SU Committee Meeting 2022.03.16

Assembly Attendance Supporting County Durham’s UK City of Culture Bid Assembly Composition AOB SU Committee Meeting 2022.03.16

SU Committee Meeting 2022.02.05

Ending the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements in cases of sexual assault, bullying, and other forms of harassment Democracy Review – Assembly Membership Proposal SU Committee Meeting 2022.02.05 Assembly-Papers-February-2022

SU Committee Meeting 2021.03.08

Assembly Papers 11 March 2021, chat with AM (SU Opportunities Officer) about Democracy Review SU Committee Meeting 2021.03.08    

SU Committee Meeting 2020.05.13

Present: CG (Communications Officer), EM (President), RJ (FCO), SM (Postgraduate and Mature Students’ SU Rep), RM (LGBT+ Rep), JS (Working Class Students’ Rep) Apologies: JC (Vice-President), ES (Students with Disabilities […]