Governance Committee Minutes
GovComm Meeting 2024.11.13
GovComm- 13.11.2024 Environment Committee Restructure Motion, Adding Year Abroad and Placement Rep to Welfare Committee Motion, Plain Text Manifesto Motion, Removing Targeted Questions Motion, and
GovComm Meeting 2024.10.23
GovComm 23.10.2024 Merging Outreach Committee Motion, International Committee Restructure Motion, Reimbursement of Printing for Election Materials Motion, The Gold De L’Isle Booth Award Motion, Cuth’s
GovComm Meeting 2024.10.04
GovComm 04.10.2024 Meeting 1.1, GovComm Handbook, The Role of Stool, Proposers, Seconders and Campaigns Teams, PG Welfare Representative, Cuth’s Karaoke Society, Updated Social Media Election
GovComm Meeting 2024.09.16
GovComm 16.09.2024 Laptops in Meetings, Auto VoNCs, The Live Stream, GovComm Drop-ins, Fully signed Election Forms, GovComm Advertising, JCR Survey Summary, JCR Meeting Dates, Campaigning
GovComm Meeting 2023.10.18
GovComm 2023.10.18 Governance Committee Meeting – 18.10.23 Motions MOVE THAT ORDER! Campaign Manager Motion Assistant Head Frep Motion PGM Comm Motion Participation Fund Panel
GovComm Meeting 2023.09.29
GovComm Meeting 2023.09.29 (1) Motions Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Representatives Restructure Motion Cuth’s Formula One Society Assistant Head Frep Motion MOVE THAT ORDER! Elections Music
GovComm Meeting 2022.10.14
Governance Committee 2022.10.14 Motions: Outreach Structure, POC Society, SwD Society and International Society Elections: SRO Updating Standing orders
GovComm Meeting 2022.03.17
Meetings Next Term Extra JCR Meeting in Epiphany AOB GovComm Meeting 2022.03.17
GovComm Meeting 2022.03.06
Motions: Ukraine Gowns Cuth’s Crochet Society Elections: SU Rep PGM President Welfare Officer Welfare Officer (Female) Welfare Officer (Male) Outreach Chair Social Chair Librarian SRO
GovComm Meeting 2022.02.14
Motions: Free tickets for Social Chair Elections: Senior Welfare Officer Publicity Officer Sports and Socs Chair Facilities Manager JCR Chair Development Officer Motions GovComm Meeting
GovComm Meeting 2022.01.04
Dates for Epiphany Term Presidential Meeting Cuth’s Needs You Running in an Election/Resigning from GovComm Social AOB GovComm Meeting 2022.01.04
GovComm Meeting 2022.01.04
Dates Presidential Meeting Cuth’s Needs You Resigning from GovComm/Running in elections Social AOB GovComm Meeting 2022.01.04
GovComm Meeting 2021.12.03
Motions: Exec Restructure Motion for Movies Ex-Officio Bailey Wardrobe Manager Welfare Revamp Fashion Show Budget Adele Society Netball Library Refurbishment Elections: Working Class Students’ Rep
GovComm Meeting 2021.11.08
Jokes Motion CRACAS Method II Accessibility Communities Committee Reform Green Moustache Team Cuth’s Social Media Manager Auto-VONC Seconders Facilities Committee Restructure Facilities Working Group Music
GovComm Meeting 2021.10.18
Facilities Restructure LGBTQ+ PGM President MAS Assistant Librarian Method III Bar Liaison Best Frep Team GovComm Meeting 2021.10.18
GovComm Meeting 2021.10.03
Refounders Computer Room JCR Meeting Reports Resubmitted Climbing Budget Outreach LGBTQ+ Sabbatical Officers’ Salaries Social Comm Restructure Method III Policy Welfare Campaigns Manager GovComm Meeting
GovComm Meeting 2021.06.27
Serious: GovComm Reform Clash of Clans Unserious: MPs Fresh Trim No Governance ECBs Beef Ban Inaugural Address Caracas Ghandi Statue Elections GovComm
GovComm Meeting 2021.05.02
Head Frep holding other positions Motion Golf Soc Motion Proposed S&S Election rules Elections Reading out of Husts JCR Meeting Dates Social Chair election (or
GovComm Meeting 2021.03.14
Participation Fund Motion, Memorial Motion, Gender representation on the Board of Trustees motion, Harm Reduction motion, Elections for 2.3, Unfilled positions, S&S Elections, Quorum, Raffle,
GovComm Meeting 2021.02.22 (2.2)
Covid Fund Motion, Terms of Office SOs update, several Auto-VONCs, postponing Auto-VONCs Elections for: Senior Welfare Officer, Sports & Societies Chair, Publicity & Relations Officer,
GovComm Meeting 2021.02.06 (2.1)
BLM Updated motion, Fashion Show Budget, a potential auto-VONC, President of the Society, VP, Running an election without GovComm Members GovComm Meeting 2021.02.06
GovComm Meeting 2021.02.02
Logistics of Running the Upcoming Election GovComm Meeting 2021.02.02
GovComm Meeting 2021.01.07
Exec Elections and Meetings Next Term, Improving Online Meetings, Cuth’s needs you, Appealing to the Fresh, Facilities motion, JRO restructure, Sports and Socs elections rules,
GovComm Meeting 2020.12.04
Facilities Restructure Motion, Cut the Rent Motion, Method 1 Election Rules Reform Motion, Boat Club Subs Motion GovComm Meeting 2020.12.04
GovComm Meeting 2020.11.15
Bar Steward JCR Membership 2.0, Caucus Voting Motion, Motion to un-Officer the Communities Committee, Yoga at Cuth’s, Record of Resolutions Motion, Reports Motion, Manifestos &
GovComm Meeting 2020.10.03
Cuth’s Anti-Racism Society, College Drink Motion, Election Standing Orders Reorganisation Motion, Welfare Budget Motion, Cuth’s Jam Soc Motion, Automatic Library Stock Managers Motion, Manifestos, Standardised
GovComm Meeting 2020.08.24
Associate Membership for SP Motion & Associate Membership for ES Motion, Temporary Method III Motion, Motion to Create a St Cuthbert’s Baking Society (SCBS), Engagement,
GovComm Meeting 2020.06.06
Present: SWC (Chair), JC (Vice-President), EM (President), SP (SRO), WE (Stool), BT (JRO), SG (JRO) Apologies: Absent: KB (JRO) Campus Card Entry Motion SWC: They
GovComm Meeting 2020.04.15
Setting Over Microsoft Teams, because governance is still important in a remote World. SP is calling in from India and WE from USA, so there’s
GovComm Meeting 2020.03.14
Setting In EM’s flat, too early in the morning. I’m very hungover and still in pyjamas. SP is emotional that he might never see us
GovComm Meeting 2020.03.08
Setting In EM’s flat because the conference room is booked, although EM isn’t present. SWC has made herself at home behind the desk. Present: JC
GovComm Meeting 2020.02.03
Setting The whole meeting takes place over Facebook Messenger. Present: SP (SRO), JC (Vice-President), EM (President), WE (Stool), KB (JRO), SG (JRO), BT (JRO) Apologies:
GovComm Meeting 2019.12.04
Setting In the conference room on a dark afternoon. SP wasn’t planning to come because he has work, then decided to come because he has
GovComm Meeting 2019.11.15
Setting In the conerence room on a sunny afternoon. There’s a cardboard train track in the middle of the table. Present: EM (President), JC (Vice-President),
GovComm Meeting 2019.10.19
Setting In the conference room, a little early. EM is wearing pyjamas and has a hot chocolate. WE is very late, so EM goes to
GovComm Meeting 2019.03.10
Gov Comm Meeting: 2019-03-10 Present: EC (Chair), EM (Vice President), SP (SRO), OM (JRO), EJ (JRO Absent: Apologies: AK (President) EC: We are just
GovComm Meeting 2019.02.09
Setting: In the Conference Room. WB (Stool) isn’t here yet. There’s tension in the room, the Presidential Election is looming… Elections SP: Read manifestos on
GovComm Meeting 2018.11.08
Gov Comm Meeting 2018-11-08 Present: EC (Chair), EM (VP), AK (President), EE (JRO), OM (JRO), WB (Stool) (late) Apologies: EJ (JRO) Absent: Setting: Conference room,
GovComm Meeting 2018.10.16
Present: EM (VP), EE (JRO), AK (President), SP (SRO), EC (Chair), WB (Stool) Absent: N/A Apologies: N/A Setting: the ever delightful Conference Room. SP opened
GovComm Meeting 2018.10.09
Gov Comm Meeting 2018/10/09 Present: EC (Chair), SP (SRO), AK (President), EM (VP) Absent: none Setting: The conference room that is still full of banners
GovComm Meeting 2018.05.04
Film Soc Motion Motion for Cuth’s Film Soc This JCR Notes: There is no currently no Cuth’s society for watching/discussing films. Watching films is a
GovComm Meeting 2018.03.05
Election Rules Motion Edit point 3 of JCR Believes to say implicitly and not explicitly Point 4 of JCR Resolves – 48 hours doesn’t give
GovComm Meeting 2018.02.17
SRO and Chair Responsibilities SRO has a lot of work, especially as a non-exec position – want to move some to Chair and Stool Can’t
GovComm Meeting 2018.01.21
Motions No motions submitted Elections Got lots of things to read through for Tuesday. Points of information during speeches – often interrupt speeches, so SRO
GovComm Meeting 2017.12.03
Standing Orders – Best way to distribute them o Online – Possible issue o Many changes are things that have been passed already, so they
GovComm Meeting 2017.11.06
Motion about alcohol in the conference room Doesn’t need to be a motion for it – he wants the motion to be passed as he
GovComm Meeting 2017.10.09
Motion 1 about closing eyes for passing each motion No reason not to Will just put it into the Standing Orders Motion 2 about alcohol
GovComm Meeting 2016.12.08
MC (President), TJ (VP), SJ, AB, AF, CH, KL, JL Budget Motion This JCR Notes That the current system of writing the annual budget
GovComm Meeting 2016.11.18
AF, SJ, MC, JL, TJ, KL, AB, CH Motions MC: Any comments on the motions? Seem straightforward. TJ: Can we change CM (Female Welfare Officer)’s
GovComm Meeting 2014.10.09 (Standing Comm)
Standing Committee 18.00 Cuth’s Bar Apologies & Absences Apologies – None Absences – TR (Senior Returning Officer) Handball Motion – ‘President’ changed to ‘Club Captain’.
GovComm Meeting 2013.11.06 (Standing Comm)
Minutes of the Standing Comm Meeting, Held on November 6th at 5:30pm in the Conference Room Environmental Committee Motion – There was uncertainty about whether
GovComm Meeting 2013.10.11 (Standing Comm)
Minutes of Standing Comm Meeting, Held on October 11th at 6pm in the Reading Room. Present: CP (Chair), LM (Senior Returning Officer), SC (President), MF
Gov Comm Meeting 2020.10.25
Nominal Membership Motion, Climbing Budget Motion – amended, Student Trustee Method III Motion, Climate Crisis Motion, Removal of Year Abroad Rep, Placement Rep, and Returners