mins long.
[little bit of awkwardness as the projector warms up]
AK’s discourse in summary:
AK thought Newfoundland was in the UK, she has since worked out it’s in Canada.
She didn’t read all of the minutes because she has a life and a job.
Change in Labour force.
The graphs are nice.
She’s talking very fast and is trying to get through it, I think. The room looks confused.
Page in French for the Canadians.
People liked joke just before the end.


Small Societies Motion

Proposed: DT
Seconded: CW

The JCR Notes
• At present, every society must abide by the 50/50 budgeting rule.
• Certain small societies that represent causes and provide a service in the fields of religion, activism, or philanthropy currently have to abide by the 50:50 rule requiring them to charge subs in order to obtain funding for activities
• Certain societies provide services for the wider body of the JCR. JCR members who aren’t affiliated with such societies can also benefit from their activities, due to their non-excludable nature

The JCR Believes:
• Small societies should not have to charge subs if they are deemed to provide a non-excludable outreach service for the JCR community, yet due to the nature of the services provided, they should still receive some sort of support from the JCR.
• These qualifying societies- such as the Christian Union and FemSoc- should therefore be exempt from the 50/50 budget rule, and this should be done by the awarding of a grant each year so they can continue to provide these services for Cuth’s.
• All financial support would be to spend on services that are accessible to all members of the JCR, whether considered active in the society or not

The JCR Resolves:

• A special one off grant shall be given at the start of the academic year to these qualifying societies.
• This grant will be up to the cost of £5 per member, up to 50 members, thus a society can claim a maximum of a £250 grant for the year with no requirement to pay it back through subs and is thus exempt from the 50/50 budget rule. There is no requirement to claim the full amount and significant misuse of this grant can lead to it being withdrawn.
• This motion shall currently apply to (but is not limited to) the Christian Union, FemSoc
• A society can apply for the grant by submitting a budget request under the relevant clause in the Standing Orders to deem them exempt from the 50:50 rule. Any applying society must be deemed to be an activist/religious/philanthropic society that provides a non-excludable service to the members of Cuth’s JCR. This is to be decided by a board of members consisting of the President, Treasurer, and Sports and Societies Chair before their budget proposal is considered by Finance Committee.

DT explains his motion where he wants money for the small religious societies without them having to pay subs. He want’s up to £250. He then talks about some of the good things that Christian Union have been doing recently. The budget would be welcome to come and use whatever the money got spent on.
WN: is this just religious societies? No, ones that are religious, doing good, philanthropic,
JC: Do societies have to reapply every year? Dan isn’t sure
JG: Is there a reason why would shouldn’t have to justify every expenditure? Dan says the panel would be able to strip you of the budget if is
EM: why is Chair not on the panel? This is the sort of thing that are normally on.
EM proposes an amendment that Chair is added to the panel.
PE: Will the panel have to be unanimous? EC doesn’t know the answer- it would probably be a discussion.
AB: Asks can we change that amendment to also have Outreach chair on there because it’s about doing good things. This is added to the amendment.
No opposition to the amendment. Passed on general aye.
JG: is there a reason this couldn’t go through outreach?
EP: Outreach has it’s own budget. The societies he’s talking about don’t come under what Outreach is all about. He wouldn’t be able to tell them
JG: why can’t we charge a very nominal membership. / pay subs. Because that makes sense because it would result in members paying less.
DT: this is paying money to express your faith.
AK: POI we have a participation fund to help people be able to afford this kind of thing. You will basically always get the money you need from this. So subs would not be a barrier to expressing faith.
SP: You don’t have a clear criteria in the motion.
DT: if you don’t trust the JCR then that’s a wider issue than this motion.
JC: It’s very hard to have subs because it’s a different structure of group.
AK: FI comm can approve things up to £500 so if you wanted to you could apply to use this money. If it’s for the good of everyone in the society it will be approved
JG: If there isn’t a set number of members, how are we going to pay £5 per member.
DT: So this would be the maximum. It’s based on what they need to
AK: you are shooting yourself in the foot. If you just applied as an when you wanted events?
AB: How have you been operating so far?
AK: Do you get money from central CU? No
JC: they want a budget so they can plan out their year like every other society.
AK: in this instance, there was no specific mention of events they wanted to run but it’s agreed this wasn’t need
SWC: This is very vague when it comes to religion. Every sport and society here is run to do something good for the whole charity
AK: POI we can’t give money to another charity by charity law
EP: if things are done event by event surely that’s a more efficient way of getting the money you need for events?
EC: Any opposition?
AK: yes, I oppose it in general. You should just ask for money for specific events.
JG: also opposes especially as there is no a set number of members and is pro subs.
DT: The membership thing is mostly just about putting a cap on it.
Voting. The Motion has not passed.

Voting by Caucus

Proposed by: SWC
Seconded by: KW

This JCR Notes:

• Minority reps, including International and Postgrad and Mature Students reps, are not exclusively elected though Method I, i.e some are but some are elected through Method II.
• Minority reps are elected to represent the views and priorities of their respective minority groups to the JCR and cater to the specific needs of that group.
• Minority students by definition make up a minority of St Cuthbert’s Society JCR and therefore a minority of the vote share.
• Currently any member of St Cuthbert’s Society JCR can vote in elections for minority reps.

This JCR Believes:

• Implementing voting by caucus would raise the voices of minority groups to higher significance.
• This would then lead to reps who most accurately reflect the views of the minority group in question being elected.
• A second consequence of this may also be increasing overall participation of minority groups in the JCR as they are more likely to feel that their voice is being heard.
• The election of all minority reps should be moved to Method I to avoid the outing of students or any other negative consequences that could arise from a minority student voting in a Method II election for a respective minority rep and thus exposing themselves to the Chair and SRO.

This JCR Resolves:

• That all minority reps must be elected through Method I. These minority reps are: International Rep, Postgrad and Mature Students Rep, LGBT+ Rep, POC Rep, and Postgraduate International Rep.
• LGBT+ and POC Rep shall be elected by Method I election in the first JCR meeting of third term (Meeting 3.1).
• That only members of those respective minorities should vote in these elections, although this will not be monitored.


SWC: This motion is about voting for minority reps and at the moment anyone can vote for this. Explains the above motion. It would mean moving every minority rep position to be a method 1 election, and it’s also important to note that this cannot be policed. The idea is just to amplify minority voices
EC: Questions?
DT: Thank you for raising this, it’s super important. My thought are this is a nice idea and is important but concerned that there isn’t a lot of engagement anyway. We could end up with fewer than 10 people vote. Having things as a method 2 meeting raises awareness to the general population. I think this could risk making people who aren’t in minorities who
It could become more of a personality thing. On the other hand, it might make people more likely to vote as their vote counts more
SWC: lots of very valid points. On the point about being method 1, you actually have a longer election hust. If you feel your role is also about raising general awareness, but changing to method 1 won’t impact this.
SP: POI, if we vote online, there is no way for us to know who votes. We have no way of policing or monitoring this. SP says that husting means that people out themselves.
SWC: This is more about who votes rather than who runs
EC: clarifies that this would have to be based on trust.
SWC: Yeah, reiterates that
SP: what if people don’t know the rules
SWC: I mean, there is only so much we can do. Hopefully we can have notes on duo etc. Ultimately, I don’t think we will get a vote
EuM doesn’t mention the students with disabilities rep?
EuM Proposes an amendment. Passed on a general aye.
RM: We could have buttons about whether people identify
AB: We can’t actually add this.
Elena: in the past, we have had international reps on the exec who weren’t actually international students. How would this be impacted by the motion?
Saskia: the motion doesn’t say anything about who runs so that’s not really a problem
AB: Lots of minority roles have been left unfilled or are uncontested. This is why we have it as method 2, especially because method 1 roles have even less interest. How would you deal with this?
SWC: Method 1 elections are more high profile. I hope that that would help to generate interests. But yeah, that could be an issue. There are pros and cons to this motion.
JS: Speaking from a welfare positions; the method 2 positions are integral, but being method 1 would help people get across what they want to do with their role
Amended motion passed on a general aye

College Song Edit/update motion

Proposed: JC
Seconded: EM

This JCR Notes

• That the JCR song (Thank God Van Mildert Didn’t Want Me) has a verse which is only to be sung at the last JCR meeting of term
• That there is no verse specifically for Founders’ Day

This JCR Believes
• That Founders’ Day is the most important day of the year
• That we should be able to celebrate it with additional singing

This JCR Resolves
• To add the following verse to Thank God Van Mildert Didn’t Want Me, which is only to be sung on Founders’ Day:
And now the time has come to fete th’anniversary of this place,
And if we were religious I’d have written us a grace,
But on this celebration I’m already off my face,
Thank God the bar is open down at Cuth’s, 2, 3, 4…

JC: Explains why this is important and why we don’t have
JG: rendition?
JC: yes. [sings]
[reluctant applause]
No questions or opposition. Passed on a general aye.

Postgrad Committee Restructure

Proposed: JC
Seconded: ???

This JCR Notes
• That there have been no modifications made to postgraduate committee in several years
• That there have been many changes to other JCR positions in that time
• That postgrad positions are poorly integrated with the rest of the JCR
• That the JCR lacks mature student representation

This JCR Believes
• That the tasks required of postgrad comm could be better allocated with new job descriptions
• That mature student representation needs to be improved
• That the JCR would benefit from better cross-committee representation

This JCR Repeals
• Section 3.9 of the “Positions in the JCR Order” (“The postgraduate and mature students’ rep…”)
• Section 8 of the “Positions in the JCR Order” (“Postgraduate and mature students’ committee…”)

This JCR Orders
• Section 3.9 of the Positions in the JCR Order:
o The Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair Method 1 Meeting 2.2
 Their duties shall be to:
1. Chair the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee
2. When a member of the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee that should also sit on another committee is not elected, to arrange for a suitable substitute to attend that committee in their place
3. Represent the St Cuthbert’s Society Postgraduate and Mature Students’ community to the JCR, SCR, college, SU, and more broadly within the university
4. Be responsible for the organisation all Postgraduate and Mature Students activities
5. Represent St. Cuthbert’s Society on MCR PresComm
6. Organise the welcome of new postgraduate and mature students to St. Cuthbert’s Society
7. Organise the compilation and distribution of information relevant to new postgraduate and mature students at St. Cuthbert’s Society
8. Organise events aimed at (but not necessarily limited to) postgraduate and mature students throughout the year (including ‘holiday periods’)
• Section 8 of the Positions in the JCR Order:
o The Postgraduate and Mature Students Committee
 There shall exist a Postgraduate and Mature Students Committee who shall have responsibility for representing the Postgraduate and mature students within the Society and presenting their views to the rest of the JCR, putting on events for them, and making decisions in order to improve their college experience.
 It shall be called by the Postgraduate and Mature Students Chair
 It shall be minuted by the Vice-President
 It shall meet at least twice per term, unless unanimous agreement is reached by the committee that a meeting is not necessary
 It shall consist of:
1. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Chair
2. President
3. Vice-President
4. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Vice-President
5. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Treasurer
6. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Social Secretary
7. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Academic Representative
8. Mature Students’ Representative
9. Postgraduate Representative
10. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ International Representative
 In addition, up to one person from the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Vice-President, Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Treasurer, Mature Students’ Representative, Postgraduate Representative or Postgraduate and Mature Students’ international Representative may be nominated by the committee as an additional Social Secretary and up to one person from the same group may be nominated by the committee as additional Academic Representative, who will have all the powers, duties and responsibilities of the person elected to that role
 One elected member of the committee will also be nominated by the committee as the Postgraduate and mature Students’ Students’ Union representative
 Only people who are postgraduates or mature students, as defined by the University, may be elected to any position on this committee defined below
 Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Vice-President Method II Meeting 3.1
• Their duties shall be:
1. To assist the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Chair on all matters
2. To represent the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Chair at any meetings for which they’re unavailable
3. To provide oversight of all other members of the committee
 Postgraduate and Mature Student’s Treasurer Method II Meeting 3.1
• Their duties shall be:
1. To be responsible for the keeping of accurate financial records
2. To maintain an up-to-date list of all current PG and Mature members of the JCR
3. To liaise with the JCR Treasurer to set a budget for this committee’s activities and to ensure that it is spent responsibly by the committee
 Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Social Secretary Method II Meeting 1.2
• Their duties shall be:
1. To ensure a full social calendar, liaising where appropriate with college and JCR officers
2. To assist with the planning of the annual Inter-MCR formal
3. To ensure that details of upcoming events are circulated by email, added to Facebook, and featured on the webpage in a timely fashion
4. To liaise with the JCR Bar Steward to ensure that adequate provision is made for the inclusion of the Postgraduate and Mature Student community
5. To inform the Postgraduate and Mature Student community of, and organise participation in, University-wide postgraduate and mature students’ social events
6. To ensure that external events of potential interest to the Postgraduate and Mature Students community, including those organised by the college, JCR, and SCR, are adequately communicated
7. To represent the views of this Committee to and sit on Social Committee
 Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Academic Representative Method II Meeting 1.2
• Their duties shall be:
1. To plan and organise Research Fora
2. To liaise with the JCR and SCR to organise joint academic events of common interest
3. To liaise with the Society librarian to ensure that adequate provision is made for the Postgraduate and Mature Students community
4. To liaise with counterparts at St. Chad’s and St. John’s Colleges to plan and organise, annually if possible, the South Bailey Research Forum
5. To ensure that external academic events of potential interest to the Postgraduate and Mature Students community are adequately advertised
 Mature Students’ Representative Method II Meeting 1.2
• Their duties shall be:
1. To represent the views of Mature Students to the committee
2. To ensure that adequate provision is made for Mature Students in all events run by the committee
3. To organise events aimed at involving more Mature Students in JCR and college life
 Postgraduate Representative Method II Meeting 1.2
• Their duties shall be:
1. To represent the views of Postgraduates to the committee
2. To ensure that adequate provision is made for Postgraduates in all events run by the committee
 Postgraduate and Mature Students’ International Representative Method II Meeting 1.2
• Their duties shall be:
1. To represent the views of International Postgraduates to the committee
2. To ensure that all events run by the committee are inclusive to International Students
3. To represent the views of this committee to and sit on International Committee
 Postgraduate and mature Students’ Students’ Union representative (unelected)
• Their duties shall be:
1. To represent the views of this committee to and sit on SU committee
• Section of the Positions in the JCR Order (“Social committee…shall consist of…”):
o 2x Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Social Secretaries
This JCR Resolves
• That any postgraduate social representatives elected today be invited to sit on social committee for the remainder of the academic year
• That anyone elected to a position today which is repealed by this motion will still hold that position for the remainder of the academic year
• That if an International Committee is created the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ International Representative will be invited to sit on it for the remainder of their term of office, and that the role will be formally constituted as part of the committee
• That the terms of office of the Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Treasurer and Vice-President shall be from whichever comes last out of the 1st July following the meeting at which the position was first available for election or the day of their election until the next 30th June
• That the terms of office of all other Method II positions set out in this motion shall be from immediately after their election until the next 30th June, after which they will be invited to remain in office until the close of the meeting at which their successor is to be elected

JC speaks on behalf of the motion.
MM: If someone can’t make it so social committee or something, can they nominate someone else?
JC: Yes, the chair would nominate someone else
MM: How social comm works is people do their tasks- they aren’t really there to represent their views, they are there to do their jobs
JC: Still important to have a voice in the committee to make sure it’s inclusive
Motion passed on a general aye

Mixed Lax Budget

AB: There treasurer isn’t there so I will speak on their behalf. They want more lax balls and have increased subs so make sure it all works
NG: Points out that every game costs £20 to referee
MW: How much do you want us to charge for subs?
AB: it’s on the budget form
DT: are you increasing over the 50/50 thing?
AB: No. We are bringing it up to the 50/50 rule. We are still in line with that.
Budget passed on a general aye

Charity Fashion Show Budget

LR: Wants a £700 loan and £300 grant. Target £7500 raised. They found the £1k loan last year super helpful. This year they would like the grant to make the show bigger and better and it would be at the benefit of students. It would not be about giving this money to the charity, it would be about making the event better. We’d get a better food, DJ, Lights, Champaign reception. Maybe changing to a new venue.
MM: what do tickets cost?
KU: on average £30. We did out budgeting on the basis that we could raise £7500
MM: could you increase ticket prize?
KU: yes, but we want to make it affordable to the students here
WN: as the budget is 10k, why does £300 make it a much better event?
KU: because then we don’t need to pay that £300 back to the JCR
WN: So, it would just go back to charity?
KU: last year it was cramped and we couldn’t decorate as much as we wanted. We want to make sure this is a good time for the 300 people who come
WN: But having a grant won’t increase the budget
EC: This is about them still reaching their target
AB: on the point of raising ticket prices. Last year they raised 12k so they could probably raise an extra 300 if they really needed it
AK: you’d only have to raise prices of tickets by £1 ish
KU: quite a substantial amount of what we raise from ticket sales does get spent
EP: I still don’t get why it has to be a grant not a loan. The same argument can be applied to all outreach events and other things we do for charities. The JCR is a charity so shouldn’t be losing out on money that it won’t get back from you.
KU: If it’s a grand we can make the show better, if it’s a loan we have to reduce our fundraising target.
JC: the motion is poorly written such that they haven’t actually asked for anything
[Everyone urghs]
EC: can someone amend this budget.
AB: I can’t amend this through fi comm because then it they can only have up to 50% of what they originally asked for. i.e. if I amend this, then they could only ever have a £150 grant
PS: I would like to propose the amendment
JC: As the motion stands they’ve said they would like a grant of £300 but it isn’t actually requested so if the motion passes as is there’s no grant
PS: We just want the money however it is.
EC: If you know what it needs to be proposed do it
JC: Amendment that they receive £300 of JCR funding
JG: What does this £300 get you?
DT: Is this the JCR just donating to the charity
This is the point all of the JCR exec are trying to make
AB: Opposition to the amendment. They shouldn’t get a grant. They should increase the ticket price. James what do I want to say for it to be a 1k loan.
[it all gets a bit iffy here]
EC: explains what is going on.
[everyone gets increasingly pissed off at James]
EC: please just leave it.
[JC is asked not to speak]
EC: voting on the amendment that they should get a 1k loan and no grant.
Fashion show oppose this.
PS: everyone knows what we want and why so just vote.
Voting. The amendment has passed
EC: any questions on the amended budget?
Amended budget passed on a general aye


Method I:

Student Trustee

Candidates: CC request new candidate

CC’s Speech (in summary) – read by EC
Hi everyone – I’m CC, and I would love to be your student trustee. Be prepared for a speech full of small dick energy; like big dick energy, but with extra effort as I’m over compensating.
I would like to be student trustee for three reasons: I am well qualified for the role, I have some interesting ideas that would benefit the board of trustees and I am passionate about the future of Cuths.
Firstly, I am the President of Durham’s largest non-collegiate society. I have attended multiple trustee meetings, having been grilled as Treasurer and President; this has prepared me for the kind of questions and line of thinking that trustees use when considering charity issues. I am also aware of the financial and legalistic issues with my time as an Intern in Audit and Assurance.
Secondly, I am in contact with JP and other individuals who have served/are serving as trustees, to come up with original ideas that will benefit Cuth’s.
Finally, I love Cuth’s more than life itself. But seriously, I am passionate about the society – I want to make sue that he benefits that I felt over my three years here as a student. I would like people to have someone with the experience to provide adequate scrutiny in the future – I believe that is myself.
Short and sweet – sorry, I’m in a rush and I’m a lightweight because I’ve had one pint, so apologies for the quality of this
No questions as he isn’t here. Vote online.

Sports and Socs Chair

Candidates: MP, TP, request new candidate

TP’s Speech (in summary)
Second year economist, has been involved in lots of sports and socs. Some of the best moments of Uni so far have come from these meetings. Dan Takyi and he facilitated the rebirth of Karaoke.
Can’t stand a messy email box. Key skill is being a fast learner and he is one. He’s spoken to Ellen about what she was working on.
Wants to organise the Naked Calendar. She was working on organising a varsity day. Wants to ask captains if that’s what they do.
Wants to document more of our achievements. Wants to advertise more significant events so get behind teams. Like football or plays. Wants to adverse new sports and societies as they are formed. Like Backgammon society.

MP’s Speech (in summary)
Second year languages student/ Frepped this year. Plays sax, really loves Cuths. Does Framda <3, on Welfare, has CCU haircut, he played at Cuth’s day with Big Band, Running Club, Lions, Cricket.
Important part of role is helping freshers find sports and socs. This bit is done, but wants to help later in the year.
He will have a graphic showing how to join new societies and will cover every sport and soc
But this is already in the handbook? Non-freshers don’t have the handbook.
[sassy comment about the handbook] Wants to improve the Team Cuth’s page. Genuinely believes he is the guy for this. Wants to listen to AK drone on in meetings. He loves us all. Bleed Green.

JC: Both mentioned publicity and team Cuth’s? How many editors would you have?
TP: We need sports and socs reporters. There are three positions running today.
MP: Reporters report on sports and societies.
RJ: What’s the biggest challenge
MP: It’s unconventional to take on a role half way through the year. Friends with Ellen so can get over that
TP: Communication between everyone- every team, and also team Durham
CL: What would you do to help people get involved post freshers week
TP: Just through promoting S&S and letting people know they can join in the year. A Refreshers fair
MP: His ideas on posting in Epiphany. Posting on team Cuth’s. Refreshers is too hard as people don’t have time
EE: Your best team Cuth’s accomplishment?
MP: 35 against Ustinov
TP: Cuth’s Men’s A team football got through to the final as underdogs
Vote online.

Assistant Brooks Bar Steward

Candidates: SW, PE, request new candidate

PE’s Speech (in summary)
Spends a lot of time at Brooks. Regularly he is there for pool and acoustic nights. Wants to sort lots of things out over there. It’s messy in Brooks at the moment and he wants to get on top of getting all of the cleaning things done. The cleaning isn’t getting done at the moment. The trash isn’t taken out all of the time, the cellar could be organised more effectively so that things don’t go out of date before they are sold. The bins need to be labelled. We need to clean the fridge seals to make them more energy efficient. Clean the glass washer. Get more jugs. He’s been working on bars for 4 years. He’s D team Captain for pool, President of Alt Soc. Wants Brooks to be as good as it can be.

SW’s Speech (in summary)
Joke about projector. Is on the rota more than anyone else. Is passionate about the bar. Hopes all our drinks were poured well.
Is representing us at some awards.
Exec for running club. Want to increase the frequency of big events like Ciderfest. Created half of the cocktail menu. Wants to work with societies. Wants the bar to be able to bleed green as possible. Wants us to work in harmony. Wants to represent our views up to the bars. Has worked at 7 different college bars so will steal good ideas from them. Wants to take Cuth’s bar forward.

NG: How to get more people going to Brooks?
SW: recognises difference between bars. Let freshers know that it’s open. Crank the music up. Make it easier for societies to host things in the bar
PE: Some nights it just doesn’t get more traffic. Most of the JCR events take place here. So, more events there. Parsons field freshers are your target audience so need to get them used to it
AK: What would your response be if college didn’t want us to have meetings in the bar anymore?
PE: Would push back on this. It adds attendance to both the bar and the meeting. This is the best space we have
SW: Has spoken to management about this and did point out that, on the right days it’s more profitable
DT: Karaoke is on at 7 on sat. Ideal event?
SW: there is nothing better than karaoke
PE: Acoustic night, they were busy at the beginning of last year but have died down
RH: As CRACAS president. Would you want to have ale available at the bar?
PE: would like to see the return of real ales but the decision doesn’t lie with us. The hand pump didn’t work. More real ale bottles might be an idea? We have some extra fridge space
SW: Can’t make that decision but would campaign for it. Happy to push it.
Vote Online

Method II:


Candidates: SS, BC, OW, JR

BC’s Speech (in Summary)
Can’t write. First year compsci, cool role to have for that. Want’s webmaster on his Linkedin, has built a website and prototype website. Experience with the site builders we use. Fairly responsive on emails.

JR’s speech (in summary)
First year compsci, likes web stuff and likes admin, really enjoys Cuth’s and this is his way of giving back. Wants a feedback form on the website so more info can be there if it’s relevant. Some of the info at the moment is out of date. Link up to Facebook.

SS’s Speech (in summary)
Third year law, my commitment to Cuth’s is clear. I’ve helped design a couple of websites. He’s a humanities student BUT law is important, grammar is important, vocab is important. If coding does come up he has a cousin who can help. Something about Spider man. Got an A in GCSE ICT.

OW’s Speech (in summary)
Second year compsci. Large field of experience. Runs an app website for his apps. Was running two web pages. Helped last year. It needs a revamp and to be constantly maintained. Translated a website to Korean once. Is committed and passionate.

SM: POI I’ve been running the website. what else do you want to do to the website?
OW: Graphics revamp. He works in this. No bugs in the system. Contact forms need looking over. General maintenance. The web is constantly changing environment. No bugs!
SS: Aesthetically nice. Make a new style. Stay in communication about what the current problems are. Fix things to best of his and his cousins abilities. Have all the fb pages on one page. More interactive. Make it a viable alternative to Facebook. Obviously not as a social media platform, but for people not on fb.
JR: add a contact form box for the webmaster for suggestions. Implement an API for fb and twitter. But mainly making sure it’s updated
BC: Rework aesthetics and navigation. What do we need and what do we not need? It might be cool to allow members of Cuth’s who want to promote things to be able to do that because it’s being underused
JC: recent talk of rebuilding the website. Would you built it in word press?
BC: experience in coding WP is fine but maybe needs a better theme and customisation. There are other alternatives like Square space which might be worth looking into
JR: WP is fine. Does a web development process. We need to make things simple for all of the webmasters that come later. So would keep it.
SS: Doesn’t have experience but willing to learn and apply himself. Didn’t do law for a level but has got on with his degree. Wiks is a thing. He could do this sure.
OW: He’d maybe change from WP due to security issues. If we want something durable we should move to a drag and drop system [then lists some fancy compsci terms I don’t get and didn’t catch]. Took a gap year. Has done lots of WP so could stay with that.
SP: Congrats to OW, elected as webmaster

Music Room Manager

Candidates: AW and request new candidate

AW speech (in summary)
He’s scrapped the speech. He’s at Parsons, does music, in Big band. If you RON me then you’re [xxx]. It’s all he has ever wanted.
AB: what will you do to help the music room
Tune piano, need new cables, needs an amp, crash on drum is broken, wants real book in all the keys so you are helping people who want to study music, we have lost a key. None of the people who run the societies have keys so we should just get more keys and the receptionist wants an electronic timetable so we want that too. He is basically the only user of the music room.
AW is elected

Sports and Socs Reporter x3

Candidates: JK, EE, request new candidate,

EE’s speech (in summary)
First year theology, house 8, does pool, darts, rugby, keen to keep updated on sports, wants to update the twitter profile. Wants to do pool updates through games.

JK’s speech (in summary)
Heavily involved in sporting. President of running club. Most improved society last year. Has played for Cuth’s D pool twice. Has spectated- good for this role. Has supported women’s rugby. Classics student so has loads of time.

CA: how would you support non sporting societies?
EE: get in touch with the leaders
JK: He’s been to lots of non sporting societies events- alt soc. People just need to be aware they exist. Went to CRACAS in first year but it wasn’t reported on enough
DT: How to raise awareness for different events? Like Karaoke at 7 on Saturday
JK: Would talk about it in a hust, post on team Cuth’s, then go to the event, report, full circle
EE: Work with the exec to get it on social media
Both have been elected!

SU Committee Member x2

CG and request new candidate

CG’s speech (in summary)
First year Anthropology student so only has contact hours every now and then. Has been on school council. Is a good listener. Important because if Cuth’s can put our voices together we can be heard louder.

SM: There was a controversial motion this week. How would you deal with that?
CG: Get people to message her on Facebook then she would do her best to represent that.
AC: Said you were a good listener. Tell us 3 things you learnt from AK’s speech.
CG: It’s now in Canada. Now, not much fishing now. Cod. [lots of clapping]
CGis elected

Finance Committee Member

Candidates, JH, request new candidate

JH’s speech (in summary)
First year English. Did GCSE Maths.2 years retail experience. Isn’t going to nick anything. Fi comm needs creativity. Good at communication. Analysis in an English degree. Spelling corrections.

JC: If you had 2k to spend for the benefit of the JCR
JH: New types of drinks for the bar? Spruce up the meeting room as it smells of urine.
WN: what the largest among of cash you have handled?
JH: 3k
JHis elected

No candidates

PG Social Rep x2

Candidates: ZM and request new candidates

ZM’s speech (in summary) read by EC
MA in Theology. Love Cuth’s and welcoming atmosphere. Wants to run events.
ZM is elected

PG General Rep x2
No candidates

PG International Rep
No candidates