Finance Comm Meeting on December 1st 2013
Apologies – MC; AB
Absent – JS
Boat Club Insurance – the Boat Club has not previously been insured, and since we are independent, this needs doing. A quote has been received for just over £1,000 for this year, and it has been suggested that the Boat Club will pay it for this year from their reserves, since it is an unbudgeted extra expense. In future years it will be paid for by the JCR. The Boat Club can submit a motion to reclaim the money if they want to.
Honours Board – owing to a miscalculation with the VAT, the board has cost £100 more than was budgeted for. Finance Comm are able to approve additional expenditure of up to £300 and approve it in this case as being in the spirit of the motion passed by the JCR.
Hockey Club – wish to reallocate some of their unspent budget, originally intended for hockey balls to use for goalkeeping kit. There were no objections.
Climbing Club Budget – was not originally submitted to Finance Comm. Transport fees are not classed as subs, since subs should be paid to the JCR. Members have to pay a one-off administration fee of £4.50, then a subsequent £4.50 every time they go climbing. Durham University Climbing Club pay £25 per year in subs. This suggests that in future years the subs for Cuth’s Climbing should be increased, but it was deemed to be harsh and unnecessary to increase them this year retroactively. It was agreed that subs for this year should be set at £4.50 (to be paid to Durham City Climbing) plus £1 (to be paid to the JCR and used for new equipment etc). It was also agreed that a statement should be sent to all of the clubs saying that their budgets and subs should reflect the number of their members and how much each member gets out of the club.
There was no other business