Motion 1 about closing eyes for passing each motion
No reason not to
Will just put it into the Standing Orders

Motion 2 about alcohol in conference room
Putting a motion previously passed about alcohol in the conference room into formal writing
Don’t think it needs to be passed – motions are being put into standing orders anyway
Ban on alcohol in the conference room – was that a ban or a motion?
– Was a ban to do with cleaning staff having to clear it up so issue with college rather than JCR
College owns the building and we have the right to use it but if we break things in it it’s breaking something of college’s

So first motion is to do with Chair’s discretion so that’s why not to put it into a motion – it’s just going to go straight into the standing orders as they’re being rewritten – Chair hopes that by next JCR meeting the running of motions will have changed and updated to have it put into the standing orders. Motion 2 – doesn’t involve the standing orders – none about rooms – ban was about college staff. Speak to J? at meeting and send it in writing.

Only motion in meeting is KH’s budget proposal
– Consulted AK (Treasurer) and the budget looks fine

JCR Meeting
Registration at meetings – want to do it better this year. We’re able to dock sports and socs budgets if they don’t have two people at the meeting without an apology or absence. We need to send out warnings after the first time, then after second time we can do stuff. We can’t represent a society nor can exec unless they’re on the exec of the sport or society.
From next meeting RJ (S&S) will to sign in to free up HJ (VP) and also then just easier
Pizza express pizza – we got 40% off – cheaper than dominos and urban oven – we’re getting 16 or 15 large pizzas in a variety.
HJ you’re minuting – also for future ones we’ll get exec to do their what they’ve been up to things.

Someone did some precampaigning for a position but it was stopped quickly so don’t think any sanctions should be put in place. Was put into at least frep group chat and one with LJ.
Overall agree it’s fine due to 3 people running for 4 positions and didn’t seem a lot was done
Need to clarify that we don’t need full 10 on campaign teams as been asked by someone who was stressed out about it
The method one standing order – in section 9 it talks about campaign teams – but says up to 10 so wouldn’t have thought people would think they need 10. No posting in freshers and not posting in sports. I post in freshers and captains and presidents can post in the sports and socs but must be neutral. Cant make prez’s and captains post.
CM thought its more the person running can message the exec to advertise it
– But then what would incentivise them if it’s like a new fresher running and exec all third years etc. also might be intimidating.
No full conclusion about it