Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting on January 28th, 2014
Boat Club – When the Boat Club budget was amended last year, £37 too much was removed. Finance Comm have been asked to correct this error. The Boat Club have been given the extra £37.
Social Comm – Social Comm have asked for an extra £400 to act as insurance for events, this is too high for Finance Comm, but Finance Comm are happy to give them an extra £300, since Social Comm are on course to make an excess of £1,000.
Piano Fixing Motion – A request for £560 for re-tuning and repairing the pianos in the Bailey JCR and Fonteyn Music room. The finances allow for this. Is the repair really necessary? Amend to ask for a quote for the repair, which can be assessed at the budget meeting.
Fashion Show – Have asked for £400, which will be paid back retrospectively, they should make more than that, so Finance Comm have no objections.
Next Meeting – Saturday, February 1st at 1pm in SC’s flat to do the VAT returns and submit them on-line