JCR Meeting Minutes
JCR Meeting 2024.10.24 (1.2)
JCR Meeting 1.2- 24/10/2024 Apologies, Approval of Minutes, Correspondence, Motions: Merging Outreach Committee Motion Motion to combine the 2 subcommittees into a single Outreach committee,
JCR Meeting 2024.10.06 (1.1)
JCR Meeting 1.1 – 06/10/2024 – Apologies, Approval of Minutes, Reports, Correspondence, Motions: Updated Social Media Election Rules Motion Motion to update the social media
JCR Meeting 2023.10.19 (1.2)
JCR Meeting 2023.10.19 JCR Meeting 1.2 Minutes (19/10/2023) Apologies Approval of Minutes Correspondence Motions PGM Committee Expansion Motion Creation of a PGCE Rep and General
JCR Meeting 2023.10.01 (1.1)
JCR Meeting 2023.10.01 Apologies Approval of Minutes Reports Correspondence Motions Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Representatives Restructure Motion Mature and Postgraduate students representation on Welfare and
JCR Meeting 2023.06.18 (3.3 – Joke Meeting)
JCR Meeting 3.3 Minutes Correspondence Reports and Questions Motions HLM for Hannah Daw Motion This motion proposes that Hannah Daw receives an Honorary Lifetime Membership
JCR Meeting 2023.01.29 (2.1)
JCR Meeting 2.1 Minutes Motions Durham Grant Feast Discount This motion would increase the discount that students on the Durham Grant are eligible for from
JCR Meeting 2022.10.17 (1.2)
JCR Meeting 1.2 2022.10.17 Motions: Outreach restructure, POC Society motion, SwD Society Motion, International Society Motion Presidents Inaugural Address Elections: SRO, Assistant Students with Disabilities Representative
JCR Meeting 2022.10.02 (1.1)
JCR Meeting 1.1 2022.10.02 Exec reports. Motions: PGM President on Communities Committee, Outreach Committee restructure, Social Committee restructure, SwD Fund and President’s inaugural speech.
JCR Meeting 2022.06.19 (3.3 – Joke Meeting)
Exec Reports Motions (Serious): HLM for JR HLM for EW HLM for CH HLM for EM Elections: SwD Rep (I) Environment Rep (I) Student Trustee
JCR Meeting 2022.06.09 (3.2)
Motions: Bar Officer Motion Funds Motion Elections: Working Class Students Rep (I) Head Frep (I) Student Trustee (I) Fashion Show President (I) Assistant International Rep
JCR Meeting 2022.04.28 (3.1)
Exec Reports Other Reports Correspondence Motions: Library Refurbishment Exec Restructure Cuth’s Goes to the Movies Fashion Show Budget Welfare Revamp Bailey Wardrobe Manager Ex-Officio Netball
JCR Meeting 2022.03.07 (2.3)
Exec Reports Other Reports Motions Gowns at Cuth’s Cuth’s Crocheting Society Elections PGM President (I) Senior Returning Officer (I) Social Chair (I) Female Welfare Officer
JCR Meeting 2022.02.15 (2.2)
Correspondence Motions: Free Tickets for Social Chair Elections: Junior Returning Officer (II) Senior Welfare Officer (I) Development Officer (I) Facilities Manager (I) Publicity Officer (I)
JCR Meeting 2022.01.30 (2.1)
Exec Reports Other Reports Correspondence Motions AV Purchase Motion Elections Assistant EM Rep (II) Assistant WCS Rep (II) Vice President (I) Finance and Compliance Officer
JCR Meeting 2021.12.05 (1.4)
Exec Reports Other Reports Correspondence Motions: Library Refurbishment Exec Restructure Cuth’s Goes to the Movies Fashion Show Budget Welfare Revamp Bailey Wardrobe Manager Ex-Officio Netball
JCR Meeting 2021.11.08 (1.3)
Reports Environment Rep Motions Michaelmas Ball Budget Method II Accessibility JCR Facilities Proposal Review Green Moustache Seconders Team Cuth’s Social Media Manager Facilities Committee Restructure
JCR Meeting 2021.10.19 (1.2)
Correspondence Motions: MAS PGM President LGBTQ+ Assistant Librarian as Method II Straw Poll: Facilities Review President’s Inaugural Address Raffle Elections: Bar Liaison (I) Trans and
JCR Meeting 2021.10.04 (1.1)
Exec Reports Motions JCR Meeting Reports Library Management of the Refounders Computer Room SocialComm Restructure Climbing Budget Outreach Method III Sabbatical Officers’ Salaries Policies Elections
JCR Meeting 2021.06.27 (3.3 – Joke Meeting)
Motions (Serious): GovComm Reform Clash of Clans Society Elections (Serious): Environment Rep Postgrad Treasurer SU Comm Member Careers and Alumni Officer Motions (Joke):
JCR Meeting 2021.06.22 (3.2)
Motions: Tennis Society Motion (1) Careers & Alumni Relations Officer Motion (2) Mixed Volleyball Motion (3) HLM Motion for Elizabeth Archibald (4) Boatclub Budget Proposal
JCR Meeting 2021.06.14 (Budget)
Budgets for all sports and societies for 2021-2022 JCR Meeting 2021.06.14 (Budget) Budget Meeting 2021 Budgets in full: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SUgnAz8-W-XiYfirVyjm4yAdhH863Pw1?fbclid=IwAR2lEiJeKd75keiN4rRZ-DmKht_JtiapJsEYCayX1AGwKduMqlJEV1sXAMA
JCR Meeting 2021.05.03 (3.1)
Exec Reports Motions Head Frep Holding Other Positions Motion (1) Elections in the Sports and Societies Order (2) Golf Society Motion (3) Elections International Rep
JCR Meeting 2021.03.15 (2.3)
Minute of Silence in Memory of Sarah Everard, Exec Reports Motions: Motion in Memory of Sarah Everard Harm Reduction Motion Participation Fund Motion Elections: Female
JCR Meeting 2021.02.23 (2.2)
Reports JCR Covid Fund Motion Terms of Office Standing Order update Motion Several auto-VONCs (not discussed due to a Procedural Motion) Facilities Manager JCR Chair
JCR Meeting 2021.02.07 (2.1)
Motions: Black Lives Matter Updated Motion, SCSFS Budget Elections: Vice-President, President of the Society JCR Meeting 2021.02.07 (2.1)
JCR Meeting 2020.12.06 (1.4)
Exec Reports Motions: Facilities Reform Motion, Cut the Rent Motion, Method 1 Election Rules Reform Motion, Boat Club Subs Motion The Raffle Elections Ran: Assistant
JCR Meeting 2020.11.17 (1.3)
Motions: Bar Steward JCR Membership, Record of Resolutions, Creating a Cuth’s Poetry Society, un-Officering the Communities Committee, Caucus Voting Procedure, Reports, Yoga at Cuth’s (YAC)
JCR Meeting 2020.10.27 (1.2)
First Meeting on MS Teams Motions: Nominal Membership, Climbing Budget, Student Trustee Method III, Removal of Year Abroad Rep, Placement Rep and Returners Rep, Creating Cuth’s Working
JCR Meeting 2020.10.05 (1.1)
Creating Cuth’s Anti-Racism Society Renaming the College Drink, Welfare’s Budget, Cuth’s Jam Soc, Automatic Library Stock Managers, Election Standing Orders Reorganisation, Null and Void Elections, Correspondance
JCR Meeting 2020.08.27 (Extraordinary)
Associate Membership for SP Motion, Associate Membership for ES Motion, Temporary Method III Motion, Motion to Create a St Cuthbert’s Baking Society (SCBS) JCR Meeting
JCR Meeting 2020.06.19 (Fun Meeting)
Setting: Present: JC (Vice-President), JP, TN, GG, SP (SRO), EMM (President), EAM (Student Trustee), MD, SWC (Chair), EE (International Rep), AW (Music Rep), ES (Senior
JCR Meeting 2020.06.08 (Budget)
JCR Meeting 2020-06-08 Setting: Over zoom again. DT still has exams going on, and DV has done something nice to his banisters. RJ is having
JCR Meeting 2020.05.04 (3.1)
JCR Meeting 2020-05-04 Setting: On zoom. EAM and AW have matching Cuth’s bar backgrounds. JR gets asked to take his top off. SWC does a
JCR Meeting 2020.03.09 (2.3)
JCR Meeting 2020-03-09 Setting: In Brooks bar with another new layout. Today I have a desk overlooking the darts board and SWC has a higher
JCR Meeting 2020.02.20 (2.2)
JCR Meeting 2020-02-20 Setting: In a not too full Bailey Bar. EMM is minuting today. Present: SS (Michaelmas Ball Manager), JC (Vice-President), BT (JRO), SN
JCR Meeting 2020.02.02 (2.1)
JCR Meeting 2020-02-02 Setting: In a fairly packed dining hall, featuring a horse shoe of tables. Raffle prizes include a bottle of wine, a lovely
JCR Meeting 2019.12.05 (1.4)
JCR Meeting 2019-12-05 Setting: In a Jovial Bailey bar. Many people are missing due to panto rehearsals, and we’re all excited for JS’ rendition of
JCR Meeting 2019.11.17 (1.3)
Setting: In a quiet Brooks Bar, with a lectern in the corner. We’re trialling a new layout with a gov comm table in the middle
JCR Meeting 2019.10.21 (1.2)
JCR Meeting 2019-10-21 Setting: In Brooks bar, it’s very crowded and the U-shape makes it awkward. Raffle prizes today include some extremely chocolatey biscuits, LD’s
JCR Meeting 2019.10.07 (1.1)
JCR Meeting 2019-10-07 Setting: In the Bailey Bar, it’s very full with keen freshers. EMM has given out raffle tickets, with a grand prize of
JCR Meeting 2019.06.23 (Fun Meeting)
2019-06-23 (Fun Meeting) Setting: it’s the day after Cuth’s day. In the House 12 garden. The weather isn’t quite as good as it was yesterday
JCR Meeting 2019.06.18 (Budget)
2019-06-18 Minutes (Budget Meeting) Present: AB (treasurer), EC (chair), AK (president), EM (vice president), JC (PGM rep), SM (communications), EuM (SWD rep), DT (student trustee),
JCR Meeting 2019.05.07 (3.1)
JCR Meeting 2019/05/07 Present/ Speaking: AK (President), EMM (vice-president), AB (treasurer), EB (librarian), EP (outreach chair), JC (postgrad and mature students’ rep), SM (communications officer), EC
JCR Meeting 2019.03.11 (2.3)
JCR Meeting, 2019-03-11 Present/ those who speak: AK- president, EMM – vice president, MM – social chair, EP- outreach chair, BE – librarian, RJ- head
JCR Meeting 2019.02.28 (2.2)
Absent: Apologies: SeS (social), JG (facilities), GZ (social), TG (social), ZG (social), JO (social) , JOW (welfare campaigns), LM (choir), CA (gym), OMC (JRO), JF
JCR Meeting 2019.02.10 (2.1)
2019-02-10 JCR Meeting (Presidential Meeting) Apologies: EuM (SWD rep), Ultimate Frisbee, MP (S&S) for start, GZ Absent: Setting: Dining Hall. Snacks are being inhaled. Agenda
JCR Meeting 2019.01.17 (Extraordinary)
Extraordinary Meeting Minutes EB vs FCO Presentation [link broken] Apologies: GZ, JF, PJ, CA, EE, Frisbee, RM, OMC, AW, LM, JR, ZM, SB, DV, KU,
JCR Meeting 2018.12.02 (1.4)
Apologies: Ak (President), OMC (JRO), SMa (Fi Comm), LF (Social Comm), AW (Music Room Manager), JW (PG Comm), IR (social comm and women’s darts), MR
JCR Meeting 2018.11.08 (1.3)
Setting: Bailey Bar, a nice number of moustaches being rocked Apologies: SoM (fi comm), MWa (SU comm), SM (Communications), GZ (social comm), JW (PG comm),
JCR Meeting 2018.10.18 (1.2)
Apologies RGC (Women’s Football), JOW (welfare campaigns), JS (Welfare campaigns), RH (CRACAS), DV and SS (POC), MG (International welfare), JB (International rep), KU (SCSFS), JG
JCR Meeting 2018.10.08 (1.1)
JCR Meeting 2018/10/08 SETTING Bailey Bar, as it should be. Nice and busy actually. APOLOGIES Pool (trials), MG– International Welfare rep (volleyball trials), Basketball (trails),
JCR Meeting 2018.06.04 (3.2)
Apologies RJ Choir Women’s football Volleyball Motions Non-Cuth’s Students Joining Sports and Societies This JCR notes that you have to be a member of Cuth’s
JCR Meeting 2018.05.06 (3.1)
Apologies AK CW Exec Updates President Within college I have focused some time on study space, ordering new desk chairs for the study space on
JCR Meeting 2018.03.06 (2.3)
Motion 1 International Welfare Representative Motion: Proposer: CM Seconder: MG This JCR notes: That currently there is an International Rep who sits on the Executive
JCR Meeting 2018.02.18 (2.2)
Minutes Passed on a general aye Motion 1 This JCR resolves: To adopt this constitution (see event page) Proposer: JP Seconder: CH JP: it will
JCR Meeting 2018.01.23 (2.1)
Exec Updates President – CM This term I have cleared out a lot of JCR spaces in order to improve storage space. I have been
JCR Meeting 2017.12.05 (1.3)
Exec Updates CM – President Since the last JCR meeting I have been working on understanding the Durham Does strategy in order to see how
JCR Meeting 2017.11.06 (1.2)
Motion 1 – passed with a general aye Motion 2 – amended with exec receiving full or no discount Paused to upload agenda Motion 3
JCR Meeting 2017.10.09 (1.1)
Motion 1 – Darts Budget KH: hi – buying some new equipment – £190 for board, score board, darts etc – it’s for everyone not
JCR Meeting 2017.06.09 (3.?)
JCR Meeting 09/06/17 SJ Chair: Welcome, correspondence MC – President TJ – VP has resigned SJ Wonderful. Motions
JCR Meeting 2017.03.14 (2.3)
JCR Meeting 14/03/2017 Apologies TJ, MC, JC, JB, AF, Cuth’s Drama Society, Cuth’s BodCon. Exec Reports President I organised Chloe Holt’s memorial
JCR Meeting 2017.02.28 (2.2)
Apologies/Absences: Apologies:EL, ED, JL Motions: Cuth’s Running Club Motion Introduction Often, people would like to run to get in shape or to keep
JCR Meeting 2017.01.30 (2.1)
Apologies SJ: Get a meningitis jab. Reports President Summer Ball Cuth’s first Summer Ball will be on 5th June at
JCR Meeting 2016.12.12
Absences and Apologies Apologies: AS, RJ Environment Committee Update Waste and water awareness weeks are successfully complete. Now catering are measuring plate waste
JCR Meeting 2016.11.20
Absences/Apologies JE EC MLJ Env comm: Waste awareness week went well, and next week there is water awareness week, there is a free water saving
JCR Meeting 2016.10.20
SJ: Don’t use the loos because they might break. Exec Accounts are read out as in Agenda. Motions. Election Rules: AF: Lots of problems and
JCR Meeting 2015.04.23
JCR Meeting – 19.15 23rd April 2015 – Cuth’s Bar 1. Apologies & Absences Executive Committee Apologies: MT (President), AH (Outreach Chair), EH (International Chair)
JCR Meeting 2015.01.20 (2.1)
JCR Meeting 19.45 Dining Hall Apologies & Absences Apologies: Absences: Approval of the minutes Matters arising from the previous minutes: none Correspondence
JCR Meeting 2014.12.14
JCR Meeting 19.45 Cuth’s Bar 1. Apologies & Absences Apologies: AL, JG Absences: 2. Correspondence none 3. Matters arising from the previous minutes none 4.
JCR Meeting 2014.06.24
Minutes of the Final JCR Meeting of the Year, Held on June 24th 2014 Present: SC, MF, BH, EH, CP, LM, CO, GC, HLE Apologies:
JCR Meeting 2014.06.17 (Budget)
Agenda for JCR Meeting 17/06/14, 2pm, Bailey Bar Apologies Minutes from the previous meeting Reports from Executive Committee Motions Song Apologies Minutes from the previous
JCR Meeting 2014.03.17
Agenda for JCR Meeting, 3rd Dec 13, 7:30pm Bailey Bar Apologies Correspondence Reports Motions Elections Any Other Business Apologies – EH, LT Present – SC,
JCR Meeting 2014.02.11
JCR Meeting Agenda 18.30., Cuth’s Bailey Bar, 11th Feb 2014 1. Apologies and Absences 2. Minutes from the previous meeting 3. Correspondence 4. Reports i.
JCR Meeting 2013.11.07 (Extraordinary)
Minutes for Extra-Ordinary JCR Meeting, 7th Nov 13, 7pm Bailey Bar Any Other Business Present: SC (President); EH (Female Welfare Officer); HR (Librarian); LT