No motions submitted
Got lots of things to read through for Tuesday.
Points of information during speeches – often interrupt speeches, so SRO can choose whether to sustain it or postpone it or ignore it.
Going to read through the speeches to see if they’re alright to go through, check for false promises.
SM will be SRO-ing the meeting as AB is running for a position.
EM’s Manifesto
All good
AK’s Manifesto
Edit creating study space to make it clearer that it’ll be repurposing old space
Edit note about committee between independent common rooms as no actual evidence of university politics changing
Edit elect from the freshers week inclusivity reps to “create”
Edit POC to POCA
Edit investing reserves in tech to raise the idea of this to the trustees
Other Things
SM to email candidates to tell them to come early
Gov comm to come for 7 rather than 7.30
L? will be in charge of the stopwatch
CM in charge of pizza
If we see someone campaigning incorrectly, take note/screenshot and email SRO account
Schedule of social media posting to remind people to vote:
– Weds: SP post in 1st years, L? the 2nd years, SM the 3rd years, EC bar group, HJ postgrads
Next Gov Comm meeting at AF’s house with dinner.