Standing Orders
– Best way to distribute them
o Online
– Possible issue
o Many changes are things that have been passed already, so they can’t be changed – need to make this clear
– No method 1 candidates
o Assistant librarian, assistant bar steward and student trustee
– Got people wanting to run for student trustee, possible for finance comm and music room manager
– AP
o Want lighting for tennis courts
o Need to see how much it is, as if it’s expensive it needs to be run by the trustees
o Also college might say no anyway, and if they say no then it’ll be difficult to push, and not much point in running a motion to pressure college
o About supporting the Ripped Off Campaign
o Shouldn’t say that the prices are “unacceptable”
o Also need to say it’s a student issue rather than a political one as we can’t have a political standpoint
However also notes that we can if it aligns with our charitable aims, which it does
o Add this JCR notes 4 to include that it will impact current and future cuth’s students
o Alter this JCR 5 notes to include that college accommodation costs have not risen in line with inflation
o Edit this JCR notes 3 to just state the price of the standard room
o Remove the point about prices being unacceptable
o Add in this JCR believes 2 – this JCR has a responsibility to ensure that durham university to represent all students, including those from lower income backgrounds
o Alter this JCR resolves 1b – make it general peaceful demonstrations as the current one is out of date
– Haven’t heard back from people wanting to start vegetarian/vegan society
– Note that all of Gov Comm have to remain impartial in JCR meetings – don’t show bias or reactions
– Next JCR meeting is going to be livestreamed completely
– Also there’ll be a 12 days of cuthsmas challenge to comment on the livestream to win stash