Exec Meeting 13.00 Conference Room

  1. Apologies & Absences

Apologies: JG, RR


Lateness – MT


  1. Matters Arising


  1. Reports (All)

AL- Open for the last 2 weeks – opening at 10-7. book order has been placed

AH – outreach comm on monday

meeting with DUCK

College Parent formal at some point – Phil doesn’t want it tied in to the Collegiate Way

Creating a uni wide housing booklet

JC – liasing with new sports execs

– basketball have all left the uni – gave JC a fake name for the president who denied all knowledge of the role

– will probably join with collingwood

– arranging first aid – working on arranging first aid courses, kits have been bought. any 2 people from a team need to be trained

-handball and womens basketball now set up

LM – jcr meetings, making a how to template for writing motions

TH – University Challenge – castle beat cuth’s in the quarter finals. managed despite dodgy union timetables

– went to assembly – voted on student officers action plans for the year

HLE- had the first research forum, went well

thurs 18th nov – bailey scr – collegiate way – want a strong exec presence

Halloween movie marathon – limited attendance. HLE was scared.

Country walk with SCR – durham cathedral to finchal abbey with a pub lunch

Reading group – all years student and staff – november 9th

EH – international committee have been set up (YAY!)

9 ‘international students’, no postgrads

Ask if any of them would like to do international PG role – 3rd and 4th years will be fit for purpose

working on a mailing list

Talking to RR about the ball – quite a few internationals already signed up

International formal? HP formal was international priority

CR – restructured welfare committee entirely

All those who applied this year have been put on the campaigns team

The other main reps will be doing the other admin-y side of welfare


Minutes as we pages

Chris doesn’t want snap backs

MF – meeting with finance comm

buying staging

MT – spent a lot of time preparing for B?’sformal

Speaking to air ambulance

Been in London with the alumni association – need to work out where we stand with them

– they theoretically fundraise for us but we haven’t seen any money from them

Prepping for the switchover to an incorporated charity


  1. Staging (MF)

Drama contributing £800 over 4 years

– how do they get priority? booking system to avoid that


  1. PG JCR Levy (HL-E)

PGs pay their levy on a year by year basis – they experience the increase if it goes up

In principle you want to set a precedent

9 people have pulled out this year (UGs and PGs)

Solution to freeze someones fees – what you pay in your first year, you continue to pay for the duration of your course

If you graduate and start a new course, the levy will be subject to change

Could do a bulk payments?

Still good to do year by year to have the option – involvement in the JCR might vary


  1. JCR Meetings (LM)

Sunday afternoons?

Exec meetings, choir – always will clash with something

6 left to plan

Move them around, don’t always clash with the same thing – not the same people missing every time

People struggle with changing times

With later dinners, evenings would be very late

Should we continue with using the dining hall?

Using the JCR – take it to brooks

Would be too small for quorum – want to have seats for everyone

Push the meeting tomorrow

Will see how tomorrow goes – numbers/timings etc

Next one should be on Sunday 30th November – okay for now

Tell A? the date and let him decide what he wants to do


  1. AOB

Mature Students’ Association – Friday 7th – swing night with cuth’s big band in the union


Straw poll about the B? award in tomorrows meeting


College council loves us


Exec page on the naked calendar – weekend 14th/15th


Send over deadlines (all)


Reading group – sunday 9th nov

JCR word of the week

Fact about pineapple

Congrats to uni challenge – got to quarter finals

B? formal

Environment Week