2019/06/13 Finance Comm Meeting
Present: AB (treasurer), EM (vice-president), RJ (treasurer-elect), AK (president)
Apologies: LM (fi comm member), JZ (fi comm member), PA (fi comm member), JH (fi comm member), SM (fi comm member), SOO (fi comm member)
Absent: RM (fi comm member)
Setting: Conference room and it’s raining which is lame as it’s meant to be summer.
AB: everything looks standard. They might be overcharging subs slightly. That can probably drop.
AK: £7 rather than £8?
AB: £6 would still be fine.
RJ: They’ve got loads in the reserves. Why are they over charging?
AB: amended subs to £6 so they will break even.
AK: how are they spending their reserves?
AB: they are keeping them in case of team expansion and for kits.
AK: Do we want to decrease subs by another pound so that they go into their reserves a bit?
AB: *makes that change*
All agreed.
AB: Everything seems fine.
All agreed.
Ultimate Frisbee
AB: their president came to see me yesterday. They are planning to buy frisbees and then some club shirts that people can borrow. They want to take this money out of their reserves. I have no problem with them raising less and asking for less then using their reserves.
All agreed.
AB: I got a long email about this. Having looked at last year they met the one-to-one. But they are asking for 3 times what they raise in subs. They say that this is standard. The main issue is that they are spending way more. Their sheet music seems to have gone up £400 this year.
RJ: I think it’s because they are changing how it’s run.
AK: I don’t think we should be decreasing subs while also giving them much more. Their claim that they fulfil a service to the college and local community and that Chad’s get paid isn’t relevant as they are an independent college.
AB: I agree we can’t compare with other colleges. I can’t justify giving them another £600.
RJ: we should compare out SS to each other, not other colleges.
AB: if college are the ones benefiting, maybe they should talk to college.
AK: will they one day have enough sheet music that they can start to reuse it?
AB: I might have to have a meeting with them to talk through it. If we just amend it now so their subs work it out, then they can amend it within the limitations in the meeting.
RJ: can’t they use their reserves at all?
AB: We can’t leave it as it is. I’ve amended it as I mentioned but will also speak to him
ACTION POINT: AB to speak to TP
All agreed
AB: All looks fine. As they did last year, they want us to subsidise half their events which is fine.
All agreed.
AB: They have submitted an empty budget.
ACTION POINT: AB to chase them up on this.
AB: it’s similar to last year’s one. Their only cost is renting courses. They have subs for regular players, but you can also pay for single sessions and things. I’m going to change these reserves because they didn’t raise as much as expected. I think we should drop the subs so they can eat into their reserves a bit. Maybe £3 off the full members.
AK: wo climbing is expensive. But it’s all okay because they have that deal where the centre directly invoice us.
AB: the last two terms had pretty accurate invoices estimations. It’s how it’s always been so that’s okay.
All agreed.
Women’s rugby
AB: my only concern is that the ref fees seem low for first term.
RJ: are there fewer matches?
AK: do they have to pay for pitches?
RJ: not when I was sports and socs.
AB: they are trying to save up so they can buy a full kit set.
All agreed
Men’s Rugby
AB: there are a few ripped shirts and some of them are blood stained so they want to get more kit.
AK: I agree that needs replacing.
RJ: I don’t think they should be able to buy new team kit. We should take note and then if this keeps happening we might have to say no.
AB: they had new shirts this year
AK: and the year before?
AB: uhhh
AK: it is worrying if they are getting a new kit every year.
RJ: it’s hard to buy individual shirts because they are numbered
AK: can’t you just order specific ones
ACTION POINT: AB to talk to WW and see if this is possible
Mixed Lacrosse
AK: so they are gradually just pulling themselves out of reserves debt. Can they raise subs £1 more?
AB: these reserves numbers are wrong. There reserves are actually -£170. Other than that it all looks fine.
All agreed
Ripped Off
AB: I spoke to SWC. We don’t know what their expenditure will be. They will probably ask for voluntary donations. We should allocate a certain amount and say “we will match any donations up to this point”. I had £100 in mind.
AK: I think that’s a good starter budget. They wanted to do a fundraiser- is that what we would be matching.
AB: Yes, up to £100.
All agreed.
AB: this is pretty much the same as last year. All fairly standard.
AK: why do they not collect subs until this term, if they play indoor cricket over winter
AB: they don’t get reclaims until their subs are in. I also don’t think it’s so serious over winter and not that many play. If they took subs in winter they wouldn’t get many people playing. All fine other than that.
All agreed.
AB: We need to bump subs up based on the cost of goal kit, and it would be better to have a higher reserve.
AK: So we’d want about £450 in the reserves in an ideal world.
AB: we will obviously match their subs. I will make those changes.
All agreed.
AK: AE did this funky table plan website for “awkward formal” where you pay to change who people have to sit next to. Everyone has a unique code, then they can log on and move people around and records the amount you owe the JCR. I think it was a big project. We can use it for a long time. He asked for around £10 per hour, and he’s spent between 10-20 hours on it
AB: I’m fine with that. We have reserves we need to use up
Passed on a general aye.
AOB 2.0
AB: there was a huge drama with lots of people not paying football subs. I’ve spoken to club captains and individual captains, but there are still people who haven’t paid subs who should have. We can’t punish clubs as it’s coming down to individuals. I want to say if they have a cuth’s day ticket it should get refunded and they shouldn’t be able to go if they don’t pay. They should also not be able to play Parsons V Bailey.
AK: I agree. We should have a policy in place for the future
AB: In the policy stuff I wrote something about this. Do we have a general discipline policy? Like a list of punishments.
AK: I don’t think we do. We should have one. RJ and EM can do that. I don’t think I will have time.
All agreed.
ACTION POINT: AB to email the ‘naughty boys’ to get them to pay or their Cuth’s day tickets will be refunded.