Apologies: Ak (President), OMC (JRO), SMa (Fi Comm), LF (Social Comm), AW (Music Room Manager), JW (PG Comm), IR (social comm and women’s darts), MR (social comm), EuM (SwD rep), BS (female welfare), DG (Big Band), LN (Senior welfare), MWa (SU Comm), LM (choir), CC (student trustee), MG (international welfare), OW (web master), CA (Gym manager), JB (international rep), JOW (welfare campaigns), AB (treasurer), LM (fi comm), JH (Fi comm), LB (women’s rugby), JR (environmental rep), KH (darts and pool)
Absences: EE (sports and socs reporter), ZM (pg comm),
Setting: Cuth’s bar. JC has baubles in his beard. Mince pies are to be passed around at the break.
AK: I am not here in person as I am at a funeral in Spain, but I will be watching and commenting on the livestream
SM: We are now live tweeting JCR meetings @cuthsJCR
EP: £1 to guess the sweets in the jar for Outreach 12 Days of Outreach. Please come guess!
A message from AK: After looking back on the last JCR meeting, it was quite obvious that there was a very tense atmosphere at one part of the meeting. We discussed this in the last exec meeting and came to the conclusion that we were thinking as individuals and not as part of the exec committee body, which created the impression of us vs Fashion show, which is not the way we want anyone in the JCR to feel. For this, we apologise, and we have discussed ways to try and avoid this kind of atmosphere again.
A message from JC: I’ve been made aware that my conduct in the previous JCR meeting was unsatisfactory, and I would like to apologise for that. I now appreciate that I need to be less rude and more respectful to other people who are trying to state their views in meetings and allow them to do so in an atmosphere free of hostility. I’m very sorry to anyone I upset and will endeavour to not do so again. JC
EC: We are going to have to push the big presidential election meeting back a meeting next term as we might be creating a new sabbatical role.
President- AK
• This term, sincere freshers week, I’ve worked a lot on the longevity of the JCR, as a charity, with the trustees. We’ve looked into the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a DSO (Durham student organisation, like most other college JCRs), instead of a charity. From this, we’ve also looked into ways to make the JCR more legally sound, which is a debate to bring to the JCR next meeting.
• I’ve submitted the exec’s tech proposal to the Alumni Association to try and obtain a grant for tech equipment we could both use and hire out in the long run.
• I’ve worked with college to try and give us more input into formals, and tried to help the formals manager with the Halloween formal.
• I’ve also fed back on university issues in PresComm and other meetings, sat on the working group for the 17th college, and helped social comm with the ball (although not as much as I would have liked to due to personal circumstances) as well as helping you guys with day to day running of the JCR.
Vice-President- EM
• I’ve been attending every meeting that been going on in college, including all the JCR meetings this term and minuting. I’ve been aiming to have all the minutes up onto the website within 24 hours and have been doing pretty well with that.
• We’ve had our first Stash order of the year which has gone pretty well, and I was able to get nearly everyone their stash within a few days of it’s arrival at Cuth’s. I have also been chasing up any issues we’ve had in terms of Moette and any problems with orders in order to sort them as soon as possible.
• I’ve been cracking on with lots of little tasks AK sets me so she can focus on the big important things. Those have been things like making posters, communicating with other colleges about university wide handbooks and attending disciplinary meetings to represent students.
• I’ve been trying to support each committee I’m on where I can; i.e. helping with Michaelmas Ball set up, getting gingerbread house kits for outreach, or driving people places.
Treasurer- AB
• Same old of approving budgets with FiComm, and keeping track of accounts, and doing reclaims. (Have been quite tied down with work recently so sorry if some of them have been slow)
• Been looking into software that can be used to help automate the reclaim process
• Gave treasurer training to Sports and Socs treasurers, and collected subs
• Been coordinating with AK and the trustees about possibility of Sabbatical treasurer, and having meetings etc.
Librarian- EB
• I did a successful book order, with over 50 new books bought for the library. I hired and trained 30 new volunteer librarians, and I’m working with the new Stock Managers to tidy up and re-think the layout. I’ve ordered new mugs, and have also been in contact with college to get rid of our unused furniture and get the broken desk fixed.
Senior Welfare- LM
• This term Welfare and I have ran a few crafty events including christmas-card making and writing letters to our future selves. We also ran our Movember campaign comprising of our Man Up picture and awareness campaign which had fifty people involved which was sick so thank you so much for that and our Movember quiz ran by our campaign managers where we raised a lot of awareness and over 100 pounds for Movember Foundation UK which was unreal.
• This week we are running our mental health campaign, please do register your interest in our facebook event and keep an eye on our social media as we will be disseminating really important resources and we will be having a few events during the week toooo.
• We will be having a lil pick-me up event in the final week so keep your eyes peeled for that too. I know i’m not here this evening (sorry Mabel was calling) but wanted to thank you all enormously for your support and recognition this term – we would not be where we are without youuuuu
International Rep- JB-
• Holding meetings with International Committee to discuss and conduct research on certain issues such as extending visas for the graduation ceremony in July
• Held an International Meet & Greet Event for students to meet new internationals in Cuth’s
• Reaching out to and linking up international students staying in Durham over the Christmas break
• Discussing the Lloyd’s National ID policy issue with International Reps from other colleges, proposed solutions to this and may be planning a potential student protest
Outreach Chair- EP-
• Since the last report I now have a fully formed committee, including two SCA Reps. We have been planning the 12 days of Outreach which starts on the 1st and lasts until the 12th December. This is an event/activity each day to raise money for DASH and help local vulnerable people. We also did all the masks for the dining in the dark formal. FRAMDA is now running properly with successful session every week and we are in the very early stages of starting a new volunteering project, which I am hoping to announce later in the year.
• I also now sit on the College Advisory Council and through that have made contacts with several large charities in the North East who are very open to supporting us in future projects.
• The total raised for this term so far is £895, not including anything that will be raised in the 12 days of Outreach.
Postgrad Rep- JC-
• Governance: I’ve restructured postgrad committee to make it more organised and allow better representation. Written a motion for today so that method II positions can be allocated by application if they aren’t filled by election, which should make recruiting pg comm easier.
• Social Events: We’ve had two bar crawls and a meal out aimed at postgrads, and have a pizza and mince pie night coming up.
• Academic Events: We’ve had one research forum on food which had reasonable attendance. Plans are in place to restart the reading group.
• MCR Pres Comm: We’ve been making plans to facilitate the organisation of inter-MCR formals. I’ve been elected as postgrad rep on the sexual violence and misconduct operations group.
Sports and Societies Chair- MP-
• I’ve been s&s chair since a few days after the last JCR meeting. Since then it’s been a wild few weeks, so buckle up, this is a doozy of a tale.
• The transition/admin
I met with EMo day after I got in (my birthday!) and she sent me the handover. All the email/admin stuff is sorted, and inbox has been squeaky clean. I’m in the loop with my boy F? at team Durham and I’ve entered in a few captains etc who were accidentally missed earlier in the year.
• 2. Team Cuths
I promised to post at least once a week, so far I’m averaging a post every 2 and a bit days, please do send in results or just pics of your social doing cool stuff, and someone run for s&s reporter today pls we have a beautiful team. The Twitter account doesn’t actually have the password I was told it did so that’s not official any more neither Rishi nor Ellen posted on it once so not a big deal at all.
• 3. Naked Calendar
Ah yes, the bane of my existence. It’s been ordered after some brutal organising, it will cost £7 with £2 of that going to charity, same as last year (I have already pretty much single-handedly stopped inflation). Featuring such iconic brands as cuths running , cuths Pool d’s , and the exec. Details on exactly how to buy one will be posted on team cuths when they arrive (should be shortly after the JCR meeting). Supporting the Be Real Campaign, as chosen by Outreach.
• That’s all for now, Peace and love,
Social Committee Chair- MM-
• Main event this term was Michaelmas Ball, which for the first time had 700 guest attending with 3 times more ents tickets being sold due to increased capacity. A few new things were tried out such as having multiple music rooms and two rides outside instead of one. Overall it was a very successful event with only a few minor hiccups. Other than that we have been deciding the dates for all our other events this year as well as Summer Ball venue.
Communications Officer- SM-
• Over the past few weeks I put together information about housing for this year’s freshers including a housing talk and personal experiences.
• I also held the first Cuth’s SU committee to discuss the motions for the first assembly. Myself and Maddey (SU comm member) then went to assembly where I voted on behalf of Cuth’s after I had also consulted other SU reps and most importantly students within Cuth’s. We also live tweeted assembly, highly recommend you check it out for Lord of the rings memes and sassy cats. Currently I am preparing for the next assembly meeting which is Tuesday the 4th December.
• I have also worked with the SU with the drive to get people to register to vote where we had a stand on the Bailey with some people who worked with the council. Furthermore I have been advertising opportunities from the SU including the NUS elections. Finally I have sat on the SU committee with other DSU reps to discuss issues which effect the whole university.
• I’ve also been working on the website and since now we have a webmaster elected, we can start to get our new ideas on the website.
• I also organised the college university challenge last week which was very well attended and had some very impressive answers from within Cuth’s.
• Finally I’ve also continued to produce the newsletter every week. I’ve since met with both Elizabeth and Mark (SCR President) to make sure that all parts of college work together regarding communication.
JCR Chair- EC-
• Since the beginning of term I have been doing the norm and organising JCR Meetings, giving people guidance on how to write motions and chatting about how people might want to get involved in the JCR. I’ve held my open hours before JCR Meetings when possible.
• I’ve also been trying to sort out the Standing Orders a bit. I have been updating the standing orders with any new motions that have been added this year, as well as from some previous years as they haven’t been properly updated in a long time.
• There’s a lot of other issues with them so in attempt to try weed out all the issues I’ve set up a google doc for the exec to add to if they come across any problems that need fixing in case I haven’t noticed them. I’ve been working at them bit by bit and will hopefully get a bit more done over Christmas.
Facilities Manager- JG
• This term has been mainly spent organising external hires of silent disco equipment and other tech equipment. We’ve had four different colleges hire silent disco equipment for events at their college. We’ve also had Cuth’s drama use our tech equipment for the pillowman and it will be again used for the Panto which is next Friday, Saturday and Sunday so get your tickets reserved now to see the tech in action.
• We’ve had a couple of open mic nights in brooks, one college event and one externally organised event which our music room manager helped to set up.
• I’m also in the process of getting our new tech and music room booking system onto the JCR website with the help of the Web Master and we hope for this to be up and running by the end of term. I will post the information on the freshers pages as soon as they’re live.
Trustee Report- SWC
• Had Q1 meeting mid-October, myself, DT and two new external trustees confirmed. Discussed things like the accounts, the effect of opt-in levies, passed some policies, University Assurance Review. Biggest discussion how to be consistently Charity Commission compliant.
• Discussions evolved through term into charity’s overall structure; been meeting pretty much weekly this month to discuss CIO vs DSO, changes to JCR finance function to ensure we are consistently compliant, e.g assistant treasurer, outsourcing.
• 15/16 and 17/18 accounts in the process of being sent to the Charity Commission.
• Outside of this I’ve been working with Welfare and Student Support on a new Welfare Policy and edits to the Standing Orders, sorting out NCVO membership, Dan is heading the search for a new trustee, we also had Chris join the board. I’m also looking into ways to get the trustee meeting minutes online for greater transparency. Also been working with EC and AK on amending the JCR Constitution.
• Upcoming meeting on the 8th, discussion will likely focus on JCR finance function and CIO/DSO pros and cons. Also plans to get the exec and trustees working more closely together.
Poker Society Motion
Voting by Caucus Motion
Application Positions Motion
Fluffy Sock Motion
Feast Manager
SU Committee Member x1
Sports and Socs Reporter x1
Finance Committee Member x1
Postgraduate Rep
Mature Students Rep
PG International Rep
Poker Society Motion – proposed EE
This JCR notes:
There is a modern necessity to promote and develop skills related to concentration, emotional maturity, analytical observation, money management and decision-making.
There is no current Poker Society in Durham that allows players to play without betting real resources, risking the financial stability of students and promoting gambling addiction.
This JCR believes:
The foundation of a St. Cuthbert’s Poker Society is required to enable students to benefit from the previous mentioned skills without prejudicing members of our beloved community.
This Society would be an optimal alternative to the Durham University’s Poker Society, with the substantial distinction of a more welcoming and open environment.
The wellbeing of its members will be guaranteed with regular pizza parties, great socials and a Fairness Regulator Officer judging the game/s in every meeting, ensuring fairness and no financial losses.
This JCR resolves:
A St Cuthbert’s Poker Society shall be ratified allowing private poker games / tournaments every Tuesday night (Commonly referred as PNT: Poker Night Tuesday) in a suitable environment.
For the purposes of this motion a “suitable environment” is considered to be:
● Brooks Bar
● A Student Accommodation (Eg. Brooks G.0 Flat)
● House 8 Conference Room
The logistics of every meeting will be arranged by the society depending on the availability of the different locations.
No allocation of JCR funding is required for the creation of this society as there are sufficient resources at the moment for the initial formation of the society. The existing resources will be borrowed by the society at the discretion of the owners.
The existing resources are:
● Two sets of cards (Owned by OO and HH)
● A substantial amount of Poker Chips to hold a 15-player game. (Owned by Oleg Ojereliev)
JCR funding will not be needed until:
a) There is an increasing need to expand resources.
b) The existing resources are considered to be in poor condition.
- OO
- LC
- TC
- VP
- EL
- HH
- LL
- LV
- JB
- TS
- RW
- JC
- HG
EE: It will be an alternative to the Durham Union one to make it have a more welcoming vibe. We have a fairness regulation officer. For legal reasons we will try not to bet as much. We will ask to use either brooks, our houses or house 8 conference room. Our social will be us all dressed as dogs and taking photos playing poker.
SB: With regards to the fairness will there be a rebuy limit?
EE: yes
SB: Is there a fine: yes
SWC: not entirely sure gambling money is going to be something the trustees will encourage. Can you bet with something else?
EE: yeah we normally do pizza
EC: In the motion you say betting chips
EE: yeah
EB: at the moment you are relying on resources other people have, are you doing to need more resources at a later date?
EE: we don’t need more cards at the moment but we might in the future, but that’s an issue for later
SM: AKis unsure of the legality of this
AK: can we just clarify that if this passes and it’s not legal we need to look into it?
JC: Proposes an amendment that we add that this won’t go forward if it’s not legal
MP: who will check whether its legal? The trustees or AK will.
Amendment passed on general aye
Amendment passed on a general aye
Voting by Caucus Rerunning Motion Proposer: MM
Seconder: EP
This JCR Notes:
• A ‘Voting by Caucus’ motion was passed at the last JCR meeting.
• Some people have expressed that they didn’t understand the procedure of passing a motion and so didn’t know to raise their hand when asked for opposition.
This JCR Believes:
• It would be beneficial to discuss the motion again as there didn’t appear to be unanimous consensus at the last meeting.
This JCR Repeals:
• To repeal the ‘Voting by Caucus’ motion passed at the last JCR Meeting.
MM: people didn’t know they didn’t have to oppose the motion for it to go to a vote.
EC: 3 main stages: questions, amendment, then passing the motion. If you still have opposition, even after discussion, please say or it doesn’t go to a vote.
SWC: the motion last time was the one about people only being able to vote for a minority role when you identify as that minority. It’s nothing to do with who runs. We can’t police it. It’s about amplifying minority voices. It would mean all minority reps would end up being method 1.
CW: So, if you can’t police it, and you’re not going to try, then I don’t understand it being a motion. You’re not going to make it an actual thing. I just don’t understand. Surely, it would be more beneficial… but if you’re not going to enforce it.
SWC: we are going to enforce it, but without literally policing it. It’s more about changing the voting culture so it would end up being something people just did naturally. It won’t ever be perfect but it could make things bett.er
EE: I have an idea. People should sit together,
SWC: we don’t want to out people. Also, heritage is a sensitive issue, and people might not always look like what the SRO thinks they identify as.
JC: what do the minority reps in the room think?
KW: LGBT rep. I think this is great. We don’t want to out people so we can’t ever police things, we will get more people voting than should but sit’s still good.
DV: I have mixed feelings. It has good intentions. From the POC side, I’m more concerned about the meet and greet EE suggested 17 people came. I think having it as a role that everyone votes for keeps the wider population engaged in POC issues. My other concern is that it has potential to be a popularity contest and we can’t police that it’s done fairly. We can’t know who identifies as a person of colour.
KW: maybe we could amended it so we strongly suggest that it’s only the people identify, but also say it could be open to allies
DV: I see the merits of doing it, but I think there is still a downside. We could just move it to a method 1 because then you can run your campaigns and gear it more towards the people you are trying to target. At the moment, as a method 2 you don’t have to do that.
DV: I propose that we keep reps
SP: I thought we were talking about repealing it not rerunning it?
EC: this is just rerunning the whole thing
DV: we can do it another time
JC: we could repeal last week’s motion but amend it to modify the method 1 nature of last week
EC: SWC’s motion has two parts; voting as identify and then have method 1 roles. We want to repeal the first half and keep the second.
CW: can we not just do things in stages?
EC: we aren’t allowed to do that.
Now we are voting on an amendment that all that will be passed from last weeks motion is that minority reps should till be method 1
SP: people often get scared off by method 1 positions. How can we make sure people will still want to run for it?
SWC: That is my biggest fall back. I proposed this because I think it was a conversation that we needed to have. If you have passionate reps, they can do a lot to encourage people to run.
I think method 1 would make people feel like they had more responsibility. But it is a draw back.
AH: would there be campaign teams?
EC: technically there are no rules on that at the moment
RM: I don’t see why people would be less engaged? People will still see it as something similar. The idea around this is that people shouldn’t vote for a rep that doesn’t represent them.
SWC: just the idea that method 1 is more daunting. But I agree it could go either way.
DV: asks for clarification
RM: I’m against removing voting by caucus. I don’t quite grasp why it’s need
DV: my reason is just it’s about bridging the gap between the wider JCR and the people you are representing. I don’t want people to disengaged because they don’t identify as something. Minority reps do also get involved in the wider JCR as well
SWC: I don’t really see that because I don’t think anything changes. You are still talking in the meeting. Very little changes.
DV: this is about the caucus itself
SWC: it’s the same thing, nothing has changed from the ground. People will still have to listen to husts
DV: for me it’s about who engages
EC: let’s vote on the amendment. That’s to repeal voting by Caucus, but keep the part about the rep positions being method I
JC: That’s slightly different to what DV proposed, he said to make LGBT+, PoC and SwD mehtod I, but last week’s motion also included pg international rep
DV: I didn’t realise that
EC: Let’s go with what DV said. Amendment that LGBT+, PoC and Swd become method I
Amendment passses
JC: Opposition because what dan said is to change POC, SwD and LGBTQ to method 1 but not
EC: the amendment has passed. We will now only talk about the amended motion
EB: as this motion involves the SwD role, and our rep is absent, should we discuss without him?
EC: I think we are going to have to anyway. The agenda was circulated before the meeting
MP: now, the minority rep roles are method 1 so those holding them can’t hold another method 2 position which is restrictive.
SS: my only issue with this is, is that some of these roles are first meeting, which could be intimidating as a method 1. For example, EuM ran for SwD rep in the first meeting as a fresher which he might not have done if it were a method 1 role.
SM: it was only run in that meeting because it was unfilled at the end of the year before
Motion passed on a general aye.
Application Positions Motion – proposer JC
This JCR Notes
• That over the previous five years there have been an increasing number of JCR positions allocated by application and interview
• That the way these positions fit into the governance structure of the JCR has not been precisely defined
This JCR Believes
• That all JCR types of JCR position should be precisely laid out in the standing orders
• That current limits on holding multiple positions are too restrictive
This JCR Repeals
• Positions in the JCR order 2.1.4 “Method II: this method…”
• Positions in the JCR order 6.8 “Welfare campaign Team Member…”
• Positions in the JCR order 7.5 “Outreach publicity officer…”
• Positions in the JCR order 7.6 “Outreach events manager…”
• Positions in the JCR order 7.7 “Outreach Project Co-ordinator…”
• Positions in the JCR order 7.8 “Outreach committee member”
• Positions in the JCR order 9.2 “Dark room manager…”
• Election rules Article 1 1.1.2 “Winning the election would not result…”
This JCR Orders
Positions in the JCR Order:
2.1.4 Method II: this method of election shall be used for the election of some other officers not using Method I (Presidential), or Method I voting
1. Candidates shall be permitted short husts to be delivered during a JCR General Meeting
2. There shall be no period of campaigning
3. Voting shall be done by secret ballot during the same General Meeting in which the husts are given, via the STV method of voting
4. If a position remains unfilled after three consecutive elections, it may be run as an application position at any point in the rest of the academic year
2.1.6 Application: This method of election will be used for the election of some officers not using Method I (Presidential) or Method I voting
1. Each position will have a specified overseer who will be responsible for co-ordinating the selection process
2. This overseer will publicise details of how to apply for the position, giving at least one week for people to contact them
3. Applications must be lodged in writing with the overseer
4. At their discretion the overseer may use an application form, interviews and any other suitable and appropriate discriminatory process to gain insight into the suitability of candidates
5. Successful candidate(s) will then be chosen by the overseer following consultation with and approval from the JCR president and vice-president, and consultation with anyone else deemed necessary
6. If the position(s) are not filled, the overseer may re-open nominations at a later date at their own discretion
4.3.2(in JRO) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the SRO
4.4.2(in stool) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the chair
5.2.2(in fi comm member) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the treasurer
6.8 Welfare Campaign Team Member x20 Application
1. Their duties shall be:
1.1. Attend meetings of the Welfare Campaigns Team
1.2. Contribute ideas towards campaigns
1.3. Produce welfare campaign materials
1.4. Attend campaign events
2. The overseer for these positions will be the senior welfare officer, who will also consult the male welfare officer and female welfare office during the selection process
7.5 Outreach Committee Publicity Officer Application
1. Their duties shall be to:
1.1. Aid the Outreach Chair with a focus on advertising volunteering opportunities and college fundraising and charity events
1.2. Keep the Outreach Committee Facebook page up to date.
2. The overseer for this position will be the outreach chair
7.6 Outreach Committee Events Manager Application
1. Their duties shall be to:
1.1. Aid the Outreach Chair with a focus on organising and planning fundraising and charity events within college.
1.2. To aid the planning and execution of fundraising events.
2. The overseer for this position will be the outreach chair
7.7 Outreach Committee Project Coordinator Application
1. Their duties shall be to:
1.1. Aid the Outreach Chair with a focus on the establishment and maintenance of volunteering opportunities and projects within college,
1.2. Work towards the creation of new volunteering projects within college, i.e. investigating the logistics of ideas presented in Outreach Meetings.
2. The overseer for this position will be the outreach chair
7.8 Outreach Committee Member x4 Application
1. Their duties shall be:
1.1. To attend meeting of Outreach Committee and offer ideals and suggestions relating to projects, events, and publicity.
1.2. To aid the Outreach Chair in any reasonable duties benefitting Outreach Committee.
1.3. To assist with the preparation, organisation, and clear-up of outreach events as requested by the Outreach Chair.
2. The overseer for this position will be the outreach chair
8.2.2(In pgm vp) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the postgraduate and mature students’ chair
8.2.3(In pgm treasurer) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the postgraduate and mature students’ chair
8.2.4(In pgm social sec) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the postgraduate and mature students’ chair
8.2.5(In pgm academic rep) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the postgraduate and mature students’ chair
8.2.6(In mature students’ rep) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the postgraduate and mature students’ chair
8.2.7(In postgrad rep) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the postgraduate and mature students’ chair
8.2.8(In pgm international rep) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the postgraduate and mature students’ chair
9.3.2(In gym manager) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the facilities manager
9.4.3(In music room manager) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the facilities manager
9.5.3(In green machine manager) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the facilities manager
9.6.2(In green machine technician) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the facilities manager
10.2.2(In social comm year reps) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the social chair
10.3.2(In ball manager) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the social chair
10.4.2(In feast manager) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the social chair
10.5.2(In Cuth’s day manager) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the social chair
12.4.3(In sports and socs reporter) The overseer for this role if this becomes an application position shall be the sports and societies chair
13 International Committee
13.1 There shall be an international committee
13.2 It shall consist of:
1. The international Representative
2. President of the Society
3. Vice-President
4. Postgraduate an Mature Students’ International Representative
5. International Events x3
6. International campaigns x2
7. Publicity x2
13.3 International events x3 Application
1. Their duties shall be to:
1.1. Brainstorm and organise events throughout the year.
1.2. Linking up students who are staying in Durham over the term break.
1.3. Advertising our own international events and other external events catered towards internationals.
2. The overseer for this position will be the international representative
13.4 International Campaigns x2 Application
1. Their duties shall be to:
1.1. Research issues impacting international students throughout the year
1.2. Suggest solutions to these issues and how they can be addressed by college
2. The overseer for this position will be the international representative
13.5 International Publicity x2 Application
1. Their duties shall be to:
1.1. Managing our social media page
1.2. Advertising events
1.3. Reaching out to students about our campaigns
2. The overseer for this position will be the international representative
Election Rules Article 1 Method I Election Rules: Winning the election would not result in you holding two Method I positions, or a Method I and a Method II position, or a Method I and an application position at the same time, except during the month of July when a person may be JCR president and treasurer
Election Rules Article 2 Method II Election Rules:
1. Eligibility and Application
1. Eligibility to run in a method II position
1.1. You are eligible to run for a Method II Election if you meet the following criteria:
1.1.1. You are a Full member of St. Cuthbert’s Society Junior Common Room (JCR).
1.1.2. Winning the election would not result in you holding a Method I and a Method II position at the same time.
1.1.3. Winning the election would not result in you holding more than two JCR positions (Method I, II or application) at the same time
1.1.4. Winning the election would not lead to you holding more than one minority representative position at a time (ie. PoC rep, LGBT+ rep, SwD rep, Mature Students’ rep)
Election Rules Article 3 Application Position Election Rules:
1. Eligibility and Application
1.1. Eligibility to run for an application position
1.1.1. You are eligible to run for an application position if you meet the following criteria: You are a Full member of St Cuthbert’s Society Junior Common Room (JCR) You will not hold a Method I position or two Method II positions during the term of office of the application position
1.2. Applying for an application position
1.2.1. This overseer will publicise details of how to apply for the position, giving at least one week for people to contact them
1.2.2. Applications must be lodged in writing with the overseer
1.3. Accepting an application position
1.3.1. You may only accept an application position after being notified of selection if this will not result in you holding more than two JCR positions (Method I, II or application) at the same time
2. Selection Procedure
2.1. At their discretion the overseer may use an application form, interviews and any other suitable and appropriate discriminatory process to gain insight into the suitability of candidates
2.2. Successful candidate(s) will then be chosen by the overseer following consultation with and approval from the JCR president and vice-president
JC: this long motion gives us a defined set procedure as to how to deal with application positions. Now you can hold two method 2 positions.
EC: you can’t hold more than one method 2 position at the moment. This motion would change that.
SP: can we change it so that it’s called method 4.
JC: that’s silly that method 4 comes after 3 when 3 is for joke positions. We should swap so that application is now method 3 and the joke positions are now method 4
DT: can we just call them application positions?
Everyone: eh
CW: what’s the point in m-
EC: Sorry CW, that question is not about amendment. I don’t’ need your attitude CW
Voting on the amendment that 4 will now be the joke positions and applications will be called method 3. The amendment has passed.
CW: I don’t get the point. There have been a lot of motions today that I don’t’ get the point of
EC: there have been 2
CW: why are we doing this after a position goes through 3 elections?
JC: it’s just that some people do care about the JCR, but they can’t be bothered to turn up and hust- so it’s better to have someone in a position than no one.
SP: is it possible that we run method 3 (applications) and method 2 at the same time. If we have an application system open at the same time- if someone puts in an application before it’s run, then that’s okay.
JC: we can advertise things that go to method 3 at meetings
DT: can we have positions that are solely method 3?
JC: yeah outreach, international comm, welfare etc
There is opposition
The amended motion has passed.
Fluffy Socks Motion – JR
This JCR Notes
• Fluffy socks are not currently available to order as stash in Cuth’s.
• It’s cold and the feet of Cuth’s students are very cold.
This JCR Believes
• Fluffy socks would be a good way of keeping warm this winter whilst also representing St Cuthbert’s Society.
• Everyone loves fluffy socks
This JCR Mandates
• The Vice-President should do all she can to provide us with Cuth’s fluffy socks next term.
JR: our feet get cold and we want fluffy socks added to the next stash order
EM: I have things to say about this. So basically, we wouldn’t be able to do this through the normal stash company we use because they only seem to do rugby socks – which aren’t the same- so that means I’d have to source some green fluffy socks that I could bulk buy and then sell in different way to the normal stash order. And I’d have to make sure I sold all the stock we buy so as not to make a loss. I’m also not sure where the money will come from for this stock. Also, what does “do all she can” mean!?
JR: I didn’t know it was that much effort
JG: would you be willing to take on the work, JR?
JR: yes
JG: can we have an amendment the motion to make a position that looks after fluffy socks specifically?
EC: it would be method 4
EM: can I have it as a committee? I’ve missed having a committee
EC: yes
JC: this amendment still has EM doing all she can which is unfair
JG: Okay lets change it so the person in charge of socks has to help EM doing all she can to get socks
JC: I want to amend the amendment that EM doesn’t have to do it all, JR has to do it all and has a method 4 position
AC: ahhh [as in AC is sad I don’t have to do loads of work]
Amendment to amendment passed
CW: the idea of joke motions is that they have to do very little. Amendment to make it method 2
JC: This should be a method 4 so Jack can run for other things.
Voting starts but no one knows what they are voting on so we stop.
EC: the amended amendment is to make it method 2.
Everyone groans
CW retracts is amendment.
EC: we are now voting on whether JRshould have a sock role and should sit on EM’s newly formed committee
[I am very excited about having a committee]
Amendment passed on general aye
Amended motion passed on a general aye
SP: lots to look forward to
Feast Manager
3 candidates: MW, AnK and request new candidate
AnK’s speech in summary:
Mainly running because she has a good idea. The idea will be great Gatsby. Hopefully there will be a Champaign tower. Black and white and gold. Fireworks. Mini burgers. Cocktails in the bar themed. Scenes from the movie on a projector.
MW’s speech in summary:
I loved first term on social comm. I would do a great job, organised, has level head, good at dealing with people, good at collaborating with MM. Wants to give back from Cuth’s. Knows all the stuff about organising things in college as is bar supervisor.
Roaring 20s themes- flare on outfits, dining in the dark course?
MM: It’s the 50th anniversary of feast this year, how are you going to make it special
MW: going bigger than last year. Use marque after dinner, more little ends, playing betting for chips, more advertising
AnK: the garden could be used more. Maybe just we have so much space, we can use space we have. Light up things
SW: what have you done before for experience?
AnK: I was on social comm last year and helped with all the ents and was there for al those events so I have a good idea
MW: I am a Cuth’s bar supervisor so I know the venue well and have a good relationship with JB (Bar Steward). On social comm at the moment
NG: Your themes have been done a lot. How would you make your idea different to things done before?
MW: I’d like to do dining in the dark course because the formal is so successful – links to prohibition
AnK: The marque and rooms as different themed places. Not sure if the projector thing has been done before
DT: what’s the best thing about the other persons theme?
EC: they haven’t heard each others’ husts
Everyone is like: it’s kinda the same so the question doesn’t work
J?: what’s the worst case scenario for feast and how would you deal with it
AnK: sometimes there is an awkward gap between dinner and ents so could have projector and fireworks so they have things. I don’t think it will go wrong
MW: I think just awkward bit when dinner gets cleared. Just makes sure there are ents. We can keep dinner tables up if we have gambling games on them in the marque
SR: I don’t want to sound condescending, are the candidates aware that the great Gatsby was in the 1920s?
[everyone groans because no one is an idiot]
SR: what’s the biggest difference in your ideas?
EC: this is the same as DT’s question we aren’t having it.
SP: you can vote only once.
MW is elected
SU Committee Member x1
Candidates: JF and request new candidate
JF’s hust in summary:
Is everyone having a good evening!? [yes!]. The SU gives us a voice, and I have a loud voice. My door will always be open to pass anything onto the SU as long as it wasn’t stupid
M?: what prior experience do you have with the JCR?
JF: I am a fresher and just got here. I have done debating before. Did something at Bristol before
RJ: How loud is your voice?
SM: This year, there have been lots of controversial motions. How would you deal with those?
JF: if there was something that was controversial I would reach out to people via social media. I would invite people to message me or talk to me personally. We can’t guess what the collective think but would be able to represent people who talk to us.
JC: An important part of assembly throwing shade at other colleges on twitter. How could you insult Samrat about his conduct this evening?
JF: something about banging because he bangs the bar a lot? Something to do with rats?
JF is elected
SP: Gave a shout out to CG Apologised to her real college parents, cos he had adopted her. And told DT to sod off she is mine
[everyone is confused about this tangent]
Sports and Socs Reporter x1
MP: it’s not a big role. If you did one thing ever then that would be cool.
AC: I will run
Candidates: AC and request new candidate
AC’s speech in summary:
I want to do this because I’m in lots of sports and societies, including many that the others sports and soc reporters are in. I am in climbing (I’m the president), Cuth’s pool d team, I run, I play football in 3 teams including lions who are big even though we don’t do well. I can write.
JC: I was under the impression you resigned as climbing president
AC: true, but I am still admin on the page
AI: once when you were drunk, you told me you’d come to fem soc and never came
AC: there have always been things clashing with femsoc
JG: Of all the sports and socs events you’ve seen this term, which would you have liked to have reported on?
AC: lions losing 14—1 this weekend
MP: any journalistic experience?
AC: no
AC is elected
[AK is messaging on the live stream that and says “my mum is watching with me and CW should be sanctioned”]
Finance Committee Member x1
Candidates: DA, SB, and request new candidate
DA’s speech in summary
The funning and social Indian guy. First year economics. Wants to make the best use of the money we have. Wants to practice economic skills. I am pretty good at organising. Will make socials.
SB’s speech in summary
Second year geographer. Did maths and economics a level. Good at listening to ideas. Usually good at budgeting unless taking a debit card on a night out. Volunteers at the library, works at the bar,
And since I’m not there to answer any questions: The 2008 crash was caused by subprime mortgages in the USA
SB has been elected
Postgraduate Rep
JC: you just represent postgrads on the committee, you can just help us out
No interest
Mature Students Rep
Candidates: SB and request new
SB’s speech in summary
I am a mature student. Due to different priorities, mature students can feel isolated. Wants to approach mature students and say “hey you look old we should hang out” but this might not go well. Wants to establish a community. Has represented lots of mature students before.
CW: you mentioned physical violence would be a worst case. Which way?
SB: they would hit me as I assumed their age. I wouldn’t just say someone looked old then hit them.
SB has been elected!
PG International Rep
JC: this positions sits on both PG comm and international comm. If you fit this description, you should run.
No one does and there are no candidates
BC wins the jar of sweets!