Gov Comm Meeting 2018-11-08

Present: EC (Chair), EM (VP), AK (President), EE (JRO), OM (JRO), WB (Stool) (late)
Apologies: EJ (JRO)
Setting: Conference room, and EE is sharing crisps and SP is wearing a Achkan Kurta because it’s Diwali
Agenda: Discussing the motions and election materials for the upcoming meeting.

OM will be taking over SM (Communications Officer)’s duties of live streaming the event. Someone will give her a phone.
[WB enters: “this is going to be a beefy election innit!”]
EC welcomes OM and explains her role to her.
EC talks over how the new anonymous emails to the exec are going to work. Only a few silly ones (thank you RJ), but a few serious ones. Some of them were pretty targeted.
AK asks if this question was from a society? EC says she thinks it wasn’t. EC thinks she just has to read them out, because we just don’t have the context.
She wants to know whether she should just read them out or summarise.
EE says he thinks its best to read it out. AK agrees otherwise it’s a bit censorship-ish.
AK says people might feel cheated if they haven’t had their actual question written out.
SP asks if we can have a system where by the question is answered back to whoever asked the question.
EC thinks these things are things that need to be addressed publicly.
EM or AK are going to point out in the meeting that this system can be abused if no one else does.

Voting by caucus

Everyone needs to be impartial in this. EC summarises what this is about.
SP  is going to make a point of information about how we can’t see who votes so sanctions won’t be put in place.

The Religious Societies motions
EM is going to make an amendment; the chair should be on that the advisory panel because they are impartial.
We foresee this being a tricky motion.

Song motion is fine
Postgrad restructure should also be fine
Budgets might be okay

EC explains to WB that his role is to be bants. WB is going to sense the room and work on this.
SP takes over

We are happy that a lot of our positions at the moment are contested!
There is some debate about whether a candidates photo needs to be cropped even more because it’s very clearly them next one the current facilities manager. A candidate does mention an exec member by name. In this context it’s okay as long as they change the name to the role.
All we need to do is remove the names of proposers and seconders from election materials.