How to Run in a JCR Election

Elections are a very important part of Cuth’s. The people who are elected will represent you to Society staff and the wider University, as well as having a big part to play in the JCR. If you want to be involved, find out how below.

Should you have any questions, please do get in touch with the Senior Returning Officer at

First, you may want to find out about the position and what it entails. Try contacting the incumbent person or the SRO for more information. You can also look at the ‘Positions in the JCR’ Standing Order, found on the website.

You can only hold one position if it’s Method I, or up to two if they’re Method II or Method III positions, apart from the cases outlined in the Standing Orders.

Method I

The full rules can be found on the ‘Method I Rules’ Standing Order.

You will first need to find a proposer and seconder, from 7 days before the night of the election. A candidate may not be proposed or seconded by the current incumbent of the position for which they are standing, or by past of present Presidents of the Society.

You submit your A4 manifesto, 200-word manifesto summary and A4 poster to the Senior Returning Officer by the deadline set, 3 days before the election.

From 48 hours before the election, you can recruit up to 10 members for your campaign team. Pre-campaigning before the JCR Meeting is not allowed, either by the candidate or members of their campaign team.

Finally, attend the JCR Meetings, give a 3 minute speech and answer any questions to candidates. If husting in absentia, husts must be sent to the SRO to be read out in the meeting.

From then, you have 48 hours to campaign in line with the allowed campaigning methods, voting opening at midnight on the night of the JCR Meeting, and voted on the DUVS website, that can be found under ‘Student Elections’ on DUO.

Voting is carried out by Single Transferable Vote (STV). All elections shall incorporate Re-Open Nominations (RON) as a candidate. Nominations shall be re-opened should no candidates run, or following a vote in favour of RON.

The results for all Method I Elections will be available on the DUVS system, and published on the Cuth’s JCR Elections Facebook page.

Those elected to Method I positions shall take up office following the consumption of the presidential pint by the next President of the Society at the end of Meeting 3.3, and stay in office until the consumption of the presidential pint at the end of Meeting 3.3 the next year.

Method I (Presidential)

The full rules can be found on the ‘Method I Rules’ Standing Order.

These are the same as Method I elections, apart from the differences outlined below.

Husts from candidates shall last 10 minutes.

Campaigning by table slips (up to 20, no larger than A6) is permitted, and must be submitted to the SRO with the rest of their campaign materials.

Proposers of candidates will also do a speech, up to 5 minutes long, before their candidate husts.

Proposers and candidates may not be present during the speeches of their opponents or opposition proposers.

The result of the election shall be announced from the balcony of Room 11, House 8 to the croquet lawn below.

Method II

The full rules can be found on the ‘Method II Rules’ Standing Order.

Husts are 1 minute long, and questions are asked to candidates.

Then, candidates shall leave the room whilst all members present vote.

The candidate(s) with the largest number of votes shall be duly elected. Please note abstentions shall be counted but may not negate an election, even if they are the majority.

The position shall be assumed immediately and held by that person until the next General Meeting where their successor is elected.

Method IV

Method IV elections are for ‘joke’ positions, most of which are elected in Meeting 3.3, the last of Easter Term, the ‘Joke Meeting’.

They are elected by the acclamation of those present. The SRO shall decide the successful candidate, although their judgement is questionable and open to argument.

The position shall be assumed immediately and held by that person until the General Meeting where their successor is elected. The only exception to this is the positions of Keeper of the Couplets, who assume office until they close of business at the second general meeting of the Easter Term.