Exec Meeting 2019-06-14
Present: AK (president), SM (communications), LM (senior welfare), JG (facilities), EM (vice president), EC (chair), MM (social chair), MP (S&S), EB (librarian)
Apologies: JC (PGM rep), AB (treasurer), JB (international), EP (Outreach Chair)
Setting: A damp conference room and we are trying to make this quick.
AK: Handovers. Please give me a date for when you are going to do them and give me a physical copy by the end of today.
Lots of people have done theirs. MP hasn’t because he’s had a busy few days. But he will send one very soon.
Vice-Chancellor Town Hall
AK: it would be great if some of you could come. It’s SC (Vice-Chancellor) answers all of our questions about house prices, expansion, library space, the strategy and all it’s issue, lack of welfare etc. it’s in the chemistry building. It starts at 4.30.
LM: It’s my granddad’s birthday, I can’t
EC: are ripped off and the condemning people going?
AK: any questions for them?
EB: about why new colleges won’t be having libraries?
JG: Do they know that there is an issue with study space?
MM: what is freshers week going to look like with so many students and a lack of college space and so so so many students?
EC: Please ham up the club space because that’s such a big issue.
AK: especially if we can’t use college space due to lack of staff.
EC: yeah it could get dangerous.
AK: Please come, the SU haven’t done a lot of promoting this, which is a pain.
EB: I think the SU is complicit with this because they have blacklisted my friend’s landlord because their rent is too low but he doesn’t want to raise it. But they tell people not to rent with him because he’s too cheap.
JCR Meeting
AK: I want it to be as fast as possible so please look at the agenda as possible so you get any questions out of the way first.
EC: think about how a motion works please and is your comment appropriate at that time. Be aware of productive comments. I think I might say this to the whole meeting.
Alumni Association/ Graduation
AK: the AA want to publicise themselves around graduation and they have given us a lot of money and we want to get a sticker and a little plaque saying “everything in these places was bought by the alumni association”. How else can the promote themselves.
EC: Put someone on high table at graduation formal. People will be wondering down to Cuth’s; they could just have a thing there
MM: go to the garden with drinks. Parents were a good way in.
AK: I don’t know where cuth’s wardrobe fits in in terms of positions. I can see it as a number of things like VP.
EC: working class students rep?
AK: I don’t want people thinking they can’t use it if they aren’t working class.
JG: You could mix it between environment rep and working class rep
MM: I think it could be on social comm
MP: Outreach?
EC: we don’t want it to seem like a
EM: I think social comm is the best
LM: that is the clearest link
EC and EM: we don’t think we need a new position
The people living in next year are EM, JC and RJ- none of them are dressy people.
AK is going to talk to MW and see what she thinks is best.
SM: If it’s going to be expanded then it might need a position.
EC: I just feel like we’ve been getting a bit position-happy recently and it’s clogging up meetings
EC: Please can you all reply to my email about the positions on your committees?
SM: when should I be positing the year abroad guide?
LM: As soon as possible because lots of people go now.
AK: End of the weekend? I’ll have feedback by then