Minutes of the Standing Comm Meeting, Held on November 6th at 5:30pm in the Conference Room

Environmental Committee Motion – There was uncertainty about whether this was a motion to create a committee (run by the JCR Environmental Officer with elected reps) or a Society (without elected reps, but this could not be run by the JCR Environmental Officer). If it is to be a committee, a specific number of reps would be needed, though (as with Social Comm) more members could be appointed for one-off tasks.
ACTION POINT – CP to contact MH to ask for clarification.

Dodgeball Society – The reference to ‘college points’ was moved to the Believes section. The phrase ‘to create’ was added to the Resolves section. The words ‘friendly and fun’ were deemed unnecessary.

Bike Storage – The names of the proposer (TS) and seconder (EH) were added.

Memorial Plaque – Minor grammatical changes were made.

Sports and Societies Award Order – Excessively long sentences were split up for clarity.

Subs Motion – ‘JCR Members’ was specified where relevant throughout. The reference to specific clubs was removed. The phrase ‘JCR Fiscal Year 2012/13’ was changed to ‘Academic Year 2013/14’ for clarity.

Organisation of JCR Meetings – no issues

Any Other Business
CP will email future motions to Standing Comm in advance of future meetings to give everyone a chance to read them in advance.