Exec Updates
CM – President
Since the last JCR meeting I have been working on understanding the Durham Does strategy in order to see how it will impact our students. Along with Prescomm, we will be picking the top 10 things we are concerned with in order to make students aware and hold the University to account. We have created an accommodation fees subcommittee in Prescomm which I sit on. We are currently lobbying alumni from every college to write in about their thoughts on the fees to help put pressure on the University.

I have been working with college to ensure that the panto and fashion show can take place this year. I have also been pressuring college to change the codes around college and have recently made way in ensuring that I am consulted in disciplinary processes, providing student representation where requested.

I have been working with DG and other JCR presidents to get a date and location for summer ball. This will be announced soon. On a general note, I have been helping out the Exec where needed.

HJ – Vice President
The stash order arrived and I’ve been doing handouts over the weekend and yesterday. There are still some items that need to be collected, but people will just have to email me and I’ll sort it on a case by case basis. I’ve been helping out ALJ with the Instagram doing the graphic design and helping manage it, and I held my challenge for Cuthsmas and a Cuthsmas jumper has been ordered for the winner RM. I’ve made a survey that’s being distributed today to gather opinions on the possible renovation of Brooks Bar, so we can make any changes as relevant as possible. I’ve also been sitting in on every committee meeting writing minutes, and publishing them on the website.

ALJ – Communications Officer
I held the housing talk for freshers on the 7th November which seemed to go down well and all the info is available on the JCR website in case anyone missed anything! Had an interesting meeting with MB (college and student experience intern) about increasing awareness of JCR events and achievements by getting things into the Dialogue weekly emails and magazines. I, with HJ and the rest of the exec, set up the JCR instagram, which has lots of fun things on it including posts for the 12 Days of Cuthsmas which is happening every day between now and the end of term! I have also been writing the Newsletter every week.

AF – Chair
This term I have been re-writing, editing, formatting, reading and re-reading the Standing Orders with the help of the SRO. I have looked at other college’s Standing Orders to ensure ours are just as good if not better. I have met with Governance Committee and we have been running the online live streaming of the meetings which has been a success (thanks to our Coms Officer ALJ/Hollywood’s Next Big Film Producer)

DG – Social Chair
We held our Michaelmas Ball at Beamish Hall a couple of weeks ago and, as I’m sure people would agree, it was a big success. After a couple of weeks recovery, I am holding a social comm meeting this week to discuss the events for Refreshers Week and I will be getting in touch with the Hild Bede social chair to organise a collaborative night out in Newcastle as is tradition. We are also starting to think about the Feast, which will be held on Friday 23rd February, and preparations for that will be underway properly next term. I am also hoping that a summer ball venue and date will be confirmed before the end of term.

AK – Treasurer
Since the last exec meeting I’ve been doing the same old, same old, with reclaims, and have been looking over amended budgets. I was knocked out for a week by tonsillitis but am almost on top of everything again (slow and steady wins the race). I also attended meetings with college council and the trustees and kept them up to date with the financial runnings of the JCR.

CS – Senior Welfare Officer
We’ve been raising awareness for men’s mental and physical health throughout November with cuth’s cafe, acoustic night, themed drinks, and copious amounts of decorations.
I’m also looking into having sexual health supplies, and useful things, boxes available on both college sites (wow, cool I know).
A mega box of pregnancy tests has been delivered so if you want one, feel free to ask!
Honestly, end of term haze has rendered me unable to remember what I’ve actually done this term, but rest assured, we’ve got big welfarey plans for the rest of the year.

VC – International Rep
The international committee have been discussing and pitching various events at the meetings. We have inquired the International Student Association about the possibility of contributing to the international student handbook they have proposed to make. We are also having an “international acoustic night” in Brooks Bar this Friday, which the committee will help set up, bring food for, and decorate. At the previous meeting we decided on events that we will be organising in Epiphany term.

AJ – Postgraduate and Mature Students Rep
This term elections have taken place for the postgraduate committee and an academic and general rep have been elected.
Events that have taken place this term include:
• Research forum – 24th October
• Pizza night in Brooks bar
• Postgraduate formal
Our final events for this term will include:
• Trip to Beamish museum
• Classic Christmas film night 14th December (open to all JCR members)
We have a number of academic events planned for next term including more research fora, film nights and panel discussions.

EM – Outreach Chair
What we’ve been up to 🙂
£317 raised for the SolidariTee campaign selling t shirts
£161 raised for North East Air Ambulance at very successful pub quiz
Charity formal in support of Anthony Nolan with guest speakers- went well
Anthony Nolan swabbing event was meant to take place last Saturday but couldn’t do due resource difficulties because of the snow so will now be happening this weekend
Collecting Christmas presents for kids in the north east
Continuing to push for more food donations for the food bin as Christmas approaches

CW – Facilities Manager
Two positions to run for today, have had interest in one of them that I know of.
Have had complaints regarding the music room so myself and CM are going to set some time aside at the end of term in order to address these issues I believe?
Ordered new mic, stand and cables as we were running low and only had one available which was hampering college events.
Spoken to chandler sports last week, they couldn’t reach me as my number was unavailable and upon contacting the university no one there could put them in contact with me. However, I have sent pictures and the make and model and the parts have been ordered already. Once they arrive shortly they will send an engineer out and give me a date and time to expect them.
Have sourced new screens for the rowing machines and have run it by C?. C? has sent me a list of things she would like for the gyms and we are making plans to sort most things by the end of term (after deadlines have subsided slightly)
As for tech, have had a few successful silent disco rentals, new batteries bought. Maybe need to look into purchasing some new headphones as some have been broken/parts fell off/missing. So currently getting up to date with accounts and which colleges owe what.
Dark room is still in a state of decommission, need to talk more with CM and CF (Bursar) regarding this as I am not 100% sure of what is going on.

RJ – Sports and Societies Chair
This term I have continued to promote the use of Team Cuth’s with great success and also organised the naked calendar which is now on sale and should arrive before the end of term. I am preparing for refreshers events such as give it a go sessions and the refreshers fair

CL – Librarian
Not much has significantly changed in Cuth’s library since the last JCR meeting. The book order arrived, and the new books have been catalogued onto the computer system, labelled and loaned to those who ordered them. Every week I have continued to produce the volunteer timetable, arranging swaps and covering extra shifts where necessary to keep the library open. I have also continued leading the other stock managers through coordinating the process of removing books from the system, cataloguing new donated books, labelling them and putting them on the shelves. There are still a lot of books to put on and take off the system. I foresee that this will take a number of months.

Trustee Report
The Trustees held a full board meeting on 18th November 2017.
Widely regarded as very productive.
Selected updates for the JCR Membership Meeting 5th December 2017:
• Received an update on the audit of the charity’s accounts.
• Discussed putting formal structures in place governing the use of the charity’s financial reserves.
• Received an update on the charity’s insurance renewal.
• Received an update on FRAMDA. Made recommendations to minimise any potential legal / safeguarding risks including ensuring the project is run through SCA.
• Decided to restructure the operations of the Trustee board to make the board more effective.
For any questions or to contact the Trustees, please do get in touch with any of JP, JB, or HH

Motion 1 – #RippedOff Campaign Support
We’ve been supporting it anyway, but want to make it official and check that the JCR is okay with it
JP: does this mean it’s a collective support from the JCR for it? There was an issue last year about it
AB: as a charity we can’t align ourselves with a political party, but we can support a campaign as long as it matches our charitable aims
JP: new question – do we think that passing it means that it’s representative of the entire JCR
ALJ: that’s why I brought it to a JCR meeting, so people can bring support or opposition to discuss it
Motion passed on a general aye

Motion 2 – Standing Orders
AB: standing orders talk about how the JCR works and operates – fallen into a state of disrepair and had awful formatting, so they’re now updated and formatted and more relevant
Motion passed on a general aye

Motion 3 – Running Club Budget
RJ: club will be doing a 10k, and it has a £27 entry and so we’ll charge half to those that want to participate and want the JCR to pay the other half
AK: finance comm agrees it’s all fine, but recommends that the club charges subs rather than per race
Motion passed on a general aye

Method 1
Assistant Bar Steward
Assistant Librarian
– No one ran for either – someone expressed interest but need to do it in advance

Student Trustee – two candidates, CH and Request New Candidates
CH: 3rd year doing history and politics – been frep, JRO, member of 6 societies including squash president – very involved in cuths and know how it operates – national ambassador for something – got finance skills – things I’d like to change – finance and committee work isn’t published too clearly – suggest trustees write a report on the finances spent that term – want some standing order type things about how the JCR works. Want more transparency so people will join in the JCR.
JP: what are the charitable aims of the JCR?
CH: don’t know I’m afraid
All voting will be done online

Method 2
Finance Comm Members x 3
– 7 candidates: WB, BG, EJ, DW, SN, SW and RNC
– WB: first year – head boy at school – did all the finance stuff – organised prom for both boys and girls school – and learnt about it as a charity as well
– BG: first year – volunteered for a charity since 15 and know how they fundraise and manage money – ran a charity campaign with sky as well – ran a stall over summer and managed budgeted that – budgeted school trip to south Africa – can compile a balance sheet and income statement – would love to get involved with a big budget
– EJ: from hong kong – bio fresher – signed up for several societies – been impressed by the people that run them and I want to give back – school I ran a company with some of my classmates – worked with 70 other schools in hong kong and we managed the money ourselves with little help from teachers – had to fund ourselves through selling stocks and shares
– SN: fresher – economics – part of football club – rep for DUCK – CEO for a non-profit at home – used to play around with money from 5000 – 10,000 and learnt how to manage it and balance it and would love to work fro the JCR
– SS: started up four businesses – managed budgets for them all – have joined multiple societies since here – interned at multiple banks
– DW: third year – got roles in several societies – president of pool and gardening – internship with PwC – got lots of experience – good eye for detail – it’s also my birthday haha
– Questions:
o AK: considering I’ll explain everything, what is the most important quality?
o DW: integrity – making decisions about a lot of money and people in the JCR
o SS: organisation – know how to set out ledgers and keep track of funds
o SN: commitment – do high quality work
o EJ: empathy and common sense – think about what’s really needed and put yourselves in their shoes
o BG: know what your doing – and eye for detail – don’t think emotionally too much
o WB: be inclusive – make sure to involve a lot of people in decisions – everyone has as say
o JP: at the mo the charity has a fair sum in reserves – what would you instinctively think would be a sensible thing to do with the money
o SS: maybe dedicate more money for stronger support structure for freshers coming into the society – e.g. those that don’t drink or have certain religious beliefs
o SN: shouldn’t all be used, need to keep some just in case – invest the money perhaps by improving accommodation e.g. brooks has a lot more than PFC/Fonteyn
o EJ: think about the smaller societies in cuths, perhaps help them get a higher attendance with more funding – Brooks Bar renovation I’d also get behind
o BG: perhaps have grants for people that want to volunteer abroad or helping for internships etc where they pitch and then write a report
o WB: more subsidisation for sports and societies as a lot of them can be expensive and it can mean that it’s expensive to get involved in a lot, and it would be better for everyone to get involved
o DW: two sides – one sense to be prudent and make sure we have rainy day money – but also charities can’t just sit on money and it should go towards the students – I think it should try and go across a lot of student experiences – target things that do genuinely need repairs e.g. music room and Brooks Bar
o SP: what are your economic principles that you wouldn’t compromise on?
o SN: honesty with the people I work and for whom I work – and also commitment, which is very important as you need to put in 100% if you get a position
o EJ: no request is too silly as we should listen to everyone’s ideas – and also that everyone should put in their share of the work
o BG: be sure to be willing to be cooperative and not be stubborn – need to realise that we’re a charity and we need to always have that it’s all the students’ money to make the JCR so all people are represented
o WB: want everyone to be represented – inclusivity on the committee itself, everyone should contribute and have their ideas heard
o DW: integrity – make sure things are chased up to a full extent and also commitment like the others – you can’t not have that as your guiding philosophy
o SS: here to serve the JCR and provide the best facilities possible – no separate or individual agenda will alter things, it’s all about the big picture and everyone is allocated what they need
– WB, BG and DW Are Elected

Sports and Socs Reporter x 3
– CA, OW, EB and RNC
– CA: do liberal arts, love sport, just came from maiden castle, do DU swimming and cuths rowing – watch my housemates lose at stuff so I may as well write about it. I have experience writing about societies from school.
– EB: first year – play two DU sports – in school I worked for the newspaper – want to help with the JCR
– OW: fresher – new position – sounds interesting – want to get involved in college since I haven’t done much yet – want people to know about what’s going on with cuths stuff – always been a fan of writing articles and taking photos etc. – would love to get involved.
– Questions:
o CM: how do you think you’d advertise the things sports and socs do?
o OW: not only facebook – get Instagram – sports bulletin – frequently update it – could do an app but pushing it a bit – posters on bailey and parsons
o EB: say similar things – a physical reminder is always good – some sports and socs could host some events for people to come learn about it
o CA: noticeboards – could put things round accommodation
o CW: bit of disparity between sports, so if you don’t do multiple you wouldn’t know about the other ones – how would you connect them with an event or service to promote cohesiveness between sports and overall idea of stuff going on round college
o EB: could have team cuths events for everyone to come to and learn about other sports
o CA: maybe have a more interactive thing than the facebook page e.g. snapchat, which can be updated easily
o OW: could make a calendar that people download to their phones that you can update with sports and socs things
o Person: how would you get societies other than sports more well known
o CA: I’d find out about them first, for example turn up and then write about them
o OW: will treat all sports and socs the same and will make sure they get equal opportunity and exposure
o EB: make sure you equally get to know each club, by going to meetings and events so you can write about them properly
o JG: how would you report on smaller or less known societies?
o OW: find out about events or cool things that they’ve been doing and find out that way
o EB: essentially the same – going to their events or socials or anything that they want people to know about
o CA: could sign up to their mailing list so I’m also kept up to date on what they’re doing
o CS: how would you want to advertise to livers out and those on year abroads?
o EB: got the newsletter at the mo, but could have special features or something to make people more interested
o CA: using other social media e.g. Instagram would be better in my opinion
o OW: would approach the webmaster as well to help with promotion – use insta, other social media and the website to help spread the word
– All elected

Music Room Manager
– 2 candidates – DGa and RNC
– DGa – 2nd year – involved in music a lot – in college big band and uni choral society – want to be manager cos I have a lot of interest in it, an use it a lot, and it’s a really good facility to have for students. Currently treasurer of big band, so have an idea about budgets which is important for this. Some of the kit is in a bit of disarray – I’ll do well cos it’s in my interest to keep it in a good state.
– Questions
o CW: what would you want to change about the room for the better
o DGa: nothing necessarily wrong, but lots of equipment not the best e.g. broken music stands
o CW: give your opinion on the state of the globe
o DGa: lots of injustices in the world, but maybe the worst is that there isn’t a music room manager at the moment
o RD: how would you advertise the music room better?
o DGa: post in freshers week on the freshers page about it and how to book it out, especially since there are lots of auditions in freshers week for orchestras etc
– DGa is elected

Green Machine Manager
– 2 candidates – JG and RNC
– JG: 1st year engineer – involved in tech on uni level – some of the events I’ve been to the tech hasn’t always run the way it should e.g. acoustic nights. Silent discos aren’t my thing to attend, but I’d enjoy the tech side. Want everyone to have a better experience with events in cuths
– Questions
o CW: were you were aware that facilities has the word lit in it and do you think it’s representative of facilities comm
o JG: not when you think about the person in charge
o AB: having said acoustic nights and silent discos not been organised, and having been green machine manager, what do you think could be improved?
o JG: equipment not being there which should be advertised, and some cables not working properly or not setup correctly etc
o ALJ: JCR has a bit of surplus on cash, what would you buy?
o JG: a better speaker to help fill the space
– JG is elected

– 2 candidates – JE and RNC
– JE: not entirely sure what it means but it sounds exciting – know a bit about the web as I have a blog and a website which I’ve managed for the past four years, allowing me to work with brands like amazon and virgin. Would really like to be webmaster.
– Questions:
o AF: what do you think are the good bits and bad bits of the cuths website
o JE: good = lots of info for the people of cuths, bad = people may not know we have a website
o JP: do you have any plans already for what you’d like to do with the website?
o JE: not at the moment
o SP: could you use the youtube to promote cuths?
o JE: I have a youtube and have worked with the BBC since feb
o AB: how many subscribers do you have?
o JE: 10,000
– JE is elected

Social Committee
• Feast Manager
– IR, GR and RNC
– GR: first year – very organised – always on time – organised my 18th at home – at sixth form I was a prefect and had to manage the younger kids
– IR: first year – head of boarding house – organised end of year Christmas dinner, and summer lunch for 200 people doing seating plan – charity campaign as well – really keen to learn, really enthusiastic and I’ll do the best I can
– Questions:
 KH: what do you admire most about DG
 IR: her smile
 GR: the Michaelmas ball was fab
 ALJ: if you could pick your dream theme what would you have?
 GR: great Gatsby
 IR: casino would be really fun – lots of ents ideas – could bring in vegas things, maybe a wedding arch which would be a good photo opportunity
 RJ: biggest challenge of the job?
 IR: chasing up people and liaising with everyone, but I’m persistent
 GR: organising everything as well
 CW: best things about Michaelmas ball, and what would you improve
 GR: the music was great, great to dance to, and the candy floss and popcorn was great – alcohol was expensive but that’ll be better here
 IR: loved the attention to detail – loved the sweets – maybe have better cloakroom system
 JP: what would you do to say thank you to the catering staff to make sure they feel appreciated?
 GR: wine and flowers
 IR: flowers, wine, maybe make a big card with a photo of everyone that helped organise it
– IR is Elected