Absences and Apologies
Apologies: AS, RJ
Environment Committee Update
Waste and water awareness weeks are successfully complete. Now catering are measuring plate waste weekly, so we’ll be able to see waste stats throughout the year and keep improving. We’ve also been targeting livers-out on their recycling habits, hopefully at least some of you have got an easy-to-follow do/don’t recycle list through your door. Something you can all get involved in – Support the movement for the uni’s divestment from fossil fuels! Type in ‘durham divestment’ to google and fill out the 2-question survey. Your opinions really matter!
Executive Committee End-of-term Reports
Outreach Chair
Organised the charity formal with great success, raising money for three local Durham city charities – city of sanctuary, RT projects and St Margaret’s centre. Made some progress on setting up volunteering opportunities in local schools – this will be a key focus next term. Liaised with the SU and Mitch to deliver a Housing Talk to freshers.
Student Union Representative
Did not send report.
Male Welfare Officer
Along with all my usual drop in hours and welfare meetings, I gave a speech at the Movember formal on a few welfare related issues, and I’m currently organising a Welfare Committee meeting before the end of term. I’ve now fully updated our section of the Cuth’s website, and I’m looking forward to our campaigns next term, so keep your eyes peeled for that. As always, any questions about anything, email me at male-welfare@cuths.com.
Female Welfare Officer
Shit been done.
Banter was had.
I have worked hard with art soc and photography society to put on a hugely successful self love campaign with over 100 photos taken of students with declarations of self love written on them. Over 100 people attending the art exhibition and the whole process was incredible to run. I have sat on the subcommittee of the WEDcomm sex and consent subcommittee, planning to run a get tested day and some campaigns. I have contacted JB (Bar Steward) and got permission to have bar staff members undergo active bystander training at the beginning of next term. Drop in sessions have all been attended or rearranged and I will be attending an LGBT+ training in order to make Cuth’s welfare as inclusive as possible.
This term I have continued maintaining the accounts, while beginning a transition to a cloud based accounting software package, which will soon be required by law. This term, I have used it in parallel to my old system. I have also found ways for finance comm to help with the accounts, by auditing and keeping track of budgets. I have managed to attain my goal of paying all reclaims within 7 days throughout the term.
I have made a number of important changes to the standing orders, to clarify some budgeting issues and avoid legal issues. I have also spent some time developing a new framework in which to create the annual budget (to be discussed today).
Finally, the auditing of our 2015 accounts are now complete and will be sent to the charities commission by the end of term.
Postgraduate and Mature Students Representative
Did not send report.
Social Chair
This term, social comm has been devoted to the Michaelmas Ball, which appeared to be a great success and I want to thank all the social comm members for their amazing work, and the exec that helped out on the day as we needed all the hands we could get. We’re currently looking at feedback for the ball, and are looking forward to planning the Feast alongside the Feast Manager once they’re elected.
Sports And Societies Chair
The naked calendar is almost ready to print, I am just waiting for the last few submissions of photos. Initially I aimed to have this printed by christmas however late submissions from most clubs mean that the calendar will probably be available early next term. The Experience Cuth’s and Team Cuth’s sections of the website are almost completely up to date. We have now elected all 3 of the sports and societies reporters – as this is a brand new position I hope to have a meeting with the reporters early next term to discuss what they are interested in and how we can make this an effective position in the JCR. I have been working on amending the Sports and Societies Code of Conduct which was originally written in 2013. I intend to circulate this around clubs before christmas so they can have a read through and suggest any amendments, and then begin to collect signatures.
I met with RR to discuss the chairing of JCR meetings and ideas for increasing attendance in the future.
International Representative
The international committee was selected back in November, and we have since been productive. The first event was an international-themed bar crawl along the Bailey on Friday. The second one, which will be this Wednesday, is a coordinated event with the Durham Scandinavian Society themed around St. Lucy’s Day. We are also thinking ahead in our committee meetings: we will have even more events next term, including Chinese New Year and more!
It’s been great to see so many people using the library this term. During the past few weeks we’ve been continuing the book cull and have now moved onto humanities, so come take a look!
This term has been difficult in regards to the stash order, with a change in ownership at Phoenix Print generally being unprofessional and unresponsive to my many, many attempts to contact them. As such, I am considering switching our college stash provider for next term so as to avoid the delays we have had this term. However, I have recently been informed that the Michaelmas stash order will be delivered early this week. I will keep everyone posted with times so that clothing can be collected before the holidays.
In addition to the stash order, I have continued writing the Cuth’s Weekly newsletter which goes out every Friday, and have had a couple of meetings with EA to discuss how we can better co-ordinate and publicise SCR and JCR events.
I have also spearheaded the drive to finally complete the cuths.com website before prospective students apply, which means that the website is now 99% complete. Special thanks to RH, MC, JB and AS, who all came and volunteered their time to help me fill out the missing and incomplete sections, and to JC for his computer wizardry. Whilst doing this, I have uploaded all the committee and JCR meeting minutes from this term, and will soon be going through all of the minutes since 2013 and uploading them to the website as well.
A lot of my time recently has been used to look into governance-y things. I’ve been looking carefully over the structure of the exec and have presented what I think is a better alternative to the current system in my motion which you’ll see later on. I’ve also been organising a trustee meeting which will take place this evening, which has involved looking into policies within the JCR and looking and ways to improve these so that they are completely sound with the help of the SU and the trustees. I’ve also been looking into other governance matters with GovComm and the Treasurer, and produced motions for today as a result of this.
I’ve been trying to improve some of our facilities recently. With the help of AB, ALJ and JSC we’ve managed to get the green machine into half-decent state, meaning I now know exactly what we do and don’t own tech-wise so I can start to invest in tech that will be useful to us for years to come and make sure it is looked after. I’ve also tried to get college to change the system for getting hold of the music room key which they said they’d do but haven’t so if you’ve ever had a problem with not being able to access the room because the porter isn’t around, please email me.
The Michaelmas Ball was a great success and would not have been half as good as it was without the extremely hard work put in by HJ, DG and Social Comm, many thanks to them and the exec members that came to help out with setting up on the day.
On a University wide level I’ve been pretty busy. I always attend SU assembly as Chair of PresComm but voted on behalf of Cuth’s instead when there was no one else available. Also on a Students’ Union note, I met G?, the new CEO for lunch. He was great and has great vision for how common rooms should work with the Union. Basically he likes the JCRs a lot and is one of the good guys. I’m meeting with him in January to discuss how the Common Rooms can be more effective in implementing change in the University, e.g. having more of an influence over fees, which I’m keen to drive forward.
I met the University’s new Chief Operating Officer, JR, a couple of weeks ago. She was very receptive of the things I had to say, particularly about the proposed new building on Parson’s Field. The University have halted that for the time being but I intend to keep fighting for it because we need the space. I’ve attended the Sexual Violence and Fees and Grants groups with University staff. The SV stuff is really starting to gain some pace now which is great to see. Less so with the grants but the important fees meeting will be in March so I’ll keep you updated.
That’s all I can remember right now but if you have any questions about anything at all, you can email me or stop me for a chat as always.
- Executive Committee Restructure Order
This JCR notes:
- That the method (ii) positions responsible for managing facilities and services, (i.e Gym manager, Green Machine Manager, Music Room Manager, Dark Room Manager, Webmaster) do not report to anyone in the JCR. The JCR President is their only point of contact in this respect.
- Numerous other JCRs have a Facilities Manager.
- There are 2 Executive Committee positions held by Welfare Officers.
- In recent years, there has often been disagreements between welfare officers, often due to a workload imbalance.
- Other JCRs, notably Aidan’s and Trevs have recently changed their Welfare structure to combat these changes with reported success.
- It is not currently clear which member of the Executive Committee is responsible for Livers Out.
- The SU run housing campaigns, which tie together the position of SU Rep with the responsibilities related to Livers Out.
This JCR believes:
- Having a Facilities Manager would mean that the progress of each of the individual facilities Reps mentioned above would be supported better, resulting in increased productivity.
- Sometimes the aforementioned Rep positions are unfilled. If no one is elected to manage a facility, the Facilities Manager could provide basic coverage of that role.
- Having one welfare representative on the Exec would mean that this person is responsible for managing the workload of the Welfare Committee.
- Creating a “Senior Welfare Officer” would mean that there would be a single person leading the committee, as there is for every other JCR Committee.
- “Senior Welfare Officer” is a gender non-binary term, meaning that anyone could run for this position.
- The added drop-in hours that the Senior Welfare Officer would provide would reduce some pressure for the Male Welfare Officer and Female Welfare Officer to use their time for drop-ins.
- The Senior Welfare Officer would provide a single point of contact for the College Student Support staff to communicate with.
- Communication with Livers Out can be vastly improved
This JCR repeals:
- Executive Committee Order
- The Welfare Committee Order
- The Election Method (ii) order item IIIb, IIIe, IVa, IVd
This JCR Orders:
This JCR Orders:
- The Executive Committee Order:
- There shall exist an Executive Committee who shall have responsibility for the day-to-day running of the J.C.R.
- Executive Committee Meetings
- It shall be called by the President of the Society;
- It shall be chaired by the President of the Society and minuted by the Vice-President;
- It shall meet at least thrice termly.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of:
- President of the Society
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Senior Welfare Officer
- Facilities Manager
- Communications Officer
- Outreach Chair
- Librarian
- Social Chair
- Postgraduate and Mature Students Rep
- International Rep
- Chair
- Sports and Societies Chair
- All Executive Committee members shall perform any other reasonable duties as requested by the President of the Society.
- The J.C.R. empowers the Executive Committee to hold any J.C.R. Officer personally liable for any expenditure not previously agreed by the J.C.R., or the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee may approve expenditure up to the value of £100 and may make recommendations to Finance Committee that expenditure up to the value of £300 is incurred.
- Members of the Executive Committee who live in college accommodation shall represent the views and concerns of Livers In to the Executive Committee.
- The President of the Society shall represent the J.C.R. and the Society at all levels to ensure their maximum benefit and report back to the J.C.R. and Society.
- Their duties shall be to:
- have the authority to discipline all Society members in cases where their behaviour is found to be offensive or detrimental to the well being of the J.C.R., Society or Society members;
- monitor all J.C.R. Officers’ activities and they should be ready to assume their responsibilities if these are becoming detrimental to their academic progress;
- perform other reasonable duties as required;
- They shall live in Society accommodation on the Bailey;
- The J.C.R. will pay any Council Tax and rent the President of the Society is liable for as a result of living in Society accommodation.
- They shall receive a wage in line with the National Minimum Wage, as stipulated in the Presidential Contract of Service;
- The President of the Society must sign the Presidential Contract of Service which shall be counter-signed by the Trustees on the J.C.R.’s behalf.
- A copy of the Presidential Contract of Service shall be appended to this Order.
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the first General Meeting of Epiphany Term.
- The Vice-President
- Their duties shall be to:
- order, advertise and sell Saint Cuthbert’s Society merchandise;
- act as secretary to the J.C.R. taking and publicising online agendas and minutes of all J.C.R. Meetings, all husts for positions elected via Election Method (i) and all J.C.R. Committees. they shall also accept motions for proposal at the said meetings;
- produce a J.C.R. Freshers’ Handbook on a schedule that allows it to be sent out with the Society Welcome Pack;
- be available to perform any reasonable duties for and on behalf of the President of the Society where required.
- This will be a live in position at Parsons Field;
- They shall be resident in their Durham accommodation from the 1st of August until the President of the Society is satisfied that the J.C.R. Freshers’ Handbook is complete.
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the first General Meeting of Epiphany Term.
- The Treasurer
- Their duties shall be to:
- keep the J.C.R. financial records, they shall present the J.C.R. and Society Council, and shall ensure their accuracy, integrity and comprehensiveness;
- oversee the expenditure of all J.C.R. funds and account for this expenditure to the J.C.R. and Society Council.
- This will be a live in position on the Bailey.
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the first General Meeting of Epiphany Term.
- The Society Librarian
- Their duties shall be to:
- ensure the availability of the Society Library to Society members by inter alia recruiting and deploying sub-librarians;
- ensure that the Society Library stock is kept up to date and relevant to the needs of Society members;
- ensure the security of the Society Library;
- ensure the funding of the Society Library through liaison with the relevant member(s) of Society staff;
- They shall live in Society accommodation on the Bailey;
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the first General Meeting of Epiphany Term.
- They must have been listed on the Library Staff Rota for at least one term in order to be eligible to stand.
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the first General Meeting of Epiphany Term
- The Senior Welfare Officer
- Their duties shall be to:
- be available during drop-in hours (minimum 4hrs per week), or via email, to all Society members to act as a listening and signposting service;
- represent the J.C.R. at meetings of the Durham S.U. Welfare and Diversity Committee, and report back to the J.C.R. from them;
- supervise the activities of the Male Welfare Officer, Female Welfare Officer, Assistant Welfare Officers and Minority Reps (i.e. People of Colour, LGBT+, SWDA);
- publicise all S.U. welfare campaigns;
- Supply sexual health supplies to JCR members;
- liaise with College Student Support staff appropriately;
- attend relevant training events;
- This shall be a live in position at either the Bailey or Parsons Field.
- This is not a counselling position.
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the first General Meeting of Epiphany Term
- The International Representative
- Their duties shall be to:
- represent the views and concerns of the international students to the Executive Committee;
- liaise with the International Office;
- organise the welcome of international students to St. Cuthbert’s Society;
- organise the compilation and distribution of information relevant to new international students at St. Cuthbert’s Society;
- organise events aimed at (but not necessarily limited to) international students throughout the year (including ‘holiday periods’)
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) at the second General Meeting of Epiphany term.
- The Outreach Committee Chair
- Their duties shall be to:
- To organise volunteering and fundraising opportunities for JCR members within the wider community
- Aid relevant fundraising efforts by JCR members
- chair Outreach Committee
They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the second General Meeting of Epiphany Term.
- The Postgraduate and Mature Students Representative
- Their duties shall be to:
- represent the views and concerns of postgraduate students to the Executive Committee;
- represent the views and concerns of mature students to the Executive Committee;
- represent St. Cuthbert’s Society on MCR PresComm;
- organise the welcome of new postgraduate and mature students to St. Cuthbert’s Society;
- organise the compilation and distribution of information relevant to new postgraduate and mature students at St. Cuthbert’s Society;
- organise event aimed at (but not necessarily limited to) postgraduate and mature students throughout the year (including ‘holiday periods’);
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) at the third General Meeting of Easter Term.
- Their duties shall be to:
- The Sports & Societies Committee Chair
- Their duties shall be to:
- assist and supervise J.C.R. Clubs and Societies;
- organise the Fresher’s Fair at the beginning of the Michaelmas term;
- publicise events, results of J.C.R. teams, and generally promote support for and involvement in J.C.R. Clubs and Societies;
- attend meetings as required by Team Durham and coordinate the activities of the Team Durham Representatives;
- Oversee the actions of the sports reporters
- Their duties shall be to:
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the second General Meeting of Epiphany Term.
- The Social Committee Chair
- Their duties shall be to:
- Organise events and entertainments throughout the year;
- Publicise and organise entertainments after formal dinners not specifically being run by another J.C.R. Officer and to assist the relevant J.C.R. Officers with the organisation and publicising of all other formal dinners;
- organise and supervise Social Committee;
- inform neighbours of upcoming events and publicise all activities to Society members;
- where necessary liaise with Society staff in order to ensure the smooth running of all events;
- oversee the proper management of the Casino as a service of the J.C.R.;
- liaise with the Senior Intro-Week Representative with regards to social events during Fresher’s Week and Open Days.
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the second General Meeting of Epiphany Term.
- The Communications Officer
- Their duties shall be to:
- ensure the views and concerns of Livers Out are represented to the Executive Committee;
- ensure the views and concerns of Local Students are represented to the Executive Committee;
- produce a Livers Out Handbook;
- liaise with the S.U officers
- Run a housing talk in the first half of November
- Maintain the housing database
- represent the J.C.R. to the S.U. at all meetings they are invited to attend.
- Report S.U. policy, initiatives and activities to the J.C.R.
- organise and supervise the Junior S.U. Representatives.
- Oversee the webmaster, and maintain the website when there is no webmaster in office
- Write and distribute the weekly newsletter
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the second General Meeting of Epiphany Term.
- The Chair
- Their duties shall be to:
- Call, advertise and chair all General, Extraordinary and Constitutional Meetings.
- be available to advise members on matters concerning the Constitution, Standing Orders, Policy Documents and the day-to-day running of the J.C.R.
- They shall be a non-voting member of the JCR.
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the second General Meeting of Epiphany Term
- The Facilities Manager
- Their duties shall be to:
- Oversee the following facilities managers: Gym Manager, Green Machine Manager, Music Room Manager and Dark Room Manager.
- Provide basic coverage of any of the above facilities roles should the position not be filled.
- Oversee the Environment Rep and represent their views to the JCR exec, and to college staff when required.
- They shall be elected by Election Method (i) in the second General Meeting of Epiphany Term
- This shall be a live in position on either the Bailey or Parson’s Field
- A live in exec position shall be defined as follows:
- There will be a room in society accommodation set aside for the position
- When running for the position, candidates must declare whether they intend to live in that room or to live out
- If an officer lives out in a live in position, they must spend at least 8 hours a week in college
- These hours should be publicised in advance
- If a candidate declares that they intend to live in whilst campaigning, but is not in residence in their society accommodation by the first JCR meeting of Michaelmas term then an Automatic Motion of No Confidence will be run against them in that meeting.
- There shall exist a Welfare Committee whose duties shall be to ensure the smooth running of the J.C.R. welfare support structure and the dissemination of general information regarding campaigns and welfare-related issues.
- It shall be called by the Senior Welfare Officer;
- It shall be chaired by the Senior Welfare Officer and minuted by the Vice-President;
- It shall meet at least once a term.
- The Welfare Committee shall consist of:
- President of the Society
- Vice-President
- Senior Welfare Officer
- Female Welfare Officer
- Male Welfare Officer
- Assistant Welfare Officers x2
- Minorities reps, i.e. LGBT+ rep, SWDa rep, PoC Rep
Minutes for the Welfare Committee shall be considered Reserve Business and not published due to the personal nature of the business discussed.
- There shall exist a Welfare Campaigns Team whose duties are to organise campaigns on the topic chosen by the Senior Welfare Officer, Male Welfare Officer and Female Welfare Officer.
- The Welfare Campaigns Team shall consist of:
- President of the Society,
- Vice President
- Senior Welfare Officer
- Female Welfare Officer
- Male Welfare Officer
- Assistant Welfare Officers x2
- Minorities reps, i.e. LGBT+ rep, SWDa rep, PoC Rep
- 20 Campaigns Team members to be selected by interview
International Rep and Postgrad and Mature Students Rep are invited to attend.
The roles defined here as “Minorities reps” shall ensure campaigns are inclusive.
- Role descriptions:
- Senior Welfare Officer: as defined in the Executive Committee Order
- Male Welfare Officer
- be available during drop-in hours, or via email, to all Society members to act as a listening and signposting service;
- represent the J.C.R. at meetings of the Durham S.U. Welfare and Diversity Committee, and report back to the J.C.R. from them;
- publicise all S.U. welfare campaigns;
- Supply sexual health supplies to JCR members;
- liaise with College Student Support staff appropriately;
- attend relevant training events;
- be available during Induction week to provide support during events and to manage arising welfare issues.
- Oversee campaign content and the running of these campaigns
- Be available for a minimum of 4 drop-in hours per week in appropriate locations
- They shall be elected by Method (i) at the first general meeting of Easter term
- Female Welfare Officer
- be available during drop-in hours, or via email, to all Society members to act as a listening and signposting service;
- represent the J.C.R. at meetings of the Durham S.U. Welfare and Diversity Committee, and report back to the J.C.R. from them;
- publicise all S.U. welfare campaigns;
- Supply sexual health supplies to JCR members;
- Liaise with College Student Support staff appropriately;
- attend relevant training events;
- be available during Induction week to provide support during events and to manage arising welfare issues
- Oversee campaign content and the running of these campaigns
- Be available for a minimum of 4 drop-in hours per week in appropriate locations
- They shall be elected by Method (i) at the first general meeting of Easter term
- Assistant Welfare Officer
- manage campaigns on topics decided by Senior Welfare Officer, Male Welfare Officer and Female Welfare Officer
- organise meetings of Welfare Campaigns Team
- distribute tasks to Campaigns Team Members
- They shall be elected by Method (i) at the first general meeting of Michaelmas term
- Campaigns Team Member
- attend meetings of Welfare Campaigns Team
- contribute ideas towards campaigns
- produce welfare campaign materials
- attend campaign events
The Election Method (ii) Order
IIIb One livers-out rep whose duties shall be to assist the communications officer in any matters regarding livers-out and to assist in ensuring livers-out’s views are represented.
IIIe One Junior Durham Students’ Union Representative (“Junior S.U. Rep”), whose duties shall be to represent the JCR at meetings of the SU and to assist the Senior SU Rep in the process of two-way communication between the J.CR and the SU.
Iva One gym manager whose duties shall be to maintain the Gyms, to ensure compliance with the University regulations concerning gym use and maintenance, and to perform gym induction courses for students who wish to make use of the gym.
Proposer: MC
Seconder: JC
MC: I have put a lot of thought into this motion and I believe that this is a way that the exec would run better.
JE: At the moment there isn’t anyone that is in charge of college families. Amendment to add that responsibility to the communications officer.
Amendment passed on general aye.
MLJ: The webmaster is quite a niche skillset?
MC: There will still be a dedicated person there, and the website is easy now that it is completed.
JB: I object to the welfare structure change. Too much overlap in terms of the roles. Senior welfare arbitrates any disputes and takes workload off. As written, the senior welfare has the same job description as male/female, so don’t see how they are in charge.
CM: There isn’t too much on them at the moment, it is difficult knowing what to organise and when with two people are in charge.
JB: True, but they should not be mandated to go to WEDComm, but to take the senior’s place when they cannot go.
CM: Every other college sends more people though. We now have subcommittees and things. Leave it as is, and if the male/female officers think it is too much, we can reduce it later.
JB: My issue is that there are too many cooks. There would be five people running campaigns.
CM: I do not think there is an issue with having too many people, we need more representation and viewpoints.
JB: Amendment that makes male and female officers not run campaigns.
Amendment fails.
Motion passed on a general aye.
- Budget Motion
This JCR Notes
- That the current system of writing the annual budget constitutes the treasurer writing a budget which can be either accepted or rejected by the JCR
- That if the budget were rejected it would cause significant problems
- That amendments suggested to the budget may lack oversight and as such lead to poor financial decisions
- That it is not currently clear how a member of the JCR would go about making a large change to the budget
This JCR Believes
- That the process of budget writing should be democratically accessible
- That it is beneficial to minimise the chance of people objecting to the budget when it is presented
This JCR Orders
- That there will be a document containing budget writing principles which should
- Be changeable by a motion submitted to a JCR meeting
- Guide the treasurer in writing the budget
- Contain a list of principles in order of priority that should be included in the budget
This JCR Mandates
- The treasurer when writing the budget to base it on the presented document, deviating from the principles as little as possible, and breaking lower priority items when needed
Priority | Reason | In | Out |
1 | Expected income and expected expenditure should be within £2,500 of each other | £ – | £ – |
2 | Presidential salary | £ – | £ 12,871.00 |
3 | President’s flat and council tax | £ – | £ 5,000.00 |
4 | Trustee expenses | £ – | £ 1,000.00 |
5 | Insurance | £ – | £ 4,000.00 |
6 | Auditing of the accounts | £ – | £ 2,000.00 |
7 | Bank charges | £ – | £ 450.00 |
8 | £3,000 will be ring-fenced for legal fees | £ – | £ – |
9 | Levies will be set at £50/year for 2016-17, plus inflation for later years, rounded to the nearest £0.50 | £ 67,250.00 | £ – |
10 | The JCR will match S&S income at approximately 1:1 | £ – | £ – |
11 | Fresher’s week, the Michaelmas ball and the Feast of St Cuthbert will be run as fundraising events | £ 2,000.00 | £ – |
12 | Funds of £2,000 more than the submitted budgets will be set aside for S&S | £ – | £ 20,000.00 |
13 | Accountancy training | £ – | £ 150.00 |
14 | Gyms | £ – | £ 1,800.00 |
15 | Printing | £ – | £ 500.00 |
16 | Accounting software | £ – | £ 144.00 |
17 | Exec handover | £ – | £ 50.00 |
18 | The surplus from fresher’s week will be spent on a refresher’s event | £ – | £ 1,000.00 |
19 | Open days | £ – | £ 1,000.00 |
20 | Participation fund | £ – | £ 600.00 |
21 | S&S training scholarships | £ – | £ 800.00 |
22 | Library | £ – | £ 2,500.00 |
23 | Website | £ – | £ 100.00 |
24 | TV license fees | £ – | £ 291.00 |
25 | Welfare | £ – | £ 750.00 |
26 | Gov comm | £ – | £ 200.00 |
27 | Outreach comm | £ – | £ 500.00 |
28 | Environment comm | £ – | £ 100.00 |
29 | International comm | £ – | £ 600.00 |
30 | Post-grad comm | £ – | £ 1,000.00 |
31 | Social comm activities | £ – | £ 800.00 |
32 | Art supplies | £ – | £ 600.00 |
33 | Ringfenced to be spent at the discretion of the exec | £ – | £ 700.00 |
34 | £500 plus any green machine income will be spent on the green machine | £ – | £ 500.00 |
35 | Misc. non sporting facilities such as the conference room | £ – | £ 1,200.00 |
36 | DLB awards | £ – | £ 700.00 |
37 | Team photos for the bar | £ – | £ 450.00 |
38 | Newspapers | £ – | £ 2,000.00 |
39 | Cuth’s day will be subsidised by £13,000 | £ – | £ 13,000.00 |
40 | The income from the pool table will be spent on the pool table, with the exception of costs for league matches, which will be refunded to captains | £ – | £ – |
41 | Nothing except protected income will be spent on the music room | £ – | £ – |
42 | Any increase in insurance of the boatclub from one year to the next will be met by the boatclub for that year | £ – | £ – |
University Grant | £ 8,000.00 | £ – | |
Bar Transfer | £ 500.00 | £ – | |
Total | £ 77,750.00 | £ 77,356.00 | |
This JCR Resolves
- That the treasurer should inform members of the JCR of the principles they intend to break, with reasons, at the JCR meeting before that at which the budget is presented. This should be treated as a motion where
- Members of the JCR are given the chance to amend this list, to the affect that other principles should be broken instead
- After voting on amendments, the list must be passed by the meeting.
- If the list is not passed, the opportunity for further amendments should be given. This should continue until the list is approved.
JC |
TJ |
JC: I suggest we make a system to make a budget and have that be able to be challenged at various levels instead of entirely rejecting or accepting the entire budget.
Motion passed on a general aye.
- PoC Motion
This JCR notes:
- There is no position within Cuth’s that has the responsibility to represent People of Colour.
- Some members of the JCR have expressed that there has been limited representation in Cuths for PoC identifying students.
- There are platforms given for representation of several other similar minorities within Cuth’s.
- The Durham Students’ Union PoC Association was recently ratified.
This JCR believes:
- Given the recent ratification of the Durham Students’ Union PoC Association, having a Rep within the JCR to communicate with this Association and reps in other colleges would be beneficial to students who identify as PoC.
- Cuth’s should increase representation for People of Colour for a more diverse and accepting College atmosphere.
This JCR resolves:
- To create a People of Colour Representative within Cuth’s JCR.
- People of Colour Representative will be a Method ii position.
- The PoC Rep will sit on welfare committee at the same level as the other minorities reps.
Proposer: TMH
Seconder: MC
TMH: All other associations have a rep. PoC is a new association, so we would like the same representation as all others.
FM: So this is a method 2 election?
SJ: Yes.
JB: Elected at next meeting?
MC: Next one yes.
JE: Amendment to say that PoC rep is elected at the first JCR meeting of term.
Amendment passed on a general aye.
Motion passes on a general aye.
- Attendance Motion
This JCR notes:
- Attendance at JCR meetings is low in comparison to how many people are members of the JCR.
- That there are many officers of the JCR who have been elected to represent different areas.
This JCR believes:
- JCR meetings need to be well attended to ensure a diverse range of opinion.
- Absence from a JCR meeting will prevent an officer from best representing the areas of the JCR there were elected to represent.
- The JCR Meetings Motion passed in 2014 to mandate attendance was unclear and was poorly implemented.
This JCR repeals:
- The motion entitled “JCR Meetings Motion” passed on 7 th December 2014.
This JCR orders
- That an Automatic Motion of No Confidence is defined as regular Vote of No confidence, except it is proposed by the JCR president and requires no seconders.
This JCR mandates:
- If a Sport or Society has more than 20 members, 2 representatives must attend each JCR meeting. If the number of members is less than 20, only one representative is necessary.
This JCR resolves
- To run an Automatic Motion of No Confidence in the JCR meeting after the second consecutive JCR meeting, or third total JCR meeting in total, that someone in an elected position fails to attend without sending apologies.
- To run an Automatic Motion of No Confidence in the JCR meeting after the second consecutive relevant committee meeting, or third committee meeting in total that someone in an elected position fails to attend without sending apologies.
- To dock the budget of a Sport or Society after the second consecutive meeting, or third total meeting in total, that the required number of representatives fails to attend without sending apologies.
Proposed by: MC
Seconded by: JC
MC: JCR attendance isn’t great. 2 years ago a motion went through to mandate sports and socs to send 2 members to all meetings.
CM: What happens if people do not attend?
MC: Written in the motion. Budget cut.
JE: Are we going to have a specific amount to dock budget?
MC: Amendment to make budget docking be at the discretion of finance committee.
Amendment passed on a general aye.
FM: In the past all sports got an email before the meeting. Amendment to mandate the Vice-President to send all elected members an email to attend, and the sports and socs chair to send an email to all sports and socs to attend.
Amendment passes on a general aye.
Motion passes on a general aye.
- Late Budgets Motion
This JCR notes:
- That some budgets are submitted late and that sport or society can benefit by bringing many members to that meeting to get their budget passed
- That the budget meeting exists so that the budget of the JCR is discussed in the presence of representatives from all areas of the JCR, who have a vested interest in ensuring funding is fairly allocated
This JCR believes:
- Budgets should primarily be discussed at the budget meeting where everyone is discerning over the proper expenditure of the JCR for the upcoming year
This JCR orders:
- Any budget not submitted at the budget meeting cannot be amended to increase by more than 50% of the difference between the original submission and Finance Committee’s recommendation.
e.g. Society X asks the JCR for £2000. Finance Committee recommends we give them £1500. Therefore the difference is £500, 50% of which is £250. Therefore the budget cannot be amended higher than £1500+£250 = £1750.
- Any budget not submitted at the budget meeting cannot be amended to increase by more than £1000 above the finance committee recommendation.
Proposed by: JC
Seconded by: Megan Croll
JC: The idea is that budgets should be realistic and fair, as hopefully budgets should be submitted at the budget meeting, where lots of people will have a vested interest in having the budget distributed fairly.
FM: Will this exclude new societies?
JC: No.
FM: Amendment to exclude new societies from this.
Amendment passes on a general aye.
JP: Is it retrospective?
MC: No.
FM: Occasionally there may be good reasons that certain sports and socs cannot attend budget meeting.
JC: If the budget is submitted on time then it will be fine and passes to the next meeting.
Motion passes on a general aye.
Method 1:
Disabilities Rep
No candidate.
Senior DUCK Rep
No candidate.
Method 2:
Green Machine Manager
AB: I’m a second year engineer. For those that went to the panto, I’ve been helping set it up and I enjoyed it so would love to continue in that role.
FM: What’s the green machine?
AB: It is all of the college equipment that relates to events.
FM: Favourite out of lighting, sound and tech?
AB: Lighting, due to the UV cannon.
MC: It is broken tho lol.
AB elected.
Green Machine Technicians x3
Junior DUCK Rep x3
Finance Comm x5
ED: I am ED, 2nd year. On FiComm last year and want to carry on. I introduced the cake rota, so that is proof of my worth. Already put it on an application so…yeah.
PM: I love money, I did it last year, want to do again. Ambition and Passion.
LW: Did it last year, been doing it this year, please vote for me.
Only banter questions are asked.
ED, PM and LW elected.
No Candidate
Post Grad. Com. International Rep
No Candidate.
Social Com:
Second Year Rep x1
No Candidate.
Finalist Rep x3
No Candidate.
Post grad rep x1
No Candidate.
Sponsorship Officer
No Candidate.
Photography Officer
No Candidate.
Feast Manager
ALJ: I sat on social committee and really loved it so I would love to do even half as good a job as DG. I wanted to run but thought someone else would so I didn’t. One idea is a masquerade ball theme. When we did casino night in freshers, the use of space was great, and it would be amazing to do a similar vibe to maximise space use.
ALJ is elected.
Publicity Officer
No Candidate.
Meeting is adjourned.