
Exec Reports
EM: pub quiz – redid marrow stuff – met with EA and literacy people
Christian: same as usual – second book order started – tried emailing everyone about broken desks
VC: international acoustic night
AK: same as usual – have online banking for CM – should have a card reader in the post soon
HJ: stash collections + insta + brooks bar survey
CL: got some people elected now – sent off pictures of our treadmills – need to order some new silent disco headphones
CS: movember bar night – self-care is a thing that we’ll be focusing on
RJ: naked calendars – have reporters now – will do a blog – refreshers fair next term and will do a give it a go thing with CS
DG: Michaelmas ball – started talking about refreshers and feast – got a feast manager now too – and Summer Ball venue and date – Derwent Manor – 2nd June
CM: rewriting the constitution – rewrite our memorandum of understanding – lots of DSO drama, trying to put colleges off from being independent – accommodation fees things

Handover Documents
Want this to be done by end of the year, want written handover document about your role – perhaps a draft done over Christmas.

Calendar Meetings and Google Calendar
Want every meeting for every committee booked in for the entire term in a Google Calendar – and this could be visible to the JCR as well.
Also with events, email reception to put it in SCR diary, especially if it uses the JCRs.

Chairing Meetings
Try to send out an official agenda beforehand – good practice for meetings.
Confirm people will pass the minutes from previous meeting.

Notice Board
Image in Appendix B
Going to have it when you walk into the dining hall
Role description and something a bit funny as well.

Study Space
How to increase study space in Cuth’s
Get proper desks in the study room in house 8 – JCR would have to pay – possibly remove the sofas as well.
Foldable desks and chairs that could be brought into brooks bar and JCR?
Have bars open more during the day
Dining hall as well after dinner
Also the garage – Sometimes used for parking but it would be good if we could have it as a space e.g. have table tennis in there
Side note – would be great to have storage shed in house 12
Also extension cables would be useful for when people are working

23rd Feb – everyone needs to be there to help setup and take down

Active bystander training for librarians
Music room – can get into an absolute state – maybe a better storage system – locked cupboards – CCTV?
Maybe send out an email about respecting JCR people and not being rude
Would people be willing to do acoustic nights on the bailey? Although parson’s doesn’t have much anyway – also when it was in bailey it’d occasionally get overrun with socials. Also moving equipment. Also could be issues with bar steward’s wishes. CW will speak to PE and B? about it.