Film Soc Motion
Motion for Cuth’s Film Soc
This JCR Notes:
There is no currently no Cuth’s society for watching/discussing films.
Watching films is a popular and interesting pastime for many students.
This JCR Believes:
A film society should be founded for students to watch and discuss films both old and new.
This would be popular with students throughout the year.
This JCR resolves:
To allow private showings of films in a suitable room (possibly House 8 conference room) on a fairly regular basis.
To allocate £20 of JCR funding to buy some DVDs.

Any issues with licensing for having people pay to view films?
Will check but probably fine

Girls Darts
• This JCR notes :
o That there is no only-girls darts team
• This JCR believes:
o That having an only-girls team would encourage more girls to learn to play darts in a less pressured and less competitive environment
• This JCR resolves:
o To buy six sets of three darts equating to around £70
o Half of this will be paid for by subs and the other half would be matched by the JCR
o Therefore, we ask that £35 of JCR funding be allocated to the darts team

Do they need to buy more darts when there are sets behind the bar? Also the amount stated looks like a lot as well.

Golf Club
The JCR Notes: There is currently no society for Golf in Cuth’s. There are a number of players in the college who would like to be able to easily play golf whilst at university.
The JCR Believes: ‘St Cuthbert’s Society Golf Club’ will make it easier for golfers, of all abilities, to arrange practice and games with fellow Cuth’s students, at a more affordable rate.
The JCR Resolves: To approve the establishment of St. Cuthbert’s Society Golf Club and the requested funding for travel, practice and playing fees.

Supporting Members of the JCR
1. SW
2. WJ
3. RT
4. LF
5. GW
6. JM
7. EF
8. JH
9. CS
10. CB
11. CJ
12. FC
13. RS
14. GB
15. ABe
16. CD
17. CW
18. RM
19. JB
20. RD
21. CH
22. SJ
23. HG

Budget Breakdown for 20 members
• Proposed Membership Fee 2018 – £10 (£200 total raised from subs)
• Requested Weekly/Annual Funds from JCR- £50 p.w. / £400 p.a. (8 weeks in Summer Term)
• Breakdown:
o £2 per player to practice at the driving range
o £2.40 per car for the return journey to Ramside GC (approx. 8 miles total)
o One off JCR payment: SCSGC trophy for inaugural tournament = £30
• TOTAL REQUESTED FROM JCR = £430 — (£200 subs + £230 JCR funds)

Ambitious to get a cup for the first year it’s running?
Is the golf course reachable by public transport? Should driving costs/public transport be put into the motion? Although is this the budget just for this term? Or do they need to resubmit during the next budget meeting? Check with Amy about the budget timings

Communications Officer
This JCR notes
That currently the Communications Officer (who sits on the Executive Committee) acts as a Students’ Union Rep for Cuth’s with the two Junior SU reps supporting them also.
This JCR believes
That the structure of these roles are not adequate and a committee would be better suited. This would help ensure that the JCR is not just being represented by the view of the Communications Officer, but by the view of an entire Committee which has the power to invite specific JCR representatives when deemed appropriate by the Committee.
This JCR resolves
To replace the two Junior SU reps with three Students’ Union Committee Members. This JCR also resolves to create a Students’ Union Committee that consists of 6 members: the Communications Officer, 3 SU Committee Members, the Vice President and a number of Ex-Officio Members.
This will be done by adding the following to the Standing Orders, Article 1, Electable positions within the JCR under an additional section 10 after the Social Committee.
10.1 Students’ Union Committee
10.1.1 There shall exist a Students’ Union Committee (SUComm) who shall have responsibility for representing the views of JCR members to the Students’ Union. They shall also
1) It shall be called by the Communications Officer.
2) It shall be chaired by the Communications Officer and minuted by the Vice President.
3) It shall meet before each SU Assembly as a minimum requirement. The purpose of this meeting shall be to discuss the Agenda for the following SU Assembly.
10.1.2 It shall consist of:
1) Communications Officer
2) President of the Society (Ex-Officio)
3) Vice-President
4) 3 x Students’ Union Committee Members
5) Association Reps (Ex-Officio)
6) Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Rep (Ex-Officio)
7) International Rep (Ex-Officio)
10.1.3 The Students’ Union Committee shall have the power to determine how the Communications Officer votes in SU Assembly unless this is overridden by a JCR motion.
10.1.4 The Students’ Union Committee shall meet prior to every SU Assembly and any JCR Meeting in which a motion that is asking for the JCR to support a wider issue as a whole.
10.1.5 If a JCR motion advising the support of the entire JCR on a wider issue is presented, the Students’ Union Committee’s opinion, which shall be announced by the Communications Officer at the JCR Meeting, is to be regarded as advisory.
10.1.6 The Students’ Union Committee will help advise the Communications Officer on how they are to vote on any items in SU Assembly.
10.1.7 If the Communications Officer is unable to attend SU Assembly or an SU Rep Committee meeting, a member of Students’ Union Committee can take their place.
10.1.8 If a matter arises that may require the expertise of an Ex-Officio member, the Students’ Union Committee may invite them to attend a meeting.
10.2. Students’ Union Committee Members
10.2.1 Their duties shall be:
1) Attend meetings of Students’ Union Committee
2) Assist the Communications Officer with decisions relating to SU Assembly
3) Assist the Communications Officer in the conducting activities relating to the Student’s Union. For instance, this could include encouraging people to vote in SU elections, promoting SU campaigns, writing motions for NUS Delegates to take to NUS National Conference and advertising events and offers from the SU.
10.2.2 Students’ Union Committee Members shall have no pre-assigned roles, but may be allocated roles as the Communications Officer sees fit.
10.2.3 Students’ Union Committee Members shall be elected in Michaelmas Term, and if possible before the first SU Assembly.
The following Standing Order: Article 1, JCR Positions, 3.12.1 point 9) will be replaced with ‘Organise and Supervise Students’ Union Committee’.

Inform AP out of courtesy?
Add CM as a full member rather than ex officio

Campaign Team Members Motion
This JCR notes:
That currently the Welfare Campaign Team consists of 20 Campaign Team Members
Campaign Team Members are selected by Interview by the Senior Welfare Officer, Male Welfare Officer and Female Welfare Officer
Senior Welfare Officer, Male Welfare Officer, Female Welfare Officer, Campiagn Team Members and the Association Reps all help run welfare campaigns
This JCR believes:
That currently ther the Cmapaign Team consists of too many memebrs and is not as effective as could be
Having fewer Campaign Team members would imrpove the efficiency of the Campaign Team as well as the commitment of members.
This JCR resolves:
To reduce the number of Campaign Team Members by changing Standing Order ‘Article 1 Electable positions within the JCR ‘ point 6.1.5, second clause to ‘6 x Campaign Team Members’.
Assistant Welfare Officers Motion
This JCR notes:
That currently we have two assistant welfare positions in the JCR
That the assistant welfare officers are in charge of running welfare campaigns throughout college and supporting the welfare offciers
That the assistant welfare officers have no role in dealing with disclosures or any welfare incidents
This JCR believes:
That their current title does not reflect their position as accuractely as could be
That the title “Welfare Campaigns Officer” would be more appropopriate and would remove any confusion
This JCR resolves:
To rename the Assistant Welfare Officers “Welfare Campaigns Officers”

Put something in about how volunteers will be asked for to join in on campaigns?

Exec Impartiality
This JCR notes…
That currently members of the Executive Committee are able to join campaign teams, propose or second a candidate running in a Method I or Method II election.
This JCR believes…
That it is important for the JCR to strive to have elections that are as fair as possible, avoiding things such as nepotism or an election being based on who is supporting candidates as opposed to the platform the candidates are running on.
This JCR also believes that the Executive Committee can be a powerful influence in an election and if seen endorsing specific candidates, may persuade the electorate to vote for a candidate based on this reason.
This JCR resolves…
To have an impartial Executive Committee in all Method 1 and Method II elections hence the Exec may not propose, second or endorse any candidate.

Trustee Impartiality
This JCR notes…
That currently student trustees are able to join campaign teams, propose or second a candidate running in a Method I or Method II election. This JCR also notes that a trustee is legally and morally bound to manage the charity in a responsible and productive manner, and is under an obligation to act solely for the benefit of the charity.
This JCR believes…
That it is important for the JCR to strive to have a trustee board that supports the charity and the entirety of its members. This JCR believes that the trustees should not favour members by endorsing or supporting them in elections. The trustee board has the power to remove anybody from their position if necessary, hence an impartial trustee board is crucial.
This JCR resolves…
To have an impartial trustee board in all Method 1 and Method II elections hence the student trustees may not propose, second or endorse any candidate.