Env comm: Waste awareness week went well, and next week there is water awareness week, there is a free water saving kit available from northumbrian water. Go get that.
Election Rules Motion
Proposer: AF
Seconder: AB
This JCR Notes that:
• The current election rules are unclear and confusing.
• The current election rules have loopholes that could lead unfair elections.
This JCR believes that:
• The proposed new election rules should replace the old, and the standing orders should be updated accordingly.
• Three separate documents would make the election rules clearer, and the SROs job easier when distributing information.
This JCR Resolves to:
• Replace the old election rule document with the three proposed documents.
• Update the standing orders to reflect the changes made to the election rules.
AF: I think I’ve made election rules clearer and better. Removing loopholes and making 3 documents, makes her life easier.
JSC: On 6. 1.b, does that mean that you are not allowed to make a video?
AF: We have made it so that candidates cannot repurpose an existing website.
Passed on general aye.
Assistant Welfare Motion
Proposer: CM
Seconder: DF
This JCR notes:
– The current position of assistant male and assistant female welfare officer are both gendered positions.
This JCR believes that:
– The assistant welfare positions should be made gender-neutral.
– The new role descriptions established last term mean that the assistants are effectively in charge of welfare campaigns and they are there to support the welfare officers when needed.
– Although you do not have to be the gender of the position you are applying for, making the positions gender neutral will be more inclusive to the non-binary community (people who do not identify as male or female).
– It will also allow the best two candidates to be voted in regardless of gender.
– If a student wishes to contact welfare over specific male/female related issues this is what the male and female welfare officers are there to provide.
– Overall, this JCR does not believe that there is a reason to establish gendered roles when the role does not require a specific gender to fulfil it.
This JCR resolves to:
– Rename both assistant female welfare and assistant male welfare positions as Assistant welfare officer.
CM: Want to make both assistants non-gendered, as there is no reason for the roles to be gendered.
JG: Life time member of Cuths, Community Officer SU, Female welfare officer LGBTa Pres. 1.7% Pop are gender neutral. UN neutral gender under pressure. Illegal to specify gender for the role. Non-binary gendered (NBG) students are allowed to run for the roles anyway. Aware of difficulties being labelled as female when you don’t identify as female. Trans, gender. neutral people would feel welcome. Only a change in name, positions will remain the same
JB: Current male welfare officer, former assistant male welfare. Not not empathising with NBG’s. Adverse effect. Already and LGBTa position
MC: LGBTa is representation not the same as assistant
JB: Maybe LGBTa rep should have more of a role. Male 45% of cuths, under repented on welfare comm. 25% male on campaigns, and that is rare to be so high. Men don’t have as much of as say, not on effect in campaign we run. Propose a Third assistant with a non-gender title
TJ: 5/6 previous male welfare elections have run unopposed
JB: Real danger of having only 1 male represented of welfare when they make up a large part of cuths
CM: Male welfare represents male need. Two people to represent male needs, is that necessary? A student doesn’t know how to get involved in welfare when they don’t know
MS: They will be male representative, trying to push out a minority by not making this role.
TJ: Fail to see when we pushing people out if we had a third welfare officer.
CM: Gender neutral position would lead to strategic running in elections?
DF: People don’t have to out themselves when they don’t have a title to worry about.
MC: anyone can run for these positions, the name is irrelevant 3 positions are too many to effectively run campaign.
TJ Amendment: 3 general assistant welfare “Assistant Welfare”
Opposition: MS: No point to be representative, Three best candidates can run anyone.
MC: Too many cooks.
Vote on the amendment: Not passed.
Vote on the motion: Passed.
Camera Motion
Proposer: MC
Seconder: JC
This JCR notes:
• The JCR does not own a camera.
• We often rely on individual members to volunteer use of their cameras for events.
This JCR believes:
• As a result of the above, events such as this year’s Freshers’ Week were not well-documented in photographs.
• Having a camera available for use to members of the JCR for specific events would be useful.
• It would be nice to be able to take photos at smaller events (i.e. events where it is not cost effective to hire a professional photographer) e.g. formals, KaraokeSoc events, Eurovision, Acoustic night etc.
This JCR resolves:
• To purchase a Canon EOS 1200D DSLR camera which costs approximately £300 (£299.00 from Canon via Amazon) and includes a standard18-55mm lens.
• To make the camera available for booking via the JCR Vice President on vice-president@cuth.com
MC: Now would like to buy Nikon (something), with bag for £319.
DR: Are you budgeting for replacements?
MC: Nah we just hope we don’t break it.
JS: Available to all?
MC: Yes, for specific events.
Amendment passed on general aye.
Motion passes on general aye.
VAT motion
Proposer: JC
Seconder: MC
This JCR Notes that
That the JCR currently has no policy on how VAT fits into budgets
That the JCR is no longer VAT registered
We therefore do not need to pay VAT on income but cannot claim it back from purchases
This JCR believes that
It would be beneficial to have a clear policy on how VAT applies to budgets
This JCR Resolves to
Create a VAT policy as follows:
o All budgets passed have expenditure inclusive of VAT o All budgets passed refer only to gross income
o Any member of the JCR wishing to make the most of charity tax reliefs, such as making purchases exclusive of VAT, should pursue this independently, but must consult the treasurer on the matter
JC: Make it more concrete concerning VAT, so am making it clearer after rule changes.
JS: How will we treat VAT then?
JC: Income is gross
Motion passed on general aye.
Self Income Motion
Proposer: JC
Seconder: MC
This JCR Notes that
Line V of the clubs and societies order:
O All members of sports and societies (except those that create, or are likely to create (likelihood to be judged by the Finance Committee) a fiscal surplus for the JCR, or those that receive no direct JCR funding) must pay mandatory subscriptions
a) These subscriptions should be no less than one pound sterling
b) These subscriptions should be reasonable and proportional to the level of funding received by the JCR and the number of JCR members that participate.
That for some societies a model involving subs is not a suitable way to collect income from members.
This JCR believes that
That sports and societies should have more flexibility over their income structure
That other models of self-income are also a fair way of ensuring members help meet the cost of running the society
This JCR Resolves to
Modify Line V of the clubs and societies order as such:
O All sports and societies (except those that create, or are likely to create (likelihood to be judged by the Finance Committee) a fiscal surplus for the JCR, or those that receive no direct JCR funding) must raise income from its members
a) This income should be no less than one pound sterling per person
b) These subscriptions should be reasonable and proportional to the level of funding received by the JCR and the number of JCR members that participate.
c) The income should be spread evenly and proportionately among those members of the society who will benefit from its spending
JC: Changing “subs” to “self income” so that societies don’t have to charge subs.
Cash handling Motions
Proposer: JC
Seconder: MC
This JCR Notes that
The current procedure for handling petty cash is for a single person to hand it to the JCR treasurer at a convenient time
That under this system any counting mistakes look very suspicious
That embezzlement is possible under this system
This JCR believes that
That it there should be a system in place which avoids the possibility for embezzlement, both to protect funds and protect students from accusations
This JCR Resolves to
Create a petty cash handling policy as follows:
o When petty cash is handed to the JCR treasurer, the person handing it should immediately say how much there is
o The money should then be counted in sight of both the JCR treasurer and the money handler
o A third party (eg. club captain) should contact the JCR treasurer separately to inform them of how much there should be.
JC: Had problems with money going missing and blame goes around. Now there is a specific protocol.
Motion passed on general aye.
Football (Men’s) Budget:
Original Amended
60x sub £1500 (£25 each) £2100 (£35 subs)
Ref fees £1050
League entry & Affiliation £264
Crumb hire £2781 (£1140 more than prev. budget)
Equipment £371
Total Income £1500 £2100
Total Expenditure £4466
Funding Requested £3000 £2201
JC: Football have come back with new budget. We are paying for half of kit, which usually goes from reserves, the rest will go into asked also for more money for pitch hire, which brings it way above 50/50 subs/funding.
RG: Our subs are currently 25/person, does not respect what cuths have to pay for full year, we have also had Team Durham complain that kits do not all match, we have come up with a figure for a minimum subs to cover all expenses, which is 65 pounds. All equipment is also done through captains, which isn’t fair. If you look at cuths football compared to other
JC: If you now have the rubber crumb built into budget, does that mean
MC: Do you own your own kit?
RG: Yes.
MC: Can we not keep it for Cuths?
RG: Preferably Not.
AF: Last year budget, we match what we said. 5 clubs got more than that. 3rd most expensive subs already. Also discrepancy between Men’s Women’s.
MC: Can you not train on rubber crumb?
RG: They don’t let you hire MC grass pitches for training.
JS: What was previous budget?
RG: Paid in 1500, got 1500.
KL: How many people in the MFC?
JC: Taking subs from 60 people.
Amendments to the amended motion?
RG: Amend to original budget.
DF: The finance comm principle is that the sport raises half of their money. However, the principle is unfair at the moment due to kit and pitch hire, etc. They should pay subs to a similar amount.
JB: How is getting 1100 money for free from the JCR fair to other clubs?
DF: We can’t train if we don’t have crumb/correct kits.
JC: So we should go from that to the JCR paying all of it?
CS: It’s stash? Surely?
AF: All they are saying is that they are not spending any money on kit, just for pitch hire.
Hugo Greaves: So the 1140 is just going to crumb hire.
MC: Why do you have the crumb?
HG: Other pitches are unusable.
Vote on amendment: Passed.
No further amendments.
ALJ: Can we increase to 30 pounds.
Vote on amendment: Fails.
Vote on amended motion that brings budget back to £25 subs.
Motion passes.
Photography Society Budget:
Original Amended
5 x subs £25 (£5 each) £50 (£10 each)
SCR workshops £120
Donation from College £50
Photography Supplies £150
Darkroom £99
Total Income £195 £220
Total Expenditure £459
Funding Requested £249 £224
Net for Year £0 £0
JC: So they propose £5 subs each, and get money from SCR, the JCR was still going to have to pay more. Stick to 1:1 motion, so raise subs to 10 pounds.
MH: Sounds reasonable.
Amended budget passes.
Charity Fashion Show Budget:
Original Amended
13 x subs £13 £0
Ticket sales £4500
Venue deposit £500
Tech £1200
Make-up £50
Decorations £250
Tickets £40
Total Income £4513 £4500
Total Expenditure £2040 (£500 returnable)
Funding Requested £300 £200
Net for Year £0
JC: They propose £300 to give, which is a charitable donation, the maximum any other college gives. We propose bringing it down to £200.
AC: Got lots of exec, we’re trying to change the reputation of the fashion show. We’re supporting help refugees. Helps desperate people and particularly children. Great thought has been made in the budget, last year they had a problem with tech and had to pay £1000 for it. Spoke to MC and other colleges to gauge a realistic request of what we can ask. Last year we were given a £780 loan, however this was a real problem as the exec had to put forward the money we spent. We’re asking you to support us a little more this year, in order to not pay as much. Also hope that college will support our charitable donation. We’re asking for 300 pounds grant and ~500 pounds loan, will help make the show more accessible (ticket prices will be reduced). Majority of grant that we are asking for will be used for ticketing price reduction, which means more of you can go.
MC: They are fabulous this year, so was originally going to oppose it, but they are so good that I may support them in any way I can. Did a lot of research with how other colleges do it, there are 3 other colleges that provide funding to charity fashion show, of which we are by far the maximum so far.
JC: The budget as amended will allow them to access all of the money at first, so they won’t have to foot the bill.
CM: What percentage of ticketing goes to charity.
AC: Ended up donating more than the ticket prices raised. The cheapest tickets will still be £12, it just means that the table prices will be able to come down by 5-7 pounds. The tables are awesome as an experience, we want to be able to allow people to have that experience.
AB: Did the tables sell out at the higher price.
AC: Yes but not as quickly.
TJ: Amendment: Bring it back to what they originally asked for.
Opposition? None.
Passed amendment on general aye.
Passed amended motion on general aye.
Assistant Bar Steward
DF: Two main reasons vote for me. Already doing it. Secondly, no one else is running for it, so please vote for me. *Sings chumbawamba*.
JC: How would you amend the JCR drinking game to make more money.
DF: I’ll be here more doing banterous things so people will drink more.
JF: What colour what you paint brooks bar?
DF: Literally anything else.
Disabilities Rep
No candidates.
Senior DUCK Rep
No candidates
Student Trustee
JP: Out of respect for the position, I want to be part of the team that runs cuths as effectively and efficiently as possible. Was head of school, and did a gap yah in the city, which will help me in the job. I’ll provide an enthusiastic, fresh face that keeps up with our system of
JC: As student trustee, what would you say is the most important thing the JCR offers.
JP: Running societies.
MC: What are the charitable aims of the JCR.
JP: To serve cuth’s students, through welfare, societies, anything really.
Dark Room Manager
MH: I am quite passionate about dark room photography, would like to continue running it please.
Finance Committee Members x2
AP: I first ran for FiComm, didn’t know you could only run for one. Didn’t get elected to social comm, so would like tog et back to crunching numbers.
TS: I would be decent. Done it before at school to raise funds. Hopefully can find extra funds.
AK: I am treasurer for bodcon and do maths. Know about finance within JCR, like money.
Only banter questions are asked.
TS and AK elected.
Green Machine Manager
Green Machine Technicians x3
Junior DUCK Rep x3
Junior DSU Rep
RM gets odds on by SJ to run, loses.
RM: I’m sure I’ll be alright, I’m good at adapting to situations, I guess?
JC: How many units of alcohol will you drink at every assembly meeting.
RM: At least 2 jugs?
CH: Do you now wish you had gone home after your football budget?
RM: No, I’m here to apply for this position?
RM is elected.
DR: First time I’ve been in circle not at Eurovision. Someone needs to do it. Came out last year so understand how people in that situation feel at university. Please vote for me.
JF: How do you plan on empathising with a lot of people and their orientations?
DR: It’s important to acknowledge that I am not part of a lot of those orientations, however I will listen to what they have to say, and if I have any issues because I am not part of their orientation, I would get support from wider community.
MC: If you could hold an event to support LGBT, what would it be?
DR: Well Rainbow Night is fantastic, but maybe running a disco and smaller events.
JB: Also have a role on welfare committee. What would you bring to welfare?
DR: I will bring a voice from the community into welfare, and am used to representing students as I am a student rep as physics, and an undergraduate rep at assembly.
JSC: How would you increase awareness in cuths.
DR: I would work with welfare committee to increase awareness with campaigns, is important to focus on members of the community who are not L, G, B, T or A.
DR elected.
Sports and Societies Reporter x2
LN: Want to have a role in the JCR, I love writing and am interested in Sports and Socs. I missed the fair so want to know what’s going on. Can write in many languages.
AR: Dominated everyone at the reflex machine. Is a passionate supporter of the Cuth’s D pool team and is a great commentator and would take that to every other sport with social media. Has great banter so would be ace.
LN and AR elected.
Post Graduate Committee:
– 2 social reps,
AE: I held this position in undergrad and would like to get more involved in the JCR.
SG: I would like to do this in my postgrad as I did it as part of my job.
MC: What is main difference between undergrad or postgrad?
AE: Lots less work but ask me later?
SG: Less structured but more to accomplish.
ALJ: What theme would you have at a postgrad only formal?
AE: Gatsby but more?
SG: A period theme.
SG and AE elected.
– Academic rep,
JG: Did the same things as an undergraduate. Also planned monthly research seminars and talks so feel that I’ve done this before and am interested to see the difference.
JC: How would you publicise any events to undergrads?
JG: Make sure it is not exclusive and using social media, as well as making topics more approachable.
JG elected.
– International rep,
– 3 general reps
AJ: Also did undergrad and masters at cuths. Was in welfare comm in her 2nd year. Also helped with postgrad freshers week. Would love to get back involved with the JCR.
JW: Wants to get involved in cuths and making the postgrad experience better, would also like to get more postgrads involved in the JCR.
MC: What is most important thing cuths postgrads bring to rest of us?
JW: A more diverse group of students, see how things can be done differently or better.
AJ: A different perspective can be offered, so I know what it is like to be an undergrad. Knowing how to move through the system so can pass on that knowledge.
JC: How can you promote sports and socs to PhD’s and get them involved?
JW: 90% of postgrads are masters students are here for a year so don’t want to get involved. Must stress that socs aren’t just for undergrads.
AJ: Promote having an outlet from just doing research.
SS: What is one thing you want to focus on this year.
AJ: Want to help with academic rep, organise research forums, having an event where undergrads can speak to postgrads.
JW: Wants to work on postgrad involvement in the JCR.
AJ and JW elected.
Social committee:
Second Year Social Committee Rep x2
CS: Helped run drama at school, children in need and did all the stage stuff for performances, also set up mentoring scheme.
CS elected.
Final Year Social Committee Rep x3
Postgrad Rep