Exec Meeting 13.00 Conference Room

1. Apologies & Absences
Absences: HLE

2. Ball Surplus (RR)
£200-300 surplus
Should probably go to the general JCR pot
RR wants to keep it for social comm – that’s fine
AP: RR will survey

3. Team Cuth’s (JC) – January Launch
A facebook page with captains as admins
Can post results and request support
Cover photos of sports
Wants a separate page for non-competing societies
Would like some stash themes designed for next year (not Player Layer)
A Team Cuth’s notice board in the bar
Get the mascot along to more matches
Have a mascot manager
Team Cuth’s will be written on our fixtures on Team Durham page
Matching content and league table on the website
AP: HR to amend JC’s JCR meeting report

4. Give it a Go with the Union (TH)
Give it a go but hosting societies within college
Cuth’s is a bit lacking in space – not good for active societies
Things aimed at Cuth’s students
Want to try and link all the colleges
Sign up to it but say our space is limited
Maybe use the racecourse

5. Online Ticket Sales (RR)
Cost £1500 in fees to various websites (equiv. of the fairground ride)
Look into other options for the Feast
Will anyone else require online ticket sales?
If we have it we’ll use it more
Can do it for free but you won’t pay through the website, you just reserve a ticket and have to pay separately
Paying in person will be less convenient but not £1500 less convenient
Alternatives – ballot
Can intentionally pick proportions of first, second and third years.
Probably not an option for Cuth’s day – we sell too many tickets
Currently paying monthly costs to ticketing sites – need to work out what we want so we can cancel subscriptions to the others
Do ticket collection and payment a few weeks before events

6. Admin Part 1: Reports (HR)
Keep it concise – say what you did, are doing and will do
Use titles not names
Bullet points are fine
Make them readable and accessible
If you haven’t done that much that’s okay, don’t fill

7. Social Media Manager (RR)
Want a cohesive presence
Confusing as there are multiple accounts
College pages, freshers groups, twitter, snapchat
Extend the role of Vice President and if it’s too much work create a separate role
Encourage teams etc to tweet at us and we’ll retweet

8. Advertisement Video (RR)
Currently a college one but it’s terrible
The college can’t produce a new one as they have to go through the Uni marketing which is expensive
If we want a new video we’ll need to produce one ourselves – it can’t be embedded on the Cuth’s university website, it can be linked though (can also be on cuths.com)
Need to put pressure on college to get one done, contributions from the JCR to make it not shit.
Difficult to produce one ourselves, no one in charge of it with the skills
Alternatively produce one ourselves – MDM, actually pay him