1630 Conference Room, House 8

Apologies and absences
Minutes from previous meeting; matters arising
Reports: To be submitted for JCR Meeting
Plans for the Term: SC, all
Freshers Report: GC
Sports Awards: RR
JCR Newspaper: SC, MF

Apologies and absences

Apologies: None
Absences: CO

Minutes from previous meeting

The areas of latent strengths meeting. No questions or issues



Plans for the Term

CA – Chinese New Year Party at Brooks, bring your own dish, karaoke (need to discuss with CH), Gangnam Style dance off, raffle, specially made cocktails, decorations, will check with DU Chinese Society if they want to be involved. Also St. Patrick’s Day at the end of term.
RR – The Sports and Societies photos will be done before exams as there should be fewer fixtures then. Work with Serge to get the Equality Charter sorted in time for the Welfare Respect Irrespective Campaign.
MT – Run a ‘Meet a Housemate’ Event on Facebook, then start organising DUCK/SCA stuff in preparation for the role becoming the Outreach Officer next year.
SC – Formalise the Charity stuff.
HLE – The Inter-MCR Formal will be on March 12th. Going to attempt to trial a reading group. Also need to work out finances, discuss with BH and put a motion forward at the end of term.
HR – Advertise the tea and coffee facilities more.
GC – Work on socials. The Feast is provisionally down for Feb 21st, though possibly March 7th. It needs to be advertised by everyone, ents tickets will be very cheap. EH will ask if anyone wants to be on Welfare duty.
EH and LT – 4 campaigns this term, check when Bar Steward wants to do Alcohol Awareness Week.

Freshers Week Report

This is almost ready, just need to add a few bits from MT. It could be given to college, though may need editing as it was written just for Exec.

Sports Award

Only 2 applicants for 4 awards, may have been poorly advertised by captains. Currently only Sports/Societies can apply – should it be opened to everyone? Should we allow more than one applicant per society? There are people on committees who could benefit from extra skills (e.g. web design, tech stuff, first aid) but currently aren’t allowed to apply. Suggestions that there are people who wanted to apply but didn’t because someone else from their society already had.
The two applicants will be interviewed, and then any remaining awards will be re-advertised allowing new applicants from the two societies who have already applied and also people on committees. Any exec member who has a committee is asked to advertise this.

JCR Newspaper

Another attempt to get information out, printing costs too expensive. Try to use the clip frames and display on dining tables & in bars, also reduce to one side of A4. With the email newsletter, start using hyperlinks to make it shorter.

8. A.O.B.

SC to organise a social

GC – Social Comm will be helping Slug and Lettuce with their launch night, including Cuth’s DJs. All students now get a 50% discount on food at the Slug and Lettuce.