Exec Meeting 18.00 Conference Room


Apologies: CR, JG

Bonus – M? and A? & T?


  1. Refreshers

Begins on Thursday


Thurs – bungee run & dance mat

arrive at 7pm til close at 11

encourage people to come down

come as your favourite fancy dress from freshers’ week


Friday – live bands – Jukes (9pm start) & The Funkyard

Be in the JCR at 7.00 – hall set up

As much as possible done before


Jukes 45mins – hour

– announce there’ll be another band

Funkyard same amount of time


PA system inside to fill the gap


Club plans – get everyone in one location


Friday Klute, Saturday loft?


HLE to email SC (Facilities) to ask the porters to move some music room kit



zorb football – location tba

racecourse or in beer garden


night – silent disco

7.30 set up

rock, cheese (LM and EH) and charts (fresh)


bar will be open to anyone, events are cuth’s

stamp everyone



new parents evening – encourage fresh to contact their ‘rents

If fresh have lost contact with their parents the orphans will be reassigned



requires no organisation


Monday – newcastle night

hild bede vs cuth’s go together

coaches booked and digital entry

£6 each coach and entry

hopefully non fresh too

booked 300 spaces, hb reckon theyll get 200, we just need 200

booked from near HB

sell them the tickets – actually wander round selling physical wristbands


2 people in the jcr rota this week – tues – sunday during dinner


£1 more than wiff waff


Everything else is free

everyone in cuth’s is invited to all the events


refreshers fair during zorb football

JC will book dining hall



friday – brooks event

saturday – newc day trip


  1. Election Rules

now allowed to campaign online, personally and in groups, etc


Rewrite the election rules


want to promote elections through visibility

posters in every kitchen, allow leaflets and table slips, allow criticism of ideas of opposition and previous candidates

campaign budget to be paid for by the JCR- £15 is more than enough


any changes to the rules need to be passed by the JCR


shouldn’t come in to effect in to term 3


won’t put these in to action for the current set of elections


Will update rules and create the standing order to make it up to date and in line with the motion

Get rid of out dated things

‘Everything apart from this’ – more long standing

Clause saying you cant use your own position in the jcr to promote your self

No organisation can post on behalf

Only individuals can advise on who to vote

Organisations can advise to vote


Table slips encouraging to vote


Rebranding ron


Wont have prop and seconder on devote