
In the conference room, with a special guest. JR has to squat against the wall because there aren’t enough chairs.

Present: AC (Sports and Socieities Chair), JC (Vice-President), ES (Senior Welfare Officer), MW (Social Chair), SM (Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Committee Chair), SA (Outreach Chair), SW (Chair), RJ (FCO), AJ (Librarian), EE (International Rep), PS (SU Volunteer Development Coordinator), EM (President), JR (Facilities Manager), CG (Communications Officer)



Minutes of Previous Meeting

AJ: I did test all the computers. I think the power was out in the computer room.

EM: The power source issue has been reported.

RJ: SN did good videos of the library.

EM: Not everyone emailed me for a day in the life.

Action: People that haven’t yet done this to choose one.

EM: The castle president said they talked to people on their protest. CG wrote the motion.

Guest: PS Stuard SU – EM

PS: I work at the SU, primarily with JCR and MCR presidents.

EM: I invited PS because in the RON campaign there was a lot to do with money and lack of democracy. There were also things about bad relations between the SU and common rooms. I think at my level we do have a good relationship, but I thought it would be good for you guys to meet PS. She’s a facilitator that makes things happen. She might be able to help AC with his Varsity day that doesn’t sound promising.

EE: I was thinking of doing an event with other international reps. We buy lots of food from different places, then people are blindfolded and have to guess where the food is from. Then they through a dart at a map (without the blindfold).

PS: We’re looking at how to improve training when people start in their roles. Cuth’s already has a good strategy, but some colleges don’t. I have a campaigns and collaborations grant which Cuth’s and John’s have already applied for for the Bailey wardrobe. Any collaborative event can apply for it. But I can also help you. Particularly with getting wider reach. But I’m a facilitator.

Action: EM to send PS’s emails to everyone.

PS: Drop me a message anytime. I won’t try and drop my help where it’s not needed or wanted.

EE: You mentioned campaigns. What’s the scope of this?

PS: A campaign is anything intended to increase awareness. It needs to be justifiable as a campaign. It doesn’t have to be uni wide.

CG: Can I ask for help making infographics on how Assembly works?

PS: I’ll do my best. Send me anything, and if I can’t do it I get back to you. But I’ll try.

RJ: Maybe something for ripped off, she’d be good at supporting you with.

PS: I’m employed by the SU but that’s not my job. If you want to keep things at a college level I’ll support you in that.

EE: What are your thoughts on societies that need that help? Some international reps came from international societies.

PS: I technically sit on the opportunities team. There’s someone else on it who works with associations. But we could definitely collaborate more to engage common rooms more with the associations. It’s not my job to promote things the SU is doing. My job is common room support but from the SU.

*PS leaves*

SW: Isn’t this what we want from the SU? For them to act alongside us in a supportive manner.

SA: Us utilising her and her role will show the SU that it’s worthwhile.

EM: She’s her on a 2 year job from a fixed pot of money. If the SU decides her job isn’t worth it, then that job will go. So use it.

RJ: We got £500 for free for the wardrobe. So use that money. It can be used for things you already do.

Open Day Slideshow – RJ

RJ: Lots of people walk through the JCR on open days. I want a slideshow on the TV in there. I’ll make a google drive, then put photos in there.

EM: Photos from events can go on there.

AC: Can we add naked calendar photos?

JR: They are GDPR compliant.

EM: I like the idea because it sounds funny, but no.

Awards – SM

RJ: We should make an award for postgrads specifically.

EM: Let’s go over the suggested awards now and decide on them.

EM: Most dedicated committee member.

*People like this*

EM: Best one-off event.

AJ: It should be specified what’s included.

EM: I think campaigns are different. A one-off society event could be included. Not socials and not when societies or committees do the things they normally do.

*People like this*

EM: Best student artist. We’ll also have best live band and theatrical performance this time.

SA: Can we change band to musical performance?

EM: Yes.

CG: Artist could refer to anything artistic. Could be a poet, a comedian or a clown.

JR: Can people get this for appearing in DST productions?

EM: Yes.

EM: More honorary life memberships.

SW: People can propose them. You only need 15 people. Maybe we should publicise it more.

*EE feels mature*

SA: I think president should decide after consulting with relevant people and possibly FCO and Vice-President.

Survey results continued – EM

EM: I’ve written down a few things. There were things we mentioned that we should do. Are the things we discussed happening?

ES: We can’t find anyone to translate posters.

*A few people are suggested*

SW: Are we going to do this thing? I’ll try and put together a report on this. I’ll need your input for this. Are we going to do drop in meetings? Maybe we should get tea and biscuits. Make it a chill thing that people can pop down to. It could be a study break for people.

CG: What? Why would we be split? When?

RJ: It’s for transparency. We want people to be on both sites for accessibility. It’s a chance for people to ask questions.

EM: Let’s set a date.

*It will happen from 11am on 15th March*

Action: SW to publicise this.

SW: Please also think about this in your exec report.

BPR 2 reminder – EM

EM: Stuff’s going on tomorrow morning at 8.50 outside Collingwood. Council are meeting then. We might take rubbish bags to the Palatine at 11am, but I don’t advocate that because it’s just littering. Push people to fill out the survey.


RJ: What do you think of Cuth’s not cuts?

CG: I like it but it’s difficult to say.

EM: Please use the exec shared drive and your google drives.

MW: I use mine every day. It’s my most used page.