AF (Chair)
DG (Social Chair)
Online and approved
Exec Reports
Outreach – raised £317 selling the t-shirts – pub quiz Thursday in brooks
International – international acoustic night – planning on a british pub quiz
Treasurer – catching up with Lloyds stuff – report for college council and audit stuff – no online banking still
Welfare – Movember – did acoustic night (some issued with communication and college) – will have decorations after charity formal to promote Movember – got inclusivity event coming up – people kinda want stash but might just go for badges (CM notes that some welfare stash already exists)
VP – sitting on the committees and doing minutes – stash is here but in my house as no space at Parson’s
Postgrad – doing trip to beamish and a film night – maybe tie it into people’s research – currently got a smaller team than ideal.
Communications – been doing the newsletter – take photo of cuths related things – meeting with M? (intern that works with colleges to understand common rooms) about communications – ripped off campaign – housing talk big success
SRO – writing lots of standing orders – they were very inaccessible and outdated – changed formatting – made big new document combining committees of jcr order and role descriptions of various positions – should be updated with every motion
Facilities – committee is just CW and CL – hopefully get more soon – getting flack about photography (about dark room being closed down) – found lost box of headphones – CL liaising with CW from maiden castle about gym things
Librarian – taking books off the system – liaising with college to see where we can donate books and what books can be gotten rid off – something we can raise with college is why JCR pays the paid positions when the library is open to anyone even if not a cuths jcr member
Sports and Socs – naked calendar should be done by Weds evening – charity is Gateway North East
President – sub-committee on prez comm about accommodation fees – committee for sexual harassment – stopping college from doing bad stuff e.g. banning panto
University and Common Rooms
Dialogue emails: they’re the emails from the university that tells everyone about what the university is doing and what is going on (which also get put into a magazine four times a year). This used to be done by the SU but it’s now been changed to the uni. M? the college liaison person wants more college stuff put into the emails. Want to put in what we’re doing but also celebrating what we’ve done.
Everyone wants an Instagram. Aim for every other day – try not to post more than once a day. Doesn’t necessarily have to be just cuths stuff, so should be enough to post. All exec will have username and password. Ask presidents of societies that have instagrams whether we can regram.
Team Cuth’s
Pages we have up on facebook – not everyone sees posts if it’s just a page you’ve liked – can boost posts on facebook though. Also not just the Team Cuth’s page we should do this for.
Treasurer thinks that £4 per post is quite a lot when a post may not even get that much traction.
Could trial it first?
Bear in mind that it’s possible that paying for posts can make the ones you don’t pay for get fewer likes.
Speaking about other social media:
– stool should live tweet jcr meetings
– Action Point – 12 Days of Cuthsmas
o every exec member pick something related to your committee or position that makes a way of engaging the JCR and a prize
o 12 baubles with Merry Cuthsmas on it + something related to your position
o Last day is cuths day ticket
o Pair of brunch tickets
o Cuth’s cup
o Dining hall cuth’s mug
o Massive pot of hummus?
Post exam idea – series of sports fixtures with teams from cuths that break up into smaller teams and put names into a hat and two sports and socs teams have names taken out and they do a sport that aren’t related to either. Money put in for charity. Cuth’s Mismatch Trophy.
Get committees and exec as well? Want to integrate them more.
Can do it all in one day to make it one big thing – short fixtures to increase engagement and people stay to watch.
Accommodation Fees
Cuth’s alumnus written a letter about accommodation fees – quite cuth’s specific though. But could get all the college’s to get an alumnus to write an open letter about them and put them all together and publish them as a big thing.
Some people wouldn’t have been able to be here so maybe have t-shirts that say about how they wouldn’t have been here? High impact. Maybe not buy them but repurpose our white t-shirts.
– Cat will publicise the cuths alumnus letter
– Exec will also attend the protest
College are looking for things to put money towards things and we would suggest bursaries.
Study space at brooks also brought up as an issue.
Postgraduate Committee
Want to change how it’s put together. Have general application rather than specific titles. People apply to be on the committee and then get delegated roles as it goes rather than needing to have them elected through JCR like international committee and welfare.
– Motion will be written to change this
SCR Events
Meeting with MM to have SCR-JCR events – film nights suggested.
Also could have something where people present their dissertations/research (AJ is planning on doing a similar thing).
CW suggests that some SCR members could present about their life and experiences.
Formal where SCR and JCR are mixed in. Worked with MCR but fewer postgrads. Maybe just a dinner rather than formal? Or brunch?
Charity one where you pay to move people next to certain people (awkward formal).
Mature Students Event
Keen for mature students event for those with children and families who normally can’t get involved – maybe a Sunday lunch type thing. But how many do have children?
Perhaps just invite all mature students and make sure they know that families are welcome. And invite SCR members as well. Also maybe discuss the mature students joining the SCR? Could knock off SCR membership from JCR levy.
Staff Thank You
Staff Christmas/New Year event to give a thank you to college staff. Exec want to give thanks for those that normally don’t normally get a thank you e.g. catering and cleaning staff and porters.
JCR wouldn’t pay for anything – college would – but nice if we got involved.
Also college not willing to pay for external catering staff – so exec want to put forward that we all think that college should.
Standing Orders
Outreach – mistake that elections in second term? Outreach to add that their role includes position representing Cuth’s on SCA college consortium. Alter honorary members being able to vote.
Social media – who’s role should it come under? A chat may be needed about responsibilities between communications and VP
– Could have that managing is put under the role but that could involve delegation
– And general that every role has responsibilities to advertise their JCR activities through relevant social media.
Exec roles are elected at different points – the ones done earlier could give off that they’re more “important” than others – any way to have them all at the same time? Hard to have them all together though with the number of them.
Durham Anthony Nolan marrow donation people there on Saturday for people to register.
Trevs rugby situation: host an event where an MP and have Durham Miner’s Association to come in and give a speech about Durham’s history as a way to move forward and learn from the event.
– Probably have it in a lecture hall
– Open to everyone
– Get Trevs rugby to come
– Maybe try and get some of the come to a formal and give a taster?
– Also maybe invite someone from the cathedral as well? Broaden from just mining to about durham history in general.
– [Combine with homelessness? Probably a separate event though]]
Dark Room – no ventilation so can’t use it due to the chemicals
Exec meetings – have twice a term and really long? Or more regularly? Perhaps one every three weeks
Exec blogs? People are interested in what exec and jcr do but they don’t know
– WordPress one?
Also put in newsletter for people to email us rather than facebook message us
Collingwood have a fun section in standing order – maybe have some funny motions